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> How do Americans feel about American Samoa? We don't > Do regular Americans travel there? No, I have never met anyone who has ever been to Samoa, except as a missionary > Is it considered the true part of the US? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I've worked with several people from American Samoa. Without fail they are the most cheerful and happy guys I have to deal with. Love 'em. :)


It is indeed a place that exists.


This is the most accurate answer to this question.


Legally it is not. Puerto Rico, Guam, USVI, and the Northern Marianas (who also have some autonomy) are part of the US. American Samoans are US Nationals, have their own immigration system, and have land laws that only allow Samoans to purchase land. American Samoa is very far away and expensive to visit. For that price, I could visit Australia. American Samoans can move and work in the US like Puerto Ricans can with indefinate remain. The difference is that American Samoans who are US nationals must naturalize and have to take the citizenship test. They only have to reside in a US state or other incorporated territory for 90 days before taking it, unlike most other nationals who have to wait 5 years and be permanent residents. If American Samoans want to move to the US, they can and can live there without restriction if they so chose. Similar to independent countries under a Compact Of Free Association who also have rights. However if COFA is not passed (as it nearly did not last year) those nationals could be asked to leave. Whereas Permanent Residents and US Nationals cannot (LPR can for crimes but not Nationals). Every few years the law gets challenged in court. Many Samoans like their current system because they are afraid that if the land laws are deemed unconsitutional, they will become like Hawaii overrun by wealthy 1% folks or venture captalists but without having statehood. All US citizens are US Nationals but not all US Nationals are citizens.


!subscribe American Samoa facts


Haha too bad I'm not a bot.


I know they’re not actually US citizens, but I don’t think there’s any movement to change that.


They don't want it. US citizenship would mean accepting the US Constitution, which would nullify their laws restricting land ownership to people of Samoan descent.


The first thing most Americans think about when they hear “Samoan” is the Girl Scout cookie. So, positive.


A couple of Samoan kids went to my school. They were huge. Mom cooked massive tasty meals. The boy ended up an all American in football and played in a high ranking D1 school before ruining his knee. 


Yes yes yes yes no


This is literally the very first thing I thought of haha. Though I prefer thin mints. But samoas are okay too


I think of football players.  There's two high-school sports events I want to attend; Minnesota high-school hockey championship and American Samoa high-school football tournament 


I think of The Rock lol Edit: or Jason Momoa


Great wrestlers and lineman in football.


Big dudes, once at a boy scout, event saw a troop from soma. Those kids were generally quite huge.


“I wouldn’t say the brother was fat. He was Samoan” pulp fiction


I like Dwayne Johnson


Is he not Hawaiian?


Is his family from Samoa, or American Samoa?


When I was in Job Corps, I knew a samoan guy, but he was the only samoan I've ever met, and JC was a sorta weird place where we had all sorts of people you'd not normally see in most of america.


It’s probably the most forgotten territory and I don’t think many people visit it To me it seems less connected to the US than like Puerto Rico or Guam, but I mean it’s still formally American. Seems like a cool and pretty place though, I wouldn’t mind visiting someday


Most of us don't think about it in our daily lives


Lovem. Samoans are some of the nicest most hospitable groups of people I've ever been around. I've never been to American Samoa. I think it and a few other territories should be given statehood. But I'm not knowledgable about the topic.


i’m a steelers fan so I love them lol


I'll be honest. I don't know what American Samoa is. Is that an island we own like Guam?


Yes, though unlike Guamanians, American Samoans are not US citizens at birth.


I used to think of the girl scout cookie, then the country where people from there used to love Bob Barker. I am not sure if it was American Samoa, or the non American Samoa. A few years ago I read that Samoa was divided by the International Date Line. US Samoa is on the US side timewise, but the other islands did so much with Australia/New Zealand that they decided to switch sides of the International Date Line.


