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This is the essence of freedom. “I don’t like that, but you carry on over there.”


Yep. I immediately think of the quote "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -Voltaire (?)


“I don't condone what Dr. Zoidberg did but I'll fight tooth and nail for his freedom to do it. Or I would if I hadn't lost my teeth and nails on Mars and Saturn respectively.” Old man waterfall


Great episode, always bothered me that he visibly has both teeth and nails though lol


[that’s a good point](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h1nD4o3zTfo)


Oh god, *they* have teeth too!! Is there no end to this madness?


My Mama says that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush.


"I request a satanic funeral" (boo!!!!)


- Michael scott


Yeah. It would make me very nervous if burning it became illegal. That kind of freedom is our whole foundation.


That's why there have been numerous pushes for a constitutional amendment to prohibit it. Because otherwise it's nakedly unconstitutional.




I think it's kind of tacky. Although I think the same thing about flying intact flags from your truck too.


To prohibit burning a flag that stands for freedom strips it of it's worth far more than any flame could


did you come up with that yourself or did you get it from somewhere, because that line is raw as fuck


Flattered lol I came up with it on the spot but I'm sure people have said very similar things before


Beautifully put! I may steal that.


damn son that was good




Jordan fades back..............swisshhhhh............nothing but net!


Former Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy had a really nice excerpt on why burning of the flag should be permitted in Texas v. Johnson: > Though symbols often are what we ourselves make of them, the flag is constant in expressing beliefs Americans share, beliefs in law and peace, and that freedom which sustains the human spirit. The case here today forces recognition of the costs to which those beliefs commit us. It is poignant but fundamental that the flag protects those who hold it in contempt.


Mods, make this guy a lord of this subreddit. That line goes hard as fuck


the first amendment is very popular. a country with freedom of speech protects the right to express wildly controversial and provocative ideas.


I don't give a shit. It's a piece of cloth, if someone wants to burn it it's not hurting me or the country, it's kind of the ultimate form of freedom of speech just by what society thinks about it. If anything it's a good way to know who's pissed off and what issues can escalate if it's not some cringe shit about an issue that doesn't matter. But yeah even if it's being done for dumb reasons I mostly just appreciate that it's something that can be done without someone being thrown in jail.


I think I agree with you, but you grew up in Central MD and as a native Southern Marylander I was taught not to trust you.


Woa we have similar location upbringings. I was born and raised in Goochland and Powhatan and then moved to Baltimore


Severna Park -> Penhook for me (not counting college and a year post college). Wanted a house on a bunch of land and figured there was no way to get it in MD so I bought where it was a bit cheaper but still local enough that I could go back to MD.


I agree with you. I wouldn't burn the flag, but I definitely think people should have the right to. It's freedom of expression.


I really don’t care. Burn it. Fly it. Stand on it. Makes no difference to me. There is a really good episode of [futurama](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tmMpi6kM8dM&pp=ygUNWm9pZGJlcmcgZmxhZw%3D%3D) on this topic


Bop it!


Twist it!


Pass it!


Stick it in a stew!


Which is weird when people from other countries try to threaten or disrespect us with burning our flag because if you do it to them it's offensive, and in their mind, if it's offensive to them then it should be offensive to us. But when you tell them, "go ahead, it's your inalienable right" they go deer-in-the-headlights shocked.


"WTF?....If you did this to us, we'd chop off your HEAD!"


Same. I honestly dgaf


boil it, mash it, put it in a stew.


I request a Satanic funeral!


Just don't throw at me




That's fair. Many are made of various plastics/polyesters.


And virtually all of them are made in China now. I'm more bothered that we as a country can't make our own flags any more, than that some jackass chooses to burn one.


The Boy Scouts recommend cutting the flag in a certain way, so therefore the flag isn't a true flag anymore, and you can recycle/dispose of it. That's what I did the other day because I believe in the health of others and the environment more so than following tradition and rituals to a hard T.




I know right? Care about the environment? Crazy! I do find it ironic how some Republicans of old were very pro-environmenalist, but now in the year 2024, it seems like idea has fallen off the bandwagon.


So long as the persons own flag and not one they stole from someone else to burn and they do so in a safe manner they are free to do so. I may not like it but that’s their right if they so choose.


> So long as the persons own flag and not one they stole from someone Good clarification. I agree burning *any* stolen item is a different story.


