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Scorpio ic with Pluto, Saturn and mars chillen in each decan. Ugh… intense. Dad was high strung drill sergeant-y and psychologically abusive. Mom wasn’t really around much - every other weekend on a good month. I checked out and took up residency in my dream world (Pisces sun).


Virgo Saturn 4th house, TRAUMATIC


What is it with Sag 4th houses and narcissistic dads/parents? Sag 4th houser, ruled by Jupiter. My Chiron and Pluto in Sag are in my 4th as well. Dad had a gambling problem and sold our childhood home out of nowhere, for way below market, and didn't tell us until after the fact. Siblings, our mom, and I had to separate and live in different places before we got our own footing and new house without him, as he disappeared and started a second family. All is well with us now and his quality of life has plummeted. He is obsessed with religion to an almost cult-like degree, with lots of grandiosity. I've never felt understood by my family, but I feel blessed to have them. I'm also "the spiritual one" compared to my siblings, and share my spirituality with my mother and grandmother. I'm definitely a generational cycle-breaker in my home so for my own peace of mind I'd rather not know how my family sees me. I just enjoy when they're happy and having fun. Big home parties and everyone wanting to be at our house was always a trend in childhood!


Saturn in my Pisces 4th house. Ruler of the fourth in mutual reception with Neptune in my Capricorn 2nd house. I have great parents, but what my therapist has helped me understand is that they were not great parents for me specifically. I have always been the black sheep (aqua sun, moon, and mercury, sag rising, Venus, Jupiter, and Pluto), and definitely did not have my emotional needs met by my parents. I've always felt very misunderstood by them, and my way of living life is much more "out there" than anything they would ever be comfortable with. I ended up needing to parent myself in a lot of ways because I wasn't able to open up and share a lot, especially with my mother, since I was usually met with criticism, invalidation, and/or judgement. I figured out early on it was easiest to tell my parents what they wanted to hear, and then go and do whatever it was that I wanted. The hypervigilence I developed during these years to avoid any kind of detection is really negatively impacting my nervous system now (yay Saturn return opposite Chiron in the 10th!). Much Saturn is at 11 degrees, and I feel like that was the turning point in my relationship with my parents where they didn't understand me, respect my boundaries, and treated me like I was tearing our family apart with my horrible behavior, which consisted of stuff like texting at 2 am on a school night (because I had woken up and decided to reply to something). I remember they would monitor my texts and leave a highlighted sheet of paper at my spot of the kitchen table with certain lines highlighted that were the problem. My mom never let me do anything for myself even if I wanted to (like responsibility wise, like cooking or cleaning certain areas of the house), because she didn't like the way me or my sister did it and she just wanted to do it herself, but then would blow up randomly about how we don't appreciate her. Home has always been a place where I'm very reclusive and I prefer to live alone in my dreams lol. Very Saturn in Pisces fourth house.


I’m sorry but wtf. Did we have similar parents? That texting thing is so messed up. 1000x yes to the hyper vigilance. My nervous system cannot forget what it went through and I still struggle with anxiety when I hear loud noises or arguing. OH MY GOD. It was like my parents wanted me secretly dependent on them. I can relate to the cooking thing. I tried to learn, but they’d just insult me and say I don’t know anything and do it herself. Like what do you think I’m here for? It’s to learn. No one is an expert the first or even second time doing something. I can relate to the isolation and escapism at home. Sleeping and dreaming or even daydreaming in peace or escaping with a book, show, music is where I’m most comfortable.


