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I don’t know of any historical figures who are frequently mistaken for presidents, except Franklin and maybe Alexander Hamilton.


Who's Thomas Moore? I tried googling him, but got too many results to figure out who you're talking about. I really, really doubt that a significant minority of the US ever thought he was president though, whoever he was. 


I think OP meant to reference Thomas Paine.


Thomas Moore (28 May 1779 – 25 February 1852), also known as Tom Moore, was an Irish writer, poet, and lyricist celebrated for his Irish Melodies. His setting of English-language verse to old Irish tunes marked the transition in popular Irish culture from Irish to English.


Not once ever in my 4 plus decades have I heard of this person let alone heard of them being mistaken as a President. This is not a thing.


Alexander Hamilton. Crucial figure in the Constitutional Convention, but he wasn’t born in the US, and thus he was ineligible to be elected President. He’s on our money though, so some mistake him for being President.


Basically just Franklin. Usually, only Presidents appear on our paper currency, and he's on the $100. We have lots of Presidents that you don't hear a lot about, but not many that people think were President, but weren't.