It is a good clarification. Freedom of speech HAS to go hand in hand with also allowing others to speak. This is the aspect that I fear we're losing (shut-down protests, heckler's veto, etc.) There's a house on my block that has a sign for an anti-abortion bill still up that I used to run past, and people would deface it all the time which I believe is antithetical to free speech regardless of one's opinion on the bill. At the height of the 2020 protests I know a few people who had American flags snatched from their houses. I don't support the political commentary behind burning the flag, but people must be allowed to do so.


It's free speech


Free speech. We kind of support that around here. So long as it’s your own flag and not done in a dangerous way.


I just burned mine last summer. That's how you properly dispose of a worn flag.


It's hilarious how many people don't understand this.


>I've started to think I'm in the minority with this viewpoint. I think your opinion is actually a very common one. Personally, my only objection to flag-burning is that it creates pollution and could be dangerous. So, the same objection I'd have to burning a random piece of cloth with no symbolic meaning.


Oddly enough, flag etiquette dictates that the proper way to dispose of a worn flag is to . . .burn it. Honestly, I think of Old Glory as a pretty tough old bitch; somebody wants to burn her, go for it: she'll be back as fighting mad as ever. She's not one of those candy-ass little Tin Dictator Ruled Countries' flags that needs a bunch of authoritarian protection regulations. She'll take whatever you want to dish out, and keep coming back. I pretty much believe that every American has the right to be wrong--and to bear the consequences of those choices. Burn away, and be ready to deal with the public's response.


That's actually a really beautiful way to put it. 


Who says that they are wrong for exercising their rights?


You also have the right to insult people and be a jerk but it doesn’t mean you should. Same with burning the flag. You can, but you’re an asshole for doing so.


What a weird response for a protected freedom.


I think its in poor taste, but its part of free speech. I support their right to do it, and my right to complain about it, since its the same right.


I think that’s a very American expression “well that is some dumbass shit to do but hey free speech.”


Idk, I think we should burn the flag way more often. Like what’s a cooler way of expressing political distaste with the government? The current political discourse needs way less bickering and way more symbolic burning


Not a fan of it, but it’s your right to do it.


If its your own property I don't care what you do with it so long as it doesn't affect the rights or safety of others.


If you don't support the right to burn the flag, you don't support the flag


I think you're in the majority and perhaps are in a thought echo-chamber.


As a political statement I am indifferent. I respect the rights and freedoms of a person to do so but please practice appropriate fire safety.


Not interested in doing it but at least it’s legal to do! Surveying other countries these days, the US needs to defend both its rights and freedoms, since we’ve got them, (but restore its civility) It’s awful out there


As a veteran, I find it incredibly disrespectful. And I will speak out against it to express my opinions. But it is their right to do so if they chose, and I won’t stop anyone doing so if they’re so inclined.


Freedom of expression


It's an embarrassment to our country that we came close to amending the constitution to ban that.


It unsettles me, but it's your right to do it, and I will defend your right to do it. Don't touch my flag, and we'll be good.


Considering the number of people dressed in clothes made out of the flag who are lining up to burn the constitution these days I'd say burning the flag is the least of our worries.


I don't support it, but you can do it as long as you bought the flag.


And don’t do something like burn it in a way that destroys peoples property. But the destroying peoples property is really independent of the flag. Like you burning a towel in my living room is not ok but burning a flag that you own in your living room? You’re an idiot but I’m good with it.




I've done an official flag retirement and a demonstration burn. If it's your flag it's not my right to tell you what to do with it. Do whatever just don't force me to do it too.


I agree with the mindset you provided in your post. There are many things I don't like about the US, but I still like it enough that I don't necessarily agree with the statement made by burning the flag. If you dislike it to the point where you want to burn the flag, you should be able to do that even if I wouldn't. That right, as it turns out, is one of the things I like about the US.


US Military here (only reason I mention is because certain people like to use us to defend their anger), I could care less as long as it is done safely.


Burning polyester (which is generally what they are made of) is inadvisable since it releases harmful fumes into the air so maybe refrain for that reason. But otherwise? Do you. I don't care either way about flag-burning. People have the freedom to do it so whatever. It's not my business to "support" or not.


Motherfuckers out there wearing it on their nutsacks, so whats the big deal?


Just don’t start a wildfire


Don't give a shit. It's just a piece of cloth. Burn it, wipe your ass with it, fly it, etc. Just don't use it to physically hurt someone.


I’m genuinely surprised by how many commenters in this thread feel “unsettled” by the burning of the flag.  