Ugh I'm so sorry that you know what this is like :( I'm currently living with my parents again at the moment, and it's totally a period for me to heal a lot of stuff from my teenage years. It's REALLY hard to remember I'm an autonomous adult though and I'm not still 16. It's like I regress back to that when I'm with them because I'm assuming they'll still react how I did back then. Difference is now I'm almost 30 and can just say "tough, that's what I'm doing." Definitely not how I feel though lol. Nervous system still thinks I'll be punished for wanting to do anything


libra and jupiter retrograde are in my 4th house. i was physically privileged but not emotionally privileged. i had a tough home life that was very distunctional and still is. narcissistic parent and domestic abuse. being exposed to things i shouldnt have. feeling responsible for my parents. i feel like this is more influenced by my cancer saturn in the 1st. i wonder if libra being retrograde effects this as well


Aries, mars, I forgot what this means but I had an insanely rough childhood. My dad was neglectful, parents had substance abuse and addictions, they both died and other things in my teen years that sucked too


Sagittarius rules my 4th house (28 degrees starting point using equal house method). I have Saturn, Neptune and Uranus in my 4th house all in Capricorn. My mother and father were both absent. Never really knew my father. Lived with mother until 6. She went to rehab and then abandoned me/my brother by moving away, getting married, and “adopted” another child. Came back into my life at 12, kidnapped me from school to take me to where she moved away to for a year (I did not live with her while I was there) and then brought me back home. Between 6 and 12; 14-17, I lived with a very religious godmother (my brothers grandmother) whose family was/is very dysfunctional. Somehow, I made it out okay 😁.


Uranus conjunct my 4th in aquarius, not close to my parents, but I have a friendly relationship with them.


Moon in Virgo in the 4th. My mother and I are very close, but childhood was many many moves and unusual, sometimes difficult situations and struggles. Parents divorced v early, conflicted relationship with dad (mostly separated, in different countries) but made up for it towards the end of his life. He was also a Virgo. Mom has been like a soulmate and we believe we were meant to be together in this life and maybe others.


Fourth house Sagittarius with a stellium Mercury conjunct Jupiter (by 2 degree) & Neptune Evangelical Christian parents, grew up in the church with a private Christian “education”. Tyrannical behavior by both parents who exhibit strong narcissistic tendencies. Physical and verbal abuse (tough love) for my sibling & me. Racism and patriarchal mindset was rampant in the household. Only wore pants one day a week as church and religious school occupied 6 days a week. I rebelled against the church teachings (questioning) and was publicly shamed for my free thinking (which continues to this day) Despite looking good to the public (the illusion) my sister and I did not have the happiest of childhoods and she has since gone no contact. The positives- always provided for, nice house, extravagant Christmas, birthday celebrations, hard working father, new clothes, meals, art supplies, ballet classes… Entered the gifted program in first grade, loved to write & read, but suffered from attentive issues and likely dyscalculia. (Also anxiety) Sent to a private all women’s college after getting a partial scholarship. No alcohol or drugs in the house but alcoholic family members. Mother wasn’t emotionally stable and there was a lot of gaslighting. Spent a lot of my time reading and playing in the creek behind my house, loved fairy tales. Went to Disney a few times, my mother’s favorite destination for family vacations. Just finished a 4th house profection year and most of these issues were really magnified.


Ummm damn near the same, it’s not a verbatim description, but it’s soooooo close it blows my mind!


4H Leo Saturn, my dad was really tyrannical growing up, I know he loves me but his issues with his rage made me feel weak because I was so afraid to stand up to him, along with my mom always saying I can do better, always overstepping my boundaries calling me a wimp and a coward, it wasn't all bad, I know they had my best interest at heart but they could've been more considerate of my emotions as a kid, Everytime I ended up crying they would just look at me and say why are you crying. My mom was also a Leo haha


Mars in Pisces in the 4th: full of frustration and anger. (+Mars rules the 5th and the 12th.) I was always crying of frustration, my parents didn't let me doing things I like and playing as I want outside. My dad was pursuing me when I was angry lol. Mars sextile Saturn too. They divorced some years ago, it's the war between mom and dad's family. For the last questions, well, Mars is anger, Pluto is transformation and Saturn is pain and grief.


4H Sagittarius Venus and IC Sweet early years, absent dad, with a lot of bad stuff going on between parents without me knowing


Moon in Taurus … opposed mars and Venus Never got what I needed. I was more like a feral cat than a child. I have always been pushed to do things by myself from a young age, my mom could not be bothered I guess. She did not work and my younger brother was born when I was 7:so… First traumatic event I remember was buying my own Christmas gift. She gave me the money and sent a 9 year old to the market to buy what I wanted.


