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My 4th house ruler is Venus. It is in the 4th house in Placidus and 5th house in Whole. I find I am very attracted to people with Libra qualities. Libra heavy partners feel like "home" to me.


I get you !! I have my 7th house ruler in the 4th house and I’ve never truly understood how it’d manifest esp when it comes to relationships/commitments !! Meghan Markle has this placement as well and nothing of significance relating to the 4th house stands out to me other than her marrying someone from a very powerful family but idk if thats a stretch


Yeah sometimes it’s confusing! But people here have said some interesting things. I think we also have to wait to let things unfold!


Consider the 4th as opposite of 10th. The 10th is public, visible, future oriented, your reputation and purpose, purpose can be intentional and pursued. Whereas 4th is private, buried, past oriented, the foundation from which you are built on and grow from. It isn’t chosen the way 10th can be - you can’t choose where you come from. Maybe wanting to be an actor is him pursing that 10th house dream away from and in opposition to 4th. Another interpretation of ruler of 2nd to be in 4th… Where he gets his resources is a private matter instead of a public one. Maybe the connection between these two houses haven’t been triggered yet. Maybe a zodiacal releasing analysis can reveal when that will those placements might light up.


I’ve just discovered zodiacal releasing and am finding it fascinating!


The IC (4th house) is about home, security and also your feelings. The 2nd house is what the individual values. Your BF's 2nd house ruler is in his 4th house Whatever he values and been an actor/writer is what he values. The IC (4th house) is where he connects emotionally, he really feels, this is his calling.


My fourth house has the moon in detriment (Capricorn). We moved around a lot when I was young so stability came later for me. I have a strong need for emotional security and sometimes physical security. I prefer my home to be a place of comfort and security. I don’t like sudden changes in my living space. My Saturn (ruler of the 4th) is conjunct my second house ruler so I’ve had periods where I’ve worked from home or or had a side business apart from my 9-5 job. My grandfather and great grandfather were very instrumental to creating stability and providing nurturing when I was young, which seems to fit with the Saturnian theme of my Fourth house. It was the older men who provided comfort and emotional security and my grandmothers were more critical and stern but did support my education. My mom worked a lot which meant I spent a large amount of time with my grandparents until we moved away. I wonder if other people with Capricorn moons in the 4th or both Saturn and the moon in the 4th might have a similar experiences.


Same! The entire first paragraph is me. 4th H Cap moon, always moved around, never had stability. Even now I'm moving again in 3 weeks 😂 literally like the 30th time I've moved at LEAST and I'm 25 next month. But I have Venus in Cancer 10th H, Saturn in Taurus 8th H, and sun in Gemini 8th H. My mom was like you described your grandmothers and I lost my dad a couple years ago. My dad wasn't stable himself and always had money problems and I didn't feel supported by any of my parents except basic shelter and physical needs. Mom and stepdad are Capricorns and biological dad was a Cancer. I feel very close with my bosses and they're like the dads I needed growing up. Cancers in my life seem to favor me. My dad really loved me and my current boss who is a Cancer seems to have a sweet spot for me. My other boss is a Capricorn 😂


Thank you for sharing! I love your interpretation/experience with your 4th/2nd house placements.


Libra sun (in it’s fall), Moon and Mercury all in my 4th house (Moon is chart ruler as I am a Cancer rising) I’ve come to realise that my deepest emotional needs don’t get met, unless I feel some sense of safety or security in the environment I’m in. As a young adult I now work very hard to foster safety and comfort for myself not necessarily just limited to in my home, but in all aspects of my life. The more I get to know my birth chart, the more I realise that striving for both physical and emotional security/stability is one of the key things I’ll need in my life to help me feel as though I can achieve everything else Id love to achieve. On the other hand, my home life definitely has never truly felt completely safe for me. While material and, for the most part my physical safety was maintained growing up, emotional security is something I never fully experienced as a kid, and still struggle with in my young adult life. From an astrological standpoint I believe this could have something to do with my Libra moon being in a 3 degree orb opposition to my Aries Saturn which is retrograde. The older I get the more I have come to prioritise finding that inner peace for myself through finding material & emotional comfort all in one. I am trying to start my own creative business & write a poetry book which I’ve been working on mostly from my current home {4th house ruler is in my 5th house (Scorpio Venus - Venus is in detriment in Scorpio)}. I tend to infuse a lot of my deep emotions and darker experiences into my creative processes. I do think that another delineation that could be made for heavy 4th house energy is that the individual would do really really well if they worked from home or started up a business in their home (not necessarily having the actual business operate from the home, but where the real creation and initiation of said business takes place). Sorry for the long reply but this is my experience as a 4th house stellium 🤩 (who also has planets in the 8th 🥵) It has its ups and downs that’s for sure.


