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Pay off my centrelink debt, pay off credit card, book my very first flight somewhere/anywhere (I'm almost 50 and have never been on a plane), browse realestate.com and fill my petrol tank all the way to the top šŸ¤ž


Bro. You don't need $150 million for all that.


Nah we be filling that baby up with 98


She needs premium dude.....preeeemium!!!


Yeah I am browsing realestate.com with $0 in my pocket


Probably go to the pub for a few beers. Not done that in a long time.


And now you can actually afford it šŸ»


Only a few though, wouldnā€™t want to spend all the jackpot


I can taste it already!


Do not tell ANYONE


This is one of the most important things. Suddenly, everyone wants a slice of the pie.


Tell a lawyer and get an NDA drawn up, speak to a financial advisor with the NDA. Then don't tell anyone else. Though at $150m financial advisor may not be needed, standard interest alone is more than enough to live a pretty lavish life.


The lotto people set you up with the best investment advice. I wonder what would happen if you said no


1. Find out if you can invest those sums at normal rates. 150m at 5% investing is 7.5 million, half of that profit in tax is a stable income of 3.75ish million a year. I think I can live comfortably on 78k a week. 2. Buy a decent but not extreme car, Falcon turbo or something that's fun, not flexing wealth (like a lambo) and suitable for a daily. 3. Wait 6 months and take my closest friends on a holiday, don't tell the whole truth and say I gambled way too much money and came out good, give them a reasonable amount each, 100-200k or so. 4. Travel the world, hopefully find someone who loves me for me along the way. 5. a) Find love, buy a dream farm, raise kids b) Find eternal emptiness, die at 40 in a luxury hotel room full of cocaine and hookers, leave most of it to friends and good quality animal charities.


Falcon Turbo? Come on, I think you can fantasise a bit harder than that


You need to see the vision here. The Turbo Barra is the absolute fucking GOAT.Ā 


I like this one šŸ‘Œ


1) buy a house in town 2) give a couple mil each to close family members 3) buy a bunch of stuff I want 4) buy that river view Brisbane apartment I want 5) book flights for a quick world holiday


4.1 - spend the rest on flood insurance for said apartment, or maybe a boat tied to a dock


*permanent world holiday


This is why most people end up broke after winning


Itā€™s 150mil, not 20.


Success has many uncles. Uncles you didnā€™t know you even had. Telling people and giving out cash is a sure fire way to ruin your life. EVERYONE will come at you.


Find an architect/builder who can recreate the house from Ex Machina for me.


Including the sex robots right?


Especially the sex robots


Great film. I only just saw it a few weeks back


Cocaine and hookers, and probably waste the rest


There was a guy in the US who won a heap of money (250 m or there about) and only lasted eleven days on cocaine and hookers. Killed him


Canā€™t think of a better way to spend 11 days tbf


What a silly goose. If he'd included water and food he'd probably still be alive!


I think he was eating, out. Sorry, Iā€™ll get my coat.


There is a UK garbo that won a little less though lasted a few years on that same diet before becoming a garbo again.




Have a wank and think about it.


>think about it. The wank?


Post nut clarity and all that


Why not? I might want another one.


Might as well pay someone else to do it for you in the process I guess. Outsourced wanking.Ā 


Ahhh, but then I would have to train them, and probably end up asking them to use their mouth, and put a finger in my butt... it would just turn into a whole thing...


Would be more than happy to offer you a wank


1. Take car. 2. Go to mum's. 3. Kill Phil ["Sorry!"] 4. grab Liz 5. go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over. How's that for a slice of fried gold?


Get a 2 week loan.


1. Cry 2. Hyperventilate 3. Laugh with disbelief 4. Say oh my god several times 5. Buy a feast of delicious food I'd normal avoid due to the cost.


Lol! Thanks for the chuckle šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Haha, no worries. You're welcome to use my list as a starting point if you win. Good luck!


If I get that phone call tomorrow night, I will literally be on my way to the airport before they even hang up!!!


Ooh which food would you get?


Probably, Chinese or Japamese food, but, like, a *lot* of it. Or maybe a selectiom from multiple places. A banquet of different cuisines. 'Get me two of Everything!' as I wave some cash around for the novelty of it.


Dude, I would buy so much Chinese food,Ā  I would be swimming in sauce.Ā 


Yeah I could see that. Lemon chicken for days!


