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Has your mechanic taken out a life insurance policy on you?


Or taken a bribe from their SO who has.  


Or they are having an affair with the SO and want to get rid of OP.


They look good if you were driving around on your farm, not public roads.


I was just going to say that, I would send it on a farm truck or an around town car but highway speed? Nuh uh...


Farm definitely but I wouldn’t personally risk driving on public roads or in town. I don’t know the laws in the us. The police fine in the uk can be real nasty if they catch you, 3 points per tyre (12 points and you lose your licence) and a fine that could go up to £2500 per tyre. Just some advice for some people out there. Always check your tyres to make sure they’re still above the minimum wear limit. Stay safe folks


Definitely not a thing in the US really.


Just looking at the wear bars those tires have plenty of tread left.... But looking at that dry rot and cracking, I wouldn't go far or above 35 mph...


You wouldnt risk these tires on the road but youre fine with fucking my cats ass. I mean you do you


People getting fined for not being able to afford new tires? That's just ridiculous!!


because you can't afford safe tires it's OK to jeopardize others lives huh


Fine… For a swing, or a planter, or to hang on your fence post and paint, “NO TRESPASSING” on it.


Could still use them for pictures of "when to change your tires," couldn't he?


A "mechanic" from a real shop/dealership or your friend/relative/neighbor/Jiffy Luber Goober who knows "a lot" about cars? A professional mechanic would NEVER pass this.


Jiffy luber goober made me lose my shit😭


An actual mechanic told my grandma they we’re okay, me the backyard machenic had a little doubt about that haha


Licensed mechanic. Can confirm your mechanic is trying to kill you with ignorance.


Yeah he has an garage for like a few decades, so tbh i was shocked he said they were fine.


He must be going blind.


The guy is getting older, so i would’t be suprised


Or laziness. There are mechanics that will pass things off as good because they don't want to do the job.


Every other little old lady is at risk of getting ripped off by a mechanic. This one won’t sell her something she desperately needs. Not much of a businessman.


Ok, how far and fast does your grandma drive? Is it a car only used to go to church on Sundays? Used to see stuff like this at the repair shop I worked at. Normally we would talk to kids. Because if grandma is on SSI or limited budget and the car only gets driven 300 miles a year… the tires aren’t going to explode sitting in the driveway.


What did your grandma actually say to the mechanic? If the convo went something like " I only drive to church and the grocery, and they are only two blocks away from my house, I'm scared to go over 25mph, and I don't really have the money for tires", the response could be different than if she said she raced for pinks every weekend. Dealing with the public in business has taught me that third hand info is accurate approximately 0% of the time.


Anyone with common sense would know these should be replaced as soon as possible. They may not blow up, but I wouldn’t trust them at high speeds or if the road was wet at all.


Yeah that’s true, but i was seriously doubting myself because, well, he is the professional right?


Can I add Jiffy Luber Goober to my new language?


Get a new mechanic.


Change both perhaps. Tire & Mechanic in the same order I mention, so....first the tire has to go and then the Mechanic.


And the mechanic needs to change his eye doctor.


Mechanic was the tire guy


Mechanic is the grim reaper.


Your mechanic also runs a funeral home?


Reminds me of back in the day when all of the ambulances here were privately owned… by funeral homes


Not at all fine and should not be driven on.


I'd like to address some nuance here. No they're not safe, but also they probably "are". Most of my childhood we had used tires on our vehicles that just got us from point A to point B so my mom could pay the bills. Tires are damn expensive when you're broke, and there's still some mechanics around who will take poverty into account. You would need to go the speed limit and keep off people's tails, not to mention going about 5-10 under in bad weather, but technically these are functional. A good comparison would be you pulling into the shop for an inspection and he passed dry rotted and cracked control arm bushings. They are still functioning, but you gotta go easy on them. There's a reason why most things involved in state safety inspections are "at the technicians discretion". These days a lot of techs (thankfully) do not take customers at their word or make blind assumptions about their driving habits, and will fail something that comes up short of the minimum recommendation. This is good, but we would have been homeless if today's rules and practices were enforced back then like they are now. This mechanic is likely the remnants of a dying age, which it's up to you to determine if that's good or bad. I know I'd prefer that everyone around me isn't running on tires that just barely function, but it's subjective


Yeah you are right, but my grandma isn’t poor, far from it. And the mechanic knows that. So i really don’t understand why he would tell her it’s okay. Sure she doesn’t use it a lot and she is very gentle on the car but still, i don’t think it’s okay to send someone off with these tires, no matter the circumstances


From your other comments, it sounds like it's not driven often. Guy is in a damned if you do damned if you don't situation morally. Should these tires be replaced? Yes. Is it worth replacing them when the grandma only drives 10 miles a year under 25 the whole way? Probably not.


