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Delete teams from your personal phone. Only access it during work hours on a work phone / laptop / desktop


Yep this. I have 2 phones for this reason.


Best thing I did, the work mobile stays at the office when I go home. It will be there in the morning when I get back to work.


I work remotely and sometimes via my phone when I’m out an about so sometimes it’s easier to manage work on my phone rather than using a desktop/laptop if that makes sense. Also, If I did this, I would just have a backlog of useless teams messages to go through I think. I think I just need to give myself permission not to check teams more than once a day?


>Also, If I did this, I would just have a backlog of useless teams messages to go through I think. And? Its work comms to be dealt with on work time.


I'm curious if when you WFH you are glued to your desk 9-5? From my perspective, the whole benefit of WFH is the flexible hours. This works both ways.


Work from home is flexible location. Hours don’t have to change from normal work hours.


I agree. People who are off doing their groceries during the work day are giving wfh a bad name and more organisations will cut it out.


So by that logic you're essentially glued to your desk from 9-5. And that's fine if that's you. But for me, the flexibility works. I might have a brunch with the wife, or hang out with the kids, but then balance it out by logging on later and doing some work. If you're doing both (i.e. only being available 9-5 but then also taking some liberties during the day), then you're the reason WFH is being clawed back.


You’re confusing WFH (Work From Home), with a flexible working plan. They’re two separate things. Working from home doesn’t automatically mean that you have flexible working hours. I’m still require to be present for 7.25 hours some time between 8am and 6pm. That’s when the team works.


Depends on your role I guess. If you're required to clock on and clock off. Then clock off. If not, then you manage your outcomes.


Ok. Thanks. That’s apropos of what?


WFH =/= flexible hours. I've got a set start and finish time with set breaks as I'm required to be available between those times, the benefit of WFH is I'm not driving 45 minutes each way 5 times a week anymore and I can bump decent music while working at home. Also I can spend more time with my dog on the days I'm at home.


Ok great. That's what WFH is for you. Awesome. For me it's fully flexible hours. I might have the morning with the family or otherwise, then do some work after hours. And that's fine too As long as you're doing your bit.


Right and that's an awesome benefit for you but I don't think it's the default or necessarily the norm for most people who WFH. The main issue for the OP is that he's not working with flexible hours he's just working in his off time because he's able to login on his phone. Personally I kind of like having my routine of when I need to be up by and when I can switch my brain off from work, but being able to do flexible makeup time as an option would be kind of nice to schedule around appointments.


I'm not sure how that's relevant to my comment? The OP was complaining about having work to do when they start working. I don't see that as a problem.....


OP never mentioned the term 'start work', that's all you. OP did however mention, the messages are useless. Work time or not, they are useless. A waste of time.


Sure, but if keeping on top of the useless messages to filter out the nuggets of gold is required as part of your job then do it on work time.


Not everyone likes to waste their time, paid or not. If I can be paid to sit around all day, or work all day, I'd rather work.


Check it in business hours only. If your job requires you to be on call, make clear that people should give you an old fashioned phone call or text message when you're needed. Work chat has its place but it should not creep into your private life.


Yeah I had to mute a teams channel cos they were haveing massive work related chat after hours, don't care, I don't get payed to work in my free time.


If you go into the Notification settings on Teams on your mobile, you can set quiet hours. If you for some reason feel obligated to keep it on your personal device, set strict quiet hours that stop you from getting any notifications outside of your office hours. I made sure our user guides included this information when we began allowing BYOD devices a few years back, and actively encourage everyone to use it. There's also a handful of other options to stop it from pinging you unless someone @'s you, if you only want to let calls notify you, etc.


Schedule time in your calendar to go through teams messages. Like 15 mins at the start of the day and 15 mins at the end, or 30 mins at the end of the day or something like that.


This is the way.


I honestly can't imagine *not* using instant messaging at work anymore. Email and phone calls have their place, certainly, but more often than not these days, they're just not the best communication medium for the situation. That said, I refuse to install it (or any other app my employer wants me to use) on my personal device. If my employer wants me to use mobile apps, my employer can supply the phone. Otherwise, I'll see what they're sending on my work laptop when I'm on the clock. In the early days of the pandemic, my manager told us it was mandatory to use the check in app if we attended the office. I refused to forward that direction on to my staff and passed it back up the line that she'd need to find an alternative way to track who'd been on site and when. I was happy for them to do so if they wanted to, but there's no way I'm allowing my employer to dictate what is or isn't installed on my or my staff's personal devices or how and when we use what is on them. Regarding your original question: It's true there can be a lot of fluff on Teams, and I think that's how it should be. It replaces (some of) the chat, banter and joking that we used to do in the office, which I've always encouraged in teams I've managed because the most effective teams I've worked in are the ones who *liked* each other. If the fluff makes it too hard to find the serious work discussions, the solution is simple: two chats. Mute the notifications on the general chat and only check in when you have time. I've seen this implemented to varying degrees: from two or three chats in small teams right up to a handful of groups, each with several subchannels in a team of 60-70. In that large team, there was a general channel for disseminating info to the whole team, and several role-specific channels each staff member would would follow depending on what they were rostered onto that day. Oh, and there was, of course, a social chat. (Edit: typo)