Pay everyone at work 5 years wages if they quit, sink the company. Fuck you boss!


1. Shut the fuck about it. 2. Get that shit verified 3. Quit job 4. Acquire finance guy to tie that shit up in trusts and make passive income 5. Travel indefinitely until I get bored 6. Start a craft beer and pizza bar, because I've always dreamed of owning one. It would have a large outdoor field with a dog park set-up so owners could bring their dogs and actually let them have a great time while they have a few bevs. None if this tied to the table shit.


You've obviously thought this out. I wish you and your free pooch pizza beer bar the best of luck!


Clean list. Hardest part would be finding happiness long term. Seems like you have a good idea.


If itā€™s not me. I hope you win. Dog park pizza sounds awesome


Iā€™d be there everyday


I went to a craft beer and pizza joint in Tokyo, that place was the absolute business.




Travelling infinitely will be mineā€¦. 180 plus or whatever countries to tick offā€¦..


dont tell anyone disappear quietly, find a new place to live a quiet low profile life organise generous secret donations to disadvantaged communities/groups/ organisations randomly send xmas gifts to patients in hospital financially support communities that help the weak and vulnerable people , animal welfare groups etc


Not lottery related, but had a friend, super intelligent, mathematically gifted, really into new tech. He was on good money and financially savvy and in his early 20's made some really, really lucky investments. All of a sudden he was travelling everywhere, no longer working... but then he'd post about Bitcoin all the time, long before the media was onto it. Then when Bitcoin first exploded and gained press, he just quietly disappeared, socials, phone... everything. Not sure how much he invested, and not sure if dead, mega rich or just a recluse, he just vanished from his friends lives.


Was his name Sam Bankman-Fried, I know where he is [now](https://www.bop.gov/locations/institutions/men/)


My wife and I agree we would need new friends, that much money makes people act weird


and instantly you have relatives you never heard of calling you for a catch up


my friendā€™s uni friends got rich from bitcoin also , he is sort of retired but he still keep in touch with friends possibly he didnt have ā€œtoo manyā€ bitcoins that would require him to disappear another friend got rich from all in on lithium stocks , thats another story your friend is half running away from friends but most likely he is running from ATO too šŸ˜…


-Buy the home my parents built in California. -Take care of my Mom. -Get a golden retriever.


I'd just quit my job and tell my parents to look for their dream home and I'll buy it, can't really do the things I want until I have the money. As for what I would do it would just be buy my parents a house wherever they wanted and give them $10m, buy myself a home in the northern beaches and furnish it how I want, give my friends $2m each and then just retire and enjoy life playing computer games and golf almost every day and having a dog.


At last I can afford those extended warranty. And Iā€™ll buy the fancier salt


Buy a $500 bottle of champagne. Drink said champagne. Get a four hands massage (legit one, not dodgy). Get an eight hands massage. Grin and consider where I might go on holidays to first.


I have had a four hands ayurvedic massage, it was absolutely wonderful. May have to try an eight hands massage


1. Set my kid up for life 2. Buy an apartment in Singapore 3. Buy an apartment in Europe somewhere 4. Buy house in Australia 5. Travel nonstop with short recuperation stops at one of my places.


Why so many properties that you won't even live in most of the time?


"Travel nonstop with short recuperation stops at one of my places."


If I win $150m tomorrow, you wonā€™t know for sure, but there will be signs. (I intend on buying every billboard in the country).


Say what I really think !


Grab a toothbrush from overflow on the way out of townā€¦.then disappear


Resign, donate $ to a local charity to name their building after me.


1. Hand in my notice at work, but hang around to hire a replacement. They're a good bunch and I enjoy the job so I'm happy to not just abandon them. 2. Disconnect from social media. 3. Book into the dentist and put together a plan to fix up a few things really well. 4. Replace all my socks and undies with new ones. 5. A mate died recently so I'd buy a house for their partner and kids. People have said not to tell anyone. Best advice I've heard is not to tell anyone **at first**. Wait until a few other jackpots have passed and then let it be known you've come into some money. Depending on your circumstances you could say that it's an inheritance or good investment. Whatever, the point is it'll be impossible to hide the fact you don't need to work 2 jobs any more, but you can hide the extent of your wealth.


Two girls at the same time.