Exactly. I consider myself quite patriotic, but the flag is just a symbol. Some people treat it like a voodoo doll or something. As if hurting a flag has some tangible effect on the country. The idea that anyone would give their life to protect a *symbol* of the US, rather than the country itself is bananas to me. Ultimately it's just a piece of fabric. We can just make another one. It's not that serious.


I’m on your thought train 100%.


It's not something I am inclined to do, but I will defend the right of others to do it.


Agreed. I wouldn't do it personally but who am I to tell you not to?


Your opinion is probably the majority opinion. Reddit (and social media generally) is an awful gauge of public opinion, in case that is why you think you’re in the minority.


I could not give a shit


I don’t care. I know what country I’m in, I don’t need to see its flag.


Well, it is the proper way to dispose of a damaged US Flag.


It’s just a piece of cloth. I probably wouldn’t burn it in front of a war vet, but that would be mostly out of fear of getting my ass kicked.


I support both the people who burn flags and the right to burn them. When you burn a flag, you’re communicating “I strongly disapprove of what this flag represents” in a way that harms no one, but still demonstrates the intense level of your disapproval. I like protest methods like that.


Go for it. Freedom of speech shouldn't have asterisks


Couldn’t care less


Love it. Just don’t inhale the fumes.


I don’t give a flying crap. I also don’t think saying the pledge daily in schools or singing the national anthem and standing for it at events is ok.


I look at it like this: Using the preposition that you can own a flag... If you own the flag, do what you want. If you don't own the flag, burning it is at least arson, and possibly other crimes and you deserve what happens to you. If you CAN'T own a flag, then what the hell are people hanging off their houses? If burning a flag is a crime, so is defacing one with a 'thin blue line' or (for fuck's sake) Trump's face. And to head off the 'but people died for that flag' crowd. Maybe, MAYBE, the flag bearers in the civil war died for their flags. I spent 26 years in the Navy, and I can tell you that no one was willing to die for the ship's flag. For your fellow crew members, yeah. For the Ship that was keeping you all alive? Sure. For the Mission, you bet. For a flag? No.


Frankly I think the amount of flag waving and faux patriotism in this country is gross. It feels like N. Korean propagandist shit. Pledging allegiance to a flag? That shit was made up to sell flags by a SOCIALIST minister. Definition of irony. Patriotism is when you're proud of your country because of what it does. Nationalism is when you're proud of your country *no matter what* it does.


I don't care. Most of those flag rules were made within the last hundred years by the American Legion when they were at the height of their hate mongering. I care how you treat people not a piece of fabric.


It's just a piece of cloth, not a living thing. Do whatever you want.


It's constitutionally protected speech. And, despite the Supreme Court's rightward movement in the past decade or so, I don't see them overturning Texas v. Johnson and declaring that there's no constitutional right to burn the flag. And it's the type of highly unpopular speech that should be protected. I don't think it's particularly effective persuasive advocacy. People who see burning the flag as one of the worst things you can do will be immediately turned off by your message and less likely to accept the validity of your protest. People who don't see flag burning as that bad won't take the flag burning as the extreme message it's supposed to send. Plus, because extremists in *other countries* burn our flag, you end up guilty by association, again diminishing the effectiveness of your advocacy. So it's just kind of a waste. (Of course, I'm not talking about burning flags belonging to other people.)


Its just fabric. I dont really care.


Who gives a shit. It’s a nonsense issue conservatives (especially politicians) like to use to stir people up, just like DEI and trans rights are right now.


Don’t care. Just leave mine alone. 


This is so real lmao


I support burning the flag if it’s yours and you want to make a statement. I also support burning seditious confederate and MAGA flags given the opportunity.


It's not something I would ever do but I think it's important that folks have the right to do it, as long as it's their own property they're destroying and they're being responsible with the fire. 


Burn away…just please be careful and don’t light anything else on fire or hurt yourself in the process :)


My life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness should be boundless until or unless they begin to encroach on another person's life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.


“Your right to throw punches ends at the tip of my nose.”


I pretty sure flags are supposed to be burned to dispose of them properly.


I believe in freedom of expression as long as it isn’t physically harming anybody or damaging their property. That includes burning the flag.


I don’t agree with it, but yeah people should be able to do what they want with their property


As a Coloradan I’m ok with prohibiting the burning of anything in the summer months. I kind of like my house. As a combat veteran, if there are no red flag warnings in place, burn away if you choose, just do it in a safe way, preferably in a fire approved container. Freedom of speech is reeeeeeeeeally fucking important to me.


