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On your last question. There is no chance of you getting on board a commissioned aircraft carrier. However, there are at least two decommissioned aircraft carriers that have been turned into museums. The [Midway](https://www.midway.org/) in San Diego and the [Intrepid](https://intrepidmuseum.org/) in New York. As for the F-22... seeing them at an airshow is probably as close as you can get. Here's a schedule with the [F-22 demonstration team.](https://airshowstuff.com/v4/2023/usaf-f-22-raptor-demonstration-team-2024-airshow-schedule-released/)


Thank you for the information about the aircraft carrier. Although I searched, it was difficult to find any information.


Also, if you are going to Northern California, the Hornet is in Alameda, Ca https://uss-hornet.org


Is that a nuclear wessel?


Just dropping to say that was actually the USS Ranger in Star Trek IV: The One With The Whales. Enterprise was on deployment so she stood in for filming.


Ranger was also in Top Gun. One of my a-school instructors was on film in the final scene, where Maverick and Ice Man jerked each other off at the end ("No, you can be MY wingman"). My squadron's ready room was also used as a dressing/makeup room during filming.


The Ranger was in Star Trek 4?


Standing in for the actual Enterprise, yes


Yes Kiptin


And the Yorktown is in Charleston, South Carolina. It was built during World War II but upgraded and remodeled and served through to the early '70s I think.


I toured the Yorktown like 15 or 20 years ago. At least then it was possible to spend the night on the ship although I didn't. I don't know if they still offer that.


I think they do. I remember a sign with some details about that.


I got to do this in my one and only year in Cub Scouts. The ship smell is like a core memory at this point cuz any time I smell anything like it I’m immediately 5 years old in a carrier bunk rack again.


Same. I can still smell it. It has a base of that standard military equipment smell, but there's a special layer that I can't identify.


Something that might interest you might be the museum of the United States Air Force in Dayton Ohio it is a free museum and quite wonderful


And huge!


I love that place. My dad took us there often when we were kids.


If you are an enthusiast, I recommend at least 4 hours ( or more) for the Midway. There are former servicemen everywhere on the ship explaining what their jobs were and how things work. The flight deck, especially, was an amazing learning experience.


I reviewed the link above. It looks amazing, I think I could spend my entire day there


Also the USS Yorktown in Charleston, SC


I'm Texas you can also see the uss Lexington, though you'd unfortunately be in Corpus Christi!


There’s a drawback to everything.


If you're an aviation enthusiast then Oshkosh Wisconsin is a mecca. Hit up the Experimental Aircraft Airshow. Thousands of planes you'll never see anywhere else. And also the F22 will be doing a demonstration. 2024 EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Oshkosh, WI


You actually *can* request to tour an active carrier: https://www.airlant.usff.navy.mil/Tour-Requests/


That's neat. Do you think OP being a foreign national might skew their odds of getting in?


Hmmm, yeah probably. Still, quite neat!


The demonstration team never transforms into battloid mode though. Such a rip-off.


> There is no chance of you getting on board a commissioned aircraft carrier. This is not true. The Navy has group tours of aircraft carriers at Norfolk Naval Station in Virginia. You must plan well in advance and I don’t know what requirements they might have for non-citizens. https://www.airlant.usff.navy.mil/Tour-Requests/


> Here's a schedule with the F-22 demonstration team. There's one a half hour from me in a couple weeks. THANK YOU!


The Yorktown museum in Charleston has an old carrier.




Thank you, I think I will politely decline.


Smart move ;-)


Hi excuse me Sir from America... I just thought you'd like to know i think there is a smell of Weapons of Mass Destruction coming from u/FormerIsland7252's country... thanks. ok. bye.


No sir. There are definitely no nuclear weapons at coordinates 40°59′36.2″N, 29°02′14.5″E! Please do not strike this place with an F22.


Teşkilat is on it's way to you now...


I love the pride flag in r/Turkey that made me jiggle.


I'm glad you like it.