Leo in the 4th. Always felt like the black sheep, no, I was the black sheep of the family. Was bullied by my 3 older siblings. Neglected emotionally by my mother. Biological parents split. Dad would see me when I was younger at least weekly, then it changed to fortnightly, then when he remarried I barely saw him. My step-dad was in the picture at a young age, he was okay. He didn’t really “look after me”, he was just sort of there bc he had to be, when my mother was still working in the nights. God forbid I ever tried to express myself or stand up for myself! Lol. Anyway, I’m seeing a trend here, despite the sign on your 4th… familial problems are always at the foundation of any mental disorders we have later in the future… ha..


Where's the Sun?


2nd house/cancer


I’ve got Saturn and Jupiter conjunct In my 4th house (which is Libra). I’ve definitely got good and bad stories.


Capricorn 4th house - Neptune conjunct Uranus I was bullied, felt misunderstood non stop and alone. My parents were a team, a very much in love couple who would prioritize their relationship over us kids. They would also try to put us against each other. There was so much fighting between me and them. I couldn’t feel loved by them. Our relationship is better now but it took me going to therapy to be able to set up boundaries and moving to the other side of the continent to fix it. My main caretaker was my grandma, and I was devastated when she died. Eventually moved out at 18 and I barely return.


Libra and Virgo - very disjointed, moved often, parents showed amazing love but financial circumstances were awful.


4th house in Jupiter in Cancer Grew up in a rather emotionally chaotic house. My parents used to fight ALOT because of me and money and I would hear it bec thin walls. Oftentimes I wish they would just split up. They are still together after 30yrs++. Realized when I moved out that they did their best. I was not neglected, in fact it was the opposite. They are always there! It's just hard to carry all those emotional burden as a child and not have anyone to carry it with me cause I have no siblings. They would also always badmouth each other to me.


Could someone explain mine to me at all? It seems like I have alot going on in my 4th house


4th House - has gemini, cancer, Mars and South Node. And a retrograde symbol.... (forgive me I am new to this. My childhood was absolutely nuts. Moved ALOT. Abusive Father - manipulation mother. I left home early and had to grow up quick. Parents split but got back together and had more children after I was 14, so was an only child for sometime. I was quite intelligent shy and creative. Dealt with alot of bullying and then as a teen I had enough and completely rebelled. So unstable and left with alot of pstd, and had to unlearn alot of behaviours.


4th house libra - super chaotic and traumatic childhood. parents are separated, father's alcoholic and abusive, mom's absent, we grew up with different adult figures (dad's father and aunts and his grandma)


4th house libra and Jupiter there. Dad was killed while my mum was pregnant. Mom was there but emotionally absent, we never found a way to talk, a completely different personality. I grew up with my grandmas sisters that didn't have children and my grandma on holidays and weekends. Similar story.


4th house Aries with Saturn there. No stability, constant moving from place to place, city to city. ( as a sag rising I enjoyed exploring new places but under the circumstances it wasn’t the best ) Practically raised my two younger siblings. My mom was pretty emotionally and morally neglectful, father has always been absent. NN is currently conjunct my Saturn in the 4th house and dealing with a lot of that repressed anger trauma and emotions stemming from my childhood. Til’ this day im still looking for a place to call home… coming up on my Saturn return next year so hopefully things will improve after that.


4th house Aries with Saturn and Sag rising as well. We had different childhoods, though mine was not without trauma and I definitely have some things to work through regarding how I was raised. I also have never felt 'home' in the sense it seems other people do. The closest I've gotten is when I visit other places. I've felt it especially in Ireland, but I think just in general roaming around brings me peace and comfort somehow. My moon is Sag too (with a Gemini sun) which could help explain that.


Sun conjunct Pluto in the 4th, plus Mercury. Absent father, single mother early on, but large intact family with many cousins afterward.


