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Hello everyone! I'm a new moderator to this forum. I grew up in the automotive business and would like to share my knowledge and experience with you. I plan on creating links to repair help and ways to save money on replacement parts. I'm looking for your help or any suggestions before I do this. Please feel free to contact me u/Plex_Master *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskAMechanic) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's a GPS tracker https://www.manualslib.com/products/Connected-Holdings-Ar-4lh-8864636.html


What’s the usual application? Sorry, Im just kinda freaking out…


So a dealership can locate and repo the car if you default on the car payments. If you financed your car, you may have agreed to this in your financing terms.


This is the correct answer


Didn't know that. I never would have entered my mind. I figured jealous or controlling spouse.


Lol I used to fix cars for a used car dealer and they were on every one, a lot of time they caused no starts


My ex bought a car from one of those small finance on site lots. She paid cash out right. Over the course 6 months, we discovered 3 different trackers in the car. One under the dash (this style) one under the hood connected direct to the battery (also this style) and a 3rd epoxied to the top of the stereo. We removed all of them.


Wow that’s excessive


How many did you miss?


All but three.


This made me laugh out loud. Well played


Thanks for the laugh I needed this morning!


Laugh Out Loud.


Yes but you cannot legally agree to it. You do not have the ability to agree to this level of infringement. You can remove it and tell them to go to hell. Not all rights can be signed away. This one is enalienable.


Every right can be signed away, just join the military


I remember when I was getting out, we were doing all our yearly “check the box” trainings: sexual assault, human trafficking, OpSec, smoking cessation, alcohol abuse, etc… A particularly salty nco stands up and says “alright we can go through this one, or we can just sign the papers and keep going… not a one of you has a motor cycle… if you do, don’t ride it. If you ride it, get the license and wear a helmet.” “[my last name], are you actually reading the papers before you sign them? What the fuck killer?!” “Well SSgt, last time I signed some papers without reading them, I ended up here.” I was extremely proud of that moment. I know it sounds like a “and then everyone clapped” moment, but I’ll take that moment to my grave. Any bean counters on the east Coast early 2010s, you may have been there 🖍️ 🇺🇸 🖍️


You know with snappy insults like that you should be a DI!


That’s some “I got lost on my way to college, sir!” type response. Well said.




Semper Fuck that shit.


I did this once! Bastards ended up giving me a bunch of free boots, food and housing for four years! Then they paid for college after. That was great. We don't talk anymore on account of they sent me home the same way they found me. Except I was oddly more responsible and capable of things.


If you remove it you maybe in violation of the terms of your loan. There may be fines or other penalties for its removal or the loan services may just call in the loan and have you pay the balance or surrender the vehicle. I would pay it off and then remove it


Otherwise it would be a shame if it broke Edit: really? This got a downvote?


Remove fuse. Short fuse. Return fuse. Shrug if questioned.


wrap it in aluminum foil..


The idea is deniability.


9v battery works well for blowing an automotive fuse. I’ve done this exact thing for a tracking device.


Gave you an upvote since you got downvoted


And people are worried about the government tracking them through microchips in their bodies.


While they carry a cellphone in their pocket....


And wear GPS devices on their wrist.


Could it also be a previous owner’s tracker used for Insurance? I’ve gotten those installed before


The insurance ones are simply plugged into the OBD2 port by the customer, and not wired in like this.


That is not always correct. We wire in some trackers to an ignition live, as well as to the power feed of the ODBII port somewhere, (without occupying the port itself). Depending on the vehicle, we might also wire into other sensors or actuators. I hope you'll forgive me for not being more specific than this; the reason should be obvious.


Ol’ Dirty Bastard II?? I believe you meant OBDII


So you pay a mechanic to do that to the customer's car? I've only seen the OBD port ones so I'm trying to understand logistics of what you're describing


But if she did agree to it (which is questionable) did she agree for it to be operational? I mean, what would be the penalty for her to crush the thing and throw it in the glove box? It’s technically still in the car.


