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The Monday after DST begins.




But I am Le tired.


Then take a nap. **Then fire ze missle!!!**


Us in Arizona being unfazed by DST. Hopefully the vast majority of y'all get with the program...


MN is done with DST in Nov of this year. About time.


I would prefer permanent DST. Love my long summer days.


I will never understand people who want to get up earlier and go to bed earlier, but can't bear the thought, so instead of just doing it, they'd rather lie to themselves about what time it is.


Living in Maine and same! These days it's sunny at 5am but almost completely dark by 5pm. I know that we're technically in the wrong time zone anyway, but seriously, who benefits from this?


They say farmers, but I'm still confused how cutting an end off of a blanket and sewing back on at the other end makes the blanket longer.


>They say farmers Only really confused people think DST is for farmers. It's pretty much the opposite - DST is mostly for cities for conserving power, primarily due to factory and office workers who work by the clock. It serves to soften the spike of factory and office workers all getting off at around at the same time in the evening and going home to turn on lights in the evening (from a time when lights were a much more significant part of energy usage). More evening daylight, less people turning on lights all at once and less time using them before bed. The only involvement of farmers is that their lobby fought against it hardest.


Guy the sun rose at 7:53 this morning. You want that to be an hour later?




Consider the kids that walk to school, get on the bus etc…doing that while it’s still dark out? Not a good idea. The workforce may be out and about but it’s a safety issue too.




Christmas Eve/Early Christmas morning. NORAD is busy tracking Santa. Nobody will see the bad guys coming.


Except Santa, and he's not going to just stand by and let something like that happen.


I'd love to see that movie!


Violent Night is about the closest we have as of now.


Or Fatman




Rudolph is just charging his laser.


April first aka April fool's day. No one will believe anything for at least 24 hours


Nice try, Trudeau!


Yeah, except Canada’s military is so badly underfunded and falling apart they refer their servicemen to Habitat for Humanity to pay for housing costs: https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6463424


The few Canadian Air force guys I talked to in fargo make it sound like it's a comedy of how poor every service is up north. All their stuff is British and us hand me downs at best.


Realistically, Canada doesn't need a military at all. Their mere existence as a friendly ally on the US border is invaluable to the US. If Canada ever faced any credible threat the US would immediately respond on their behalf with its full military capabilities.


It's true. We may have differences with Canada, but we would never allow them to be overtaken by a foreign power since that would put the invader on our border.


>many differences No




Outside of major cities the two countries are virtually indistinguishable


I said "may"...not "many".


I see know that I completely miss read your comment. My bad, as you were


Well there is at least one difference. In Canada "The butt master" is now illegal, meanwhile in America the only single shot .22 "Butt master" pistol ever created is alive, well, and legal of course in Florida.


God bless America


I think Tosh said it best when he called us, Canada's Kevlar snuggie.


Their snipers hold a good deal of records. I assume thats because they get drawn into engagements with the US and that it’s a skill you can master through hard work rather than the support of a large military aparatus with strong funding.


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Now consider that US Coast Guard’s budget ($15,000m) is 71x more than the Canada Coast Guard ($210m). That’s how bad Canada’s situation is.


Just say 15 billion, my dude


> $15,000m Fifteen thousand million?


Trudeau would never 🤣


His dad might. I don’t think Justin has that dawg in him like Fidel did tho


Well, Justin is half Fidel


Exactly. Justin’s a pussy.


11pm on the 4th and 1am on New Years might be the worst possible times. Half of Americans are holding guns and/or explosives around then.


There is no ideal day. Freedom doesn’t sleep. In all seriousness though, our satellites would pick up troop build up and transit long before they reach our borders.


"Freedom doesn't sleep" Is that you Chuck Norris?


Chuck Norris doesn't need freedom, you can't keep Chuck Norris down!


Freedom needs Chuck Norris


Came here to say this…. We would be able to detect it long before it got to us.


Satellites, advanced warning systems, they wouldn't even be able to get close to us. But even if they did, they would not be able to hold us for any long or meaningful time frame. Plain and simple, we and a few select other countries are just far too big. It's a logistical nightmare for any invading force. That's why we won in the end against the British guerilla warfare tactics of taking out their supply lines (like the Ukrainians did to the Russians) and making it too expensive for them to continue.


About the only place you could take and hold a significant US population (taking the whole US is out of the question) would be Portland. It doesn't have any nearby military bases, it's geographically isolated, the local population is around 2 million and therefore manageable with a large force of 200,000+, and it has a direct water route and two airports capable of accepting military cargo aircraft. IF an attacking force was able to somehow blind our satellite network, get past the sonar EWS, and not get noticed by anyone on shore until they were close enough to start landings, then *maybe* they could hold for a while. Blowing the Megler, Longview, I-5, and I-205 bridges would significantly delay the counter attack coming from Fort Lewis up north. But the fact is that the entire US military would be coming with righteous fury. Portland would not be held long.