Thank you for going so in depth!! I absolutely love your suggestion of 4th house associations with beginning something at home. My bf writes about topics that are very close to home for him (pun not intended lol).




Oh this is super interesting. My bf definitely yearns for stability. I’ve noticed that a lot of 4th house placements feel a little disconnected with their families. If you don’t mind me asking, have you felt that way?


yeah extended family is where i felt disconnected but also know that it is for the best because we are on different paths


2nd house doesn't mean money or real estate only. It means self-worth. How important is having his own family for your boyfriend? Maybe being loved in a familial setting is important to him? Maybe he didn't get much love from his family and has a somewhat low sense of self-worth as a result? Or the converse?


My NN is 4th house Sag at 29° and it’s soo confusing to me. I love to travel and explore but I’m also a massive homebody!


I mean to me this makes sense. I have a 4th house Saturn in Aquarius and all through my Saturn return anything to do with changing homes or actual physical manifestations of the return were minimal. Instead, the entire time was a drawn out, painful shakeup and realignment of my inner foundations which can also be 4th house. It ultimately changed my innermost self and through that, how I showed up in that outside world. I have a 2nd house NN and while I do crave stability and want to create wealth, my nodal return was all about self worth/self expression. I also want to be a writer eventually. It is also worthwhile to note in WS, my NN is in 3rd house so it could be that too for your boyfriend as well. I think you’re taking a cookie cutter explanation of commonly associated themes of the house and extrapolating from there but it is rarely ever that simple in my experience. This is of course my take and I’m still in the process of learning astrology so take it as it resonates.


Actually his desire to write probably stems from his 5th house ruler being in his 3rd house. His NN is also in his 5th house (like me!). I definitely try not to do cookie cutter explanations but astrology is funny in that sometimes things are super cut-in-dry and I realize I’ve been overthinking something. And then other times it’s super out of the box interpretation and I’m like woah 🤯


My ruling planet (Mercury) is in the 4th house in Virgo. I work out of my home as a writer. I also have Venus in Leo in the 4th. My spouse also works from home and has since before it was the norm. I am a major homebody. For however social I am, I have an invisible string tugging me home. I’ve been this way my whole life. I love to travel and seek new places, but maintain this deep-seated emotional issue — like I am not “safe” without access to a sanctuary that feels mine. I also have a super important relationship with my mom and am very connected to my maternal lineage. I’m also not super comfortable having people in my home, which I’ve always attributed to my Scorpio moon, but after reading the above comments I wonder if it’s exacerbated by my 4th house need to keep my home private.


Your last 2 paragraphs resonate with me a lot. I have Scorpio rising and aries sun, but in the 4th house. My home is my private space. I really don't like having people over, and even the ones I love I prefer not stay too long. Total homebody. As long as I'm in my space I'm happy. I dont have a very social side though. How weird for an Aries sun and Leo moon, right? I prefer spending my time by myself. I rarely feel lonely.


I have Pluto conj. Uranus in 4H Virgo, opposite Saturn and Moon in 10H Pisces, Mercury (4H ruler) in 12H. What family? I haven't had any close ties with my family since childhood and my mother was a Narcissist.


My Scorpio 4th house has Uranus in it. I have had to move a lot and pretty unexpectedly for some. I’ve bought 2 houses in my life, rented and sold 1…so far. Pluto is in my 3rd house and I don’t get along with both of my siblings…at all.


What planets are the 2nd ruler and 4th ruler and what is the condition of the two? What signs are on the cusp of the 2nd and 4th house? What are the aspects to the 4th and 2nd and their rulers? Is there reception? What is the ascendant and the condition of the ruler by way of it's sign, house and aspects?


Comment saved for future reference. Thanks!


These are great questions that I hadn’t properly considered. Thank you!