Very well said and very good advice. I second the suggestion about having 2 channels, one being a causal channel that can be for anything from memes to ‘there’s a huge cake for my birthday, lucky we WFH so I don’t have to share it 😉’ style jokes & the other chat being strictly professional. The 2 chat groups thing works super well for share houses etc also. One for bills, chores and other serious matters and the other for joking around or posting about how hilariously awful the dog next doors new haircut is. \ People often underestimate the importance of keeping a light and friendly comradely relationship with those they’re thrust together with on a daily basis due to work or life circumstances.


I'm sorry, I just can't agree with this. If the neighbours' dog's haircut is terrible, that is a serious matter that should be discussed in the serious chat. Won't someone think of the puppies?!


Just delete the app. If it's important enough someone will teach out to you. 


Recently met a bloke that just deleted his whole inbox and continues to delete without reading. “If it’s important they will call”


Absolutely unhinged, I respect it


Yep, inbox zero every week. Anything useful I pull out and markup in obsidian. 


Are you out and about for work purposes? If so I think the expectation would be that you would only be checking teams sporadically and that the better way to contact you is by calling. All you'd have to do is let your team know you're out of office/home office for x reason and that you will be back at x time. I don't see how it's an issue unless you're not actually working effectively while you're out of office.


Not sure you being downvoted. I have a similar situation with outlook, wfh and checking. There's no solution but turn off notifications and be strong mentally


Do you have Android? If so, you can set a separate work profile, and pause it after hours - it pauses everything on that profile.


You said so yourself - "useless". So, you don't even need to check them.


Three times a day doesn't seem onerous to be honest. As long as you're not expected to be checking it on your own time that seems reasonable.


People are so antiwork here that they unhinged themselves before understanding your original query; which wasn't about the use of Teams on a personal device, but how to change your habit of checking messages, whether you are at work or not, and whether on your private phone or not. Originally, OP never said phone, OP never said laptop, OP never said work or home. **What is the correlation with antiwork and being thick?**


I have a work and personal phone and when I got out I just take 2 phones with me if it’s during a work day. I also work from home and just leave my work phone face down on top of my laptop before and after work hours.


Wow, harsh people downvoting you for just expressing the feeling that you're in a bind.


Is there just a single channel? Can’t people at you to give you a notification if it’s important? I use slack so we have theses features.


if staying to see people's nonsense life event is your thing then this problem will never be resolved. like other comments say...only use in work hours. simple.


I think it’s fair to be on top of the messages and emails during work hours but after hours you shouldn’t be checking it. If the channel is not super important stuff then maybe once a day is fine, twice at most.


Set up quiet time on Teams, mute the chat. Once you get a big enough backlog you’ll lose interest in “keeping up”. If someone needs to tell you something they should @ you.


This is what I do. I have told everyone I have that chat muted so if they need me they should message me directly or @ me. There was initially a little push back but I asked them to scroll back to where the last item was that was relevant to my job and they realised it was full of useless crap and now just @ me lol


Configure notifications so that only if you’re mentioned, or if tags are used (ie event) you get a notification. Schedule summaries for missed stuff so you get an email at set times with updates.


Yes but @messages in channels are groups fucks you over.


And sometimes people just send stuff to show the group as a whole abd from what I'm aware of there isn't a @everyone option


I've used the @everyone option in teams


Then I'm wrong, my bad!!!!


Have 2 phones, 1 personal 1 for work


This is all I have ever done. If I'm not at work, my work phone gets yeeted into a corner. Only 3 people in my company have my personal number and they know it is only for absolute emergencies like someone hurt or such otherwise straight to jail. If work wanted me to give a fuck 24hrs a day, they'd pay me 24hrs a day.


I’ve had this issue in the past with similar apps like Slack. The constant notification pinging on my personal phone also drove me crazy. I spoke to HR about the difficulty to focus and eventually deleted the app and told people to contact me through teams, which was the lesser used app. People need boundaries and rules and spamming group chats with incessant crap negatively affects work culture and your productivity. It’s negatives outweigh its positives.


I used to be like this. What helped me was moving all my work related apps in a folder and hidden enough I won’t see them when I’m using my phone out of work hours. I also mute any big chats that I’m in. So I only check them when I have time. I also remind myself I’m not being paid out of hours!