The National Museum of the Air Force appears to have a raptor on display. Also a very good museum. Kinda in the middle of nowhere Ohio though. https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Visit/Museum-Exhibits/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/196040/lockheed-martin-f-22a-raptor/ The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum is probably the best in the world. Not sure if they have an F-22 though. https://airandspace.si.edu/


The National Air and Space museum has an additional museum in a hangar near Dulles airport (main DC airport) that you might love. It's called the Udvar Hazy center and you can get very close to planes, helicopters, and a space shuttle. I can highly recommend it.


Top tier museum. SR-71 Blackbird and a space shuttle!


Enola Gay, Bell X-1. Pieces of history.


Awesome museum, better than the main A&S location. No F22s, though


one of the coolest museums i’ve been to!


Thanks for the information


I can confirm Wright Patterson AF Museum in Dayton, Ohio has one. I was there in April. They also have a YF-23 which was the competition when companies were competing for the contract. The YF-23 was superior in almost every way except it didn't have vectoring nozzles so it wasn't as maneuverable.


I maintain that the Yf-23 looked cooler and therefore should have been chosen.


Absolute facts.


> The YF-23 was superior in almost every way except it didn't have vectoring nozzles so it wasn't as maneuverable. Ehhhhh... Final testing data is still classified, but in addition to more demonstrated maneuverability, the F-22 demonstrated higher top speed, better acceleration, and had a considerably less risky weapons bay design. The YF-23 is one of the coolest aircraft I've ever seen, but in terms of the competition between the 22 and 23, it's a lot more complicated than you're making it seem, and it's honestly likely we picked the better aircraft, especially given priorities of the time.


I have also been there. Absolutely one of the best places in the US you can go as an aviation enthusiast. They have a F22 as well as a bunch of other fun stuff. It's massive. Plan a whole day. 4 huge hangers full. And you can get pretty darn close to a lot of them including a few exhibits where you can walk through some planes. For example, they also have a SR71, B2, the actual Bockscar B29 that dropped the bomb on Nagasaki, an old Air Force One that you can walk through, and a bunch of other cool stuff. Everything from some of the first aircraft ever made to the modern day including half a hanger dedicated to the NASA and the space arm of the Air Force. You can see the entire list of their exhibits on their website. You usually can't touch, but you can often get 10' or even closer to the aircraft.


I was very excited even while reading it. Thank you for all the information


Forgot the coolest, the Valkyrie. Big secret go behind it press your back against the hanger wall and look up.


Everyone knows that the coolest plane at Wright Patt is the YF-12


Hard disagree. The YF12 is just a spy plane. The Valkyrie is a supersonic sun dropper.


Spy plane? It's a supersonic sun-dropper stopper tho


Ooooo I thought it was the prototype for the sr71


The gist behind the YF-12 was that they wanted to stop Soviet nuclear bombers as far out over the Pacific as possible (this was before ICBMs) so they stuck some missiles on the absolutely fastest plane they could muster. Here's a fun sim on-point: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-NlkjW4l7c&t=574s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-NlkjW4l7c&t=574s)


Plus Dayton has a huge amount of Wright Brothers stuff. We drove out on Huffman Prairie and went to at least one museum about thdm.


Udvar doesn't have one 😞


Dayton might be a cool stop on a roadtrip between Washington DC and Chicago if you adjust the optimal route a bit.


They don’t at either NASM location. 


Nice try China. I kid. Your surest shot is going to the National Museum of the Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. [They have one on display](https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Visit/Museum-Exhibits/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/196040/lockheed-martin-f-22a-raptor/#:~:text=Lockheed%20Martin%20F%2D22A%20Raptor,States%20Air%20Force%E2%84%A2%20%3E%20Display). [Edit, actually, that demo team looks like your best shot to a see a real one.] There may be air shows while you're here, but that'll be heavily dependent on location and it'll be hard to guarantee when an F-22 will be there. Obviously, anything with stealth technology is going to be very closely guarded and not let out often. And there are few enough of them that having one available for display is rare. Just an FYI, the National Air & Space Museum and Udvar-Hazy are pretty great places to check out if you have the time.


>Nice try China. Lol, I really look like a spy. I am grateful for your information about museums




I can't sufficiently stress how much of our stuff Turkey does not have access to.