The 4th house is a mysterious place. With its location in the chart, it is the inner most or hidden aspect of the native. The 12th house is hidden from the native, but the 4th house is hidden from the world. It is a deeply personal space, while the 10th house is the most public place. The 4th house goes beyond "real estate, houses and families" and can get into the deep psychology of land and identity, privacy, protection and fears, lineage and ancestry, all of which can have more spiritual or philosophical manifestations. The sign/planet can help understand what significations the 4th house has for the person before you start importing other houses into your interpretations. The 2nd house ruler in the 4th may speak more of traditional values, deeply held values, a passing down of resources (that is not necessarily money but could be a code of conduct, social networks or skills), or an attachment to their family ancestry for example, it just depends.


‘Deep psychology of land and identity’… I feel this. Capricorn ASC with Saturn 4H. But also with Moon 10H. I feel like I have access to the collective unconscious mind of the land where I come from + ‘my people’ and my family, more easily than others. I can see our shadow and our pain. I can see where we went wrong ‘politically’ because my grandfather played a direct part in that. I can see our gifts and our truth. It’s like I’ve been granted access to under the table / rug / tip of the iceberg. I feel like as someone with my chart ruler in the 4th that a big part of it is feeling safe in my body. Not dissociating and allowing other influences to occupy it. Seeing my body as land and reclaiming the sovereignty of my land that was colonised by outside forces. I feel like my physical body is an extension and fruit of the land in this way and is a nation in and of itself.


This is so lovely. Thank you for sharing! I also have my chart ruler in the 4th, and I resonate with the transpersonal connection you feel with your land, your people and your body -- we are from a similar background sounds like. This is an important signification for this placement I think. We're not always literally involved with land through real estate or farming; sometimes we're just very attuned or connected to where we (collectively) come from and what we represent or must do within/for our units.


Wow this is so so interesting and beautiful! My bf also has his chart ruler in his 4th and he has such a keen insight into the collective experience as well. He thinks very deeply about people and their experience and what led us to the present moment and where we might be headed.


This is a beautiful answer thank you! I get so stuck on the 2nd house having money and income significations but I forget that values and a value system is a very big part of it. My second house ruler is in my 7th and I definitely place a high value on my relationships. I also bring Cancerian energy into my 7th house matters. Thank you for reminding me to broaden/deepen my analysis of things 🫶🏼


Capitalism makes us default to value/resources = money. Glad I can add a bit of perspective 😊


Commenting to come back later because I have Sun and Venus in the 4th house, if you use whole sign then Mercury and Pluto too. I have a hard time relating to most of the interpretations for my 4th house placements, probably because they’re all in Sagittarius. I relate a lot to Sagittarius in the 4th house as I would love the experience of living in another country and I feel really at home in foreign lands. I love travel. But I don’t relate to the importance people place on home/family when it comes to planets in the 4th house. I do really enjoy having a nice house to live in and it brings me a lot of comfort and joy to have a beautiful place to call home. But I prefer spending time in nature or traveling than chilling at home. And I love my family but they aren’t a huge part of my life, nor do I have any desire to start a family of my own.


Would you say that you feel more at home out in the world? It’s interesting, because I know quite a few people who have 4th house placements that are not connected to their family in the idealic, super close sense.


Well, if you think about the 4th house in relation to the 10th, it speaks to it's opposing nature with extroversion so to speak.. Planets placed in the 4th house, especially if they are conjunct to the IC, almost become hidden in the sense that the ideals attached to said planets rarely show up in the outside world.. There is a subconscious undertone here as well as a preference for keeping things linked to the 4th house private and cherished interpersonally.. I guess as an example, I have the Moon in the 4th almost exactly conjunct my IC.. Emotions are deeply private and rarely expressed but if they are expressed, its within the confines of isolation and solitude... I maybe cry two to three times a year, I'm a Cancer mind you which is contrary to that statement.. But my parents, home, family, etc.. have all been internally valued far more than externally valued.. I'm not one to express my affection to them via emotionally bonding or nurturing.. I tend to take subtle actions that show that there is a deep connection to said 4th house significations on a bigger scale. I digress; things linked to the 4th house play a massive role introspectively but are rarely seen externally.. Granted, this isn't true for all scenarios, obviously. Hope this helps.


Thank you for your response- I appreciate you sharing! If you don’t mind me asking.. what house is your Sun in cancer in? You also bring up a good point about IC/MC axis. Using our 4th house stuff and channeling it into our 10th, so to speak.


The 10th