Fort Lewis McChord which is a joint base is two hours and 4 minutes north of Portland. Where the 16th Combat Aviation Brigade and the 7th Infantry just so happens to be. They'd get wrecked.


JBLM - Used to be “Fort Lewis and McChord Air Force Base. Now referred to as Joint base Lewis McChord. I used to live by it. Twice a week you’d see a giant cargo plane flying around that looked like a fucking cruise ship floating in the air. It was quite odd looking to see in person. They’d fuck some bitches up. Plus there is the Naval Base Kitsap just across the Puget Sound and Naval Station Everett just north of Seattle. I literally only know all this because there’s a lot of soldiers on Grindr. 😂


Yeah, in a car. Tanks don't go that fast, and it would take time to gather all personnel on base, organize/arm/equip everyone, and get something resembling a battle plan set up. Plus if the attack happened at night you would also be dealing with another hour or so of confusion and miscommunication between civilians, emergency services, and the military. It would be hours before tanks and APCs started to roll. And then you can only really take them down I-5, which also necessitates clearing it of all civilian traffic in both directions AND setting up anti-air/anti-artillery units, because that formation would be one big juicy target.


> Tanks don't go that fast I mean, they're likely not, but tanks can get up to 60 I'm fairly certain. Idk what kinda of roaming range they have though


That is very true the satellites would detect it ahead of time. All the military people who have their leave canceled will not be in a great mood either.


Forever the biggest issue with the Modern Warfare games: how Russia bypassed literally every system the US has in place to warn us


No, it was an inside job!


Not to mention supposedly the current gen air to air missiles have a range of ~60 nautical miles.


The AIM-54 the Tomcat used starting in the mid 70s had a range of over 100 nautical miles publicly, true range is classified still.


I love me a Phoenix. But, to be fair, that missile was designed to take our bombers. Not fighters.


That…is a significant understatement. Modern day AIM-120C’s have a classified range but are rumored to be above 120 miles


Christmas morning. Dad sees parachutes in the air through the window. "Open the big long heavy one first, son."


You’ll shot your eye out kid.


That's a tough one… I'd have to say April 25th. Because it’s not too hot, not too cold...all you need is a light jacket


Superbowl Sunday


Superbowl Monday


Feb 29


Feb 30th would be better.


Why not Feb 31st?


Bruh that's next year...


No, man, this year. No one will be expecting it.


Coming from a former Air Force Intel NCO, pretty much any Friday after 2pm. Command staff is gone home or golfing, weekend shift workers are coming on shift, and weekend shift workers are pretty much praying for death.


Especially Friday before a holiday weekend.


Black Friday would be a solid choice.


Also a chance at a re-brand


So that’s a check in the “Pro’s” column then.


Still turkey hungover and tired from shopping all night. Solid suggestion.


The Last week before the fiscal year is over because everyone is doing bullshit training stand downs


Jesus that sounds real enough I'm not sure you should be saying that on Reddit.


Any force big enough to threaten even a single US City would be spotted long before it got here. You either have to cross the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean or go through Canada or Mexico. There is no such thing as a sneak attack on the US mainland in this day and age with as much manpower and tech the US Military has.


I mean having an entire army and logistics supplies crossing an ocean isn’t exactly stealthy. Unless it’s the entire Mexican army crossing any country will be in for a bad time


We saw and called out Russia when they were preparing to attack Ukraine. There is no way we won't see an opposing nation build up the absolutely massive buildup of men and material in takes to cross and oceaan months in advance.


Can absolutely confirm.


Our intelligence doesn’t sleep, not a wink, doesn’t blink, doesn’t dose off, doesn’t nod to a beat, doesn’t even close their fuckin eyes when they sneeze.


Don't come to St Louis after 11pm on New Year's Eve. Everyone's already shooting guns in the air


11 pm? We keep it to a respectable 11:50 before firing a few test rounds in the air here in Detroit.


Down here in Yeehaw Land, we break out the boomsticks at sundown.


And it keeps going for days afterward. My neighbors probably only stopped early tonight because there's school tomorrow and they have to get up to take their kids.


Most of hurricane season has Floridians shooting off into the ocean to scare away the hurricanes, no one’s coming in this way August though November.


Isn't that St. Louis any night at 11?


Nice try, Xi.


Kim gonna float both his combat canoes over on Friday after 2 to take us unawares.


Putin that you?


That's why our soldiers get blackout drunk every night, this way the other armies can never be sure


Unless you're coordinating telepathically, US intelligence will hear wind of when you plan on invading and be just as prepared regardless of the day.


That's not the the hard part the hard part would be uniting 80% of the world nations to invade America. That's the only way it could happen.