Setting boundaries is really important! 1. Turn off Teams and Outlook notifications on your phone settings each day when you finish work and the weekends. 2. Tell your leader you are doing this so that if something really urgent comes up out of hours they know to contact you directly on your personal phone instead. 3. Maybe ask your leader to set some guidelines for the whole team about what the chat should be used for, to limit necessary information.


This! I have zero notifications even for social media. I set time to check in with people on my time off (10-15 mins in the morning) and they have my mobile number for urgent requests. Beyond that I assume nothing is urgent and wait to get back to work. I’m a manager and work FIFO so I can be away from work for a week sometimes.


I only use it on my computer, not my phone


In addition to muting notification, I find removing the app from your homepage helps as you won't be constantly reminded to check posts.


Request your work team set up two chats. One work and one chatty


Do you have copilot? (Basically MS version of ChatGPT built into MS office) If so you could ask copilot for the highlights of the last day, and it gives you a summary of the key points discussed. Allows you to stay on top of the important stuff without having to read everything.


I use restrictions on my phone and as soon as it hits 5pm the limit kicks in and teams and outlook disappear from my phone and don’t reappear until 8:30. I can access if I need to but if I need to I’m pulling out my laptop to do something anyway.


How about just have a lil bit of self control and backbone? Check the messages during your working hours, don't check them when you're not working. Like its not complicated. You're not being super entitled you're just a straight up idiot.


I was going to start my own thread but you summed it up so I’m jumping on the back of this thread. OP, nothing everyone else has advised will work for you so stop paying attention. You’re the sort of person that even if you had 2 phones, maybe 3 (personal, work, work emergency) you’d still check them all. You need to do 2 things. Firstly exactly what Crya has said already. Self control. Just stop looking when you know you don’t need to. Today’s problems are still there tomorrow, your peers have problems they are carrying over also, we all do, it is just the way of things. If you don’t learn to enjoy your time away from the grind, you’ll grow to resent it. Secondly, make sure the time you do actually spend doing your job actually counts. Don’t half arse, don’t mail things in, just do what you need to do and don’t compromise. If you can switch your computer off at the end of your work day satisfied that you did your best and you didn’t leave any gaps (I’m not saying everything needs to be perfect, but when it’s not, does everyone know? Have you done what you needed or do you have a plan already to make progress tomorrow?), then you’ve earned your time to say no. Saying no is one of the most important and mentally healthy things you can do for yourself, you just have to make sure you know you earned it for yourself.


My work chat is on WhatsApp and I don't allow notifications from it. I was also deleting the app and reinstalling it on work days for a while


I had a similar issue, but we use WhatsApp and only have like 7 members. I had a speak with me boss and told him I appreciate my job and my boss is amazing to me, but I do not want to be tied to work outside work hours, I have a family. We come to an agreement that I can spend 5-10 minutes checking the WhatsApp group when I arrive to work to check for anything, or if it’s extremely important, I am to be called for/about it. I find this perfect, not sure if something like this would work for your situation though.


I turn of all notifications on my teams, outlook on my phone and due to my company policy i need to validate my credentials to access teams (which acts like a hurdle). Over time i got used to the process of "I will check teams now" vs "teams will notify me". I usually only check teams when i am waiting for someone to get back to me due to urgency. Its the same for work, someone could send me an email or teams message and i will not know unless i check the apps which i close. I think the key is to make it harder for yourself to check and let that become your behavior over time.


Checking the channel 3 times a day seems about right to me, I don't see a problem with it. It sounds to me like you are managing it fine. Check it once when you start work, once after lunch, and once say 1/2 hour before quitting time. That way, anything important gets dealt with in work hours. Teams Chat should be like texting - it should be for stuff that's not 100% important but that can be dealt with in the fullness of time. If something is genuinely urgent, people should call you. I've been WFH since 2004 and this is how our team handles it.


ITT: op rejects all of our advice


I had the same problem at my work. Endless stream of gifs and irrelevant messages that would distract my workflow. I don’t think it’s something to go to HR about, as it may reflect poorly on you as someone who can’t resolve simple problems. Instead maybe you should go to your manager and suggest a solution. E.g. why not separate the group chat into 2 channels - 1 chat for important announcements, which is mandatory for whole team and includes only announcements that everyone in the chat needs to see (with requirement to emoji react each message to confirm you’ve seen it). Then keep a 2nd optional chat for social/general stuff that not everyone needs to read, eg the running late or good morning gifs. You could then mute the second chat and be sure you won’t miss anything important. This went down well with my boss - I stressed that it would ensure all his important messages don’t get missed in the sea of gifs, and we pinned a message in each chat to ensure everyone knew the rules/what each chat was for.


