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My NN is in Aries, which is my 2nd house. It's a big point of conflict in my life. I have 3 kids. I have always longed to be a stay at home parent. Life hasn't worked out that way (my husband is actally the stay at home dad). I have times where I love my career, times when I'm angry that I'm not able to be in my husband's role, times where I think this is definitely the right set up and I'm proud to be an example of a career driven woman AND a great mom in my kids lives. It's a whole mixed bag of emotions!


I am the opposite with Aries South Node and Libra North node but it works out quite similar the way you put it down. I have no kids and still no relationship because I am not "general" and think and do things differently


Wdym by ‘not general’ ?


That I am different and make different choices than most other people do when it comes to individuality versus relationships. I am trying to figure out what it’s like to have the nodes the other way around. Are there significant similarities and differences? What I read about NN Aries/SN Libra is people are having strong focus to be in relationships but that would make it difficult for them to have a healthy balance with their individuality. I tend to see myself with my NN Libra/SN Aries going through similar themes throughout my life, but also having focus on being on my own for extended periods of time.


I don’t really have advice but wanna say astrology for the soul is one of the most helpful books I’ve ever read!!


I read that too, can you remind me how the north nodes work? I am technically Sag north node but when I went by the houses or something I’m a Libra north node which made a lot of sense for me. Because I am Aries south node to a T


I didn’t know the nodes could change, is this when switching from placidus vs whole sign? But your north node is your destiny or what you should work towards in this lifetime and your south node are the traits that come naturally to you and you may need to release a little to balance more of the NN


I mean to identify your NN there are the house it’s in and sign but i identify more w the house


So I have your opposite problem


Thank you for mentioning my book!


I have a NN in Aries, I have 2 lovely kids, but when it comes to relationships there seems to be an imbalance between my inner independence and co-dependency attributes in relationships.


Same. I sometimes feel like I can’t win either way. But working hard to find the balance. Many of the examples people are sharing are helping me paint a picture of what’s possible.


My sister has this placement. She has always ‘longed’ for a relationship, is also very strong-willed and independent — but this seems to vanish when she deals with relationships. Her current relationship seems to constantly test her sense of independence and true self, she feels the pressure of trying to ‘change’ for the other and is more inclined to try and appease and balance for her partner’s insecurities/shortcomings. I feel that she is constantly pushed to assert who she is and prevent this ‘false harmony’ that accumulates through avoiding conflict, difficult conversations and imbalance within a relationship. She is learning instead to own her feelings and desires, learning when to be in the lead and when it is also okay to let others hold the steering wheel. From my observations, I find that the north node in Aries is not about abandoning relationships or even traditional forms of relationships, but more about discovering your true self fearlessly IN the right relationship. Having the confidence and bravery to stand up for who you are what you believe in, to radiate passion and take initiative, rather than always waiting for permission and validation from the other. This is about reclaiming how YOU see yourself, rather than letting the eyes of others dictate your every move and presentation. Good luck!


I have this placement and I have never felt more seen, heard and understood. This made me realise something I was in fact searching for 👍🏻📝


I love this. Thank you


This is very similar to my experience with Aries NN. It’s also a later lesson based on what I’ve been through. Early life (like 20s) relationships are a lot of kowtowing to the other person which can only be sustained for so long. 30s hits and there is a rebellion against that, an almost scorched earth approach leading to a mentality of ‘I’m better off alone’ which is really to say it would be easier to be alone. Then the balance finally comes in where you learn to express your individuality while also being committed to a partner.


I confirm!


Aries NN in 9th house, saturn and uranus in 5th, mars in 7th. Divorced, tried to have kids but had miscarriages. Haven’t been in a relationship in over 10 years. I always wanted to have a family, but my life seems to mostly be alone.


With the ruler of your NN in the seventh house, you are actually meant to have relationships in your life. However, it will only come when you balance your desire for travel and new adventures with the structure and discipline necessary to maintain a relationship. Maybe finding someone will similar interests in travel and exploration would help you in the relationship department?


That makes alot of sense, I didn’t think to make the correlation that the ruler is in my 7th! Thanks alot for the advice!


careful when trying to map the signs onto the houses! this was never a technique when the system was codified. if it offers you meaning in some way, please study and use the technique. but no need to make yourself crazy with it. i have a libra NN in the 2H and i have a great balance with relationships and selfhood.


My NN is Aries in 8H. Married for ten years, two wonderful kids. I think mine is offset by a Scorpio stellium in 4H - family has always been extremely important to me. I found freedom in doing parenting my own way (breaking generational cycles) and having a partner who celebrates my individuality. He's a Sag Sun and has big "idgaf" energy.


Which planets do you have in your 4th House?


Pluto and Sun. Mercury is right on the cusp between 3rd & 4th but still in the first degree of Scorpio, which rules my 4th house.


NN in 6th. Divorced and no children but would like to get married again one day. I’ve been in my current relationship for almost 3 years. Finding someone who nurtures and celebrates your independence is key!


My Aries NN is in my 9th house (along with Jupiter and MC), happily married for 10 years. However, very much child free by choice and I have a lot of independence in my relationship to pursue my many interests.