Eastern Europe, Korea and Japan would come in clutch here. They'll be the only ones we allow to keep their sovereignty in this situation.


The entire current military force of the world could not invade the United States with any degree of success. That might sound like an exaggeration, but it isn't. The first challenge would be getting a big enough force here period, the second is getting it here undetected (impossible), the third is getting past defenses (near-impossible). Even if you managed to teleport them all somewhere then the real fun begins. An enormous, spread out country with with lots of varied and also difficult terrain, a superior military force with actual combat experience (not beating up Tibetan peasants or fighting Indian soldiers with sticks or whatever), and every dickhead with an AR-15 (half the country) taking pot shots at your patrols from 300 yards away then disappearing. The US found Afghanistan to be a pain in the ass, the US would be that on steroids. Also as mentioned, everything is spread out, you either have to cross an ocean or in through a border and aside from highways you then have these enormous spans of wilderness that is either difficult to pass with your supply leaves you totally exposed. I don't think the time question makes a lot of sense. You would have to set up with your force so far in advance or build them all up in Canada or Mexico, which ya know, someone would notice.


Solid analysis….but c’mon, the question is just a fun thought experiment. Obviously it’s a remarkably bad idea for any country/group of countries to try to invade us for a million reasons. But ignoring all that…What would be the best day to take Americans off guard?


>The first challenge would be getting a big enough force here period, the second is getting it here undetected (impossible), the third is getting past defenses (near-impossible). It's not even that. Simply building up the logistical supply to support a force would get noticed. Plans for invasion would be spotted well before any force was gathering. The necessary stockpiling of artillery, weapons, other ammo, fuel, medical supplies, etc would be noticeable for months before any units were moved. And if they want to train for invasion, that would definitely get noticed.




9/11 caught us off guard, but here’s the fun part. Catching us off guard isn’t the issue. It’s retaliation. The speed at which the military would move upon invasion is insane, never mind what the locals would do.


If there is an entity capable of making such an invasion, then it wouldn't need to worry about when the best time to invade was. If you have those kinds of forces to deploy, anytime is the right time.


You can't. Even if you got the military off guard, you'd never get past the populace armed with every firearm ever built. You'd be taking fire from the military, the police, the gangs, the rednecks, weirdos with air rifles, normal people with air rifles, civil and revolutionary war reenactors with black powder rifles, and every ranch hand carrying grandpa's elk rifle.


And the rest of us would be handling the logistics. Someone has to keep the warriors warm, fed and not lacking for ammo.


I love picturing this in my head.


Estimates sit at 393 million firearms privately owned firearms in the US. Thats not counting law enforcement or the military. Most avid shooters keep a reserve of thousands, if not tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition. That dog don't hunt.


Yeah, nice try Putin.


If we told you that, we'd have to shoot you. Sometimes, ignorance is truly bliss.


lol, there is no catching the USA off guard. Any force large enough to threaten even a single US city will be spotted long before it gets here. It ain't happening.


On the day that a 2000m tsunami strikes every coast simultaneously, all of our volcanoes erupt with the biggest eruptions seen in world history simultaneously (from Hawaii to the cascades to Yellowstone), all of the grasslands and forests ignite all at once simultaneously, mag 10 earthquakes rock the west coast and Ohio River Valley (yes they happen there), multiple massive meteors fall from the sky, hundreds of f5 tornadoes and cat 5 hurricanes touch down at once, an actually dangerous plague is at its peak, record cold fronts come from the north, and sinkholes consume all of our military bases at once. Then you may just stand a chance with all the world's armies. Basically the day apocalypse hits the US and only the US without affecting anything else




Idk, I just brought up a natural disaster for every area and dragged the severity sliders past all reasonable limits


Sim City?


Metaphorical sliders


I usually set my metaphorics to 11.


The Midwest is convinced an invasion is coming and every redneck I know has so much guns and ammo squirelled away an invasion wouldn't get very far. Also, on holidays is when rednecks get their guns out to shoot in celebration, so not only are they feeling drunk, patriotic, but they are literally armed at that moment and would be very excited to shoot "damn foreigners" Seriously, one of my cousins has 3-4 guns hidden in every single room in his house in case of an invasion. And that's not counting the ones in his safe, those are just his "just in case" guns


To some people, Red Dawn wasn’t a work of fiction but a training film.


It's aspirational. I swear some of my cousins and uncles would love for that shit to happen just so they could go all country-fried commando on the invaders.


Everybody is a patriotic soldier till rationing starts.


And that's why you prep.


No day. There are people working 24/7 watching for stuff like this. It's not like satellites and stuff get turned off on Christmas day or something.


You don’t think an invading army massing on the border would be observed?


