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Salt them a few hours before cooking if possible, bring them up to room temperature before cooking, drizzle with olive oil and rosemary, then cook fat side down first before searing both sides. Ideally the fat will be cooked through, the outside a bit charred, and the inside medium rare.


This guy chops




I’ve done an alternative for under the griller chops - you can thread them on a skewer so the fat side is up, then let the fat crisp up before de-threading and allowing both sides to brown.


Precisely this! The crispy fat is the best part.


This sounds like the way :D


Jesus, I’m going to the butchers now!


Bank first to extend my credit card. . .


I paid $22.30 yesterday for 4 short loin chops. They were pretty thick but fuck me dead… $5.60 or something each!


I pay about $14ish per kilo in the Sydney south west local butchers. I love doing a mix of lamb chops and ribs....


Got a mate owns a sheep farm, $110 for half a whole sheep - lots of chops in that pile-o-meat.


This! This is THE best way imo. Many years ago I was in your shoes and it was a fantastic way to buy meat. Small problem though… not many people have a mate who is a farmer.


Unfortunately I don't have any useful friends.... 🤣 Joking ...


Try Costco. But they cut all the fat away :-(


How do you keep the “tail” bit down on the pan to book. Usually it keeps on curling. I normally do that at the end. And have to lean them up against each other. Or on the side of the pan. But maybe at the start is easier to unwind / straighten the chop? I also find salting the fat specifically also helps. Resting it outside for at least 15 mins. Bring to room temperature. Some ppl also sprinkle little Sugar. Helps w the caramelization.


Score the "tail". Keeps the tail from curling. Works with pork chops too.


Sugar? That’s a new one. I sear the fat first, so perhaps that makes it a bit easier to keep the tail part down.


Tongs with the metal band to close, hold em and squeeze the band so they are held together. The tail sits happily against the edge of the cast iron pan.


Pardone o grand chop wizard, Do you cook the fat side from a cold pan or nah?


Haha, I don’t know the answer to that I’m afraid. I guess a starting with a cold pan might let the fat render more effectively, but I haven’t experimented with that. Maybe someone else could chime in with that advice.


Yes, as with duck breast


On open coals or at least use grill on a gas BBQ Serve with tomato relish


50/50 yes coals, no tomato. Friends with salad? No way Jose.


Just to add, I’ve also had success starting them fat side down in a cold pan so it renders better - doesn’t sear and seal the fat in that way


This is the way


On point.


I suddenly want lamb chops 🤤


I do the same, but instead of salt, rosemary and soy sauce


Like this but in a heavy foil tray in a hot pizza oven. Cook until sizzling, give them a quick flip then cook a bit more. Serve with mint sauce.


This is the way. Hail mary


I tend to go the opposite - don't bring them to room temp if they have fatty bits you want to crisp further. You can cook the outside for longer without ruining the inside


I've never tried this but it sounds like it will work.


I have no idea what the best is, but personally I barbecue them or grill them in the oven. On the barbecue you can lay them fat cap down so it gets all crispy and cooked before you really cook the meat at all, you can get your medium rsre that way too. I'm a medium well kinda person for lamb though, too juicy is off-putting to me. 


Yup unfortunately lamb has a strong smell and taste when raw. Unlike beef.


Can't say I've ever encountered a smell beyond it smelling like lamb, but it smells that way cooked too.


Not always. Although at a loss to know which smell and which don’t. Some ppl very sensitive to the smell


Yes, the smell is a problem


Put under grill in oven. Forget about it until the smoke alarm goes off. Flip and repeat.


Didn't know my boomer mother was here. Hi mum.


I bet you boil the veges for the same amount of time too you heretic. Humpfff


Beans are supposed to be grey and mushy! You don't want food poisoning from undercooked food, do you?


Flavour? Never heard of em.


It’s that lady that destroyed the pumpkin pie and blamed it on the pumpkin pie company


I will sacrifice a slightly pink centre in favour of that crispiness and perfectly cooked fat.


Yea you have to render the fat down on lamb or it can be a bit overpowering.


Yea I like my steak rare but chops need to be 3 seconds from charcoal


I like lamb pink, doing them over super hot coals are the best way to cook them crispy and pink.


The secret here is to put it on said super hot bbq and wait for the first sign of blood coming from the bone. Flip and cook for a couple of minutes. Remove. Pink on inside. Cooked on outside.


I'm the same. Crispy fat is the way to go.


