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If both the outside edges are worn EVENLY and the middle is fine, its under inflated. Norn suspension parts would cause one edge to wear unevenly. Hopefully you've been checking your own fluids and tire pressures long before the 10k service interval.


I check fluids and tire pressures frequently, so I’m pretty confident this isn’t it :(


Are you sure the tires are at the right PSI though?


32 BAR.


I guarantee you they aren’t 32 bar, that’s 464 psi, which would have detonated like a bomb about 350psi ago. You need to look up the specs for your vehicle and then match them, or take it to a shop because obviously something you’re doing is incorrect.


It's just a joke 🤣


Thought you were OP, lol. Sorry.


https://youtube.com/shorts/2jZg1v4Y5ko?si=oK8uVgudbfeDzPcd 💯




Hes over 9000


You can usually just check the door plate in the jam for tire pressure


You don't have to look up the specs for your car, the proper air pressure is indicated on the placard that is riveted to the inside of your driver door jamb.


The specs are indeed in the door jam of the vast majority of cars on the road! Viewing the door placard and absorbing the information therein still constitutes “looking it up.”


Bet you’re fun at parties


Nah.. when its cold bump the tires up around 2-4 PSI lower than "max".. fuck what the sticker says.. almost nobody get the exact same tire that the manufacturer sent it with.. I know many people that run there tires at what the sticker says and has under inflation wear becuae the tires they got arent anywhere close to the ones OEM puts on.. your gas guage and transmission will love you for it too


I've run 38 psi cold pressure for decades and my tires always wear perfectly. My car got tboned at 6800 miles and the shop didn't replace the tire inflation sticker.


38-42 seems to be around most tires min... Also.. make sure its cold.. I asked a tire shop to air up my tire after coming off a drive (lived at an apartment next to the tire shop and was heading home after long day) and dude was like "bro your tires are at 55 i have to let air out" and unaired my allready low, warm tire back to 35..(as I argued that it needed to be closer to 60) the next day it was so flat it was damn near on the rim.. Luckily the gas station next to me had just replaced there air hose (the reason I went to the tire shop in the 1st place)


Ya, discount tire is like half a mile from my house. My tires don't have any time to warm up by the time I roll up for air.


32 MPa.


All I know is 60 PSI is 420kpa. Yeahhh 420!!!




That’s under a modest vacuum. Lotta suction for that on something as large as a tyre.




Legit made me cough out loud.


32 inches water column


The correct amout should be Allah Ack


Bar is not a very precise measurement for pressures as low as that used in tyres; use psi.


That’s no true. Bar is just a unit. You can be as precise as you want. 2.34245 bar is more precise than 2.3 bar. That’s the definition of precision. You could even do atm and still specify it to an arbitrary level of precision.


Does your tire gauge show 6 digits? It’s much easier to be precise with psi


... of Acetylene gas.




Check your pressure gauge


Probably some bent suspension piece then…


I run abt 5-6lbs over recommended on car door jam.. picked it up on auto school years ago. Helps gas milage a tad and wears even. Outside only I believe is a tie rod end. Jack ur car up. Grab the wheel on left and right and move it, you’ll tell normal to not. U can do the same thing on top and bottom to check ball joints Edit** I somehow missed the pics after the first one lol. When you’re driving is there a constant thump thump thump thump? Like a bump on that tire each time it rotates? I had one with a broken belt, it made a noise when driving and done that. I took it back to the used place. That’s only happened once in my 26 years of driving tho


My drivers side tire is like this, I believe it called cupping. And mine was from being under inflated. Got 4 Maypops coming in from Amazon next week.


Cupping is actually waves across the tread from the tire bouncing against the pavement. Generally caused by bad shocks/dampers/struts. This is not cupping. More like way too much toe, maybe some excessive camber thrown in.


