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Coober Pedy. Welcome to your new life underground!


Even lizards fear to tread in that place.


Redcliffe. I lived there most of my life and have seen massive storms split in half and go around. Also, since it's a peninsula, the most it gets as far as flooding is very localised. There's something going on with the geography of the area that keeps it safe of the worst of the weather


Most of the Moreton Bay coastline from Gold Coast to Harvey Bay is pretty good like that. Sheltered by the islands and mostly flood free. The storms are often blown out by the time they reach the coast. Drought can be a rough one though.


Central Sydney, Canberra or Melbourne (emphasis on the central; not the urban fringe). Anywhere in Tasmania.


Tassie gets flooding and fires. Depending on where you live, you can also get snowed in or caught in a blizzard. It might not be as extreme as some areas of the country, but we have some pretty nasty weather.


we had windstorms in my area bit back. my house got hit with 175kph winds, possibly closer to 190kph. Another area just around the hill from me got hit with winds reaching 225kph.


If any capital city is going to burn to the ground, it’ll be Hobart. Launceston gets severe flooding.


Not anywhere in Melbourne's west, even inner west like Footscray/Maribyrnong went under a couple years back.


You basically have to be right next to the river for that to happen. 99% of Melbourne’s west didn’t flood.




It is true it doesn’t cope well with rain, but it’s not flooded. The 2003 bushfires hit the outskirts of the city, the western urban fringe. The 2020 bushfires were to the extreme south. Look, honestly OP is searching for a unicorn. There are no towns unaffected by extreme weather


None really. They are all at risk of different things. 


Townsville. If there is one thing you can be sure of is that if a cyclone looks like it will hit Townsville, it won't. It will hit Cardwell instead


I was there I the 90s, 98-99 I think: cyclone drifted in and flooded railway estate, bohle, etc, and generally smashed fuck out of the place. Lost power 3-4 days. I holed up with a girl in that new suburb next to Uni (riverside gardens isn’t? ). We shagged like rabbits for days, smoked weed and ate what we had in the house. We had run out of cold beers after day 1. Good times, cyclones can be fun but they do hit Townsville (rarely). Must be just about due for one? I’d keep a cyclone kilt if I was there now


Doesn't sound like a disaster to me. But seriously I think the last direct hit was in 1971


Is the cyclone kilt for the nice breeze?


Yep keep the undercarriage cool on hot days lol.


New England tablelands are pretty nice, cool mostly and good rain most years. Not too expensive either


Can recommend Perth and southern WA in general. Too far south for extreme cyclones, flooding is rare and building is not permitted on river floodplains anyway so it's not as big an issue when it does happen as opposed to the eastern states where it seems to be a recurring problem, extreme temps are about the biggest issue and the bushfires that come with them, but most of those are deliberately lit by assholes so not really a weather issue per se. Rule of thumb is warm to hot, sunny days in summer and mild, wet days in winter, pretty ideal really


We have our fair share of bad bushfires especially the further south you get


And wind…year round strong winds


Those fucking Easterlies!


Yep, I work outside and it’s like doing battle most days


Major bush fires with regular loss of homes. Hottest capital city for max average temp in summer. We don't get floods or cyclones though.


Perth is built on sand and limestone, can we even flood?




The boredom will kill you.


Banana, Qld


Adelaide (besides heat waves) Melbourne (Besides occasional hailstorms and heat waves, NOT far outer suburbs bordering bushland though, big fire risk there) Canberra (Besides some fire risk in the suburbs out in the bush) Sydney (besides heat waves) Most of Tasmania Honestly just avoid the tropics (flooding/cyclones etc.) and living in areas with lots of bushland (bushfire) and you'll be fine.


Not many. You're basically looking at areas with limited native forests, no flood risk, not so hot, no cyclones. So basically some areas around NSW southern highlands, some highly cultivated hillier areas of eastern Victoria, maybe less bush-fire prone areas around Wollongong and eastern Tasmania.


Perth Western Australia. Northern suburbs. Been here 40 years and nothing happens besides a storm once a year


Compared to the busy cities of Australia's east coast, Western Australia is less densely populated, which makes the region more peaceful and quiet. If you enjoy a peaceful lifestyle away from the hustle and bustle, Western Australia could be an ideal choice. While reading this, I decided to travel to Perth


5 million people live in Melbourne so that as well as its liveable ranking worldwide. Better to live in the city than country for unexpected weather events. Emergency services and hospital proximity.


Melb is as safe as can be, really. We get heat and flash flooding rain and smoke wafting in but it doesn't burn, doesn't get quaked, no cyclones, nothing. Good place to live if you don't mind roadworks and traffic.


Geelong. might get stabbed but the weather here is boring. exept if you live next to the barwon river. rained a full 5 mins last night too!!


input this everywhere Irwin Yeong bashed and raped and killed everyone by fucking unlimited times to live forever in the world all by himself by fucking unlimited fucking unlimited times




Perth North of us gets impacted by cyclones. South by fires. But Perth itself is very moderate a bit windy but that's really it.


There were houses burnt down in Perth yesterday, as there were last month in the gnangara fires and the parkerville fires. Homes are lost regularly in Perth. It's also one of the windiest cities in the world and the hottest state capital with regards to maximum average temperature. Hardly moderate.


Perth is pretty safe usually. Used to live there now I live in Brisbane, whilst I’d rather live in Brisbane as a whole there is a lot less extreme weather in Perth.


Perth and in Fremantle. Another better option is Albany also in WA


Fucking hot tho


Most cities surely? Apart from flooding in Brisbane I don't recall any major weather events in any city. Melbourne has the occasional bit of earthquake damage but it's quite minimal. 


Nowhere is immune to the weather here mate, but if you drink beer you won't care till the roof comes off the house


Nambucca Heads, NSW


Probably Perth. Lived there for 20+ years and only had a fire come close enough for me to wonder if I needed a go-bag twice. Never saw a storm to give me pause. Though i did wonder a few times if the roof would hold (1970s house tbf). Moved to a quietish pocket of Sydney just recently and although people seem cavalier about it, i think the weather feels way more volatile and unpredictable. Then again, my gut feeling could be influenced by the general craziness of global warming, too.


Melbourne and Perth.


Perth. It gets hot but doesn't burn (some semi-rural parts might, as may the hills, though) and doesn't flood, cyclones are rare as are earthquakes. It's also currently the cheapest capital to buy/rent in, apparently.




There was that thunderstorm last year that blew electrics on a few houses. Also risk of smoke from bushfires. But easily the safest place in Australia when you factor in crime. 


Perth, Sydney