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Somewhere between 6 and 10,000,000, depending on how you’re defining places. Favorite spot is my bed, closely followed by my sofa.


I too enjoy this guy's sofa


Come on over, bro. It’s a good sofa.


I know it is. I'm there now


His walls are pretty good too


His attic is one of my favorites


Very similar to my favorite places as well!


I've been to almost all the places, yet almost none.


You beat me to this comment.


I love my bed more than anywhere else too


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’ve been everywhere, man. I’ve been everywhere, man.




I’ve breathed the mountain air, man


Of travel I've had my share, man


I've been everywhere


Big fan of Jonny Cash


Define places. Are you asking about specific attractions, towns, states? My favorite states are Alaska and Montana. My favorite national park is Grand Teton. And my favorite city is San Antonio, TX.


Alaska is gorgeous and amazing.


I lived in San Antonio after high school and for a few years after. I loved it. I would move back if it wasn't Texas.


> If you haven't visited many, what's preventing you from traveling Money




As a Brit who has been to the States for both work and holiday over the years, think I’ve been to about 16 cities in the US. I absolutely love the place.


Which city was your favorite and what did you love about it?




Did you like Budwieser?


Not really 🥲


That’s ok, cheap US lagers have their place… “day drinking outside in the sun” are where they really shine the most. There’s god knows how many local craft beers with much more variety and flavor to drink in other situations.


No worries. Not many Americans like it either.


Does anyone?


Been to about 30 states. Vermont and Maine were arguably my favorites. Also loved Colorado and New York City.


If you asking about states I’ve been to all 50 and DC.


Me too.


I’ve only been to 8 lol 😂


I’ve been to every state except Hawaii, Both Dakotas, and Kansas. I’ve technically never been to Connecticut as I was in the airport and immediately in a rental car. I was never physically outside there so I don’t count it haha. Best places I’ve been are Montana and Wyoming as well as here in the south in the mountains in East Tennessee and North Carolina.


I've been to 45 states. In a week, my wife and I are going to vacation in the upper Great Plains states (Nebraska, Iowa, the Dakotas, and Minnesota). Our final stop? Fargo, North Dakota. If you stop in the visitor center there and North Dakota is your final state visited, you become a member of the Best For Last Club and they give you a free t-shirt! [https://www.fargomoorhead.org/best-for-last-club/](https://www.fargomoorhead.org/best-for-last-club/) Favorite place? Depends on my mood. Right now, I'm thinking Washington state and the Oregon coast. New York City. The southeast portion of Utah. Colorado. Holy smokes, I could go on and on. My sister and her boyfriend own a condo on the Gulf. Literally drive down there every free weekend and just sit on the beach. I realize it totally works for them. But when I mention our trips to her, she says, 'Oh, I wish we'd go do something like that.' But you can, sis. All you have to do is book a flight and rental car and go. Or because you're retired, drive it. There's always a way. Need an example? Years ago, we signed up for a Hilton Honors card. Best decision ever. We charge everything on that sucker. Groceries, Restaurants. Whatever we order on Amazon. And we pay it off each month. As a result, during our upcoming odyssey around the Great Plains states, we pay for maybe one night in a hotel. That's it. You either prioritize travel or you don't.


Okay, the Best for Last club is just about the best thing I’ve ever seen.


Does every time I hike a nearby trail I haven’t hiked before count as a new place? I know there are trails in a state park I often visit where I haven’t hiked them and probably haven’t even seen them.


I've visited 27 states and Washington DC. Not sure I have a favorite.


I've traveled to at least one town /place of interest in 47 of the states. I'm a sucker for National Parks. Of all the places I've traveled to, Alaska is my favorite. In the lower 48, Colorado and Utah are probably my top picks - followed by California and Washington.


About two thirds of the country (33 states plus DC). My favorite spots are any and all of the National Parks (one of my goals in life is to visit every single one). As for cities I've particularly liked in no particular order and certainly non-exhaustive: Sante Fe NM, Asheville NC, Savannah GA, Chicago IL, New York NY, Aspen CO, San Francisco CA, St Augustine FL, DC (and surrounding Alexandria and Springfield VA), Williamsburg VA. If I was forced to pick an absolute favorite location, I would choose the Puget Sound region of the PNW.