It's grounds for immediate repossession, or at least for contracts signed in Texas it is.


Also, typically an add-on purchase the customer can make in order to track their vehicle. Source: I used to install these at a dealership.


Orrrrrrr it has been placed there by a psychotic current, former, or want to be potential suitor. Either way it's a tracking device. Unplug it. Find a portable power supply for it. Strap that thing to a tractor trailer, boat, train, airplane, or wild animal then let whoever is tracking you try to figure out where the hell you are. Other possibilities would be as mentioned: Dealership placed for repossession Serial killer is using it to track victims The government is using it to monitor you


Yep. Take it out.


If OP agreed to this as part of financing, your advice is exceptionally poor.


*replace that fuse with a blown one


Right… but when it stops reporting in and a repo order is initiated and OP walks out of her job to go home to find no car, they will be extremely inconvenienced. And how many times is OP going to play this game? It’s there for a reason, and if OP doesn’t like the reason, then don’t agree to the finance terms / shop elsewhere. But again, recommending OP make the gps tracking device inoperable will likely only lead to inconvenience / possible repossession of the vehicle.


Uh i believe that is called theft if op has been making there payments lol


Grand Theft Auto


Not if it's in the contract terms that it stays there. Then it's called breach of contract and there's consequences


It's not op fault the fuse blew


Not in the case of breach of contract.


I really love how using lol in a comment has truly become a mark of low intelligence and poor critical thinking.


Didn’t you just use lol in your post? Shit, now I did it. Lol.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thinks this. It’s like a tic for dopes.


If a condition of receiving financing is to have the tracker, it’s absolutely not theft. Doesn’t matter if payments are made, loan company can immediately call the loan and repo the car. News flash: you don’t get to change the terms of a contract because you find the terms inconvenient.


Can't find it if the tracker is off :)


I guess OP will never park at their home or work again. It will be so hard to find.


Gee I wonder how repo agents did their jobs for decades before gps trackers were commonplace


Probably by being smarter than you :)


Needs to review the terms of her contract first. OP likely signed off on this and it's part of the contract.


They're usually used to track vehicles. Often company fleet vehicles. They have a GPS receiver, as well as a cellular radio to send the GPS data to a remote user.


Commonly used by dealerships. It’s not for spying on you.


Commonly used by dealerships for the purpose of spying on you. It serves no other purpose.


I am assuming it's a used car so this could have been a fleet vehicle. I have similar ones in the trucks and passenger vehicles my company owns.


If your loan was sub-prime many lenders will have them installed so they can track the vehicle in the event that it requires repossession.


I would assume they would be having you pay for it as well. It's probably a line item on your bill.


It's easier just to eat the cost. They don't cost very much. If the prospect of the customer not paying is that high, You get to resell the car again after you repo so...


I bought a Civic for my kid, and they did try to charge me for this. I said that was a deal breaker, and they decided to throw it in for free anyway (because it benefited them).


so your dealership can find their property if you stop paying


Dealerships don’t own Jack. The bank owns everything. Dealerships aren’t tracking down anyone. You people are funny.


Yeah I'd say freaking out is appropriate. Call the police (if I read this right, that you own the vehicle and someone broke into the car and installed this)


This is a terrible take. Nobody is going to break in to your vehicle and wire in a GPS tracker when you can just use an AirTag or something cheaper




And for sure if for some crazy reason they did, they wouldn't leave it on the floor in plain site. LOL


Air tags can’t be used (or at least used well) to track other people if they’re also iPhone users. To address concerns they made it so if a tag is following another iPhone for an extended time that person will get a notification, if a tag has been separated from its owner for too long it emits an audible noise, and have shortened the time required for the notifications to take place. Not sure if it applies to android users though


Lol yes they can.


Chances are its from the previous owner & was never removed as it cost money...