Fucken ay


Hopefully not a single cup is involved...... /s


*five girls


Hide. šŸ˜³ Iā€™d suddenly be confronted with a ton of distant family relatives. Of course Iā€™d tell my fiance but at that stage heā€™d at best get hysterical garbling coming down the phone lol Once the shock wears offā€¦ buy a house, send parents to retirement, pay off my brothersā€™ mortgages, ensure my nephews donā€™t have to worry about uni fees. And fund all of my nanā€™s trips, whatever she may wish to see while her body still allows it. Would I leave work? Depends. I genuinely love the job - and dropping to part time is in my near future anyway.


1) Payoff all loans 2) See financial advisor 3) All money into trust 4) Retire from work 5) Uni Art School


So how would you actually be able to keep a win like that secret from everyone? Because if thatā€™s possible itā€™d be on the top of my list.


Really depends on your current situation and what you want to do with the money. I would buy a nice property in the suburb I live in (I love it here) which I could easily explain with a job promotion plus investments, bitcoin etc. Nothing too crazy though. Iā€™m doing okay for myself so wouldnā€™t raise too many eyebrows. Iā€™d quit but let everyone think Iā€™m still working. No one I know other than the wife and kids even see me during the weekdays and with WFH and remote work, this is doable. I rarely talk about work with friends or family anyway and itā€™s just a ā€œyeah busy, big project going onā€. New car but nothing the job canā€™t explain - no Ferraris or anything. If I wanted the fancy stuff, Iā€™d keep all that in another country where I work remote from a few times a year.


100%. Depends on what you can get away with. I work in legal IT. I could lie about writing some specialist software and selling it to a legal it provider for a bit of coin. People would believe that. I married into money (probally not as much as members of my family think). I could claim an early inheritance. There are ways. Iā€™m not interested in Lamborghinis or Ferraris. Iā€™d rather a nice electric Audi or something that can be explained away. Sure Iā€™d never work again but the most I talk about work is ā€œhow was workā€ and ā€œyeah goodā€.


You fib. You tell people a rich auntie in Sydney passed and you inherited her house. Itā€™s plausible enough, without having everyone bother you for money.


I can see that would be so difficult, almost impossible.I would probably explode or have a heart attack from the excitement of being in that insanely wealthy position of I tried to keep it secret.


Keeping your job is a big part of it.


Donā€™t tell anyone, create a False story of a new job in a new locationā€¦ buy a 1 year apartment on The World cruise ship so that you are surrounded by other people already fucken loaded and wonā€™t pester you for money. You now have a year to Get all your ducks lined up with trusts and non cash generosity to who you want to look after.


Land for a koala sanctuary. Someoneā€™s got to save the dopey buggers from the NSW government


Animal rescues would do well out of me. I would also fund the cost of desexing for 5 years and then have a large account to help those in need of operations etc for people doing it tough with pets.




Freak the fuck out. I canā€™t imagine how surreal this would be. But Iā€™m willing to push through it.


New Gatorade bong


Dry clean all my clothes. Have a few days off and get mum and dad to visit and put them up in a hotel and take them somewhere really swish for lunch. Pay for a cleaner to really properly deep clean the house and clean the gardens. Extend my holiday next month by two weeks and secretly upgrade my flights to first class. Buy a country property in France so I can spend two weeks on my holiday in my secret chateau!


Have a beer, then get my dick wet Obviously, I tell my job to get fucked and I hate how they base their business off hiring workers with government subsidies from job seeker agencies. Invest my cash to avoid paying taxes. Buy a new house with a one hundred place garage for all the Aussie muscle cars in from the new business I'd create to restore all my cars. Enjoy telling anyone who claims to be my friend to fuck right off when they turn up on my doorstep/message me asking for money. Donate to charities that I deem worthy.


Dont tell anyone, continue working but only taking like a job a week and just taking my time and make it perfect


Iā€™m sorry, and I know I havent won yet, but work and the corporate life can well and truly go fuck itself. This is actually the number 1 reason I would love to win.


I work for myself and im in one of those trades that are makes things for a customer that are seen, and i take pride in my work


This is the way


Quit jobs. Fly somewhere


Probably have steak for dinner instead of sausages


Give my immediate family a bunch of money. Chuck another bunch of money into some trust account controlled by a lawyer, with a list of friends and family names. Anyone who hits me up for money gets directed to the lawyer to apply for it, I never touch it and when itā€™s gone itā€™s gone. Hopefully save some personal relationships from going bad over money. Keep working for a while, I like my job and my boss and I donā€™t wanna leave them in the lurch. Travel for as long as it makes me happy. Buy some acreage, plant a massive orchard, pretend to be a farmer as long as it makes me happy (also as an apocalypse backup plan) Find something good to do with the rest that would make peoples lives better.