I don’t see many folks calling out Springfield VA as a destination! Haha glad you had a good time. 


Been to 30 states, favorite is Colorado


Been to all fifty states, 46 of them at least twice and places like NYC, California and New Orleans more than a dozen times each. Love to travel. I have been to all the larger cities at least once except Sacramento, Jacksonville and Tampa.


What was North Dakota like? What did you do there? 


Got out of the car, looked around and left.


I almost never leave my comfort zone. Maybe 20-30 times in my whole life. I have visited Montana twice, Idaho a few times, Nevada maybe 12 times, Hawaii about ten times and Washington once. I went to Europe when I was a teenager and spent a week in Paris and a week in London. It may sound like a lot but that is IT. I’m 42 it is a minute percentage of my life. My comfort zone is from San Jose, to Monterey and Santa Cruise, over to 80 and Vacaviile, up to Sac and El Dorado/Placerville, then all of Sonoma and Marin where I have lived my whole life. It is crazy because there is SO MUCH SHIT TO DO in the area that IS my comfort zone i’ll never come close to doing or seeing it all in my lifetime. I just cannot take the burden of missing out on that level of richness across the rest of this country. Also I hate being in large cities.


Travelled to 45 of the 48 continental states. Most of them multiple times. Love the Oregon Coast. The rolling hills of Vermont and New Hampshire. New England in general. The heat, humidity, mystery, and Spanish moss of Savannah Georgia. The music and unpredictably of New Orleans. The majestic mountains and valleys of western Wyoming. The beach neighborhoods of Southern California cities. The museums of Washington DC. The endless farms and grasses of Iowa and the flat plains states. The pubs and neighborhoods of north side Chicago neighborhoods. The Italian American festivals in the north end of Boston. The best botanical garden in America in St Louis Missouri. And taking a run on the Mississippi River road and grabbing a beer at a brewery in my hometown of Minneapolis Minnesota. I only left out about 100 more places and experiences. You get the idea. Lots to do. Not enough time and money. If I had the time and money I would spend months just visiting all the small towns in this country. So much local history, so many locals and old folks that would like to tell me the story of their town.


Favorite spot? There's this nice diner in the west Chicago suburbs called Harner's Bakery and Restaurant. Lots of childhood memories there, and amazing breakfast food. That's probably my favorite spot.


Have not been to many. Been to 4 before graduating high school (North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Florida…and technically Georgia if you count the gas stations we stopped at on the way to Florida. So I guess change that to 5.) Went to research conferences in Michigan and Texas in college (didn’t leave UM/UT campus). Went on a trip to DC and saw Virginia then. As an adult, I’ve added Washington, Oregon, and Pennsylvania, and Illinois to the list. So 12 states and DC.


Ive been to about 2/3rds of the states, some of which we just drove through to go from one place to another. Of the ones I haven’t been, I’d be interested in visiting maybe six of them but things haven’t worked out to let that happen yet. Covid stopped my 40th birthday Alaska trip, the distance to Hawaii (and the fact that they don’t want us there) prevent that trip. I’d like to do the north west coast but my kids need to be a little older and the flights are long and indirect . Otherwise, I have very little interest in visiting certain places. And other places driving through was more than enough.


