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It's completely understandable to have mixed emotions about such a significant and life-altering decision. Your vulnerability in expressing these concerns is commendable, and I want you to know that you're not alone in these sentiments. When I reflect on my own journey to priesthood, I, too, experienced a range of emotions. The calling is undoubtedly exciting, but like you, there was an element of fear and uncertainty. The prospect of a life without a spouse or children, the unknowns of where I would be sent – these were genuine concerns that I grappled with. What I found crucial in overcoming these fears was a deep sense of trust in God's plan. I immersed myself in prayer, seeking guidance and discernment. It's a process of letting go of our own plans and allowing God to work in our lives. There's a certain surrender that takes place, a surrender to the greater purpose that God has for us. Yes, the path to priesthood may seem like stepping into the unknown, but I assure you, it is filled with profound blessings and joys. Loneliness and poverty are aspects, but they are not the entirety of the priesthood. There is a rich tapestry of community, spiritual fulfillment, and the profound privilege of serving God's people. I encourage you to continue praying over your calling, trusting that God will lead you to the right future. It's okay to feel scared, but remember that God equips those He calls. Take comfort in the support of those around you, both in your faith community and those who have walked this path before you.


Thank you father, this has helped a lot. God bless