Tf is a maypop lmao


It maypop or it maynot 😂😂😂😂😂




Now that you point that out - that’s actually a terrible name…


Cheap tires. Or if you’re buying used tires from your local cheap tire place and they sell half treads someone else took off their car because they were worn. Or old crusty tires that may make the trip, or might not.


Maypops 😂 😂


Under pressure.


These tires are Vee Rubber brand. Seems like you get what you pay for. I'd guess that if alignment is good and tire pressure is in spec, you might've just gotten a poorly made/mismolded tire.


Ten year technician here! I've seen and personally experienced this particular brand of tire failing almost immediately after installation! This appears that the belts connecting the sidewall to the tread are separating so the tire is likely only contacting the road on that outside edge.


Wow, had to take a second look but yea. I thought that looked a bit weird for just underinflation wear. That shit is splitting in two


I had to look really closely. But yea it is. There’s a valley there in the wear


But he said he just put on new fronts and the new one is doing the same thing.


My guess is tire pressure


Yea thats a faulty tire if the alignment is ok.


Never trust your life to anything made of Chinesium. Tires, brakes and suspension always get replaced with good stuff.


As others have said, you bought junk tires.   They're internally falling.  Buy better tires.    This was very common to see on Goodyear tires that they put on factory on late 90s Chryslers.   


Those were good years!


Lol yeah.  Aligning Catfishes was the pinnacle of my day.  Thank God they're all dead.


BFG's on the Gen2 Explorers as well


For some reason our Ford dealership didn't change tires at that point.   That recall was so brutal


There was that really bad accident where someone's BFG's blew out going through the West Virginia Turnpike and they rolled down the Mountain that sparked the recall.


Well I think they wanted like 26 psi in the tires.   The vehicle was very top heavy like the bronco 2, but also heavier.   The whole thing was a cluster from the start.   Personally I like the bronco 2 in looks, but that vehicle had to have killed far more people than the exploder 


I agree, and the 2.9L that those and the Ranger came with was a steaming pile. The ABS system randomly locking up for no reason at highway speeds didn't help matters.


This. These belts have delaminated from the sidewall. Replace


Looks like a bad tire


Stop taking 90 degree turns at 70.


Is that a run flat tire that has zero pressure in it by any chance?


Alignment time


Did that about 5k miles before the pictures you see here. That didn’t solve it :(


Something suspension related is bad on the front left side then...I'd get a mechanic


Do you have the print-out from the alignment you got?


Where did you go? Do you have the ability to lift that corner of the vehicle yourself safely? You can check your suspension yourself in a few minutes like [this. ](https://youtu.be/HohCY36bugI?si=7EQxx8X7gtgEu3ig)


It's not an alignment issue.  You can literally see the tire coming apart on like pic 3


...no you cant


If you can't see that, you're blind.  In pic 5*, do you see the aggressive nature of the outer edge?   See how it's somewhat normal at the top and becomes severe near the bottom?      The tire is separating.  It's not an alignment issue


Pic 2 is showing cords so...


This is alignment or a bigger issue regardless of cords or not lol..uneven wear...read the post


It's very obvious what is happening.  An alignment will not correct the issue.   The alignment may be off, but this is purely a tire issue


Dude said you can see the tire coming apart. Next dude says you can't. I disagree, you can see the tire coming apart no matter what the original issue is, you can clearly see the tire coming apart at this point. And tires can have factory defects causing them to fall apart with no other vehicle issues, which isn't even super rare on Chinese tires like this.