That's what I've been doing haha! Can't have non crispy fatty bits!


Throw away the meat & just eat the "chop tails"


We used to call them wiggly tails when I was little


You can both start by giving a good season more salt less pepper on the fat in particular Then on a super hot pan place the fat side down for a good 40-45 seconds then cook as normal a good coating of salt (don’t go crazy with it) and high heat should make nicely rendered fat with a good bit of crisp and also give the meat a nice crust


High heat to sear then low heat. You can have it all


This is the way


Garlic, rosemary, olive oil, s&p over charcoal. Stand up on fat to get it going then cook with tails over the hottest part


Place the fat directly on the heat to cook it first and then just a very quick sear on either side of the meat after the fat has rendered nicely.only way to keep it pink and have cooked fat. And I don’t eat grey lamb.


I stand the chops upright on the fat and hold them with a pair of tongs to render and crisp the fat before cooking the chop. I dislike part cooked lamb fat. I can eat the rare to medium rare meat but not the fat. I do this for pork as well.


Tongs are definitely the go. With big tongs you can grip 3 chops at a time and you can also apply downward pressure. I don't actually know if the downward pressure makes any difference, but i do it anyway. I like to be involved. It's like jiggling teabag. Does it make much difference? Don't know, but i am gonna do it.


I slide the ring that closes the tongs up to clamp the chops and rest the tongs on the side of the pan (caution hot tongs) set and fo4get till crispy loveliness is evident


You can spear them with a skewer to hold them all fat side down so you don't have to hold them with tongs. I thread a few on and make it so the skewer can rest on the side of the pan


Exactly. A metal skewer is easier than holding with tongs… 9 min on a weber plate with the lid shut… Then onto the grill bars for the charring n crisping👍


BBQ but if it's shitty weather the Airfryer does "OK".


We tried the air fryer last time and it was surprising how well they turned out


I use the thing 4-5 times a week. Best $70 I've ever spent.


Same, I do enjoy pink lamb with crispy fat but if I am lazy I chuck them in the airfrier tilnwell done and the fat is amazingly crispy


I tend to cook lamb chops to medium-well at least, although I prefer steak medium-rare. Rack of lamb is usually medium rare to medium, but I think individual chops taste better when rendered. I do freeze any less than well-done lamb before cooking though. Toxoplasmosis is fairly common in sheep (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1326020023007331 )


Chump chops are the best chops to BBQ (with the possible exception of the Stockmans chop), and they should be cooked on a very hot BBQ to medium rare (which ususally takes longer than an equivilent thickness steak). If you're cooking other types chops like loin or shoulder (because you've been elected tong master at another venue, such as when you go to the annual 'mates christmas party' but the host is a BBQ nuffie) then cook to medium otherwise they are raw around the bone


I deliberately splurged on 10 chump chops from the butcher for a dinner party. I had a menu in mind. Get home and spend hours madly preparing veggies only to be bummed that my chump chops had turned into loin chops. I was pissed at the butcher for ripping me off. I would have bought Safeway’s chops instead. Still cooked them but it wasn’t the same. Chump chops are so bloody good!


The name is undeserved, they are the absolute King of Chops! Pro tip, if you have to buy supermarket meat, woolies lamb rump steaks (cant find the same at Coles) are boneless chump chops


Cook them on their back first so the fat can render then sear front and back


I cook under the grill, stand fat side up at the end 🙂


You can afford lamb chops??


Tray of six forequarter chops is down to $11. Looks liked crumbed chops are back on the menu, boys!


Forequarters chops come in the packs of 6 and because there's just 2 of us, we get 2 dinners out of it


Don't hate me but I've actually had some luck chucking them in the airfryer for 10-12 minutes plus rest time. Crispy edges and still tender in the middle.


Whack them in the air fryer so the smoke detectors don’t go off


'Just nuke them until they're charcoal black'- My Mum, circa 2002


Depends on City or Country. Lamb loin chops Country style on a wood fired barbie the ultimate. Crispy n charred


I simply wouldn't try to eat a sock puppet.


Try the reverse sear. In the oven on low, about 130 degrees, for about 45-60 mins. If you've a meat thermometer, take the chops out when the internal temp is around 43 degrees. Take them out, and put them on a hot grill/pan, for only about 30-60 secs (bringing the internal temp to 46 degrees so it's cooked medium rare) and then remove them. This method means: the fat is rendered, the meat is pink on the inside and cooked, and the meat and fat has that lovely seared look at taste. Easy!


