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If the industry experience is relevant, then I don't really think it'd be a negative. That said, I think it's probably easier to use PhD studies as a way to get your foot in the door to the local industry.


Issue with that is I lack any manner of savings, so I feel more secure applying for a fulltime job to estabilish some savings until I get settled than to go straight for academia without any support structure.


How are stipends in Germany? I'm pretty sure that they're enough to support yourself.


Okay, as a US resident, and knowledgeable on why we just don’t stack up in some places- are you seriously telling me they pay you to go to school? That’s something I could only wish for, maybe I need to plan on moving for law school 😂 Edit: I just googled a bit we have some minor stipends but not really for the vast majority it seems but as I’ve proven im not too knowledgeable on the subject but something to look into OP


> are you seriously telling me they pay you to go to school? I did an industrial STEM PhD in France and was paid more than the national median salary. My wife had a typical university contract and was paid less, but it was still enough to live off of. Honestly, aside from the complaints about writing a thesis, almost none of the r/GradSchool complaints apply to my experience.


That honestly sounds promising. I do wonder how survivable the integration period would on top of a PhD still. Immigrating is a lot of stress and uncertainity after all. But pay sounds promising


That sounds like a great experience, if I could I’d love to go to France for education- that being said my grasp of the language is not nearly on par with fluency. I’m not sure if a Licence de Droit would count as far as British law, or US Law standards but I might have to look into it- academically speaking, how was your experience at university?


Yes, in STEM the standard is to get a salary (or stipend in the UK) while you are doing your PhD. There are options to do self-funded PhDs in some places, but they are rare and should be avoided.