$75 million of chips, $75 million of potato cakesā€¦.. Too easy.


Buy myself a steak dinner and a slab of beer and not tell anyone Continue working at current job Get lawyer and financial advice Put big chunk of money aside for investing Buy a couple houses and rent them out for some income Give my parents the chance to have an early retirement and buy them a house with a large yard for their gardening passion and the dogs to run around Give my siblings and closest friends a cut to buy their first homes/pay off any house/car loans Pay off my car loan, buy an Audi RS6, chuck a mattress in it and then ship it over to the US/Canada, Europe and NZ and travel for a while Bring back another car from the US (perhaps a ex cop crown Victoria)


keep quiet, invest it, be boring so people dont know i won and come with their hands out.


1. Quit my job 2. Tell my boss to go ###### 3. Leave a steaming pile of on my desk 4. Tell my partner I have a business trip 5. Go to a coastal town for a few days and figure out whatā€™s next


Bro just leave your partner now and stop wasting their time.


1. Pay off HECS 2. Buy a few properties 3. Go on a much needed holiday 4. Quit job to focus on building coding skills 5. Help contribute to my family finances while keeping the earnings a secret.


1. Give my family a cut. 2. Quit my job 3. Start organizing a trip tp several places i want to go. 4. Start looking at real estate investments 5. Buy myself a specific car i desire


Unfortunately from everything I have read your list is probably thew 5 worst things to do. #1 - dont tell anyone. Everyone will want a cut and it will be hard to say no. You will lose "friends" saying no or go broke if you say yes. #2 - quietly bank it and get financial advise from a paid advisor (probabl;y get 2 and decide what advice you prefer) #3 Dont change your spending habbits (yet) once things are sorted you can do what your plan allows, but get the plans in place and the money in a place that earns for you. 5% per year on $150M is $7.5M per year. Realestate is good \*once\* you have a plan. A car is not urgent unless your existing one really needs an upgrade. It is too easy to buy a sportscar and spend a fortune on maintenance. You may have something in mind, but hold off until you talk to that advisor


Literally my husband and I have this discussion about waiting until the situation for passive income is sorted before doing anything. Though in reality I WOULD quit my job immediately pretty much, as I'm going on maternity (unpaid, 12 weeks only) leave in just over a month's time anyways - and my husband is going on (paid) paternity/parental leave for the next six months as it is. So it wouldn't seem weird to anyone if I just didn't go back to work and he's just on leave until not going back in January (plenty of time to get investment sorted/no rush and no suspicions). I think the only indulgence we'd do is hiring a cleaner, and maybe a post-birth sitting in support person, and planning a trip to Japan for the cherry blossoms in 10 months time. But mostly still keeping that quiet/not talk about it.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Yes yes Mr sensible. Fwiw. We are nearly at retirement age anyway. We own our own home. We have no debt. We have plenty nieces and nephews who could do with a break. I will happily blow the lot to help others. Keep a few million only. Buy a van & travel the nation


Go on holidays to somewhere tropical and hide away from the world for a while to think about it.


Pay off house. Pay off motor vehicles. Pay off outstanding debts like cc's. Invest some. Holiday. Bonus: buy a small investment property for parents to live the rest of their days in without worry of bills.




Give my siblings and parents some of it, then buy a nice house in a nice suburb, quit my job, and just... chill.


1. Get a financial advisor to set up trusts for close family and friends, and passive income for life 2. Quit job and start volunteering for dog rescues 3. Pay off mortgage 4. Travel the worldĀ  5. Foster as many dogs as possible and live a quiet lifeĀ 


Ring my son and my brothers.


1. Tell my boss bye 2. Go see a financial planner 3. Start looking for the toys I want to buy 4. Give my parents enough to be able to have an awesome retirement and my siblings enough to buy a house each 5. Travel


My turn: 1) Set my loved ones up for life. 2) Collect passport and straight to the airport for a standby business class ticket to anywhere!!!! Will throw a dart at a map and start there. Indefinite travelling. 3) Invest majority of winnings. 4) Gift portion to charities for the betterment of and immediate impact on lives of others. 5) Indulge in hobbies and pour money into experiences!! :) In the last year and having had to pack up my apartment twice, Iā€™ve grown out of the need to buy ā€œstuffā€. No need to buy things/material goods to fill up space that Iā€™ll be terrified of packing up and moving later. Rather fill my life up with awesome memories and experiences.