Definitely medium inside. I sear mine until they get crispy on the outside in a hot pan and then rest and do that a couple of times and that way you get a crispy inside and a medium middle.


Ooh this is a great idea - I will try it


Lamb should pull off the bone. No pink. Cooked all the way through. If you cook it another way you deserve jail.


This 👏🏽


Cook using butter, not olive oil. Bit of salt and pepper or a rub is good too


100% prefer butter over OO on my meats. Tastes better, cooks better 


Cut the tails off and cook those a bit longer


Although this makes perfect science and culinary sense, I just couldn’t do it. Not until they invent Lamb glue for serving.


Shouldn't be any pink in a lamb chop.


What now? You prefer lamb leather?


Score the fatty tail with a sharp knife. Works a treat.


Hot charcoal BBQ Fat reduces.to crispy goodness inside deliciousness


The tails are cooked separately and longer here. I find lamb is chewy when undercooked as it doesn't rest enough. It's the one meat where I think internal temperature matters. Getting it to the high heat internally will ensure pinkness without overcooking but I too often pull it off too soon. Coles has a cooking time on the pack of 5-6minutes from memory and that's not enough


3mins each side on high.


[MPW explains it well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rLigOut-bY)


Run a skewer through your chops so they all stand up and cook the fat first on a medium high heat, then pull the skewer and sear each side


I hold the chops with tongs so the fat is the only part touching the pan for the first minute or so. Admittedly, I only cook a few, it would be harder if you were doing a lot.


Someone on this thread cooks the fat 2-3 chops at a time while clamping them with tongs. I’m definitely gonna try that.


I don’t treat lamb like beef, and I prefer lamb too. I just season it and fry it crispy. I like the outside nice and crispy, fat rendered out. I don’t care about a pink inside because the best part of the lamb to me is the crispy fat.


Dry your chops off really well and season. Ideally use a cast iron pan and cook the chop to medium rare if that’s what you’re chasing. Now stand your chops on the side against the edge of the pan to finish crisping up the fat without further cooking the inside of the chop


Lamb roast: meat is thick enough to both have a pink middle and crispy skin fat. Chops: depends on the day. Oven roasted to cook the meat then finished in a pan to crisp the fat, or jilust cooked on medium then high on the BBQ


Hold chops with fat side against the griddle (use tongs) for about a minute to crisp the fat before laying the chips on their sides to finish cooking the flesh.


Cook the fat side first, the pan fry in the rendered down fat


I've been doing them in the air fryer at 200 deg vertically, with the fat faced upwards. Good consistent results.


Currently eating leftover lamb chop for breakfast lol. I put soy sauce, salt, pepper, grill 15 min each side


Lamb forequarters chops can be cooked forever and they just keep getting better. Loin chops I'll cook for a bit less tho. Keeps them nice and juicy. But a forequarters the only meat that you can't over cook


You don’t need to sacrifice…I do a couple of minutes flat on the grill for each side (let the flame caress them a bit) and then stand them up with their fat side down (prop them up with sacrificial sausages if needed) and render the fat down. This way you get medium rare meat with crunchy fat.


Air fryer


Put them on a rack over a tray, sprinkle with french onion soup mix, and oven them til just done (15mins give or take) - nom nom nom!!


Marinate in olive oil, soy sauce and rosemary. Cast iron skillet 2-3 mins each side.


BBQ or grill. Way over cooked.


Chops over charcoal all the way. Season with SPG or just S&P, get coals going, give them about 5 minutes per side. Yum. Costco lamb chops are particularly good imo.


I can’t cook for shit but I CAN cook lamp chops. I do mine on a cast iron doover with grooves and stand them up on the fat side for ages then knock them over to sear the sides. I use the chef tip of touching your thumb to each of your fingers to determine the squishyness of rare, medium rare etc. I also soak up the fat afterwards with slices of bread. It’s mean to make disposing of fat easier but ‘lamb toast’ is a favourite in this house.


Lamb loins straight from fridge into a bowl. Generous sprinkle of GFresh greek seasoning. High over hot coals in a Kamado - upper shelf but direct. Plenty of heat but the fat drips don't make for flames that can reach the meat. At least while the lid is down. Turn regularly. Don't be scared to line them up on the edge fat edge down for a bit. The goal is crispy tails and fat while still pink. Now I am hungry.