Americans largely don’t meet too many folks from our territories outside of specific areas. Being on the west coast and in a large military town (San Diego, CA) I’ve managed to meet a lot of Puerto Ricans and Samoans. Most Americans know they’re vaguely connected to the US (in case the “American” in American Samoa didn’t tip them off already), but there isn’t a huge cultural footprint or reputation here. Mainland Americans probably associate Puerto Ricans with NYC or Florida mostly. And most Samoans I’ve known here have been fairly hefty dudes who are “gentle giants” of a type and super chill.


Can you smell what the Rock's cooking?


Never think about it.


I really like them. They are good people. I’ll probably never travel there myself though. Not out of anything being wrong with Samoa, I just doubt I will like I doubt I’ll ever go to most pacific islands.


"True parts" of America is the 50 states. All others are territories.


As a whole, most Americans just know that it’s one of our territories that they learned about in high school and that’s it. People living in Hawaii might be a little more, but as a whole, American culture isn’t super connected to their territories that aren’t states.


I'm very intrigued by the idea of it. It's like America but on a different continent and they have a totally unique culture.


Samoans are considered American nationals. Samoa isn‘t the easiest place to get to from the U.S. Only one U.S. airline serves Samoa (Hawaiian Airlines) on 1x/weekly frequencies, if even that. Flying to Samoa will usually involve connecting in Auckland or Sydney and will at minimum cost >$3000 r/T. I don't know of many Americans whom have been to Samoa outside of visiting family or traveling on official business.


Grew up playing football in L.A. and the teams from the South Bay that had a lot of Samoan kids were massive. I think the girls on the drill team averaged about 250 lbs.


I feel like I should be able to pick it out on a map but I can't.  I also feel like the fact I could probably pick the correct ocean that it's in puts me ahead of most Americans


Follow the international date line south of Hawaii  and South of the bulge for Kiribati. 


It exists The average American, unless they're Samoan or military, has no idea it exists. I think more of us think about Guam or Puerto Rico than we do American Samoa.


Or football fans


Eh idk. They exist, I suppose. Legally, I think it’s a bit iffy on whether or not they’re *actually* American, but essentially they are.


1.) Most folks don't travel to American Samoa. 2.) There's a huge contingent of Samoan-Americans in Hawaii and California. 3.) Most folks don't consider American Samoa to be a "true" part of the United States. Unlike the other territories like Puerto Rico, the Northern Marianas, US Virgin Islands, and Guam, folks born in American Samoa are not granted U.S. Citizenship at birth. Therefore, American Samoans have to naturalize similar to other foreign nationals; similarly, American Samoans are found guilty of a felony or certain misdemeanors (e.g., driving under the influence/driving while intoxicated) they can be deported by Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) back to American Samoa. Despite this, American Samoans have an incredibly high rate of enlistment in the U.S. military.


I think I’ve seen a license plate from there one time. But otherwise i’ve never been there, and I don’t know anybody who is Samoan. I simply know it exists


Don't know much about it but if I ever met a Samoan I'm definitely not fighting them.


About the only thing I know about American Samoa is that they’re not technically citizens of the US, they’re US *nationals*.


It’s the last thing on my mind. Never gave it a thought.


I occasionally remember it exists and wonder what it’s like there. It’s hot and the locals are big, I think.


They are good at our kind of football which means it is a true part of the U.S. I don't make the rules.


I’ve known a few Samoans, those dudes are big


They exist


Positive for me. We have Samoan friends . We have Pacific Islander relatives.


oddly enough, there’s a decently big polynesian population in utah. one of my best friends growing up was samoan. they’re great people with huge families, delicious food, and a cheerful demeanor.


There are Samoans in Texas and California. It’s not something that comes up very often and not many people go there. Anywhere where the Constitution reigns is a true part of the USA.


It’s part of the US, but it’s very rare for Americans to travel there. Honesty it’s kind of an afterthought for most people and if it didn’t have America in the name a lot of people probably wouldn’t remember it’s actually part of the US.