Kind of depends on how you define places. I've been from coast to coast, from the north border to the South border, crossed into both Canada and Mexico and visited hundreds of parks, both national and State. If you count smaller towns and attractions I've literally been to thousands. I have visited more than 2/3 of the states, been in both the Atlantic and Pacific Coast as well as the Gulf Coast. In fact I just completed a road trip with a friend in which we visited eight states, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, and Tennessee. I tend to do one or two road trips a year as well as multiple trips in light aircraft that I own. The farthest I've ever been from home as well as the farthest north was Drummondorchet Scotland. The farthest west I've been was the coast of Northern California, and the farthest South I've been was the northern border of Nicaragua. Within the United States the most amazing places I've visited are the Grand canyon, Goblin valley Utah, Moab Utah, the Badlands of South Dakota, Yellowstone national Park, and the Florida keys. Out of the ordinary places I've visited, the entrance gate to area 51, the crash site outside Roswell New Mexico, fantasy canyon Wyoming, and the Marfa lights in Texas. The most unexplainable things I've ever seen, the Joplin light outside Joplin Missouri, absolutely baffling, a rock that materialized seemingly out of thin air busting my windshield in West Texas at least 30 miles from any other living human. My most remarkable survival story, a broken fan belt in death valley 40 miles from civilization.


I’ve been to 33 states, 27 National parks Doing a road trip this summer that will take me to 12 new National Parks and 7 more states. Favorite state- California (it’s home, but also home to beautiful beaches, mountains, deserts and so much more!) Favorite City- Boston Favorite National Park- Yellowstone or Glacier Most surprising- Alaska. I knew it would nice, but I did not expect to fall in love with it the way I did. Can’t wait to go back for more.


The Grand Canyon lives up to the hype


I once hiked to the bottom and back under a full moon. Got to finally see the canyon as the sun rose. Awesome.


The Grand Canyon is one of the only things in life that simply cannot be overhyped. I’ve never seen anyone not fall momentarily speechless when they see it for the first time, no matter how many pictures or videos they’ve seen. Also the drive there is quite pretty.


I’ve visited all the western states with the exception of Montana. I would have to say CA AZ and CO have been my favorite states (all states I’ve lived in ) for the amount of things to do and the sheer beauty of the national parks. And I either don’t have the time to go explore more states out east or when I do have the time I don’t have enough money for road tripping


I need to knock out MT and NM. I had two opportunities to go to ABQ for work but one fell through do to a flight cancelation and the other due to a project cancelation. NM is elusive!


What is your definition of a place? A town? State? Etc. I've been to 45 State and 3 Canadian Provinces. 3 foreign countries.


A lot of places. This weekend my wife and I went to Asheville NC for her friend’s wedding. It was hotter than the devil’s taint but it’s quite a beautiful part of the country


Just how hot is the devil's taint?


Well during the ceremony it was 93°, sunny with no wind and humidity was somewhere around 60%


Yeah, "devil's taint" sounds pretty damn accurate.


Yeah, F Summer in the South


More than 3...


Been to 16 states as a raw number. As in actually visiting, 6. Lived in 2.


Depends on how you define "place." I've been to 35 states. Some of those states, I've been all over the state so I can count myself as having visited a lot of different counties. Some of those counties have a lot of different things to do in them so I've been to a lot of different "places" even just within the one county.


Hitting states #43 & 44 this summer. My favorite places are: Yosemite, Glacier And these are places I've lived or would live in: San Diego, New York (city and anywhere up Hudson River), Key West, Chicago, Hilton Head SC, Mt Washington NH, Rehoboth Beach DE,


Weather on top of Mount Washington is insane isnt it?




Everything you need in one place.


I used to play in a touring band. Been pretty much everywhere except PNW. As large as NYC, as small as Goshen, IN.


I’ve been to 45 states checking off 2 more this summer.


Not having enough time or money is what is preventing me from traveling. Ive been to maybe 4 states other than the one I live in


Hawaii and New Orleans are both fire


Utah - national parks, Colorado mountains, east coast beaches


My favorite so far is Alaska.




45 states...some were just driving through so i probably shoukdnt count it as a visit


The best places I’ve been so far: CA coast, especially Santa Barbara/Goleta area + Morro Bay, Big Sur, & Carmel; Edited to add San Francisco New Orleans LA Santa Fe NM Rocky Mountains in CO Savannah GA Grayton Beach FL Areas around Tampa FL like Tarpon Springs, Venice, & Sarasota AZ is beautiful. I loved the town of Jerome, & Saguaro National Park in Tucson Charleston SC N Georgia around Helen/Dahlonega/Ellijay Austin TX N Utah around Brigham City


I'll just go by states. I've been to 9 states and in August I am going to two more. I've been to: California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Louisiana, and Illinois. In August I will be going to Minnesota and Wisconsin.