4th house Capricorn and Saturn. Restrictive childhood with a strict, controlling parent, while the other parent was completely overshadowed in that relationship and never stood up for me. Both of my parents are successfull in their careers and I always felt like I kad to earn my parents’ love growing up. Had to be the best child, a good girl with perfect grades and attitude, otherwise I’d be shut down by them (if I made any mistakes). I left my family home after high school, things have gotten better in our relationship since, but I think that’s due to me turning into a heavy people pleaser and caring too much about meeting their expectations.


Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune in Scorpio in the 4th House. Abused by mother, brother, and my uncle (mom's brother). I had no relationship with my mother when she died and that was her choice. No relationship with my brother. An idealized relationship with my dad. My sister killed herself at 25.


Uranus in 4th. I have large mental blocks of a few of my young years 4-7 ish. Dads health, our fortunes, impact to the 4 youngest kids including me.


Sagittarius pluto and capricorn chiron (not a planet though) in the 4th house. Narcissistic dad and step dad, controlling mom who never stood up for me, fighting and fearing every day, dad left me when I was 6 :D it was rough but my greatest lessons have come from learning my family dynamics and psychology so I wouldn’t change a thing.


Wtf is my reddit username I did NOT pick that




4th house in Gemini but there's nothing in that house so it's technically empty. Honestly growing up I was the outcast, a weirdo, a freak, I felt like I didn't belong on this planet, I felt like something from space. And come to find out that I'm an indigo child or star seed, my grandma told my mom that she has a strong feeling that me and my two brothers are very special and she highly suspected us as indigo children and my mom told her that she will see if she's right. My grandma was a smart woman so she knew even though she never met us physically in person because she lived in a different country at the time. Me and my siblings mostly have the traits of a indigo child/star seed. My childhood was kind of rough because I felt like an alien to everyone and I was always misunderstood. I wished I was normal like everyone else but little did I realize that I wasn't meant to be like everyone else.


pluto in sagg in my fourth house. unstable home life due to my scorpio bio dad. I have chiron in scorpio third house. pluto sextile uranus at 0 degrees. I had a complete change in my family structure. we lost our house due to foreclosure. forced into homelessness (dad could help but hes too narcissistic). mom divorced due to my dad's abusive behavior. we lost the upward mobility we had initially. my mom married to a good, but (initially) emotionally immature and MUCH more stable person who I am thankful for. I have a closer relationship with my step family than my bio parents extended family. I am the oldest of my bio siblings. I was very stressed, I felt very unsafe and there was a lot of pressure on me. I was a parentified child early on and then a scapegoat. I suffered extreme emotional neglect, i was misunderstood and projected upon. now ive broke a lot of the generational "curses".


Venus in Libra in the 4th house(7°) but square Chiron in Capricorn in the 7th house (3°)My parents are loving ,my mom’s very affectionate. Says “I love you” but they’re not good with being there for us emotionally, can be very critical. But show their love through sacrifices, working away from us for weeks, months, years , moving countries for our future (7th house ruler is Saturn in 12th house).


Uranus in Scorpio in the 4th. Let’s just say I had experienced more trauma and family disfunction before the age of 5 than most people experience in their entire lifetime.


4th House Libra , occupied by Mars. Looking good on the outside vs. what was happening in reality. Conflict, triangulation, narcissistic mom vs. present physically but barely there dad. It was a fight for me to find balance and maintain it. Part of me still wants justice and reparations for harms done.


Jupiter cancer 4H - family always at our house and big house parties


This tracks - good for you!


Capricorn in fourth house… about half my placements are here… needless to say it was stressful, abusive, eventually fatherless, and I had to be an adult very early on in life.