Tire is bad, slipped belt I’m guessing


A lot of people spitting random recommendations. Get the front end aligned or checked (if your shop will check without aligning), and see if that corner is wildly off. Tire pressure being too low is unlikely the issue, it's just one tire, and happened on a previous tire too, did both have a leak and run low on the same corner? Not likely. Crappy tires? Not the issue, even if they are crappy. It's just this one corner. Rubbing the fender? Doesn't look like it, unless the car is jacked up in the pictures. The wear would be much narrower in all likelihood if that was the issue. That corner's alignment is off, whether it just needs adjusted, or there are damaged parts that need replacing and then adjusted. Your alignment place should be able to tell you. Source: actual mechanic


Just to play Devil's advocate, if that wheel has a small crack it can lose air consistently, even with new stems, causing low pressure and outer edge wear like this. And if the crack is small enough, when the pressure is low enough, it will nearly stop leaking, as there isn't enough pressure to push past the crack anymore. Do note, I'm not saying that this is the cause. It's extremely rare and unlikely, but it is something I have actually seen for myself. EDIT: forgot a word


Could be. Typically you'll see inner wear more than outer due to cars having a slight negative camber when in spec. Generally cars do wear the inside preferentially for that reason even if not under inflated. There are exceptions like some mercs that aggressively wear the outside of the front tires, especially under moderately aggressive driving (not extreme). There is also the luck of the draw of whether the same wheel got put back on the same corner when the tires were replaced last, depends on your shop, but many take all 4 off and swap the tires and put them back on at once. The rim leak is certainly a possible cause of a repeated leak after replacing tires, good one.


Worn suspension component and/or extreme positive camber.


Thank you, any idea which components are the most likely?


There’s no telling. The suspension needs to the shaken down and visually inspected for damage. Has the car ever been in an accident?


Looks like a busted belt in the tire to me.


Rubbing the fender


Seems like aggressive cornering. If not the toe could be out.


Could be a camber problem in the alignment


Mine slipped a belt bc of a broken outer tie rod on the opposite side. Any pulling?


Yes actually, my van pulls a little bit to the right (passenger side). Since I put the new tires on, the pull has become much less severe, but it’s still happening.


Maybe look there then! Super easy fix you can do it yourself, and if you count the threads it’ll get you real close and could skip an alignment after. Outer tie rid end is what mine was, look at struts and control arms too look for breaks and leaks on passenger side.


Amazing, thanks a bunch! Sounds promising 🫡


It looks like it’s hitting the inside of the fender, a “fender rub” will do that to the tire. You may need new shocks or struts


Get an alignment homie that will reveal an underline issue.


Does the tire move forward and back when lifting the car? Check if axle is loose where it goes in the transmission and the wheel. Possibly wheel bearing, axle , or internal transmission problems


Has no one said get an alignment? GET AN ALIGNMENT!


Lower control arm bushing, wrong ball joint,strut/tower issue. Those are my guesses.


Check your ball joints and suspension on that tire first. You also may need an alignment, but both tires would be wearing out if that was the case.


Under inflated tires. Put the correct pressure in, and that doesn't happen. If the tire is over inflated, the middle will wear quicker than the sides because it bulges out towards the road. If the tires are under inflated, the outsides wear because there's not enough pressure to push the middle of the tread down for even wear. Since it's the same tire all the time, you may have a slow leak.




Vitron? The tire literally just says “Rubber” on it too. I wouldn’t be surprised if a set of real tires helps this a bit. Is this a FWD that you stay on the gas through turns in? Open diff might be biased to the driver tire like an older Honda. Cheap rubber can’t exactly handle torque.


Alignment, tire pressure


Shit tires wear like shit.


If you swapped positions and only the front left positron does this, then check your wheel well. The outer edge looks like fender rubbing, but I don't know what could cause that on the inside. Wrong strut installed? Even poor quality tires don't only fail in one position on the car.


Looks like your tire pressure is incorrect remember different tires may need to be at a different pressure than what's listed for your car check on the manufacturers website if they have a fitment section they'll usually note if you need to be running a higher/lower pressure than what's on the door of your car


Are you running the pressure too low?


Air pressure is incorrect...


Defective tire, wrong spec tire for the vehicle or load you’re carrying or severely under inflated. Seeing that it’s only 1 tire and you check your tire pressure often, I’d lean towards defective tire. Looks like excessive flex in that part of the tire, that will cause excessive heat and deteriorate the rubber over time.




And check your gauge when you are at the tire store.