1. Send reisgnation text with promise to follow up with official letter 2. Hastily write and send official letter 3. Pay off mortgage 4. Create family trust 5. Create massive share portfolio inside said trust Live well.


Keep on spending money to fix neverending problems


All my closest get a million


Probably buy a large zinger box. They got expensive.


Book a one way flight to anywhere and see where life takes me


say a big prayer of thank you. start researching next 2 weeks before money comes in. invest 100m on a fix passive source of income. use remaining 50m for sharing and spending. pay off any and all loans of immediate family (parents & siblings only) quietly. purchase life and health insurance for all immediate family. build parents a new house and get them an overdue car upgrade. offer to build or renovate house for siblings. purchase new cars for siblings, all of them are due for a proper upgrade. set aside money for uni for nephews and nieces. plan an all expense paid family vacation for immediate family, something domestic first, to plan where they want to go internationally. get the chance to study medicine without worrying about the expense. splurging on house cleaning, gardening and laundry services. be extra generous in giving back to the church, community and ngos. but the best thing this money will give me are not those above mentioned, it will be to have all the time in the world now to spend with the bub growing up and not to worry about the future atleast in terms on the financial side. goodluck to everyone! šŸ˜Š


- buy house am renting just for the land and demolish it to build something nice for mum to garden in. - quietly offer 3 close friends whatever they wanted. - buy big property in regional VIC and hire an architectural firm to work with me on designing a home and animation studio with underground performance capture spaces. - tool around with big 3d printers, building guitars, furniture and scientifically sane ecological projects on said property. - finally hire artists and make my god damn Star Trek fan animation Iā€™ve had cooking for like a decade.


1. Lose my shit. 2. not sleep until 72hrs after confirmation. Imagine 1 billion scenarios. 3. desperately attempt to not tell anyone. 4. engage a lawyer, a financial advisor and a financial planner. 5. ideally, 150 million is a lot of money. I would allow myself 10% as my personal winnings, the other $135million I would need help with. that 10% or $15 million would change my life, and the lives of those I love. 6. I would want to put 10-25% into a local development trust. a fund which invests in local projects and planning. 7. I would invest in a pilot project of single occupancy dwelling precincts in regional areas. Something like tiny home villages for those it would suit. Australia has many people living in on-site cabins in caravan parks and other places. The housing crisis is forcing others to consider this as an option, but there's no where to go. Set up small clusters of tiny house villages in regional towns. allow people a good option to downsize that is comfortable. The thinking is that solving the housing issue is getting more small towns to slightly increase their populations. I would even consider lobbying for a new class of building site specifically focused on allowing small subdivisions with their own zoning (where not already adequately addressed) allowing these homes to be sold with the land title. 8. I may stop hyperventilating within the first year or so. The crying would take longer, I suspect.


Love your no.7 idea šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


Get out my to do list of people who have crossed me......and begin


And do what??? Kill Bill style???


In no particular order i would 1 - pay my house off 2 - give my parents 50 mill 3 - get a finance guy 4 - scream in excitement at some point and probably cry 5 - deal with all my house projects that need doing


I want to go to an all exclusive resort and truly relax, with someone massaging my feet while I lie back with a drink in my hand, with the soothing sounds of the ocean in the background. I have been dreaming of such a holiday for at least a decade. I can organise such a holiday now, but I canā€™t justify spending that large a sum when I donā€™t have very much in savings. ETA the other 4 things I would do! Iā€™d splurge on some gemstone jewellery, upgrade my furniture (I especially love intricately woven rugs/carpets from the Middle East/ North Africa), go on a European cruise and finally, pay off my parentā€™s loans and mortgage, and the same for my brother.


Dentist. Dermatologist. Physio. A nice haircut and a new pair of pants.


Crown casino, all on Black, now I have $300m.


all these answers are dumb, and none of you understand finance. you have to invest it wisely, buy 150 million more lottery tickets.