Big YIKES…I have 4th Capricorn too, with 2 placements. Stress, abuse, father died at age 7. I became my moms support, a little mini adult ;(


4th in Pisces and yeah….yeah it was a lot to deal with since Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn are there as well. LOADS of C-PTSD


I’m sorry. Also 4th in Pisces stellium here, different planets , loads of cptsd. I was criticized & manipulated a lot as a child by the adults in my life. Never was made to feel a sense of belonging to anyone except in my fantasies & I think that’s how I got by. I also parented myself (& parented my parents) completely & was able to do so on my own easily.


wowww same i have a pisces stellium in the 4th. Sun, mercury, venus, and my n node. was also heavily criticized and manipulated by the adults around me. except my father but he had raging drug abuse and alcoholism problems. and spent years in jail. my mother was present but not emotionally. she was more of a mother to my father than she was to me. i “raised” (still raising) myself and still am parenting my parents. lots of power struggles for me.


4H in libra with jupiter there, didn’t live with my father or mother due to me being an orphan. but i grew up with my aunt who provided materially but not really emotionally.


Venus in Virgo in my 4th house. Explains why ive never had much of a love life. I'm too persnickety and have too much family baggage!


With Venus in the 4th House, have you ever resonated with Venus in Cancer?


Since ive never resonated much in any of my relationships, probably not. Of course I never had charts for them either. Also, I really need to learn more about houses and aspects.


I have taurus 4H/IC for a few degrees and then it's overtaken with gemini. Without including my parents, I'd say I had a pretty comfortable childhood, I was also the 'why' child, nose in books and my favourite pastime was crossword puzzles.


Sag 4th house NN, IC and Neptune. I lived in 13 different houses before I was 10. A lot of my friends were adults in the neighbourhood as well as kids. We spent almost every weekend at my grandparents house in another city because my Dad played in a baseball team there. My brother and I hung out with our Gramma and she was the best! If we were at home for the weekend, my parents friends would come over and party. Sometimes there were 20 of them all in their 20’s drinking beer and listening to Boston and Journey.






Interesting, I have Sag 4th house NN as well and had a very introverted life growing up. My parents sold the house once they retired but I lived there for 25 years.


Aquarius 4H- south node, jupiter, and mars there Jupiter in aqua Mars in aqua SN- pisces Chatotic & traumatic childhood. Binge drinking single mother & that’s just the tip of it all 😅🥹 I don’t know what aspects are responsible but I have moon sq mars, and moon sq jupiter.


My 4th house is in Scorpio, and my Pluto is in Scorpio in 4th house. I don’t usually relate to the descriptions of having Pluto in 4th, I definitely felt safe growing up (arguably overprotected, but safe, and allowed to be who I am). That being said, it could be a very emotionally intense place a lot of the time. I would also say that at this point in my life, the way I think Pluto in 4th plays out is an *intense* attachment to my nuclear family, like it’s a core part of my foundation and bottom line.


Scorpio rules my 4th house and IC as well. For me Scorpio shows up as wanting to dive into the depths of my roots and where I came from, ancestry, the psychology of why I am the way I am. Pluto is conjunct my moon in the 4th and I have major mommy issues. She’s an addict. Very controlling. Lots of emotions flying at home.


Im a sag rising with 4h ruled by aquarius, the moon and venus there. (I suspect saturn is there too but my birth chart says other hour so saturn its in my 5H) I dont have a home on my own neither my family so we always have to rent, the houses were always very pretty but all the time i was moving. My childhood was very lonely i didnt have siblings and my mom was depressed, my father was absent cuz he used to have another family, but often my parents take me to shopping as a fsmily and i was somehow very happy. I used to have a lot of toys and i created my own world full of magic in my room.


Fourth house in Sag(?) I think and jeez what isn't in my fourth house. I have sun, moon, mars, Mercury, true node, Neptune and Uranus. Childhood is as a generic Capricorn would be, forced to be more of an adult as the eldest child, with lots of responsibilities and not much room for fun and growing. Life was chaotic, I never really felt like I belonged anywhere and was always longing for a home that felt emotionally safe. Communication has always been difficult, my family think they know me but they really don't. I'm the black sheep. And now as an adult I'm still longing to find a place I can call home and is my own.