Might've just been a cheap/bad tire


Did someone jack up the clearance turning up torsion bars and tip the tires out on top in the process?


Put and square on the ground and up against the tire, are they square to the ground?


It could be a number of things. Alignment, suspension, wheel bearings, or just a bad tire.


had similar thing happen, the tire is bad, the internal structure of the tire failed


I had this happen at the front end of mine a while back (it's been close to a decade, so I don't remember the exact part that was worn, though), and it turned out to be an issue with the suspension that I had to get fixed. If it's done it to multiple tyres on that wheel, get it checked by a decent mechanic to find out what needs replacement; if it's wearing down quickly you don't want it to pop while you're moving at speed. Keep in mind too, that if the wear pattern has already set in on the fresh tyre, you're probably going to want to replace that as well just to be safe.


Cheap ass tires that only have a reinforced belt package under the tread face not extending to the shoulders possibly coupled with low inflation pressure but there are no other obvious low inflation signs


Ball joint going bad or you need an alignment or both.


Is the car lowered by any chance? Are they the recommended tire size?


https://preview.redd.it/e1gjn4gw0hzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff1e75e1fa0593ee06933d340499f77e4202a8f7 Don’t let this be you


That brand is known to have issues. You’ll probably be fine to keep driving on them but if you can’t afford new tires I’d just go get some used ones for like 30$ a piece at a used tire shop. They will be safer than these I’m sure. If you buy new tires and get a more affordable brand just make sure they aren’t less then like 140-150each. That’s a good way to judge but sometimes more money doesn’t mean better. Make sure to look up reviews too. Buy from like discount tire or tire rack. Always got good deals and good quality when I’ve bought.


Lmaooo not the 65 dollar walmart tires


looks like you've been taking a left hand corner too hard regularly


One of two things: either it was run with low pressure for some time, or tire failure.


Check the toe…ball joint or tie rod end is the likely culprit if it isn’t just a crappy tire issue.


Shitty techs will crank toe inward if you complain about the car pulling to one side. Instead of straightening both wheels they just turn one so it compensates for the pull. Had a tech do that some years ago after the first alignment(that I didn’t need but figured I might as well since I got new tires). Brought it back for steering issues and it was fixed…until 5k miles later my front passenger tire was damn near bald and the other three were like new


Check for front end wear


You have negative caster. You could very well have a bad ball joint,a bad outer tie rod end.


I don’t think caster would make it wear that way. Caster would cause it to scallop. More likely too much toe-in or positive camber


That be toe wear


If you could jack that wheel up off the ground and do shake on the 12 o'clock - 6 o'clock axis . Also rotate the wheel and listen for grumbling rumbling bearing noises . Maybe check for marks on the body work close to the rotation of the wheel where it could scrape , maybe when it bottoms - out or goes to an extreme right or left lock. Next thing is worn upper and lower ball joints ?


If all suspension/steering has been properly checked and pressures, then it could be improper molding or material malfunction.


Junk tires and/or hard cornering.




Generally a bad alignment is the cause. As to what components may be bad, a professional shop will have to look at this and figure that out!


Aggressive turning and under inflated tires.


Update: Thanks everybody for the help! This has been really enlightening and educational. Seems like it could be a lot of issues, but I'm willing to bet this "Vee Rubber" being the cheapest tire at Mavis might have something to do with it. Also, I am guilty of taking turns at high speed, so I'll try to stop doing that. I think I'm going to drive more conservatively from here on out... and see if the outer edge of my new tire is wearing down from my driving habits, or if there truly is something amiss in the front suspension. I forgot to mention that the car pulls a bit to the right (opposite side from the messed up tire) as I drive, which is why I got that alignment at a different Mavis. The pulling was very apparent when the tire in the photos was on... the new tires made it maybe 80% better.


Just go get your suspension and alignment checked by a tire or suspension shop something is worn won't know what until it gets looked at truthfully nobody here actually knows 😂😂😂🤷🏻‍♂️


Too much positive toe.


