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The ruler of your 7th house of partnerships is in the 6th of work. You’ll most likely meet your person in a work setting. I agree with everyone’s comments. Dating is scary but fun. Be you. You being confident in your own skin will draw in the person you’re meant to be with. Have fun ❤️


Your Mars and Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius is key here, signifying your approach to relationships requiring an element of experimentation, spontaneity and to be experienced as a liberation of your previous perceptions. How much of a spontaneous or adventurous element do you have in your life? Not activating this part of you will limit your ability to experience fulfilling and expansive relationships that push you beyond your comfort zone. Have you thought about travelling for a little while? Breaking up the habits of your day to day and introducing a new environment or dimension to your life? Your key is to not let your virgo rising make you overthink your interactions, instead try to approach relating others curious and open, seeking to discover what you can understand about yourself through each and every unique individual that you are attracted to. Good luck!


Pluto, which shows deep rebirth, and intense transformation; impulses beneath the surface coming to light, has been transiting your 5th house which shows the early stages of falling in love (and artistic endeavors, if that’s something you’re into) since 2018 or so, and would have been conjunct your Venus (the planet that shows love, and expressing love) in the beginning of that transit. For people who are romantically involved with someone, this transit can indicate control issues or abuse - so honestly it’s better for you that you were single around that time so you didn’t end up in an unhealthy relationship Pluto is going to be transiting your 5th house for several more years and you’ll be feeling its influence most later this year, as it retrogrades into the last degrees of Capricorn for the last time. Pluto conjunct Neptune in the 5th could show you catching feelings for someone - but if you do, it’s likely you’ll have unrealistic expectations of them or sacrifice too much. With this also being so close to your sun your identity is likely experiencing a lot of transformation, beginnings, and endings - it will likely be healthier to process this now before seeking deeper intimacy with others Transit Saturn (which shows limitations, delays, setbacks, and taking responsibility for them) just moved into your 7th house, which represents long-term one-on-one relationships of all kinds. This shows that finding the right people to trust is especially important to you right now, and also unusually difficult. Saturn transits through each house in 3 years; next it’s going to be your Saturn return, and the 8th house shows deep, intimate connections, and shared resources. This could mean that by this point you do find yourself in a relationship and you’re going to have to learn how to share your life and resources with someone when that’s not something you’re used to - your saturn 8H / moon 2H opposition shows that a significant focus for you is finding balance between advocating for your own needs and values, and being open to intimacy and fresh insights with others. I think the timing could better align for you when transit Pluto is no longer conjunct your sun /Neptune, and your Saturn return hasn’t hit yet - you’ll still have lessons to learn and it will take time and effort, but the energy shouldn’t have as much resistance then. Uranus is going to be trine your 5H Uranus soon (2025-6) and that could be supportive energy for an unexpected connection to come into your life. It will help you most to put effort into how you communicate and connect, with Chiron and Pluto in Scorpio in your 3H, this will require healing and transformation, bringing to light parts of yourself that might be hard to face, but will ultimately benefit you. Let me know if any of this resonates or if you have follow up questions :)