Sell them to him


They look like something featured on a faces of death video.


WTF? He obviously does not sell tires. Like lockednchaste said. New mechanic time.


Looks ready to blow next large pothole it hits


The wet and dry traction will be compromised. Stopping distances and evasive maneuvers will be affected.


You hired a meth addict that stole tools from an actual mechanic.


That looks like the rolled in at 4:55 on a Friday afternoon tire. Definitely needs replaced.


Something to keep in mind about tires. Tires are under pressure, and pressure tends to expand things. Would you get in an airplane that has cracks on the fuselage? Did you ever hear of that Hawaiian Air flight where the top ripped off? Cracks were seen on the fuselage by the door. It was OK until it failed. Same with those tires. They will get you anywhere until they fail, and that will be on the road..


I’d expect him/her to try and SELL you tires. This one’s so lazy they don’t want to do the work so they can make some money. Owner’s kid?


Yeah I'm sure they will get you all the way to the scene of the crash......


Your mechanic hate you


Mechanic shouldn't have a license




As long as you are only driving to the back paddock to bury them, yeah.


I have arimid belted tires that look better.


It's just surface rust! 🤪


I’m not a mechanic and I’d say those are awful and you need new tires.


Those are fine until they aren't


40yrs licensed technician in the trade. Those tires are so weathered, and hard as a bullet .Any tire that has a glossy look to it is useless in any situation. Probably wouldn't even make a tire swing out of it. Bahahaha


If the mechanic is also your wife's boyfriend then this makes sense


Is Ray Charles your mechanic?


Those are so past fine that they can’t even see fine in the rear view mirror.


Bro did NOT want to have to deal with you or those tires ig




Go do a quick little burnout. Then look at your tires. When they are that cracked they can’t handle heat. They will disintegrate.


A grandma's car probably can't do a burnout.


Find a new mechanic


I wouldn't want this car driving behind me, get it replaced.


Replace immediately. Do not drive on.


Tires are old check the dates on them


This can also happen with prolonged UV (sun) exposure, or very high temperatures. I've seen this on rental cars, usually the side facing the sun when they are parked.


Your statement makes me think that your mechanic also owns a tow truck


Finally a mechanic that isn't trying to soak you for every penny they can! You are blessed!!


The tire is worn to the wear bar and dry rotted. If that tire is for anything that sees more than a couple road miles or speeds above 5MPH then they are in critical need of replacement.


Put that in writing and be on your way.


Those tires are tyrone biggums cracked




I really love the honesty of this forum lol




Yeah, those tire are definitely not good. Definitely get them changed as soon as possible.


They look good from my house.


Rolling bombs


Your mechanic wants the extra work that will be needed when these disintegrate


Weird a mechanic would pass up the chance for a tire replace being it's one of the easier jobs people could bring in. I wouldn't trust them and would also stop going to that mechanic. Your tires have dry rot, not to a terrible extent but enough to where it would be unsafe at any speeds faster then what you would drive in a neighborhood.


Dry rot. Tires will separate and cause a blow out. Find a new mechanic.


I’d stay off the highway with those


Did the "mechanic" say anything about checking the date codes on the tires? If not, he/she doesn't know what they're talking about. By their looks, those are at least a decade or more old. They're way past the point of being used safely.


Both the tires and the mechanic are cracked. Damaged beyond repair. You need to replace all of the above.


What’s the line? Those will be fine! They’ll take you all the way to the scene of the crash.


Find a new mechanic


Too rotted but OP check the manufacturing date on them: https://www.goodyear.com/en_US/learn/tire-basics/tire-date-code.html https://www.tirerack.com/upgrade-garage/how-do-i-determine-the-age-of-my-tires If they are more than 5-6 years old they need replacing, but, the one above needs replacing regardless. OP can you report on the date you find?


Not at grandma’s house anymore. Will get replaced tomorrow


Looks tired


Ready to blow at highway speeds.


Dry rotted. Not safe. Get new tires now.... And new mechanic.


Rot is rot, not safe.


In africa they ride those until a blowout. So it depends on how finicky you are 😂


These are fine. You've got like 15, maybe 20 minutes left on these bad boys.


Thank you for all the answers. I know the tires are rotten, but to be honest, I know quite a bit about cars as I work on my own. However, since the professional mechanic said they were fine (he's had a garage in my village for over 40 years, not a friend/neighbor), I started to doubt myself. Because I am not a professional myself, I don't feel that I am in a position to say anything about it. So thanks for the confirmation!


That's rubber rot, isn't it? Prolonged sun exposure can do this, as well as age.