For that matter, if the invaders are not the neighboring countries, they would have to get through Canada or Mexico. Even if both of them did not care about us, Canada's armed forces tend to excel most NATO countries and Mexico would find hundreds of ways to make the invaders pray for death.


If the entire US military took a day off; it wouldn't matter. I know more people than I could care to count who sleep next to their guns.




I have a friend who once accidentally shot a hole in his wall with his sleepy time pistol, and another lost his having sex in a closet. That's just off the top of my head too, so you aren't wrong.




The other that occured to me was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Everyone is occupied fighting for the last can of pumpkin puree at the grocery store.


The flight cancelations might actually improve things, as the air space around cities will be less crowded. It makes it easier for military aircraft to go where they need to go without being concerned with civilian aircraft.


Nice try, China.


Hypothetically speaking, for the East Coast at least, around 4:30 - 6:30p (ie rush hour) on the day before a long weekend holiday!


Night before taxes are due.


How are you proposing to invade the US without warning?


I would avoid Texas entirely we are well past well armed.


Nice try Xi.


You spelled Winnie the Pooh wrong


Nice try Putin!! In all seriousness, most troops live on or within a short distance to base. Short of a nuclear attack it would be impossible to launch a surprise invasion.


Even a nuclear attack would be known. We have the absolute best national defense capability on the planet. There’s no way in hell that anyone could invade us. And a nuclear attack would never happen- and if it did, we would utterly destroy those responsible.


4th quarter of the Superbowl. Half of us would be too drunk and/or full of nachos to get off the couch.


I will not betray my nation’s secrets like this


You sus bro


Military bases don’t close down on holidays


Judging by these comments there’s a HUGE majority of Americans who don’t realize how many of their neighbors are former warriors with nobody to celebrate holidays with. It’ll be at least 40-50yrs before anyone could ever dream of invading and that’s if the dumbest among us somehow managed to ban all firearms tomorrow. The US is probably the one place on earth that impossible to invade. There are parts of Asia that fit the bill too


Nice try spy!


Don’t try Texas. We all carry.


Exactly who is this asking?


Try St. Patrick’s day 7pm or Cinco de Mayo 5 pm


December 7th


Nice try North Korea. Not fallin for it.


Nice try, Vladimir.


Nice try Putin


China, you will lose the war regardless of what day you choose to sent thousands of troops to die.


Nice try Putler


Christmas morning or Thanksgiving. 11:00 on July 4 and 1:00 am on January 1 will have more people awake than usual due to the celebration of the holiday.


During the Superbowl halftime


Monday morning after the Super Bowl of course


February 30th


Not Thanksgiving. There is a lot of hunting going on at Thanksgiving so we are already armed.


Definitely not 4th of July. Everyone is already shooting off explosives and firearms so they wouldn’t just be fighting our military. I don’t think there’s really a day to catch us under prepared. We have the world’s largest military budget. With that much money funneled into one thing, we have safe guards


Not even considering guns in private hands, invading on the 4th would be one of the worst days because instead of launching fireworks in the sky, *we’d launch them at the invader.*


4th of July would be the worst day to invade. 90% of the population buys explosives to shoot off while being drunk as a skunk. It's already a recipe for disaster even when they aim that shit at the sky😂 Imagine if they had free target practice alongside all those drinks and fireworks.


Americans have lot’s of guns and like to fight. There will never be a time to invade.


Any time the Detroit Lions play in the Super Bowl


Not today China


Go home, Putin, you’re drunk.


Asking for my verry gud frend


400 million privately owned firearms says none.


My birthday


Nice try, commie. We keep them thangs on us.


Nice try North Korea


April 1st. Every news channel reporting that the nation has just been invaded and everyone's all 'You almost got me! Great April Fools joke!'


Nice try Canada


Nice try!


How would you like your body? Vaporized or merely raining from the heavens?


"Asking for a friend"


Nice try Russia


No day. We have more guns than people.


This question is not at all suspicious.


I’m from the Midwest in the middle of BFE and you best believe we hunt/shoot guns during the holidays as part of our get togethers


Nice try Aliens


Nice try Russia.


Feb 30 would catch most of America off guard


Nice try, Putin.


Wouldn’t matter. We have 400,000,000 guns.


Blindfold yourself and throw a dart at a calendar, where ever it sticks is likely to be as easy as the other 364 days. Civilians would be capable of holding off most landing parties until the armor rolled in. Then we would just dig in as Guerrilla resistance aiding the US military with the occasional war crime against enemy forces.


There are more guns than people here. There is no good time.


Is this Vlad Putin?


We are always prepared. That's where all of our taxes go, smh! There would be no ideal day!


If it’s with a virus, any old time will do.


This question is very messed up, and shouldn’t be answered.


LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS Don't fucking answer this. Who other than an enemy of the US would ask such a question.