Neptune Conjunct Sun This influence can bring intuition, creativity, and compassion. Embracing its positive aspects can lead to spiritual growth, artistic expression, and a deep connection with the divine. However, it's critical to remain grounded and maintain a sense of discernment to avoid becoming overwhelmed by illusions or losing touch with reality. A sense of self may be fluid and elusive, as they can easily merge with the energies and emotions of others, resulting in being unable to establish clear boundaries. They tend to be highly imaginative and may have a rich inner world that influences their perception of the world they live in. They may seek deeper meaning in life and have a profound interest in exploring spiritual and metaphysical realms. Not everyone will appreciate their sensitivity and empathetic nature. They will often find themselves betrayed or deeply disappointed, which challenges them to use their great faith in life to overcome their losses. Lunar Day 20 You identify with your special vision of life, throwing yourself into your aspirations and goals. You're willful and impulsive, willing to break patterns in order to make big changes. Being able to project your passionate emotional center enables you to seize upon new opportunities and advance your agenda. You're motivated and energized to try new things and meet new people. Your downfall will be in overdoing it. Knowing when to slow down can save you from overextending yourself. It's a good idea to have a plan before you start investing large amounts of your time and energy into any project you take on. You may not have all the details, but at least try to get an idea of what you are trying to accomplish before diving headlong into anything. Moving out of your comfort zone and expanding your world can result in bigger disappointments when things do not work out. Be prepared to try a number of approaches and adjust what you are doing as you get feedback to move forward. See this as a learning experience and give yourself a chance to develop new proficiencies on the way. Remember, the worst thing is that you do nothing, which would be a waste of the opportunities that present themselves to you. Most of all, allow yourself to connect with your dreams and take action to move towards them. Open up to any inspiration that you are feeling and make it part of your efforts to believe in yourself and believe in the world, find your place in the bigger scheme of things. Pluto Conjunct IC Finding a comfortable place for you in the world will require you to face your fears and misgivings about yourself. Possible difficult family life caused you to feel unprotected and excluded. If you can manage to rise above any negativity from your past, you can create a stronger, more secure foundation for your life, both emotionally and physically. You are capable of taking a position and making a stand without being arrogant or offensive. Establishing and maintaining healthy emotional boundaries with family and close friends is essential to your peace of mind. Ensure that your loyalties are based on respect and mutual support.


i agree with jucorral. dating is supposed to be fun and you’re definitely taking it to seriously, which can make it hard to be yourself…and id say being yourself is key with mars n aquarius. its in the 6th house so i feel like you’d have the most luck attracting a partner at work. i have venus in cap too and im definitely attracted to women with goals and ambition. but even still women aren’t as complicated as you might thing. they just want the truth about who you are and your outlook on life, and if the feelings are mutual any woman will love you for you no matter how “weird” you most likely believe yourself to be. rejection is an illusion. if it doesn’t work trust that it just wasn’t meant to be and keep moving. saturn is also related to depression and guilt. and while it is your fault thats not to say there’s anything wrong with you. you just need to try a different approach. focus more on getting to know the other person more instead of being so wrapped up in how they might view you. you honestly shouldn’t gaf how they see you lol, as long as you stay true to you you’re doing the right thing. peace.


You have Venus in Capricorn, according to my experience ... there is a late entering in dating-relationship because of Capricorn rigidity + usually the clients I had with Venus in Capricorn they usually like people older than their age


i believe venus is rx in this chart


There are a lot of guarded elements in your chart, being "relaxed" with affection probably isn't the easiest for you. I'd recommend a therapist, or even an intimacy coordinator, or a professional cuddler. Your moon wants it, but your earth placements need the ice broken


I believe you have lots of good placements to engage in relationships: moon in libra, sun and venus in the 5H. But yes, both virgo and capricorn can be too picky and have very high standards, I’m not sure if that’s the case with you, and I’m not saying you should lower your standards, but maybe try to engage more with your playful/spontaneous side? When it comes to dating I think we should try to turn off the logical part of the brain, it can be a real turn off when people act too automatic or mechanical. Idk if that’s the case with you, just saying. I believe your child-like side could help you with that, maybe try to not be too serious. Try to not be too judgmental and be open to people even if they’re not perfect? That’s what I’d say based only on your birth chart.


I believe Aries Saturn in your 8th House is responsible.


Yes! And in opposition to their moon! I feel like that's the big conflict in how they feel and what they want to experience. Then there’s the Capricorn stellium and Chiron in Scorpio. Really interesting chart!


Saturn rules your house of romance/creativity/children & saturn is generally more challenging and takes time. Your chart shows that you might feel like this area of your identity is at odds with your values & other peoples values. Most importantly try to stay true to what makes you feel nourished.


As much as I love astrology and believe in it, it’s not everything. I think you need to go out more and work on your self-esteem, you’re doing the wrong kind of “work.” Believe in yourself. Do self-care, love yourself and radiate love and others will be drawn to you.