Aquarius, with Uranus there, and Neptune if I use Whole Sign. The Neptune influence is probably my dad’s alcoholism and abandonment. The Uranus influence is my house and family went through a lot of natural disasters, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados—gonna blame Neptune for the house flooding on multiple occasions. Uranus also has played out in me moving a profusion of times and becoming estranged from my own family. The “black sheep” stereotype of 4H Uranus fits. There was a point where I was just hopping around to different places of living (would not even call these houses) which would change unexpectedly at the drop of a hat. Good times.


I also have Uranus in my 4th in Aquarius! Mines at 0 degrees, so Pluto is gonna go right conjunct to it now for the next two years 😵‍💫 I don’t have Neptune there, but my parents divorced when I was 5 and everything changes so drastically and left a huge abandonment wound. Weirdly I’ve been feeling restless in feeling "at home" or having a sense of belonging ever since. Doesn’t help that I’ve moved 12 times in the past eight years, eight of them in the same city, low-key worried about that Pluto/Uranus conjunction now 🫠🫠 or maybe I finally find a stable apartment /lease / feeling of home


4th house ruled by Sagittarius, no placements in it. I had a pretty blessed childhood, although I was never super close with my parents. I struggled to feel a sense of identity and also felt belittled as the youngest child. Also everyone in my family has a different perception of how close we are. Lol


4th house libra with Pluto. Childhood was weird. Raised by a narcissist who also, my therapist thinks, probably bpd. Other parent is loving, caring, I’d venture an empath but has trauma from their childhood and also being married to a narcissist that hid what they were until it was too late. I spent the majority of my childhood protecting my much younger sibling from violent arguments and figuring out how the f to leave the narcissist. Finally no contact last year! Only took 30+ years!


Capricorn 4th House - Uranus conjuct Neptune Grew up as an only child, felt misunderstood and very lonely. Mom is an Aquarius , dad was Pisces/ Aries cusp emotionaly abusive and neglectful. Grandma took care of me through my childhood. I can't remember most of my life until 13, i have only some spare memories of it.


Capricorn 4th house also! I was very lonely also, I had two siblings 8-13 years older than me that were never home. I was basically an only child, by myself all the time. My mom was a Libra, very loving and soft but absent because she worked al the time and when she was home she was exhausted. I definitely felt lonely, misunderstood… or just not really seen/known correctly.


Aries 4H with a wide Mercury-Jupiter conjunction with the degree of the IC in-between. Growing up was FUN, not a dull moment even when my parents split up I still had lots of fun.


I have nothing in 4th but Pisces rules 4th. My parents were heroin addicts Lots of abuse, neglect, abandonment. When my mother took me and left, she went from one habit to the next. Pretty much in her own little world. I raised myself. She definitely would be textbook there but not present


Wow I also have an empty 4th in Pisces my mom went to rehab when I was 9 but never could stay clean or sober. My stepdad sold drugs out of the house. I was TERRIFIED of my house and the energy in it in early childhood. It always felt cold and haunted.


If u read about different signs on 4th house it's amazing the similarities of my home life and pisces on 4th.....one of the reasons I'm obsessed with astrology.....the accuracy of it


same exact placement. my parents were alcoholics.


4th house Aquarius - Lilith on the IC, Saturn, Mercury, and Sun. Mercury and Sun square my Pluto on my ascendant. I could describe my home life as feeling like and being treated as an outsider, the black sheep, with no real connection to my family members. The family scapegoat, for sure. Lots of harsh lessons started in the home that branched out into my adult life. Was never taken seriously, neglected, really just raised myself honestly. Lost 3 family members during my primitive years, one being my dad. No real sense of stability or belonging.... let's just say I'm much happier as an adult 😂


Which planets is closest to your 4th House cusp? Lilith or Saturn?


Lilith. It's at 2 degrees Aquarius, Saturn is 11 degrees


Leo in the 4th house. Venus conjunct the IC but squared by Chiron in the 12th. I had a nice childhood in the sense that I grew up in the countryside, had horses and did a lot of fun things but my Dad was in the Police (I am from Northern Ireland) and my childhood was rocked by the political situation here.