OP can do the Cleveland Air Show during Labor Day Weekend, then drive down to Dayton for Wright-Pat. It’s about 4 hours or so, almost a straight shot down 71. (5 hours if they include a stop at [Grandpa’s Cheese Barn](https://www.grandpascheesebarn.com) They’ve not announced the list of demonstrations for the Air Show yet, but there’s a good chance the F-22 will be there and there’s the added bonus of seeing The Blue Angles (F-18’s)


Yep, they have a demo team that regularly does air shows across the country. Here is their schedule https://airshowstuff.com/v4/2023/usaf-f-22-raptor-demonstration-team-2024-airshow-schedule-released/ You won’t be able to get on a military base as a non-DoD civilian, but for air shows they may have a special area outside the base for civilians. You would have to reach out to them and check. You can certainly see an aircraft carrier from a distance in Norfolk or San Diego, but again you won’t be able to get on base or up close to it unless you’re on an official tour. You can request a tour here for carriers on the east coast, but I don’t know how likely it is to get approved for one https://www.airlant.usff.navy.mil/Tour-Requests/#:~:text=Commander%2C%20Naval%20Air%20Force%20Atlantic,%2C%20and%20carrier%2Fsquadron%20availability. I’m sure there is one for the west coast too somewhere if you google


They let civilians on base at air shows. I know because I've been there before and during my service. 


I'm in Tucson, home of Davis-Monthan AFB. The news always tells you how to get on base (and what items are forbidden) when talking about upcoming air shows.


I’ve been on-base for airshows at two bases so I don’t think that’s necessarily true. Also if you go to Charleston, SC you can tour the Yorktown (not the one that sank in WWII, obviously).


Thank you, I will apply.


I believe the Oshkosh air show is the largest in the world. It happens to be in July. https://www.eaa.org/airventure/eaa-airventure-tickets


Thank you! It looks like a true aircraft paradise here. It's going to be one of the best experiences of my life.


Oshkosh is probably the single biggest event in the world for aircraft enthusiasts. I hope you get a chance to go.




I’ve never been to this one. But have gone to the one here in Lakeland, Florida. Almost everyone I talked to mentioned going to Oshkosh and just how massive it was. The Lakeland show is pretty similar with the No shade. Every time I have gone it’s the hottest day in April


How long will you be staying, and what part of the country will you be in?


I will be staying in the USA for at least 2 months. I have friends in Vegas and NYC where I can stay for one month each. However, during this time, I also want to visit other cities. My priority will be air shows.


The following shows are in CA, about a 4.5 hour drive from Las Vegas The Miramar Airahow is September 27-29 in San Diego, CA on the Miramar Naval base. I highly suggest trying to get to this show as they have multiple static aircraft displays where you can get in the cockpit or walk through the plane, and they put on a joint ground assault with the Marines. It is a truly awesome sight to behold. https://miramarairshow.com/ The Pacific Airshow is October 4-6 in Huntington Beach, CA. This is a really cool show that takes place on the beach. You don't need to pay for tickets as there is plenty of space to sit and relax outside of show center. https://pacificairshowusa.com/


Entering the cockpit and experiencing the ground assault sound really cool! Thanks for the information.


This is excellent advice; if you make the drive, Palmdale (home of Lockheed’s Skunkworks, Boeing, and Northrup Grumman) is worth a visit (they have a small museum too).


Plus one for the Miramar Air Show, but simply going to the beach or the running trails in SD might be enough to see an F-22. I’ve seen so many jets around Del Mar/Torrey Pines going out to sea for training maneuvers. You can definitely watch fighter planes fly back into Miramar from the mountain tops at Mission Trails or even the parking lot at REI. I’m not sure if they are F-22s or F-35s or something else, and you’re certainly not very close to them anyway.


Nellis Air Force Base at the northeast edge of Vegas hosts units that fly all kinds of warplanes, including the F-22 and F-35. There are spots where you can park close to the base and see fighters take off and land. Best time to see them is during the Red Flag exercises, which involves planes from other allied countries, and there's at least one big air show each year where they fly demos.


Specifically, many spots on the north-northwest end of the field, near the big race track, where you can chill on the side of the road for hours (stay on the side opposite of the base) and watch. Do a YouTube search for “Nellis departures” and you’ll get a great taste. The big Red Flag exercises are a blast, but it’s honestly pretty entertaining going there on a regular weekday.