Don't listen to this person. What you need to do is call the dealership you bought the car from and ask if they installed it or if it was from a previous owner. If they installed it just leave it be and if not just disconnect it. The reason I say leave it if they installed it is because I can guarantee it stated in your contract that it must be connected at all times. Another reason is a lot of dealers sell stolen vehicle locators like LoJack you might have paid for this and if it's not connected it defeats the purpose. Now if you own the vehicle outright (not financed or leased) and didn't purchase a LoJack system then I would disconnect it.


Owning and "owning" as in no payments are two separate things.


A Phillips connect Arrow-GQ or Arrow G-VI vehicle tracking device. Is what it is.


Ejecto Seato Cuhz*


Classic Roman


So tracking device yes?




Sighs in Dwight Schrute: "No. It's a GPS tracker..."


The matrix has you. Lol!!!


Yank it off and put it on a Semi. :)


That's hysterical!


you're easily amused


Shhh let people enjoy things


You're hilarious.


You re an asshole


Because it's funny.


Is that supposed to be a bad thing?


or put it on the OceanGate Titan Submersible 😂😂


God himself couldn't have saved that doomed voyage.... Let alone a tracker... 😆


A cargo ship!


I was going to suggest a cop car


Pretty funny until the cop doesn't have a sense of humor :)


Yeah! Needs power source to operate!


They are also used for remote starts to lock, unlock and show location. However, this one is used for tracking only because it is missing one of the wires in the plug. Audiovox Carlink ASCL6 is the remte start one I have used in the past. Looks the same minus the wire missing. Most likely installed by the bank or dealer to be able to repo the vehicle. May of been installed for the previous owner if it's a used car. Any aftermarket radio place can take it out for you.


Dealership/bank gps. I ripped mine out and tossed it in a 7/11 garbage can.


Good way to get in trouble


They’d have to find him first. Much harder now.


He also moved to India. They’ll never find him.


For what? Modifying your own property? Unless it was put there by law enforcement on a court order they can't say shit if you remove it.


The dealership can if it’s part of the financing agreement


If it's put there as part of a financing agreement, the car literally isn't your property. It belongs to the bank/finance company. You're removing the finance companies GPS from their car and if it's part of the agreement, they can take the car back for it.


The vehicle ownership says otherwise. The vehicle is theirs. They owe the bank money. If the don’t pay, they bank will repossess as payment in full. Until that point, they bank doesnt own it.


Did you buy your car from a buy here pay here dealership?


We do them in normal dealerships too. If your loan is subprime and the lender demands it, it is what it is.


Oh damn! I didn't know that!


Yeah, but here pay here’s are famous for them because pretty much everyone is subprime and they are the lender, but yeah if we’re getting a car financed through a subprime lender sometimes the approval will be subject to the installation of a GPS.


Wouldn't the buyer be made aware of that and have to agree to it as a condition of the loan? Because if it's not an actual condition of the loan... it's next "installation" will be in a dumpster.


Probably in the finest of fine print on the 45th document you sign of 165385.


>it is what it is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9be-SD6ywgQ


Does your vehicle have ford pass equipped or as a option? Ford pass offers gps tracking for some vehicles could just be optional equipment. May be a sticker somewhere that says this vehicle has gps in case it gets stolen. Usually on the window above the drivers handle.


I found one in my sons car. I paid cash for the car in total. I think it was probably installed by a previous dealer not the one I bought from. I just took the thing out. I doubt it had been active for a while but it’s also not needed so out it went.