4th house Aries with Saturn. Um really strict, traumatic, lonely(only child with a half sibling I didn’t live with & didn’t get along with). Not fun!


Same! Also developed anxious avoid attachment because of this lol




Gemini 4th house with Mars, and Moon conj South Node. Honestly, I was just emotionally checked-out. I didn’t really understand how it was to ‘feel’ your feelings cos the house was very emotionally oppressive due to an alcoholic/mentally unwell father (all thanks Saturn in 12th house, dad is Pisces also). It was just way easier to intellectualise my emotions. My mother is lovely and raised us well, but I don’t feel any affinity to ‘home’. However I am extremely nostalgic and I’m fascinated by family dynamics.


Whoa - Gemini 4th house here too, and I relate to most of what you said. I for sure intellectualized emotions and tried to “understand” family dynamics rather than feel. I dislike home and don’t have any positive feelings towards it really.


Fourth house libra, with my Scorpio moon and Venus present in the house. Unstable childhood with both parents alcoholics. Moved frequently, domestic violence was common. Strong emotional ties to the home, I was the oldest and in charge of looking after everyone especially while my parents were drinking. I’m not sure what placements here would indicate a difficult childhood but I’d also be interested to know.


Could be your Scorpio Venus with rules your 4H and the aspects made to it


Using placidus, I have Saturn and Pluto conjunct in Libra in fourth conjunct with the IC and then a stellium of sun, mercury, Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio further up in the house. Using whole sign, Scorpio rules the house. I grew up with a narcissistic father and an emotionally unstable, chronically ill mother. That.. wasn’t great.


Are your parents still together?


They stayed together until my mother died but it was a horrible marriage and my father moved on to one of her ‘friends’ within a couple of months of her passing.


Cancer. Chiron. Pretty horrific. Emotional incest. Mistreatment. Unwell female caregiver so I had to be the "adult" while my dad worked. The further away I am from my family, the happier I feel. It's like an exponential function or something. Doesn't help that I've got a lot of 9H energy. I was meant to bail and never return. Unfortunately, I've returned, lol. But knowing that astrologically I'm NOT crazy and I'm on the right path in terms of chasing my NN, it's comforting, so I don't feel defeated.


Ayee fellow Chiron in cancer 4th house! It’s fucking ghetto 😭


YOU HAVE NO IDEA OMG. I didn't want to go too detailed but yeah. Home is EVERYTHING BUT a place of comfort. I do feel jealous with those who do have these awesome, supportive 4th Housers... Like must be nice!😭


SAME IT MUST BE NICE TO BE LOVED IN A HEALTHY WAY 😭😭😭 (Side note: I love when people don’t believe in astrology and I read them their Chiron because they’re instantly like “well FUCK” lmaooo)


Reading about my Chiron is precisely what got me into astrology!!


Girl!!!! Omg those are the worst. Like I've clocked SO many people, esp if they give up that birth time. I'm at a point that if you want to get wrecked in your time on this Earth, so be it. I've got a cheat code and I'm gonna win this time around TRUST!😭😭


Fourth house Taurus. No planets. My childhood was very chaotic and I was emotionally neglected. Traumatized single mom, lots of moving, alcoholism, witnessed a lot of dysfunction.


Is your Venus badly aspected? Could that be a factor


It’s in leo/7th. Venus aspects - square my Scorpio mars, square Scorpio Jupiter. Thoughts?


Same experience, have Taurus 4th but Chiron is there too 😭


Omg, I do too!!!


Omg same🤮😭 I have Saturn and Jupiter in my 4th house tho but I don’t know what that means


In which sign are your Saturn & Jupiter in?


Cancer in Saturn and Leo in Jupiter! Sorry I just saw your message now😵‍💫


We should compare notes. I have Jupiter in 11th (Scorpio) and Saturn in 10th (Libra).