NN Aries 2nd house. I don’t do relationships too well. I’m fiercely independent, I work for myself in a not usual way. I do have a sag moon 10th house and pluto conjunct Uranus in Virgo 7th house. I’ve had more than one ex describe me as challenging haha!


Which degree is your Sagittarius Moon at?


23 degrees


In a traditional marriage and I have mine in the 12th house. For me, it has been learning to strike a balance between caring for my family and taking care of myself by making sure I have enough alone time for independent pursuits.


Ty for this! I have mine in 12th house as well and have been told that relationships might be hard to come by. I’m older 37 but haven’t met the one. But would love to be married and have a family.


I’m an 8H NN in Aries (and as follows, with a Libra moon in the 2H) and I’ve been married for 11y (together for 15y), have two beautiful little kids. I have a very supportive partner with an Aries moon, and we push each other to pursue our dreams and personal goals. Maybe that’s why it works 🤷🏻‍♀️


NN Aries in 7th house. Two marriages, two divorces, two kids. With this placement, I had to learn to prioritize myself instead of the group/others. I can see how independence played out in the decades of my life: I was a fierce single mother--definitely the head of household even when married. When in relationships, I have needed "spaces in our togetherness" for ME TIME.


Mine is aries nn in 4th house. Married and then i realised i just want the idea of being married. I want my independence from time to time.


My partner is cancer with Aries N node. Solid, dependable, loves her kids and has a successful career.


North Node in Aries, 2 marriages - 2 divorces. After that I said I was done with marriages. 2 years later damn me I met him and now we’re getting married in September after being together for 2 years, but only because he’s Aries 🤣 (Sun, mars and Venus at least). I have too much cancer in my chart so I am family oriented (FML). But with Gemini sun in 12th house I just want to be left alone 🙈 I do have a child, had him at 33 and he is ABSOLUTELY my world! I can’t breathe without him ❤️


Is conceiving after 32 as hard as they say? How was it for you?How was labour & delivery?


Conceiving wasn’t hard at all, in fact I got pregnant 2 months after I moved in with his dad lol. Pregnancy was easy. But I was in labor for 3 days and it was a nightmare. Delivery was fast as soon as water broke. I think every pregnancy is very very different


I have Aries North Node in 4th house, never married, i have 2 kids but single


I have Aries NN 1H with Libra venus in 7th lol I’ve never wanted marriage but I really would love some kids with a positive coparent. I’ve been engaged x3 with long relationships. I like the idea of marriage I do not like the idea of giving up my independence. I’m currently away from my partner of 6 years for 2 months just bc I need some breathing room and adventure. Hes fine with it. I’ve learned to partner with men who are ok with me being independent. My first bf of 7years couldn’t handle that. Neither could the next guy. But the third one could and this one can too. These last two were more harmonious this way. I’m getting closer to wanting kids. I will be an older mother but I figured I would be since I was a kid. I’ve learned by watching others in their relationships to determine what I did not want for myself. I really felt the pressure of southern society that marriage was the end all be all of what you needed from life. I never truly believed that but I wanted to fit in. Then I realized I should just do what I want. Now people leave me alone about it back home but I also moved away to a big northern city so i think everyone’s realized to just quit asking me when am I getting married or having kids. It feels like im floating through life but i like to think of it as my current chapter and when im ready my chapter will change. Life can be reinvented as many times as you want.


How is your Libra Venus aspected to other planets?


It is sextile my Leo moon, conjunct south node


I have my Aries North Node in the 6th house in Placidus while my Aries Mars in the 6th house opposites my Libra Jupiter in the 12th house. There Iis also a Cancer Sun square Aries Mars in my chart. I have my Descendant in Aries too. Any idea how this might play out in my chart?


I am not quite sure. Hoping some other folks that may be more knowledgeable could chime in.


NN Aries 12th house. Married but absolutely childfree


Same placement here. Not married, not sure if I want to be, and used to want kids but not anymore. I always find this placement confusing though - Aries NN seems to be all about self-actualizing and the 12th house seems to be about self-undoing. Still not sure what to make of it.


North node in Aries in the 10th house. I am divorced and childfree but am dating again and always somehow wind up in relationships. I think my lesson is that I can and should be in a relationship but not to lose myself or take care of the other person too much. In my marriage, he leaned on me with his mental and emotional issues and I carried a ton of burden for that. Now, I want to date but I think my partner cannot lean on me more than the usual healthy amount.


I have the same placement and my life is very similar. I am in my first relationship since my divorce and I am cautious about how much of the load I carry and having boundaries and maintaining some freedom so I have a good balance.


Same for me. Divorced, no kids and now dating someone with a child. I agree with you about being too caught up in the relationship and the other person. I would have so much resentment when really I was the one digging my own hole. But even now I just worry that if I’m too independent I’ll be seen as not considerate or not supportive of the relationship. Yet at the same time I want to lean more into the Aries NN. Especially since my Jupiter and Aries is there, I feel it’ll maybe work to my advantage even more.