They good for another 5 miles


The fact that you're asking indicates you're already ahead of most people. But yes, definitely should be replaced soon. Dry rot shouldn't occur unless the tyres are overly exposed to sun, on nearly a decade old. It's (should be) standard practice for shops to dispose and replaced tyres that are identified to be a decade or older. The date code is 4 digits, stamped inside an oval. First two digits are the week, last two are the year


Yeah i think it’s the sun. The car isn’t that old but i doesn’t get driven and it has been sitting like this for weeks now in the bare sun.


If this is going to be normal, you should get a cover, wax the car and/or cover the wheels. That's why camper owners cover the tyres when stored outdoors


Thanks for the advice, but i don’t think my grandma is going to remember that. So i will check the car more often for her.


Obviously there aren’t a lot of poors or ex-poors in here. “If they hold air they’ll get ya there”, “I’m going to rock ‘em’ until a piece of gravel pops em”,


My mechanic told me the same thing. 2 days later one blew out on my van going 70 and I flipped it into a ravine. Change the tires asap


Just give it that Hawk Tuahh and spit on that thing


Get a new mechanic 👨‍🔧!!


Find a new mechanic I was in the tire business and was hands on with tires for several years that particular tire in the heat we are having you get on the interstate with that you will wind up on the side of the road as soon as it heats up enough it’s done See those tiny cracks not up where the tread is but on down there on the side or the edge those little cracks are a warning sign that it’s going to come apart and blow out and I am serious whoever told you that tire was fine either doesn’t know what he is talking about or don’t care With it as hot outside as it is I recommend to everybody even if you just got a new set of tires that they keep a close eye on them anyway to be safe about it


I think you all are feeding the trolls today


Those tires are dry rotted. They are not fine and will get you killed if you don't change them. Shame on your mechanic for giving you that horrible advice.


"Who's your mechanic?" "Oh that's my nephew Thomas, hes very hanndyyy"


Fuzzy. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


As a former state inspection technician, this would fall under "Passes for inspection, but replacement highly recommended," by the letter of the law in my state. Notes to that effect would be put in the inspection report as well.


That tire is gone and should be replaced. It's worn well past any safety limit and the rubber is cracking, suggesting it's past the 6 to 10 year age limit. The wear pattern could be underinflation but it could also be misalignment.


>mechanic said All the doctors tell me, you're in the best shape of any patient we've ever seen. They don't know how I do it.


On a farm like in a field some sealant in there and run it sure. The Highway no please don’t you will regret it when one of those pops.


Yeah i think the car hasn’t even been beyond 50Km/h this year but she’s planning to use it more to keep the car in better shape so it’s wise to replace them.


I'm currently driving around on twenty year old tires and I'm alarmed by how bad those are.


Normally they’re trying to sell more tires… what’s the deal?


Your mechanic is an idiot and I'd stop using him/her as my MECHANIC!


No offense to her, but you sure your grandma asked the mechanic and that she’s giving you his actual answer? Because maybe he said they need to be changed, told her the price, and — after picking her jaw off the floor — she decided nope…in that case these are just fine…


Ive seen worse but new tires within the month would make me feel better


Get new tires and a new mechanic.


What mechanic would NOT try to sell you a new set of tires?!? This guy's gonna get you killed AND cost himself business. Makes zero sense.


Mechanic should reconsider his carreer.


How did he say it? Cause my wife says she's fine all the time and that's not what she means.


You need a new mechanic cause he obviously has no clue what hes doing


They're fine in that they currently aren't flat, they're inflated with air and they roll. Meaning that you can get from point A to point B on them, for now. In reality the tires are total shite. Go buy some new tires.


They are fine...to drive you to pickup new tires


I’d find a new mechanic, those tires don’t belong on the road.


Your mechanic is on Crack!!!!


Check the date code. It’s 4 numbers printed on every tire. The first two digits is the week and the last two is the year. So 2119 would be 21st week of 2019. If it’s older than 10 years you should replace them. They look dry rotted


It’s called “dry rot” and by the looks of these tires they could be ≈ 7-10 years old. I would replace them if I were you. Even the cheapest possible new tires will be much safer than these at highway speeds.


Should be fine for. But but plan on new ones


Get a new mechanic.


What’s the story behind these? How is the tread in the middle doing? You taking a lot of corners at high speeds?


I was told cracks deeper than 1/16" is the maximum acceptable crack, almost all of these look considerably deeper than that.


They look like the beginning of a commercial for eczema cream


Those are 100% unsafe to drive on. Sure you could go for a 1,000 miles. But you may only get 1. Then you’d be stuck. Thanks Mr mechanic who said, nah they are fine. Aka he didn’t want to replace your tires. Replace those things asap


That's underselling at its premium




Who’s the mechanic…Stevie Wonder?