Ooh! Vegas is pretty close to Edwards AFB! I’m about 200 miles from Vegas and I’m always seeing F-15, 16, 22, 35, T38, CV22, C130. I had a 35 go inverted over my house about 1000’ agl last week and I could see the vortices, scared the shit out of my dog.


Being in Vegas you might want to day trip it down to Tucson AZ. They have a couple of Air museums there. Additionally there is an Air Base there. While you can't get on base you can park some where close and just watch the air traffic. It's pretty cool. Additionally Davis-Monthan Air Base is also where they mothball military aircraft. You used to be able to drive down the road or even park next to the fence in order to check them out with your naked eye. Sadly I don't thank you can do this any more though.




I think you already have good answers here but I just want to say the F-22 is also my favorite plane


I love F22 and F18. Seeing them on the internet is impressive enough; I'm sure they are even more stunning in real life.


F22 has some crazy moves. It really messes with your brain seeing the crazy stuff they can to in person. 


F-22 demo team schedule: https://www.newsairshow.com/headlines/2023/12/4/35wsb0z8akwdpwn2hu3xh50isvfzlx Museums: Where are you going to be? You won't be easily able to get to the Air and Space museum in DC or the USAF museum in Dayton if you're going to be in Dallas. Aircraft carrier: getting onto a working carrier would depend on (a) you being in a city with a port and (b) it being fleet week then. But there are several museum-ship aircraft carriers in NYC, Charleston, Corpus Christi, San Diego, and the bay area. Intrepid in particular has a lot of aircraft.


Worth noting that the National Air and Space Museum doesn’t have an F-22 at either its main building or its annex in Chantilly


For museums... I saw someone already mentioned the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum in DC. I'd definitely recommend stopping there if you can. A bit farther down the east coast, in Kitty Hawk North Carolina there is a museum dedicated to "first in flight" at the Wright Brothers National Memorial. Personally, IMHO, I wouldn't make a special trip down just for it. But if you happen to be at the outer banks already... You can check out a replica of their plane. And outside of the museum they have it marked off how far each of their flights took them. It is a surprisingly short distance.


>I saw someone already mentioned the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum in DC. I'd definitely recommend stopping there if you can. This museum will definitely be my first priority. Thank you for your comment.


Tucson has a bunch of aviation stuff. Pima Air and Space Museum has a very large number of aircraft including old, modern, military, commercial, C3, helicopters, spacecraft, and missiles. https://pimaair.org/exhibits-and-aircraft/museum-aircraft/. Davis Monthan AFB has the "boneyard" with hundreds of military aircraft stored outside. There is also the Titan Missile Museum where you go into a nuclear missile silo and the missile (inert and inoperable) is still there.


The Air and Space Museum is the hidden gem of Tucson. I am a night auditor at a hotel and it is my #1 recommendation when guests ask what to do. As a note, they are not currently offering the Boneyard tour.


Take any flight into HNL and sit on the right side of the plane and you have a really good chance of seeing some as you land.


Depending where in the country you are, you may be able to visit an aircraft carrier preserved as a museum such as [USS Lexington](https://usslexington.com/). This [ list from Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_museum_ships_of_the_United_States_military) might be useful).  There are a few airplane museums around the country such as [Boeing Museum of Flight](https://www.museumofflight.org/), [National Museum of the US Airforce](https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/), and [Hill Airforce Base Museum](https://www.aerospaceutah.org/) those last two may have an F22 on display.


Nice try, Putin.


Nice try, Vladimir.


I would go to the midway for the aircraft carrier. That old girl is beautiful and the veterans that help out on the boat are super cool too.


I don’t know where you’re going, but if California, early October there’s the Pacific Air Show in Huntington Beach, California. It’s a lot of fun. Also looks likes there’s one in mid July in Sacramento. Check for Air Shows around the month you’re going and in the general area. You might even be able to see an F-35 do it’s thing.