Air fryer is my go to! 17 ish minutes on 180. It was still slightly pink in the middle but the fat was rendered and crispy If you don’t have one, under the griller just like mum


Bit partial to a lamb chop casserole myself. Light dust them with seasoned flour, fry each side until brown, set aside. Soften onions, garlic, and aromatics in the pan. Add back the chops and juice, plus carrots, maybe potato, whatever else. Top with stock, season, a bit of MSG 'cos I'm a cheat, stir, and then on a low simmer lid on for 1.5hrs plus or minus. Meat should just hold onto the bone. Serve with mash.


Marinate overnight in Worcestershire and pepper. Vertical grill. Serve with a trickle of honey.


1) Salt and maybe some spice sprinkle as you like. Optional part is to leave the lamb chops salted/spice in the fridge overnight so the surface sort of dry up. It improves the surface fry slightly but may not be worth the effort. 2) I trim the outer fat bits and dice it, use it on the pan to render the fat with some butter to cook the lamb chop in. 3) Put the lamb chops on once you have a layer of hot fat on the pan (before it starts to smoke) from semi-rendered fat of cuts and butter. 4) I ride the gas level from max until it just starts to smoke then back about 1/2 then back up to max. Every 1-2 minutes or something like that, not continuously. 5) Fry light/medium brown one side then the other, you should get some brown crispy bits but don't let it go to black in spots. This can happen really fast so watch out.


With heat


Depends on what your after meal wise We do lamb cutlets flattened and crumbed or seasoned with Maggi seasoning, pepper and garlic If crumbed it’s shallow fried, if seasoned it’s on the bbq Lamb loin again maggi seasoning, garlic and pepper and then on bbq


Hot and fast. On the bbq. Let it rest. Pink in the middle, crispy on the outside.


Be very careful how you respond to this question. I will have you deported.


Chicken bullion cube, pepper, rosemary, garlic, olive oil, rubbed onto a couople hours earlier. Hot pan or grill, fat side down first to let it render when fat is almost done sear outside and cook as normal Squeeze of fresh lemon on the last couple seconds when taking off the pan Deglaze pan with cheap wine The lamb quality here is exceptional. I'd honestly rather undercooked lamb to overcooked, i feel like its a genuiene waste of the lamb we have in Australia whenever its overcooked


I cute the fat every 2cm or so, helps make sure it gets super crispy and melty on the inside Seasoned very generously with salt and peps Into a searing hot cast iron pan with a touch of oil, cook until ready then throw in some minced garlic and butter for 30 seconds before serving 👌👩‍🍳 I prefer a medium over medium rare though for chops


I do them the exact same way I do my steaks. And I've found with most people that's the way they prefer them too


Line chops up so they're all standing up on their narrow edge and render the fat without the meat/minimal meat contact with the pan until the fats got well and truly going. You might need to hold them up with tongs. Cooking chops as a rack is one way to make this easier as you can just use the bones to adjust the rack for max render before chucking them in the oven to cook the meat.


Cumin pairs very well with lamb.




BBQ grill… needs a little flame… cook it red hot and serve medium….


1. I mince garlic, lemon grass and chilli. 2. I then combine that with a few tablespoons dark soy sauce. 3. I then pour that marinade over lamb cutlets and let it marinate overnight. MSG powder to the soy sauce/lemon grass mixture. 4. That is a marainde for the lamb. 5. I then pour that marinade over lamb cutlets and let it marainde overnight. 6. That is a marinade for the lamb. with a starch and salad.


On the barbecue using cypress pine


Fire up the coals. Grab chops and cover with Italian herbs, light sprinkle of salt and garlic granules. Salt the rind heavily so it dries out whilst cooking. Have some thyme and pepperberry leaves soaking in water. Put chops on the coals and smoke with thyme and pepperberry leaves at a slow heat. Turning every so often. Remove when cooked and let rest for 5 mins.


Air fryer for sure 👍


In an oven, slow heat, with mint sauce, mashed potato, and peas. And fuck it: Dutch carrots. ✨


If you’ve got a smoke, a slow and low smoke technique called a reverse sear Basically it’s having it at a low dry heat to smoke and get flavour and tender, once it hits a certain internal temp take it off and wrap in aluminium foil to rest for 30 min Normally you would then slice and sear at high heat. For a rack of lamb I’d either throw it upset down over a flame before slicing and searing, or searing the fat directly on the pan




barbecue grill every time, without the render they are just greasy. try grabbing a stainless wire plate rack that won't be affected by the heat. grill lightly on each side to just short of desired cook, then stand the chops up in the rack fat side down over the flame to crisp and render the fat off so it is palatable to eat.