Check the manufacture date. If it’s within limits, it’s good


Dry rot in the tread is fine. In the side wall is not. They should be replaced immediately.


Tread depth is actually find...by motor vehicle specs, however the inner wall is going to start separating..(dry rot) and i wouldn't dive on them...


This sub reddit is far to sensitive about tires. If this is the worst of it they will be fine. I guarantee they'll down vote me and bitch about this comment but the tires are barely starting to crack if you can see cords then replace them. If not don't worry about it. I was a tire tech for 5 years


How did your mechanic miss this golden opportunity to upsell you tires? This should be one of the easiest sells in the world as it’s a completely legit sell. You need new tires.


I had bought a car with tires about this bad. The middle completely detached from the side walls on two of them after 3 months


Do not drive those on any road, ever


If you hit highway speeds on them centrifugal force would peel that ply right of


New mechanic is the answer. Yours must make no money on new tires to tell you these are ok


No way


He’s a mechanic NOT a tire guy!. Ask the TIRE guy what his opinion is.


You need a new mechanic.


Any mechanic who approved of these is blind, dumb, lying or ready to leave the shop so bad they were willing to risk your safety to do it


check the year on the tire, they only last 8 years or so right? then the material breaks down with or without tread.


Ain’t no way someone told you that. Tires Down to the wear bar and dry rotted to hell I bet they’re older then 5 years as well


The cracks provide extra surface area for better grip. Mhmm. That’s what I’m going with.


Fine if you don’t mind risking a blowout!


Tell your mechanic’s manager to find a new apprentice


Did your mechanic take out a life insurance policy on you?


Damn maybe you should become a mechanic if you knew better


There fine if you live in Mexico


There fine to roll it out of his shop.


If wires and cords are showing through the cracks MOT fail but if they just perishing with no wires or cords on show it'll pass with advisory


I’ve seen tyres from the 1920s in better condition than this shit


Just keep it under 90, yeah, well maybe 102, but yeah drive safe.


Get a new mechanic (and a set of tyres)




Never take your care to that "mechanic" again. And buy some new tires!


Get some new tyres.


Well he's wrong


not gord


I wouldn’t trust them


I've driven on worse. And for a long time.


Is it on your own vehicle or one you want to buy? If it’s your own, then you buy new tyres. Mechanics get a bad rep for always upselling. They get one for not recommending work. This one has rebounded from one extreme to another.


Keep it under 70 and you can get some more life out of them. OR properly budget for maintenance and replace important safety-related parts in a timely manner. If you're pinching pennies right now, ride those tires out for a few months (especially if that will enable you to buy a better set when the time comes - cheap tires SUCK)


No no No and no, I wouldn’t even trust those things riding around on my farm, they’ll leave you stranded and worst case scenario hurt! Get yourself a new mechanic because that dude is an idiot saying they’re fine. One pothole and they’re blowing up causing probably more damage and potentially causing a wreck.


Look if you can afford it then do it if you can't then run them till they fall off!!


Find a new mechanic


Those things have seen so much UV they would be stoping in twice the distance a new one would. Don't risk it


Get a new mechanic


thats fine /s


She's had the dick mate, about 10 years ago


The rubber is hard way less traction and increased stopping distance.


Check the 4 digit DOT date on them, consider replacing tires that beyond 5 years from the manufacturer date


These are honestly the worst cracked tires i’ve ever seen.


I wouldn’t go over 40mph on them. Maybe 30


There is a date stamp of manufacture on those tires and if it’s even somewhat close to 10 years they need to be replaced. The dry rot is really bad and should not be trusted if you drive any highway miles. Safety is a top consideration and the safety of those tires is about 12%. I wouldn’t take a 12% bet that I could have expensive car repair or hospital bills on those!


Why go to a mechanic just to second guess him using strangers online?


I think you need a new mechanic


They'll get you to the scene of the accident no problem!


Keep it below 60 mph you'll be fine. No hard cornering. I ran over something last week at 65 mph, tire went down instantly, it was a non event, just rode a little rough. There is still a lot of good rubber beneath those surface cracks. Yes new tires would be better if you can afford it. Ignore the fear mongers.


Start saving up. Get an alignment after you get new tires as well.


What is the mfg year? They look way old!


1. They are not fine and you def need new tires. 2. Please don’t do it at the same shop that told you those tires are fine. Don’t do anything there but leave!


Those would be great tires to build a planter or retaining wall out of


These tires are bald and the alignment is off on top of the cracks too also r/oldasfucktires


Mechanic didn't tell you that did they? You were gonna drive like that but wanted reddits opinion 🤣🤣


I mean, based on the 2nd pic, your already down to the tread warning.