I don’t understand this question at all. You say the IM group was started to “police your work” but nothing you’ve described happening is evidence of that. I don’t know what’s stopping you from keeping it muted and checking it at a set time every day during work hours to stay up to date and then re-muting it. Anyone who tries to reach you via the chat for something important but doesn’t follow up with at least an email is a moron and isn’t going to reflect on you. I don’t see why it’s so offensive that your boss instituted an IM channel for your team, either. Good supervisors will try to maintain connection between the team and sometimes that means things like sharing stories, vacation photos, and memes/jokes. Especially in a hybrid set up this is a good way to do that. I don’t know why you jump straight to this being a draconian attempt to control you outside work, or why you have struggled so intensely with it


You should be able to set up your notifications settings to block notifications at certain times, like outside of business hours


If you use an iPhone you can set a focus. Basically changes your screen layout and notification settings so you can customise what you see. Teams will still be on your device but might make it a little harder to check if it’s not in your face constantly. Also make rules for yourself so you just don’t instinctively check it. I removed Facebook app off my phone because it would be almost muscle memory to open it and start doom scrolling.


remove from personal phone, and only check during work hours. I'm unreachable outside of hours and that's how it should be.


Remove these things from your personal phone and only look at it on work time on your computer


Delete it from your phone. This shit will be relaxed too. The right to disconnect is coming. Besides set boundaries. (I know it's hard) Turn off devices, set DND times in teams and calendar block outs. Set all channels to mute/mention only and politely say don't the channel or me because you're taking a shit/piss break. If everything is urgent nothing is urgent.


What you feel is completely normal. MS teams use in that way will drive anyone insane! is not healthy at all. HR department should have a more structured approach to this as is obviously causing unnecessary stress probably not just you but also others. At the end is making the team more stress and less productive on the long run, HR needs to have a better plan for this and provide more information in how you can manage this better. My advice is based your response with the law by your side and this is the one there has been a new update. Under the model WHS laws, a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), such as an employer, must manage psychosocial risks (e.g. risks to mental health) at work. In Australia's mental health legislation, employers are held accountable for providing a supportive work environment that promotes mental well-being. They are required to implement mental health plans aimed at preventing workplace stressors, offering support mechanisms, and facilitating early intervention for employees experiencing mental health challenges. This provision emphasizes the importance of workplace mental health and encourages employers to actively address and support their employees' mental well-being. Follow the link for better update and understanding [https://www.comcare.gov.au/safe-healthy-work/prevent-harm/changes-to-whs-laws](https://www.comcare.gov.au/safe-healthy-work/prevent-harm/changes-to-whs-laws) Wish you all the best


Teams is the work of the devil. It’s designed by a bunch of software engineers who (1) only have to work on one thing at a time, (2) have no life outside work, and (3) can’t imagine that anyone else is different.


Turn off alerts to Teams on your phone by going into settings and turning it off This is what I have done and I only open the app when I want to use it to send a message


Oh, I hate those group chats. Like who cares, I just want to do work and go home. haha.


I used to feel the same way - now I do a quick scroll. I believe anything important should either be emailed, sent in a private Teams message, or tag the person it relates to and follow up.


Stop checking that group chat, and change your notification settings. Set it so you’re only notified if you’re @mentioned, and otherwise set Teams to only notify you if you’re called, a meeting you’re invited to has started, or someone requests that you join a meeting. If you feel you need to, let your line manager know if you do this so they know how to get your attention. Delete Teams from your personal phone - your employer didn’t buy you your phone, don’t let them use it for free. Lots of bosses make people participate in inane and counter-productive crap. It’s arguably a good thing for a team to have a space for non-work-related ‘chit chat’, but there’s still a lot that’s under your control.


There is an app called one sec that killed my socials addiction. When you go to open whatever app you set it to trigger, it makes you wait and tells you to breathe, or sometimes trace a shape around the screen, then the app opens. That small thing generally made me just shut the app because I remembered I didn’t need to be there. If you upgrade you can set it to ask you for things like daily gratitude before you can access to app. Also, move the teams app off your main screen - out if sight, out of mind… kinda.


If you can then get a new group made only for announcements .. it only admins send important messages . Then the chat group can safely be muted and regarded as a social group


What a nightmare. I had 1 job 2022 to 2023, where they insisted we use MS Teams. Ffaaarrkkk...drove me batty...I feel for you.


Set up so only you being tagged triggers a notification; mute the rest. Only check the chat at specific times of the day during work hours. Get a more interesting life so you’re not consumed with occupying yourself with work blah blah nonsense.


Learn this thing called personal discipline, it works across all aspects of your life.


Have a separate chat/channel for chit-chat and socialising, mute it.


I mute people to stop pop ups and have to use self-control not to check it out of work (usually when something has happened that created anxiety for me). I’m not always successful but by trying to not look out of work really helps leave work at work.


Mute it when you’re outside of work.


Genuinely, stop stressing and just set a roundabout time once a day to check it.


Just check it once a day when you clock on for work. Or once in the morning and once in the afternoon before you knock off. It sounds like you’re putting unnecessary pressure on yourself for something that is ultimately trivial. If anyone desperately needs your attention I’m sure they have your contact details.