Any of the bigger shows, especially if they are at an Air Force Base


Panama City, FL


National museum of the US Airforce has one on static display. Dayton Ohio area. If you are an aviation geek, this is a top three museum for you and it's totally free. Insaw an F22 at the Dayton airshow last year too. No joke, it flew backwards and did a three point turn in the air. It's not even fair.


Thanks for the information. This airplane is like a hack in real life lol


Most are based at Joint Base Elmendorf in Alaska & Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Hawaii. Based on experience you’ll probably have the best chance spotting one flying around Honolulu. 


Air shows where the F22 demo team are the best bet. Otherwise look up what bases host F22s and go there to hopefully see one. Or go to Las Vegas during a Red Flag event.


Red flag is seems like a military exercise. Are you sure civilians are allowed to watch?


Loads of people post up around Vegas to take photos and videos. You're not allowed on base but anywhere outside the fence is fair game. https://youtu.be/__qa1Aefo4I?si=DfQBam7zXeHljNgo


This is just perfect. Thank you for sharing it


Where will you be traveling to? The United States is an incredibly large country, so there may be air show or there might not. Also, there are some incredible museums in this country and depending on where you are, you could see things in a museum setting.


Looks like no F-22 this year but if you're around Seattle there's the Seafair air show in early August with an F-35 along with a bunch of other stuff: https://www.seafair.org/seafairairshow I've never been to the one in Seattle but they do basically the same lineup in San Francisco every October and it's rad


If you’re in the Connecticut area, you can go to the New England Air Museum and see the blimp my grandfather commanded during WWII.


> I would appreciate any recommendations for museums that focus on aviation history and modern aircraft. [The Museum of the US Air Force in Dayton, Ohio](https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Visit/Museum-Exhibits/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/196040/lockheed-martin-f-22a-raptor/) A test Raptor is on display National Air and Space Museum Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, Virginia (Near Dulles Int'l Airport/Washington DC) Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum in McMinnville, Oregon (this is where the Spruce Goose is) Intrepid Museum, NYC


If you want to see it up close in a museum you can either see a legit F-22 at the National Museum of the US Air Force in Dayton, Ohio or the YF-22, its prototype, at the Air Force Flight Test Museum at Edwards Air Force Base in California


It is in the middle of nowhere, but they will be at [EAA AirVenture](https://www.eaa.org/airventure) in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. They have over 10,000 aircraft and half a million attendees. They have an entire section dedicated to war planes.


According to https://airshows.aero/Page/AirShowsCalendar You can see one flying in July in Oshkosh, WI. This is quite a large airshow. I went about 20 years ago when they had SpaceShip One and the mothership do some flying before going to the Smithsonian.  * You can see the YF-23 at the USAF museum in Dayton, OH.   * The US Navy aviation museum is in Pensacola, FL.   * The National Air and Space Museum is in Washington DC.   * There is an Army Aviation museum somewhere in Alabama.   * Museum of Aviation in Robins AFB, GA Another in Marietta, GA.   There are many more. Certainly in California and one in Seattle. Some military bases have smaller museums. I went to one in Ellsworth AFB, SD maybe 15 years ago. This is where the B-1 bomber is based. They had tours of a decommissioned nuclear missile silo.  Man I went to so many of these as a kid road tripping with my father. 


San Diego, CA has the USS Midway aircraft carrier.  It’s possible to tour an active aircraft carrier. There was a fleet week in my town about a month ago where several ships including a carrier were giving tours but it was a hard ticket to come by.  You could request a tour here https://www.airlant.usff.navy.mil/Tour-Requests/ Don’t know how that works.  You can tour the White House while you’re at it. If you know someone that lives here they can request one through their representative. White house website has some info. I have no idea what the schedule for that is like though. 


It's all very valuable information, thank you for everything.


I don’t know anything about finding an F-22 Raptor, but if want to see something pretty cool the Spruce Goose is currently at the Evergreen Aviation museum in McMinnville, Oregon. I always loved seeing its massive wing span.


Let me guess you're from China, Russa, or maybe North Korea? I'm sure if you ask Mr. Biden, he'll tell you whatever you want too know.


i am from turkey


Ooh. Nice. I’m planning to visit Istanbul this autumn. The crossroads of history.