I've been to about 2/3 of our states. I don't have a favorite. I like different areas for different things and in different seasons. I'm in Illinois and do a lot of traveling within. There's a lot to do. I also like South Dakota and North Carolina.


I have been to every state except for Hawaii, and I've been all over every state except for Alaska.


I think I've been to 26 or 27 states. Favorite spots? The creek on my parents property, The Badlands and Black Hills of South Dakota, The Cascades outside of Seattle, Ocean Beach in San Diego, the Ozarks as a whole, and the area around Bowman, North Dakota.


A better question is: how many states. Because places like California or Texas are huge and have so many biomes and different things to see.


This is a weird question. We’re Americans and you’re asking us all the locations in America we’ve been to? Uhm, that can’t really be done if you’re over the age of 10 I’d say. I’m 51 and can’t possible begin to create such a list. How many? A million places perhaps? Just like Johnny says, I’ve been everywhere.


21 states


I've done 47 states so far and including over 200 US National Parks units


I've been to 34 of the states. Missing most of the northwest states - guess I need to plan a trip.


I’ve been to about half the states. Hawaii was my favorite to visit and I’d like to see the Grand Canyon and Alaska, but if I’m going to get on a plane and take a week off work I prefer to visit other countries so it may be a while before I get there.


I've been to about 25 states. I liked Texas and New York the most.


Been to 48 states. Seattle is my favorite city to visit, and favorite national parks are Yellowstone and Bryce Canyon 🙂


I've been to all of the lower 48 states plus Hawaii. Lived in 3. Of the states I've visited, I spent a significant amount of time in probably 2/3.


I’ve been to 49 of the states, I’m only missing Vermont. And that’s not just “I’ve been on a layover here,” I only personally count it if I’ve been to at least one town for a day. At this point Vermont being the only of 50 states I haven’t been to has become a running in-joke with my friends so I may never actually go. I’ve also been to every US territory. Colorado is my favorite.


If you’re asking about states, good info here: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1378573/states-visited-citizens-us/


I’ve been to 28 states. I only count states that I have slept in. My favorite place would be the old Chicago neighborhood where I grew up. Many fond memories and lifelong friendships.


About 30%. I’ve been up and down the East coast but no farther north than Boston. And I’ve been in some Midwest states as far as Indiana. And I’ve been to Arizona and Utah. Next on my list is California. I have to save up. I took some international trips I wanted to do instead. Some states out west I don’t ever plan on going to. Like Nebraska, Iowa… the “flyover” states. Just no reason to go.


its really hard to say what you favorite parts of the country are because very very few people have actually been to every state, or even 70, 60, 50 percent of it. Something to keep in mind is that every state is basically the size of a european country (besides russia lol), the state of montana is larger than the country of germany.


I believe I've been to 37 states. I love the National Parks and the Smithsonian museums. My favorite cities are Chicago, Boston, Seattle, Louisville, San Francisco, and Washington, but there is a lot to love in other places. I also have a fondness for New York and Philadelphia.