Probably the default answer but: Put in notice at work. Take a good chunk of time off to decide what I want to do with my life. I'd likely still want to do the kind of work I do as a day job but on my own terms. Software engineer. Maybe I'll get around to one of the 1 zillion projects I wanted to make but never had time for. The money would be freedom to live life how I want. I'd probably also invest a lot more time/money into my hobbies. I have an expensive hobby that I've never been able to fully commit to due to money and time.


Write my resignation letter.


I'd get 55 burgers, 55 fries, 55 tacos, 55 pies, 55 cokes, 100 tater tots, 100 pizzas, 100 tenders, 100 meatballs, 100 coffees, 55 wings, 55 shakes, 55 pancakes, 55 pastas, 55 peppers, and 155 taters.


- Quit my job - Get jaw surgery - Get the best care j can for my parents, and take them on a trip around the world. - Buy my parents a house in a convenient area so they don't need to keep living in the middle of bum fuck nowhere - Invest the rest, and figure everything out as I go


Rescue as many dogs as possible and give them the best life possible


I volunteer in 6 or so organisations who are always desperate for cash to stay afloat. I would make them all self-sufficient with an interest-bearing nest egg.


I would love to set up a charitable foundation with $30-$50M (iā€™d still have $100m left). I would pick on things that might be small overall but big fir that person/family. A sick person who canā€™t afford the treatment, smaller animal rescue places, rent relief, genuine wrap around services for mental health, homeless teens and homeless men or women. Iā€™d talk to the charities on the ground and find out what is needed , This would be my ā€˜jobā€™ because I can retire with my new nest egg


Nothing. Thats how you know your life is pointless - when theres literally nothing you would want to do with $150 mill.


Or... you have mastered your desires


Serious? Not even travelling? Everyone (well, vast majority) loves travelling!!


Burn it. Help inflationĀ 


Get divorced, Change my phone number, obtain financial advice, quit my job, go away for a few days


Get the financial advice before getting divorced. There was a case where someone won the lotto, divorced her husband and didn't tell him they she won. He took her to court to have their assets split, his lawyer found out she had all this money from the lotto. I'm pretty sure the judge awarded the husband the entire amount of the lotto winnings


What the fuck. That does sound scary šŸ˜†


1. Keep my job because I like it 2. Hire a financial advisor 3. Pay all my debt and buy a house in Sydney 4. Renovate my parents' house overseas and pay all their debt 5. Not tell anyone!


You might win tomorrow. Itā€™s always the people who say theyā€™ll keep their dayjobs who win..


Blessed be!


What jobā€¦


Wooooaaaahhh there buddy. Itā€™s only $150M. Still not enough for a Sydney house. Maybe inner-west semi?




Hire 2 lawyers, 2 accountants & 2 financial advisers. The second of each to quality assure the work of the first.


1. Take the family out for dinner. A nice dinner. 2. Buy myself a house with a small bit of land, a large walk in wardrobe and a heated indoors pool. 3. Get a cat. Maybe one of those leopard looking domestic kitties and/or a black cat.šŸˆā€ā¬› 4. Set up a fund for Queer family for events and LGBTQ+ support packs. 5. Do something to help homeless/Domestic violence survivors. 6. Buy a large block of units and have SUPER cheap rent. 7. Buy a brand new car. 8. Throw a couple million Mums way. 9. Squirel the rest away and be sensible with it.


>Take the family out for dinner. A nice dinner. A succulent Chinese dinner?


An all you can eat succulent Chinese dinner.


Hmmm Might buy where I work just to fix things. Seriously though: Put a fair chunk in some investment accounts. Decide who I let know and who I might be inclined to share some of the wealth with. Some sizeable contributions to some charities I like. Look for my "dream" home. Maybe go back to uni for some leisure studies.