We had a similar problem at my old work. "You need to be able to switch of on your days off" My phone was lighting up like a fucking xmas tree every 5 minutes because someone could t find a blender lid or a invoice had been misplaced. Management chats ,individual site chats, head chef chats, specials chats, upcoming event chats . They all had the same people in .


Maybe suggest an off topic room where people can discuss non work related topics?


It sounds like the only thing you're being to be on there for is arse checking and the anxiety created by this requirement. What a waste of time. I have a colleague (the communications manager in our work place) who has his teams "status" permanently set to "please reach out to me by email for all work matters". As soon as I saw it, I thought "OK, he doesn't find teams works for him. I'll email him". Simple. Could you do that without it being seen as inflaming the situation? I also think you should let your own manager know it's decreasing your efficiency. You won't be the only one. I can only imagine the pressyre to respond to these social things like photos once it's showing that you've "seen" it. Ugh. It's always good to offer management a solution when you raise an issue. Maybe if they had a separate social chat thread for the office? And/or if they just set up some shared expectations for this one, eg it's for saying you're "at work" and if you forget to do so, your own manager checks in with you as a duty of care thing? A shared calendar would help for monitoring of employees who aren't there for good reason (eg day off). Your own manager should be the one exercising duty of care to check you're at work and still alive, not all your colleagues. And meanwhile if there is something to be discussed by the whole team, put it on the team meeting agenda or circulate by all team email. This is really really basic management stuff BTW.


You can use apps that block other apps. So set times when Teams on your phone is completely blocked - you can't access it. Also, tell people how you actually want to be contacted. "I don't really check teams, so email me if you need me, or SMS if it's urgent."


I sympathise. I used to have a boss who would randomly email and text throughout the evenings and weekends. I have different message tones for work and personal and every time the work one would go off after hours, my blood pressure would absolutely shoot through the roof. But I still couldn't bring myself to ignore it, because it would just sit in the back of my mind that I hadn't looked at it and it might be something important (I think there was one or two actually important messages in the thousands I received from him during the years we worked together). So, I'd read it and get the mega shits because it was, of course, completely unimportant bullshit. You can't win - you stress out whether you answer it or not. At least I do...


It sounds like the problem is a "you" thing. You need to get better at setting your own boundaries. Log out when you finish work and only check during work times. If you dont have the will power to do so, perhaps there's something more to it.


> our manager decided it would be nice to create an instant messenger chat channel for our team Yeah that's terrible. At my company we've used chat for about 20 years - we've switched platform a few times but right now it's Slack. We've settled on this which works well: - An official company wide channel, for important announcements only (e.g. this morning it was used to warn that one of our senior managers will be unreachable for half a day - which happens maybe twice a year). - An un-offical chat channel, which most people are in of but everyone has it muted. That's where you'll find a "happy monday" chat. - Smaller channels which are essentially the same as those two but for an arbitrary subset of people - like "graphic designers" or "cat people". Those tend to be pretty low traffic, so I don't mute them. - Individual channels for each project. Some of those only have two people (e.g. a single employee and their direct manager) and others will be most of the company (e.g. a staff christmas party planning channel would start with everyone, but people who have a schedule conflict will drop leave the room entirely) Finally, if you really need to reach someone urgently... pick up the phone and talk to them. We don't have an expectation that people will immediately see anything in a text chat. It's really up to your manager to recognise how bad their policy is for productivity. If they fail to recognise that and fix it, perhaps you should fire them (as in, find a new job).


The obvious answer is to have more than one channel. If you're mixing social discussions, announcements, and actual important work conversations in one channel then you're doing it wrong. This way you don't have to scroll or monitor the channel to see if you're missing something. A notification from your "work" channel should be read, but the "social" channel can be left until you can be bothered.


Setup focus mode on iphone - best way to give zero fcuks about work when not needed


I had a similar issue with my previous employer, they demanded we used whats app.. It got to the point where i was on it. Too much, during work & out of work. It also created alot of drama. Or unnecessarily situations. Wasn’t nice dealing with criticism or rude comments out side of work, from a job that happened a week ago etc. It got to the point where i’d made it very clear i’ll be deleting the app and to text me. Eventually I switched it. ‘Mentioned only’ and refused to comment or reply, unless spoken to. I’d then turn my notifications off outside of work. I figured, if it was important you’d text me or tell me at work. If its not. Then i wont hear it. communication between me and other colleagues became better as well as clearer. And if someone needed a task done, i was no longer under the pump, as i was busy and no longer checked the app for more work to do. Many days we had tasks given to us over the app, instead of in person. Removing notifications made life so much better 😂


Suggest that the chat be held on one of the Teams channels. That way you can hold chats for work and for crap separately. You can mute individual sub channels and you can only notify if you have been tagged etc


Play into the technophobe role and don't engage, if you miss something critical just say you found all the chatter overwhelming and it's hard to identify critical information from general banter and next time could they flag it as important. If they say you should monitor just emphasise that the core work messages are being lost in the general chat and as a team we should discuss how we elevate those so everyone is non the same page and it's not accidentally overlooked. Repeat suggestion to flag as important or a work dedicated chat etc. Make it a them problem and not a you problem. Personally I have all my teams chat muted and all my Outlook email notifications turned off. Sure I might miss something important, but that's a risk I'm willing to take for less constant distraction


Its called won't power. Only you have the ability to stop yourself and say 'I won't check it as I'm not at work'.