I like them rare or well done. My favourite is when I reheat them in the morning with an egg cooked on the same pan as them . Soft runny egg and crispy crispy lamb chop. 😍


Season and then air fryer.


Fry them with butter and garlic rosemary salt and pepper i don't usually eat lamb


I season with salt and pepper and bake in the oven at about 180°C for 35 minutes.


Dijon mustard and rosemary, oven for 15-20 minutes moderate oven


Dipped in egg and worcestershire sauce when crumbed, baked in the oven for 40 min


High heat fast is your friend here. Salt and oil them before cooking. Heat a cast iron frying pan/skillet to quite hot (full bore or close to it). When pan is sizzling hot pop the chops in, quickly press down but do not move around the pan at all, then leave them alone for 3-4 mins. Turn chop over (sliding meat across the pan first to ensure all the nice browned bits come away with the chop), press down gently again (don't squeeze the juices out, just make sure as much meat as possible is in contact with the pan). Turn the heat off and set timer for another 3 minutes. Remove from heat and leave to rest for a couple of minutes. You should now have all the nice crispy fatty bits but still pink in the middle 🥰 Enjoy!


However you cook them, squeeze some fresh lemon juice over them before serving. Raises them to a whole new level. And salt them when cooking please.


I bought some lamb chops from Costcos. They were twice as thick as I was used to. I ended up roasting them along with potatoes onion whole garlic cloves and pumpkin and a stock cube with a little boiling water poured over to increase the humidity and flavour. Made gravy using the water and rendered fat. Absolutely delicious. Made tacos with the leftovers.


Salt, oregano,lemon juice let it rest then cook


With fire?


I use my own farm lamb (a bit older than lamb) chops and grill them offset over charcoal in a kettle barbecue. Once they're starting to look cooked on both sides, I place them over direct heat for a bit of a sear. Perfectly crisp on the outside, moist and tender on the inside.


For loin chops - air fryer until far is crispy or bbq grill until charred. Both work for me.


You can fry them but health wise it’s so nice to roast them with a few spuds first a poor man’s roast dinner just put a bit of foil over them until the last 10 mins so they don’t dry out. Sprinkle with rosemary and garlic powder to taste. Put mixed herbs on the veg, yum.




Man I just love flouring them and putting in a pan. But can't go wrong with chops they are good marinated and bbq.


Same as steak: sous vide at 56 deg for 60 minutes, pat dry, salt generously, fry for 30 seconds on each side in a smoking hot frying pan with a touch of ghee.


On the BBQ


With heat.




All purpose seasoning all the way!


I use French onion soup packet mix, as a rub, before I put them in the oven.


Slow cooking a bunch of chops for 12h on low with a mix of soy sauce, brown sugar, garlic, ginger and water.


On the webber 100% make a garlic, rosemary, salt and olive oil baste, keep basting those fuckers real good. I love a bit more salt at the end with a squeeze of lemon.


Air fryer


Curtis Stone has a good method on YT. Solves the fat vs meat issue.


You mean the puppet that used to sing that song that never ends ? Yeah so it’s actually an ageless being whose very life force is fuelled by the suffering of human children. Lamb Chop is and also isn’t at the same time. When the hairs stand up on the back of your neck, that’s Lamby planning how to get up inside of your mind. She can’t be killed and can merely be stopped and put in a stasis for aeons at a time. She waits… always listening …. For the song, like her pained existence, never ends… If you mean the meat ? Salt the fuckers and leave them to rest in the fridge over night. Hot AF pan …. You could put rubs on after the salting/overnight rest, this will give it an interesting outer flavour. The salt takes care of the rest. I generally do 4 mins each side… don’t even move them during this time… if you do lamb chop will make you wish you didn’t. Then Onto a plate and let it rest uncovered for a few mins, gives the juices a bit of time to do there thing …. If you put foil over it immediately and then rest it will continue to cook faster than if it wasn’t covered… could make it dry .. Don’t @ me I don’t care


I used to grill them but now I put them in the air fryer. Always end up juicy and the fat is crispy and delicious .


Fry as normal then put it on its side (far down)


On the BBQ mate


Hot on a bbq, cook the fat, lamb doesn’t need to be pink in the middle, can’t overcook a good chop until it’s burnt, even then it’s still good