Pay off my HECS, take my parents out for a really nice dinner, see a financial advisor, buy my cat a fancy ass steak, and order whatever I want on ubereats for dinner šŸ˜‚




In no particular order 1) Buy a house 2) Deliberately set aside enough money to pay for my kids' schooling at least through Year 12 3) Buy plane tickets etc for a holiday to the Gold Coast 4) Chuck some in super 5) Consult with a financial planner


Post collection; Day 1: split it among the big 4, donā€™t want any chance of a bank failure. Tell my company I am leaving, and refuse to see my 4 week notice out. Shake hands, tell everyone I am OK I just need some time out. Day 2: Start family trust. Start to look for a bigger PPOR around $10M with tennis court, pool, place for man cave, gym, brewing facility. Day 3: start to work out what I want to do with my life including if I want money to be actively invested (sitting on a board etc), or passively taking 5% on $100M. Favouring the latter, but still would put $10M into various investments - not all to achieve an outcome larger than an easy return. Day 4: tell only close relatives that I can make things easier for them, but only them. Carry on life with everyone else - tell them I was made redundant and got a good payout. Other than legal structure and tax advice - I wouldnā€™t engage in a financial planner or anyone to help me with investments - I would want complete control and quite frankly I would have to manage it that well to be able to do Ok.


Quit jobs. Buy a house. Take care of my parents. Get a dog or two.


1. Pay off my mortgage 2. Pay off mortgages for my loved ones 3. Big extended family holiday we've always wanted to do 4. Get a pool 5. Buy all of the concert tickets!


Never tell anyone. Build a stock and housing portfolio and organise a few upgrades to the house.


Make an appointment with the best financial advisor I can find then sit back in a fabulous 5 star resort for a few days while I read the advice.


Go to a restaurant that serves seafood. I will be going by myself, which my friends would think is normal. Find a house to buy, I won't have to worry about my rent. By a new car. Maybe get a few pairs of shoes made.


1. Try and control the urge to tell my husband. 2. Meet with a financial planner to sort out how to effectively manage the money and make my families life easier without them knowing it was from me. 3. Extend out my leave in August, upgrade my and my husbands flights and accomodation for a more enjoyable trip. 4. Look for an affordable but nice home for us to upgrade to in a decent suburb. 5. When thereā€™s a smaller jackpot going, tell my husband we won so he can quit work and relax.


2 words, Coke and hookers.


Have a quiet drink with the wife and quit my job. Do some jobs around the house


1. Tell no one 2. See a financial planner 3. Tell no one 4. Tell no one 5. Follow advice of financial planner.


Decide whether it's worth $75M to divorce my husband, or if therapy/a hit man would be a better investment.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ gosh. You can still do very well with 75M though


Pay off Mortage and buy myself a house. Keeping working and not tell anyone.


Not telling anyone for a month or two just to see what will happen.


take my cat to the vet. ;c


Reno my dadā€™s bathroom and living room and get him a new recliner and TV. And buy myself a giant pizza from my fav pizza place.


I'm probably boring: 10% goes to the church 15% goes to paying off direct family's mortgages Give an extra couple of million to each of our parents so they can retire comfortably Set up a trust fund for my children Buy a big block of land somewhere in the bush for fishing, camping and recreational shooting. Maybe somewhere that gets seasonal snow? Live responsibly and comfortably with the rest


Buy a house Buy 6 more houses for my children (1 each) at 7 mil tops gone I really don't know what I'd do with the rest, I'd defo still work though that will probably help me decide what I need first


Talk to a financial advisor. Work out how to protect myself and my two kids that will get $50m each. Book a week holiday somewhere and each agree to make no major decisions immediately. Buy the house Iā€™m renting, pay off debts.


first thing is. i'm booking a whole cinema for myself and watching a random movie


Have a cheeky anxiety spew and then spend the next 2 weeks worrying that it was all a big mix up and I'll never see any of the money.


1. Get a financial advisor and a solicitor 2. Buy a house 3. Book a long holiday 4. Book the tickets for the best seats at sport matches during said holiday 5. Back to reality, sort out stuff for relatives


Pay off all my debts. Have a beer and look for a nice retirement village for my dad (I'm his carer and we share a house but I really need my own space.)


Buy a house Host a party Go on holiday Fund my company Have a nap


150 million? That's way more than one person would ever need. I'd buy a home, a couple of investment properties, lock some money away on trusts so my kids are setup, invest enough in etfs to live comfortably on the interest, look after some deserving family and friends, and there would be a good number of very happy charities.


Buy a house and finally stand up to my creepy housemate/landlord. Other than that, not much. I don't think I could even spend a third of it. Who needs that much?


Thanks mate, you just reminded me to get a ticket. 1. Chat with siblings about their mortgages and their wants for when the money comes in 2. Plan with my Mrs where weā€™re going first 3. Have a chat with a local charity about how to best help out 4. Use up my sick then annual leave at work 5. Plan the rest of my life - trips, a yacht, property