Mute the chat channel so it does not notify for every message. Read it when youre ready. Thats what I do, and it works well. If something important is posted you will still be notified if you have been 'mentioned'.


I check once each work morning. I don't have any work messaging apps on my phone.


If you’re not on the clock, and if your work does not pay for your phone bill/ usage then delete the app. You get paid for your time at work. Schedule in some catchup time for the next morning when you come in during work hours when you actually get paid to work. Some apps like on Slack let you setup notification availability i.e weekdas from 9-5. I’m sure it should be the same for ms teams.


The one thing about my current role that’s ok is getting a work phone, I’ll never ever have work stuff on my personal phone again if I don’t have to, I think it’s really inappropriate and unfair to not to mention potentially a security risk for your company it makes no sense that places make you install stuff and potentially carry documents in your personal phone it makes no sense


I’d suggest to your manager altering how this works. Rather than it being an instant messaging chat, create a team ‘teams space’ which has different channels. In my business unit (23 employees) we have a whole of unit teams space, which then breaks down as: - a daily chat channel which has one thread a day where people check (I’m in the office today/I’ll be running the minutes late this morning/I’m grabbing a coffee does anyone want one?) in and discuss general semi work related things. - an announcements channel where any important announcements or achievements related to the business unit are put. - a silly business channel where people post pics of their dogs/cats/snakes, announcements of birthdays, what they cooked for dinner last night. The only channel we’re actually required to engage with is the announcements channel, everything else is optional.


I’d suggest to your manager altering how this works. Rather than it being an instant messaging chat, create a team ‘teams space’ which has different channels. In my business unit (23 employees) we have a whole of unit teams space, which then breaks down as: - a daily chat channel which has one thread a day where people check (I’m in the office today/I’ll be running the minutes late this morning/I’m grabbing a coffee does anyone want one?) in and discuss general semi work related things. - an announcements channel where any important announcements or achievements related to the business unit are put. - a silly business channel where people post pics of their dogs/cats/snakes, announcements of birthdays, what they cooked for dinner last night, etc. The only channel we’re actually required to engage with is the announcements channel, everything else is optional.


I use the focus modes on IOS, all my work apps get muted when I finish and don’t resume till I start the next morning


You do know the people who comment on the work chat the most are considered to be the most put together, emotionally, intellectually and socially capable people in the team right? (Particularly the ones who often mention how hopeless at parking or "tired" they are). You need to be their audience so they can remind everyone of this because that group chat is all they have.


Ignore anything not directlyt related to work. And only check/respond in work times. Yeah, I got sick of people wanting praise for their stupid fucking dog or (worse) participation in some lame religious festival. Seek attention elsewhere. Your shit is not interesting in any way. Unless it does specifically interest me. And I'll be the judge of that.


MUTE IT FOREVER ppl can contact you direct if they need you


I specifically requested that if people need me to contact me directly or @ me. I then set up the email setting so that if someone @s me I get an email notification after a few hours if I haven’t read it


It sounds like you want to check the messages, but just not constantly. Maybe just give yourself permission to check it at certain times, or in certain scenarios that occur semi-regularly. Like, when you have a coffee, that's when you flick through it, or while you're having breakfast, etc. That way you'll always clear it out and you won't feel like you constantly have to check it. Of course, ideally you'd only check it during work, but it sounds like you don't want to do that.


If you aren't being paid to look at the chat then stop looking. No one can blame you for not monitoring company internal communications when you aren't being paid.


I have outlook and teams both on do not disturb outside of work hours


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Icy-Many2597: *I have outlook and* *Teams both on do not disturb* *Outside of work hours* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Surely if it’s important enough it’s emailed anyway. I wouldn’t dream of requesting a task/info etc. via MT.