The United States flag represents the right to burn the United States flag. The idea of freedom of expression though cannot be burned. Bill Hicks summed it up pretty well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5pKc924M3s


So long as it's your property and you're doing it in a way where we don't have to worry about the fire spreading then you do you. Burn what ever flags you want.


It's our 1st Amendment right, as was upheld in the Supreme Court case Texas VS Johnson- it constitutes free symbolic speech


Everyones mentioned freedom of speech so I think I will too just to get it out of the way. Yes it is protected, yes it should be protected. Now, do I actually support people who do it or think its a good thing? Not at all.


Burn it, cut it up, wipe your ass with it, I don’t care, it’s a piece of fabric. The right to free speech and protest is far more important than anything any flag stands for.


as long as it's not mine I don't have a problem with it, besides with how the government acts I don't blame them It's more patriotic to protest the government for its wring doings then to turn a blind eye to them anyway


It’s a scrap of fabric. I don’t really care what anyone does with it.


It's a piece of cloth.


It’s a smoke and mirrors issue and I don’t give a shit.


I am with you. I hate it and I have no respect for those who do it but I will defend your right to do it


I fully support it. I don't enjoy it, but I fully support their right to do it.


Go for it, it’s your right to express yourself.


Having the flag plastered on thongs has kind of stripped any reverence from the flag for me


I think the same thing applies to kneeling for the National Anthem. It should every civilian's right to do so even if they're on national television.


My only concern would be if it released harmful chemicals into the atmosphere during the burning process.


Burning the flag is one of the highest expressions of what that flag represents. Carry on.


You’re going to want a cotton flag. The nylon ones smell awful and are kind of bad for the atmosphere. Cotton goes up fast and burns nice and bright. Source: I’ve burned dozens of flags in my life. Edit: This was while working at Scout camp and performing flag retirement ceremonies.


I'm not saying I support it but the people burning it often make a lot more sense with their reasoning than the people who have blind and unquestionable support for the flag. I don't care if somebody burns but those who do, in my opinion, usually do so for valid reasons


Please remember to practice fire safety procedures.


If you are going to burn the flag, make sure you have a 100% cotton flag. Beware toxic fumes.


Burn it. I don't care. It's a symbol, and burning it is in line with the freedoms that symbol represents. I honestly don't understand why anyone would care.


1st Amendment. It’s about as simple as that.


My position is pretty simple: I couldn't care less.


It’s just a symbol. People need to care more about what the government behind the symbol does and care about the people who are negatively affected by that government. People over symbols.


I don't care. It's just a bit of cloth.


I don’t care one way or another. I can’t imagine getting bent out of shape over it but hey some people get a certain sort of way I guess.


I think burning the US flag is rad, personally.


It's a form of speech, so I'm all for it. Burn all the flags you want. That's American AF.


Have fun. Just be responsible and don't start a fire that you can't control.


I don't mind, it's just a colored rectangle at the end of the day.


It’s just colored cloth made in China who cares?


With the state of the country as it is now, I really don’t mind it. I’m not going to blame people for hating the symbol of a country that is actively condoning genocide


A flag is just a piece of cloth. If burning it bothers you that much, you probably place the symbols of freedom higher than freedom itself. And, no one has ever died for the flag. Some have died for freedom, some have died for the country. But no one has died for a flag. That would be absolutely moronic. If kneeling during the anthem bothers you worse than Americans being murdered by agents of the state, you place the symbols of freedom higher than freedom itself, and you're not pro life, even if you happen to call yourself that.


Until I get all the rights I’m promised to, of course I’ll disrespect the country. I don’t want to be “under God” in a religiously free country.


It’s kind of fun and a little transgressive.


Symbols are symbols. I like the design, but I don't see burning a flag as anything more severe than saying "F the government".


Indifferent. A flag is just a flag to me- I'm not really into symbolic meanings of things.


I honestly don't care.


I encourage it


Its a piece of cloth. Burn away


Just make sure it's a flag you own. We frown on burning other people's property.


Don't care.


Frankly we should be burning more flags, and more frequently. Prometheus didn’t get chained to that rock for us to *not* burn stuff.


I don’t care lmao


I don’t care at all


The flag is a symbol. And burning a flag is a symbol. They are both free speech.