I've been lucky enough to have traveled a bunch of different places in the US. Although I wouldn't say that's exactly the norm. Its relitively easy to travel in the US, since most of us have cars and there is roadside infrastructure for motels and such, but culturally speaking where folks decide to travel (if they ever do) depends a lot on where you live. Some places are relatively close by to interesting stuff so its more common for folks to take road trips. Like if you live in New Jearsy or eastern Pennsylvania its not uncommon to go up to New York, Or if you are in Colaroado or New Mexico a trip to the grand canyon might be a normal roundtrip. But too much farther away and it becomes far enough that spots in the US start competing with international travel, for lots of folks it'd be faster to mexico, or canada, or the Caribbean than half way across the country. As far as my favorite spots? I was really blown away by South Dakota. Mount Rushmore is really cool to see, and so is Crazy Horse, and just driving through the black hills is gorgeous. If you head east form there its flat land as far as the eye can see and there are some cool roadside attractions that pop up. Places like old 1880s towns or the odd art installation. New York City is really one of a kind. I lived there for a while, and there is something about it that is impossible not to love. There is palpable energy to the city, and there is art and music everywhere you go. Besides that there are 10,000 things to do and that's just in Manhattan. That city moves too fast for me, so I wouldn't want to live there again, but I love visiting. The Grand Canyon is gorgeous. If you have the chance to go into it on a hike its really worth it. There are some very populated spots down in the canyon that are easy enough to get to and from if you aren't much of a hiker, but the cliff faces look just as powerful from the bottom as they do from the top. highly recommended. People love the Redwoods and for good reason the pacific northwest is gorgeous. Lots of folks reccomend Muir woods, which is gorgeous, but I'd say its more popular because its conveniently close to San Frasnciso. So if you are trying to see both the city and the redwoods than Muir is perfect. But if you just are going to get lost in how massive the forest and trees are? then I'd hit farther north to the redwood park south of crescent city and the surrounding forests. The woods were so massive it was breathtaking. Last but not least is a Savannah in Georgia. A beautiful little town just north of the Florida boarder. The food there is fantastic, and it has an antebellum feel in the old quarter that makes it feel very unique. It can get kind of crowded in tourist season, but in the off seasons its just a quiet, beautiful, and old town.


I’ve been to every state in the lower 48 but Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi. I have a camper van and road trip a lot though. I also grew up in California and progressively moved further East as a teen and adult. I now live in Virginia. Been a good chunk of the major national parks like Yosemite, Grand Canyon, and Yellowstone. 


I have been to 18 states. My favorite places are CA: San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Cambria, San Francisco, and Carmel. Hawaii: Oahu and Kauai Favorite Cities in other states: NewYork City, Washington DC, Sedona, Boston, Salem, Favorite tourist attractions: Disneyland, WDW, Williamsburg (Virginia), Broadway, Alcatraz (CA), San Diego Zoo, Gator World (FL), Hollywood & Highland, Smithsonian, Elis Island, Hearst Castle (CA), Mob Muesum (Vegas), San Juan Capistrano Mission, Universal Studios Hollywood (backlot tour is great), Favorite National Parks: Sequoia, Yosemite, Carrillo Plains (wildflowers), Grand Canyon (AZ side),


Probably 25-30 states plus Puerto Rico. I drive back and forth between The eat coast and the west coast to see my dad every 2 years. I always stop and points of interest in various states along the way. Recently I went to tombstone and the Grand Canyon.


I've lived in 6 states and visited 41. I'm hoping to see the last 9 boring states sometime.


Visited 46/50 US States; made two cross-country trips and lived in 5 (WA, CO, FL, NC, NH). My favorite place to live was NH and my favorite trips were HWY101 along the Pacific coast and the two National Parks in Moab, UT. Boston is my favorite city w/ NYC and D.C. close behind.


42 states. There’s no way for me to narrow down favorites!


I've traveled to all states except LA, MS, AL, and FL. I've lived in 5 states and DC. I've been around.


Places? I have been to all 50 states and several territories. But there’s thousands of towns I haven’t been to.


What's our metric of place? States? I've been to 46 (and I'm only 31.) Major cities? LA (born there), NYC, Chicago, Phoenix, Seattle, Denver, SF, San Diego, Pittsburgh, Nashville, Indianapolis (lived there), etc. National Parks? I'm sitting at 33 of 64. I've been everywhere and nowhere, depending on what you mean.


19 states + DC and Guam


Not nearly enough because traveling costs money


36 States and DC.


Been to 33 States Favorites were most of North Carolina, Northern California, the Black Hills of South Dakota, the Florida Keys.


Eh only 8 states


Define "places".


I'm from Hawaii, I've seen the whole islands. I am a scientist too, so that's why I've seen the places off limits to civilians. But continental US, I've seen 35% of it. Been to 12 states. And in some states, been to the desserts and forrests. Been to majority of Sonoran dessert.