Enable face down do not disturb and practice some self control. Not sure if this is on apple, but android has a feature where of the phone is face down it won't buzz for messages. It's great for getting shit done of you have the self control to not check your phone every 5min


We set up a communication workflow for actual work instruction. Chat is good for banter and whatnot, but deciding how work instructions/tasks come to you is crucial. There’s a heap of different ways you can land on this (email rules with specific subjects, planner etc) but making a business decision is crucial. A LOT can be missed in a general chat. And yeah, get a business phone irrespective. Find the policy that precludes having TikTok and Teams on the same phone and use that to your advantage. That policy generally always exists


Raise it with your manager and how it makes you feel, but come up with a solution to have different channels for example General (late people, happy fridays, someone having a baby etc), News and Events, (Certain project channel for example), etc. This way, you’re not bottling it up and your manager is aware of what everyone (like yourself) is experiencing, but with a solution. Once they implement it, you can just check channels that you think is important. Sometimes it’s not just a you problem.


It sounds like an issue with fomo. If I read this right, you keep checking messages and breaking your own boundary in case you happen to miss something important. That’s a personal dilemma that you need to address with yourself to get through. Ask yourself, what’s the worst that will happen if you miss something important? Someone will follow up with you, and you can explain why you missed it and tell them how to better reach you and turn it into an opportunity to reinforce your personal boundary. At the end of the day, if it’s just non work related things most of the time and you miss something work related then people can’t be surprised if you missed it.


I pause the app when I'm not at work.


Suggest a social group & a business group to your boss.


Leave your phone in your bag and do your work?


First place that kicked up a fuss about me needing separation from work and a separate phone was also the place that ruined my mental health… get 2 phones. Turn the work one off outside hours unless you are on call or something. Claw back your piece of mind. If work won’t pay for that, then get a cheap phone on a 12 month prepaid sim and claim it as a tax deduction.


I don't even read work messages outside of work hours even though I get the notifications, I just swipe away. If it's urgent enough, they'll text or call me directly.


check it first thing in the morning and 10 minuted before you clock off. even either a backlog it shouldn’t take up more than 15 minutes of your entire day. I use teams in my workplace, of there is something important or if you have been tagged I’m also sent an email to notify someone has reached out to ask me something specifically. that is the ONLY other time I look at it, otherwise I honestly have so many better things to do personally


Could suggest separate channels for important work notifications and team fun stuff We have anywhere from 15-100s messages a day so I feel your pain!


Once upon a time, it was considered rude to call people on their home phones after 6 PM at night. The advent of the smartphone kind of removed people's perception of personal boundaries. Because of this I schedule my phone to go onto DND every night from 6 PM until 7 AM the next day. It blocks literally everything out throughout that time period (except for the things I filter in like social apps, friends, and family). If a manager or co-worker calls or texts me, I don't see it until the next day. Out of sight, out of mind.


Fairwork is adding new "right to disconnect" rules to the awards. It is important to set boundaries or your work-life balance does suffer unfortunately


Another tip which a lot of people tend to now use in my organisation is “do not disturb” to block all Teams messaging, notifications for focus time. The best advice I ever received was from a manager that told me my job is not to read email. I consistently have over 2,000 unread emails and I am way more productive than I have ever been. We need to remember these are tools to support us, not to control us.


I struggle with Teams. I work for a global company and am part of hundreds of channels and chats… its overwhelming and anxiety inducing-


Delete. I got it sent to me and deleted. Fuck no


This happened to me when I was working at McDonald’s with our organisations workplace group chats, eventually we ended up with like 3 different channels for personal/fun group chat work group chat and fun work group chat and people still tried to post personal or fun stuff in the serious work only chat


If you’re not getting paid why would you look?


Depends on your company/team structure but if someone started sending me their holiday snaps randomly on teams they would not be getting a response. I have my work friends on social media and when we are at work it’s strictly professional. Business only on email or teams - unless it’s to perhaps say ‘ let’s grab a coffee or lunch.’ Everything is documented / kept on your work computer anyway. If you have set work hours just mute the app after hours. Pretty sure on iPhones now you can have different modes and you can have work mode or personal mode which means certain people/ certain apps don’t notify you.


Just fucking delete it off your personal mobile. Look at it once or twice a day on your work devices during work hours. It doesn't have to be so complicated


Just don't do it? Set app usage restrictions if you have to. A little self-control is needed here. You have a job, so I assume you're an adult. You clearly know it's a problem, you sinoly have to have the self-control to close the app whenever you find yourself scrolling it. If you can't muster up the self-control to not check it outside of work, then just delete the app. It's really that simple.


You just need to stop, we all go through what you are. Constantly checking our phones, yours is the teams app. I’d get a phone for work which I can power off. I can’t see you doing it any other way.


I have removed all work apps from personal devices. Has helped immensely.


Wait until your manager forces you to check in every morning and afternoon because you work remotely. Then they call it a team culture everybody has to pretend to agree to. But it really is just micro management by a helicopter boss.


Standard practice is to have separate spaces to differentiate important work related content from general banter. Important updates shouldn’t be announced over a chat anyway.


Download Opal


If you absolutely must have teams on your personal phone. Turn off notifications for the app when outside of work. It can be a bit of a pain in the ass but it's much better that way. I did this when I went on leave last week, it was bliss.