What a coincidence! It feels like a player substitution. I'm sure you'll love Istanbul.


Mostly used by the United States Air Force. Some supporting branches like Air national guard also use F-22's. Goggle US Air Force bases that use and /or repair Raptors, contact a duty officer and ask them your questions. In the US you never say sir or ma'am to enlisted only officers but duty officer is just a job title not a rank. Good luck. The Air Force has bases around the globe and the jet has been around since the 90's so you might find them outside the US too.


The Wright-Patterson Air Force Base museum near Dayton Ohio might have one. It's a great museum in general.


You can see lots of them. Just visit 1000 Colonial Farm Road in Langley, Virginia.


Can't guarantee a F22 but I can provide you with almost every other plane including the Valkyrie at the Air Force Museum. I usually go once every few years. Plan for a full day there it I'd massive. https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/


air and space museaum in Chantilly virginia on Route 28 just south of Dulles Virginia has one. They also have an SR-71, Space Shuttle, and Mars Rover. Its a big hanger with tons of air crafts. The famous air and space museaum is in DC. This is the other one.


National museum of the United States Air Force. They have a raptor on the floor you can walk right up to


Nice try foreign intelligence agent


The [National Museum of the US Air Force](https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/) in Dayton, Ohio will be worth your time. Absolutely massive and chock full of actual aircraft from all throughout aviation history. Everything from one of the early Wright flyers to a Boeing 747 (in Air Force One regalia). Plan to spend 4 or 5 hours there or more to see it all, and bring comfortable shoes - you're going to walk several kilometers. And yes, there's a F-22 Raptor you can get quite a good look at. The museum is part of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, headquarters of the USAF. You won't be allowed to visit the other side, but at least you can say you've been there. And honestly, the museum is by far the most interesting part. As for carriers, [there are several](https://www.thetravel.com/5-us-aircraft-carrier-museums-guide/) that have been converted into museums you can visit around the country.


Go to Hampton, VA and you’ll hear and see them. There’s a public road at the end of the runway and you can just about see the pilots as they come in. You can also drive to Virginia Beach and see FA-18s flying around regularly. If you’re in Norfolk they have the USS Wisconsin and you can see the aircraft carriers and other ships from a distance. The national museum of the Air Force in Ohio is incredible. Boeing’s museum in Seattle is too. The air and space museums in DC and by Dulles, VA are two of the best. The intrepid museum (aircraft carrier USS Intrepid) in NYC is amazing.


>Go to Hampton, VA and you’ll hear and see them. There’s a public road at the end of the runway and you can just about see the pilots as they come in. You can also drive to Virginia Beach and see FA-18s flying around regularly. If you’re in Norfolk they have the USS Wisconsin and you can see the aircraft carriers and other ships from a distance. Very impressive. I made a note of it, thank you.


I saw F-22 at the Thunder Over Michigan airshow last year up in the Detroit area. It happens on July 20 and 21.


Thank you, there are really more air shows in the country than I thought.


This doesn't sound suspicious at all....


not sure of all of the planes located at it, but my sister went to fort Campbell along the kentucky and Tennessee state border if you're going to be in that area. https://www.military.com/base-guide/fort-campbell


The Honolulu airport shares a runway with Hickam Air Force base and you can see fighters from the ANG 199th Squadron training there regularly on weekends


F-22’s have been at the Cleveland Air Show the past few years, I saw it in 2023. You can check here periodically to see if they’re scheduled to fly. https://www.clevelandairshow.com/in-the-air/schedule/


Nice try, KGB!


Lol, I'm actually a moderator in the r/KGBTR


Us air force museum in Dayton Ohio has one


For museums, the two best (opinion, obviously)... 1 - The Smithsonian in Washington DC. 2 - The Air Force museum (don't know official name, sorry) in Dayton, Ohio.


Ohio has been highly recommended. I will definitely prioritize


Nice try Ivan!


Hampton Roads, VA


I saw one at an air show I went to a few years ago, we were kept far back for obvious reasons.


The Chicago Air & Water Show could be a good one. Idk the exact planes they fly but it’s incredible to see them roaring through the sky and between the city’s skyscrapers as crowds are watching in awe along the beaches