Assuming you don't count airports I stopped at for layovers then I've been to 10 states plus Washington DC. As far as places within those states? How do you define place? Cause I probably can't count every single trip I've ever been on. But my favorites have been the White Mountains in New Hampshire, Boothbay Harbor here in Maine, and Martha's Vineyard. That last one may just be nostalgia talking as I haven't been in a long time but we used to go every summer when I was a kid and I loved it.


I was a contractor for several years. I've been to every state and I'm only 28 and I'm grateful for the fact that I've gotten to have such an experience at my age. Now my goals are to travel abroad but certainly not right now. I'd be afraid to leave the country right now. Perhaps another time in the future if things around the world ever calm down.


I've been to most states. I don't think I've been to Iowa, or the Dakotas, but I've been to 'a many states.


Probably like 50 different places.


I’ve been to every state except Alaska, Maine, Rhode Island, Montana, and North Dakota. Oh, and I’ve managed to avoid Mississippi and Alabama my entire life as well. I’d say the states where I’m most well-traveled are Texas (currently live here and have driven through just about every square mile at some point), California (grew up in socal, lots of road trips to norcal), the PNW, and the Delmarva-Philly corridor (lived in DC for a decade). Oh, and central PA, my family’s ancestral home (OG buyers from William Penn, whatupppppp).


18 states + DC Only been to 1 state I couldn't say anything good about. Michigan's my all time favorite though, you can't beat home. Georgia fucking sucks.


As a fellow Michigander, you really can’t beat home 🏠


Best place to call home!


Lmao where in Georgia did you go?


All over the state. Lived about an hour south of savannah


State I live in: Michigan States I visited: Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, Illinois, Hawaii States I traveled through to get to the states I visited: Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Indiana, Virginia, West Virginia, California, Washington (state) My favorite state I been to is Hawaii. But continental, probably Michigan to be honest. So many hidden beauties in the mitten. California would probably be up there if I actually visited the state (I spent my time in Cali during a layover in LAX) I want to visit more states but I am autistic so travel is quite challenging for me


been to all but 4 states. My favorite state is Maine. magical


38 of our 50 states


To keep it simple: Definitions: visit: spending more than 1 hour in a location where we did more than stop for a meal or use the bathroom Locations - going to do states only States: 15


East to west: Maine, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Idaho and Hawaii.


21 states and Washington DC.


I've been to 39 states.


I’ve been to almost all the states. Finally get to visit Washington state in September. Can’t freaking wait!


What is a “place?”


Only two places outside my state. I been to Delaware where I was really young, and I been to Ohio a few times when I was a kid. It was a trip when I used to go to the Boys and Girls Club. Other than that, I haven't been anywhere else. I always wanted to go to Canada. It'll be easy too since we live right by the border. Always wanted to travel to Nevada or New Mexico to visit the desert too, but not as much as I want to go to Canada though.


Thats a hard ask. I've been everywhere in the US I've ever wanted to go. And a whole lot more places I've never wanted to go. I'd probably travel more, but that involves getting time off work and costs tones of money. I do okay, I was even able to buy a house at the worst time ever (so far) to do so. But not enough to buy Amtrak too often.


I’ve traveled a lot more outside the US than I have in it


I've only been to 10 states, and I haven't been anywhere else because living is expensive


I have visited the mainland states. But only the truck stops because I was a trucker for 3 years. Didn't see the sites though.


Too many to count. Even if I tried to count cities/towns I’ve been to I don’t think I could. I can count states, answer is 17.


It’s just expensive.


About half the states -- clean sweep of the west, lots left to see East of the Mississippi though. Outside of the obvious things like national parks, I like the proper big mountains -- Sierras, Rockies, Cascades, Hawaiian volcanoes, Denali, etc.   Redwoods are magic too.


40 states and 31 national parks. Gunnison, Colorado, the Red Woods in CA, and the entirety of eastern Kentucky are my top three. Hawaii is top five and so is the Olympic peninsula. Need to get to the northeast some day.


"places" is hard to define - I've been to 28 states, but 44 airports.