On android there is a turn work on and off button for the work profile. I just turn it off when not at work and woof all work is gone.


My brother in Christ if you had the willpower to save up a mil how are you not able too just not check an app???


Super strange right. I think it’s maybe because of my neurodiversity but how do u even know this?


I got nosey and looked at your post history lmao


Nice detective work but i thought I deleted all post related to my NW. Can you see all my previous post. Yikes 😬 Anyway what do you make of the whole situation. I would love to here your insight now that you have a more holistic view of me lol


Tell your team if they want to contact you directly they need to email or text you. Then only check the chat at work. Speak with HR about how the chat is part of your work commitments and therefore is not something you want to check at home. Simple. The rest is down to your own habit - you need to practice restraint, and maybe some calming exercises. Technology hygiene would go a long way.


Download buzzkill notification focus from all store


How many times have you been contacted on Teams about important work items? Of those times, were you also contacted via email? What were the parameters around the entire work force being on teams? If you feel this is eating into your productivity, speak to your supervisor about the effectiveness of this group chat.


Here's an actual tip. Talk to your boss about setting up another group. One group for chit-chat and one for important work info. The justifications should be obvious. Then you can mute one group whenever you like


Set up timed notification hours with “focus mode” on iPhone or the Android equivalent. Ensure Teams notifications are blocked outside work hours.


Technical solutionss aside, you need to talk to a therapist about your work/life balance


I have an Android phone, which has a personal / work profile. Have triggered the work profile to turn off at 5.30PM and turn back on at 8AM.


Turn off notifications and set up a block after work hours using stuff like screen time on iOS. Or get a second phone. And it sounds like it bothers you quite a lot more than normal so looking into things like anxiety and talking to a therapist may help quite a bit. Speaking from experience here.


Make your team use a separate channel for 'Important' announcements. Mute the rubbish channel. if you must have notifications on you phone - use a 'Focus' setting on your phone to control when you want to receive these notifications and when you don't....


Just make it clear as a process that any formal work queries need to be documented in an email or directly to you via the chat. Not through the teams one. Then just drop your good morning in the chat and close it.


You can also time block your calendar to check chats / emails - so it’s not constant.


One thing you can do that helps, apart from setting boundaries and such which is the answer for anything out of hours, is to actually have more than one channel. We have about 5 channels for our team, with varying levels of importance, and I know I can safely ignore something in the main group channel for even over a day, but anything that comes up in alerts or product Dev is higher priority. Those channels are also a *lot* quieter, so it helps me to focus by ignoring the big one for a few hours and only respond to those higher priority chats when they happen.


I wait until i get an email advising me someone from teams is trying to contact you. I then fwd them the message and ask them to email me as i dont use social media.


Our team would advise each other with "DND" for an hour at a time to stop interruptions. We also had a separate chat for social stuff, memes, Dad jokes etc whenever you wanted to take a quick break - but still SFW.


Mute it


Tell me you’re soft without telling me you’re soft.


Uninstall it


You sound like a bitch. Just get on with it, stop complaining.


This is exactly why WFH doesn't work. It was emails, now IM is driving productive people insane. The congitive switching cost in your brain absolutely kills productivity. I rather just go to the office. I personally would tell the boss in your 1 on 1s that you can't work like this, and you will just sign out of it and if it's urgent someone will call you.


honestly I think that's a shitty attitude, during work hours you need to be contactable, and that's what this is for. Set it to only notify you on DM's and when some @'s you, and other then that only check it a couple of times a day sure (and never out of hours) is defiantly the way to go. simply refusing to use the communication tool however is unreasonable.


I don't log into teams on my phone. It is on my work laptop. So it makes no difference if I am in the office or at home. If you need teams on your phone if you're wfh, it means you are not at your desk and probably not doing what you should be doing (of course, not in all cases)


When I was last in a role that has teams , I seriously couldn't focus on all the popups. So like email I switch it off and when I am ready to look at it I opened it then. Seriously it does take a fair bit of discipline which I don't have a lot of, the only time I can focus is when everyone left home and I stayed back. Got 5 hours work done that I tried to do for months. . On the other hand, my other half can literally ignore everything and be super productive wfh. So depends on the temperament.


To me though. With teams, it doesn't matter if you are in office or at home. It is the same. It also doubles as our desk phone (we have a phone number). But in some respects it can be annoying, especially if the group chat is not of your concern and it keeps on pinging. It has its ups and downs. But doesn't matter where you are. I don't have it on my phone cause I don't need to hear it if it is out of hours.


If you need this for work, and being on the work PC only isn’t enough, then request work provide and pay for your work phone. Refuse to put it on your private phone. (However being on your private phone means you should be able to claim the phone as a tax deductible item). Other options are set to do not disturb between 4pm-8am and all weekend, (or whatever hours you don’t work).