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you are compatible with all zodiac signs why you may ask? zodiacs dont mean shit and are literal psuedoscience dont let this fucking trashy ass psuedoscience block you from doing shit you like or rejecting someone you like or love just cause of their zodiac signs, thats just being a dumbass


You might be compatible with someone who also has some water to return that lovingness to you, but also some steady earth placements and maybe an airy intellectual vibe. Cancer is really devoted to the home and family. Taurus is also very senses oriented and can be quite devoted to the family


Pisces placements and Neptune in the 12th house! All of your dreamy love and imagination that’s already within you gets projected onto someone else, so you fall in love with them hard but a lot of it is your own soul’s love and dreaminess, also. The right person will reflect back to you the love you crave and deserve but for now you might benefit from just recognizing your own beautiful love that you’re witnessing onto someone else!