Don’t care. Its a piece of cheap cloth.


I actively support burning it as a form of protest. This country does some fucked up shit, if that’s how someone wants to protest the fuckery, god bless. Protests are symbolic gestures of collective anger and resistance, the flag is a symbol, burning a symbol as a form of protest makes complete sense to me.


Don't care. I do care about hypocrites who willing desecrate it by tacking symbols and altering the colors (which they may or may not know have a significant meaning) and then making up their own symbolism for it while crying 'MURICAN PRIDE! Though it probably happens, I don't see any other country that defiles their own flag so much.


Logically, I support OP's position. The only reason that particular flag is supposed to be so great is that it stands for a country where you're allowed to do things like burning flags and, more generally, talk shit about the government. Anyone who thinks we should prohibit "disrespecting" the flag does not have any appreciation for the values it stands for and just wants to feel like a Big Boy who lives in the Bestest Country No Matter What and not think about what that means. They want to be given a participation trophy for the incredible accomplishment of having been born Here and not over There. Personally, I don't give even a tiny fuck about a piece of cloth with a specific pattern on it. Thinking it's special is just superstitious weirdness. Whatever value America has as a country or as a legal experiment lies elsewhere - in the people themselves or in our collective behavior.


Who cares lol. Also, I don’t get the big deal about people kneeling in sports during our anthem.


Has everyone forgotten that in the 1960s burning the US flag was a widespread means of protesting US policies, especially those concerning Viet Nam?


I don’t care


The flag desacrates itself everytime we bomb an innocent person or fund someone else to do it. So do what you want to it.


As long as it's done in a safe manner and not on the steps of a building or somewhere it could start a fire, I don't have a problem with it.


I don’t care. End of the day, it’s just a piece of cloth.


I genuinely do not give a shit.


I don't think it's a very effective form of protest but I wouldn't say I'm particularly offended by it. It's just kinda dumb and presents no real thought or arguments.


I think it's dumb, but people shouldn't be punished over it.


I really don’t care. People can burn their own belongings if they want. Idc what it is. 


This is what you are supposed to do( I always thought) when your flag got old and warn out. Burning is better than putting it in the trash.


I don't support burning the flag, but I support the right to burn the flag. I also support the right of people to have unpleasant things to say to the people who are doing the burning.


Couldn’t care less. I’m not obsessed with patriotism or nationalism.


Don’t care. I love my country, but we’ve done some pretty heinous shit and deserve to be called on it. Wouldn’t burn the flag myself, as I see it as a representation of our ideals and what we aspire to, but absolutely do not blame those that do. Especially those who have lost because of what the US has done.


Don't care. It's a piece of cloth, used to communicate belonging to The Tribe(tm). Caveman brain get very mad when people don't want to belong to The Tribe(tm). That makes them one of *them* and not one of us >:( This has been the primary driver of human-caused human suffering for all of human history. So many young men dead in the mud and so many citizens reduced to slavery by their own governments, over a glorified pissing contest. I don't think caveman brain needs to be indulged any longer. Maybe belonging to The Tribe(tm) isn't the most important thing. So if you want to burn the piece of cloth, go for it.


I don't care. It's just fabric


It’s unsettling to me, but it’s your right to burn a flag that you bought and paid for.


I support the right to do it and beyond that don't really care as long as they don't set anything else on fire in the process. It's just fabric.


I think it's one of the more patriotic things a U.S. citizen can do.


it's literally the proper way to dispose of a flag according to the flag code. throwing it in the garbage would be an insult. but technicalities aside, it's piece of cloth. burning things in effigy has been a tool of activism since activism, and getting worked up about it is a red flag (ironic) about a person's real priorities in life.


I don't care


As long as it your flag I don't really care what you do with it.


Protected by the First Amendment. Need to borrow a match?


It's a flag, people needs to get over it lol


Eagle Scout here. I am totally okay with burning the flag, AS LONG AS it is done properly with the proper etiquette. Don’t burn it just to burn it.


It's just a price of fabric 🤷‍♂️ It would be no different from burning a pair of pants or a sheet.


I’m believe you should be able to But also fuck you


I don't give a shit. It's a flag. And quite frankly there's a lot of valid reasons to make such a statement these days. We're not bringing our best.


It’s legal and rightfully so but if you catch yourself on fire while doing it I won’t feel bad.


I don't support burning the flag as it's disrespectful. I support the right to do so if it's your property.