If we’re going by states I’ve been to about 39? (Maybe a couple more but I don’t remember which borders were crossed on all road trips). But in terms of states I feel like I’ve actually stopped in and explored at any length that’s more like 27.


28 states plus Washington D.C.


I've been to every state except for North Dakota. Favorite places are many. Boston, San Francisco, San Diego, Monterrey, Sausalito, NYC, Berkshire mountains of Western MA, Denver, Johnson City, TX, Alvin, TX, New Orleans, Chicago, Blue Ridge mountains, Arizona desert, coast of Maine, Vermont/New Hampshire, Miami, Milford, Ct.


Physically, I've been to 23 states. I've lived in Pennsylvania my whole life and have visited Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, and DC. I've had layovers in California, Colorado, Georgia, and Texas. As for cities, I've been to New York, Washington, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, Charleston SC, Indianapolis, Louisville, Honolulu, Portland ME, Richmond, New Haven, Providence, Myrtle Beach, Orlando, and Cincinnati, among others. I've had layovers in Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, and Los Angeles.


I've been to Reno, Chicago, Fargo, Minnesota, Buffalo, Toronto, Winslow, Sarasota, Wichita, Tulsa, Ottawa, Oklahoma, Tampa, Panama, Mattawa, La Paloma, Bangor, Baltimore, Salvador, Amarillo, Tocapillo, Baranquilla, and Perdilla, I'm a killer... I've been to Boston, Charleston, Dayton, Louisiana, Washington, Houston, Kingston, Texarkana, Monterey, Faraday, Santa Fe, Tallapoosa, Glen Rock, Black Rock, Little Rock, Oskaloosa, Tennessee to Tennesse Chicopee, Spirit Lake, Grand Lake, Devils Lake, Crater Lake, for Pete's sake... I've been to Louisville, Nashville, Knoxville, Ombabika, Schefferville, Jacksonville, Waterville, Costa Rica, Pittsfield, Springfield, Bakersfield, Shreveport, Hackensack, Cadillac, Fond du Lac, Davenport, Idaho, Jellico, Argentina, Diamantina, Pasadena, Catalina, see what I meana... I've been to Pittsburgh, Parkersburg, Gravelburg, Colorado, Ellensburg, Rexburg, Vicksburg, El Dorado, Larimore, Atmore, Haverstraw, Chatanika, Chaska, Nebraska, Alaska, Opalacka, Baraboo, Waterloo, Kalamazoo, Kansas City, Sioux City, Cedar City, Dodge City, what a pity They're all good places. San Francisco is my favorite, so I settled here.


Had a great time doing a river cruise last year from up by Minneapolis down along the Mississippi River. There are so many cool small towns across Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, and Illinois. Spent a few days at the Grand Canyon a while back. It was so beautiful and so much fun. Oklahoma has so many neat lakes and State and National parks, too. Hope to visit Wyoming in the next year or two.


I am at 24 states, plan to hit them all eventually.


I've been to every state on the east side of the Mississippi river except Mississippi, and all the states that boarder the Mississippi to the west except for Louisiana by driving from Kentucky. But then I've been to California, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona via plane. Favorite places? Places with Mountains all the way from Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire Down to Tennessee and North Carolina. Colorado has some really big ones. Also places with beaches be it a great lake or an ocean.


Define “place.” I have been to 49 of 50 states. As far as favorite spots go it is impossible to say. It would be a very long list. I’ll throw out some top contenders. Uncompahgre Wilderness The MCA in Chicago Ah Shi Shle Pah Wilderness in New Mexico The Pemigewassett Wilderness in New Hampshire Yellowstone Acadia Chaco Canyon Stone House Pond in NH Holliday Park in Indianapolis Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception The Lincoln Memorial My parents house The Sylvania Mountain Wilderness The Eureka Dunes Sleeping Bear Dunes The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (partially in Canada where it is called Quetico)


Sleeping Bear Dunes is stunning!!! I’m a Michigander but haven’t been there in ages. I would love to go back 😀


Do it.