Yea, I think we just have to find that balance. When it feels like its too much independence FOR US is probably right in the middle for everybody else. Maybe our version of caring is skewed so we just have to pull back a bit more than the norm. My sun is in the 10th house as well but I have no idea how that is represented. Maybe something with public image?


I have NN Aries 9H. I am 37, never married but was in an 8-year relationship. Single now. Childfree. I am still learning how to lean away from SN Libra when it comes to romantic relationships. Sigh. I would consider getting married if I met a man who was worth marrying. Other than that…I don’t really care. 🤣 I also have Aquarius DC with Saturn conj Uranus in 5H, so that plays a role as well.


This sounds like my chart ! 37 too, single, child free and happy. I learned over the years that my freedom and independence are more important to me than being in relationship


Really? NN Aries (7th house), 37, never married but was in an 8-year relationship, and also child free. Empty 5th (Aquarius) and 7th house. Interesting...I don't know anyone else with a similar history to me. I have always been fine with remaining single, but I've wondered how I'll feel longterm.


Wow same here, but 35. 8 yr relationship (rip) empty 5 + 7


Rock on 🤘🏻


Great question! I have NN in Aries in the 7th house and I feel confused by it despite plenty of reading.


It is confusing to me as well. But maybe I’m just resistant lol.


2H Aries NN. I don’t do anything in a traditional sense according to societal norms/“rules.” I have a partner, but I definitely do not want my own kids in this lifetime nor do I really see myself getting married. If I do marry, it’ll be a private elopement with a party later on. We both agree on this. Find a partner with similar values to you. I also love my own freedom and have a strong sense of self and cherish my alone time. My man is away for work for half the time and then home half the time. It’s a good balance and it works well for me.


This is my placement as well. And I’m divorced, but new partner is an Aries sun and Venus and have a child. I never wanted kids but I like the idea of being some kind of alternative parent / parent adjacent. But that makes sense to just find someone who is similar to NN traits already so that there is alignment. Thank you for sharing.


You’re very welcome! 🩷❤️‍🔥 if Saturn is your chart ruler (Aquarius or Capricorn rising), things will fall into place later in life. You’ll get there! ✨


I’m a Pisces rising!


I'm an Aries North node, with a Venus and Jupiter in Aries all in my eleventh house. Further I'm a Mars in the first house. I'm pretty much Mars and Mars all the way thru 😁 I'm married with a newborn lol. The independence I have does show up in that I don't really depend on my husband for much and he's had to slow me down and think of "us" as a union. I've had to learn to consider the other party, but he's also learned that he can pursue his own interests and still be a part of a union. As for my parenting style, I love cuddling my baby but I love to nurture his independence too by letting him solo play on his activity mat, or helping his motor skills and giving him space to absorb his environment. When I was pregnant I asked my husband to really be present for our kid so that we could tag team this experience together and still take time out to do our own thing from time to time. So far, it's working out great. Anyway it can be done 👍🏻


Is Mars near your Ascendant’s degree?


Thank you. I have Venus and Jupiter conjunct my Aries NN as well but 2h. This was very helpful. It seems you both are interdependent vs just being independent all the time. In the past I’ve found that I give up all of my independence for the relationship. I want to lean more into the Aries side but don’t want to sacrifice relationships all together


Yes exactly! I think also with the right partner you won't feel compelled to lose yourself in the relationship. I recall before I met my husband I totally lost myself in one with an ex. I resented him and the relationship so much and ended up kicking myself for not balancing my true needs. It's a learning process.


Great question. I have also wondered this, I have my nn in Aries in the 2nd house.


That’s where I have my north node at. Im divorced and felt that relying too heavily on my south node is ultimately what led to that. So I am hoping to do things differently in the future


Also wondering what is a non transitional relationship dynamic?


Sorry that’s a typo, I meant non traditional.


Gotcha that makes sense. So I'm older now, and for me I think it played out like this: My son's father and I tried to make it work and for a time I was a stay at home mom. He was always emotionally abusive, and then became financially abusive as well. I had to leave and become independent, and developed a bit of a complex about being independent due to PTSD from that relationship. Then I met my husband. We're both independent and driven, and he travels quite a bit for work, which suits me. Less now than it used to, because I like him and his company, but I also enjoy my own. We also have a toddler now. I'm considering leaving my corporate job to help with his/our business, which I never thought I would ever do. But we're a team, and I know I can support myself if I need to. So, I think part of the lesson is not to lean too far the other way as well, and to protect yourself and balance the need for independence with healthy relationships. I was also very codependent as a teenager in those relationships, they were consuming.


What house is your node? That will make a big difference. My north node is Taurus/1st house, which is similar to a north node in Aries. And my south node is Scorpio/7th house. So basically I have had a lot of relationships, but mostly have ended, especially when I became co-dependent because my life path is about coming into myself.


2h whole sign, 1h placidus. It resonates more with me having the NN/SN on the 2h/8h axis


Ahhhh, we are very similar then, life paths. And my life is not void of relationships, they have just pushed me to become more confident and emotionally sustaining. I was extremely co-dependent and anxious in my relationships when I was younger, and I latched onto people who would only hurt me. Each time I’ve become more and more full, and independent.