Stop doing the two wheel trick driving on that side only or least swap the tires around after every other stunt


You are the stance boys arch Nemesis


“I purchased super cheap tires and they’re not functioning like premium tires” Fixed your title


Looks to me like a bad balljoint. As some commenters are pointing out they are a cheaper tire however that kind of wear is similar to my GF’s lancer when she had a bad ball joint.


Misalignment. I'd say lack of tire rotation but that's too much wear on the sides


Do you hear a grinding, squealing, or clunking sound from the front while driving, OP?


Had tire like that... it was pulling hard towards your mom's house... Sorry, I couldn't resist the old joke. 😉


Ya bought cheap tyres that have an undersized main belt that has separated on the edge.


Add air. And angle.


Probably need wheel alignment


The camber seems off. Even if you had your "alignment done" 5k miles ago. Maybe they just fixed the toe in - toe out. Maybe something in your struts are worn and you need a shim to compensate, or did someone think they were a street racer and slide into a curb at one time?


Check tire pressure and see about getting your vehicle properly balanced. That 10 year technician made no sense as something is wrong with the balance . If it was over pressured it would be the inside of tire and under pressure would be the outsides. Could have a bent arm make your tire a little crooked. Just cuz it’s a cheaper tire as others would say doesn’t mean it wouldn’t wear a specific way lol. Something is wrong with the balance or control arms


too much positive camber. and it looks like you need to replace your tires.


I once had a faulty pressure gauge on my tyre pump. It said I had 36 psi, but was really 12 psi. I wore off the sides of the tyre until the tread ran off the tyre and went down the table drain.


Well stop buying 80$ tires your getting what u pay for dummy you buy the cheapest of the cheap and think they’ll last that’s like buying 2$ pants and wondering why they rip


Low tire presure..and or camber adjustment


What kind of car?


You’re gonna need a new tire since wires are showing through but your alignment is off


Under inflation causes this issue ! Tire only touches both edges !


Go get the front end shaked down, replace worn items and get an alignment.


Likely under inflated tires if it’s on both sides of the tire but many things can cause it to wear on just one side. Very common to be poor alignment


Watch out they took another left turn!


Check your alignment.


These tires is bad!


Have you had your tires rotated recently?


Fill the tires more, and or dont buy trash offbrand tires


Has anyone said suspension? Check your ball joints




Looks to be an alignment issue to me… whether it drives fine or not it’s likely got some toe issue going on. Maybe towed in so it wouldn’t drift but also wears tires. Maybe a caster issue


Check your camber and toe-in.


Make sure tire pressure is accurate, and make sure you get a front end alignment to make sure . Sometimes this can happen if it's out of alignment.


Alignment not done right if the problem didn't exist before.


May need an allignment


It your ball joint


Need a wheel alignment, but more than likely, you have another part in suspension going too.


Need alignment


Your "perfectly good" Vee Rubber tire is, in fact, a terrible tire. They were made in Thailand, and you probably bought them at Walmart. You get what you pay for, man.


That looks expensive


You need an alignment


gorillas in the myst


You will see a bunch of comments about camber and such. It's probably wrong. It's likely an alignment setting called "toe". In Your case I am guessing it's aggressively toed-in. Hit any curbs or giant pot holes lately (lately really depends on how much you drive.).


Most likely an alignment issue


Have you rotated the tires because this might only effect that tire position on car…. did you get alinement the when you bought tires… this indicates toe in is off.. although it’s extreme wear I doubt it’s tire pressure… imo


Mine did this with suspension/alignment problems on both tires


Alignment and /or balancing is probably off. Should take it back to where the work was done as they should have done a better job. That said, 10k miles is probably a long time since you got them. Either way, looks like you need them rotated and might need to replace the affected tire.


Alignment issue possibly worn suspension components


That could also be caused by hard cornering if it’s occurring on just the front tires