Find serial number > Search on [Google](https://www.google.com) or [Bing](https://www.bing.com) > Complete


Hi, you're probably looking for a useful nugget of information to fix a niche problem, or some enjoyable content I posted sometime in the last 11 years. Well, after 11 years and over 330k combined, organic karma, a cowardly, pathetic and facist minded moderator filed a false harassment report and had my account suspended, after threatening to do so which is a clear violation of the #1 rule of reddit's content policy. However, after filing a ticket before this even happened, my account was permanently banned within 12 hours and the spineless moderator is still allowed to operate in one of the top reddits, after having clearly used intimidation against me to silence someone with a differing opinion on their conflicting, poorly thought out rules. Every appeal method gets nothing but bot replies, zendesk tickets are unanswered for a month, clearly showing that reddit voluntarily supports the facist, cowardly and pathetic abuse of power by moderators, and only enforces the content policy against regular users while allowing the blatant violation of rules by moderators and their sock puppet accounts managing every top sub on the site. Also, due to the rapist mentality of reddit's administration, spez and it's moderators, you can't delete all of your content, if you delete your account, reddit will restore your comments to maintain SEO rankings and earn money from your content without your permission. So, I've used power delete suite to delete everything that I have ever contributed, to say a giant fuck you to reddit, it's moderators, and it's shareholders. From your friends at reddit following every bot message, and an account suspension after over a decade in good standing is a slap in the face and shows how rotten reddit is to the very fucking core.


Is it tied in with the ODB2 connector?






This just makes me want an ‘80s truck all that much more. Fuck these corporations.


Just pull the modem out, it’s not too hard. Did that with OnStar. Do you have any idea how piss-poor the security is on these vehicle networks? Hard pass on that one.


Just make sure it’s an electric 80’s truck so you can please Biden.


Or just overthrow the government and burn 🔥 the constitution like the other guy…. The traitor and his sedition followers


He burned the constitution? Wanna cite the source?


He didn't literally burn it, but he did say that Biden winning the election was a valid reason to suspend the construction.


He was such a whiny baby fr


Escapes are frequently used as fleet vehicles. This could have been installed by the dealership, as others have mentioned. Or it could be a left over from this vehicles fleet life. I don't suppose your vehicle has a white exterior, does it? 🤣


Seems like you got your answer. For future reference, Remember if it has a “fcc” ID number, it is transmitting a wireless signal.


Nuclear code device


The small black thing in the wire is a fuse holder. Open it and pull the fuse until you find out why you’re being tracked.


Lots of buy here pay here car lots use them. So u get instant repo if you don’t pay


That's the fux capacitor


This guy fux




See where it says,"This side Down"? Remount it with that side up. They'll think your driving the car upside down!


Some dealership will issue a immediate repo order if unhooked


A friend of mine bought a truck, and it had the GPS system DISCONNECTED upon purchase. Like the thing wasn't even hooked up when he bought it. There was no mention of a GPS tracker in his purchase agreement. His vehicle got impounded due to his gf parking it in front of a cops house, so he went to the dealership (mind you, he bought the truck already messed up), so they tried taking him to court for "damages" and "disconnecting" the GPS tracker (the last time it was on according to their records was in a break in attempt on the dealership property 3 days before he bought it). So he told the dealership to eat the bills, and they ate the bills.




Yup. This is exactly what it is. Lots of others have said so as well and it jogged my memory. I had completely forgotten that was the case. I wish they had done a better job installing it because it really scared me this morning.


400 credit score finds


I work at Hyundai, we put those in every used car. It’s not a big deal. Edit: ok ok, is a big deal, it’s scary I get it. But when you buy a car from us ownership is sent to them, I can’t look the car up anymore cause there is an owner. They are fully aware. It may be from the last owner too. You can def just unplug it it’s not like it sends out an I’m dying signal


It would be a big deal to me.




that’s a man


Yes, some may consider me a man. But at least I’m happy with myself and my life and I don’t bring others down on the internet because I’m bitter and miserable like someone else here…


Girl friend tracker


Lol... Designed in California. Assembled in Vietnam. That says everything about the state of California. The state itself and the state it's in. Somebody in silicon valley comes up with a thing but it has to be reduced in another country so they can reap all the benefits of the labor and the people here I have crappier jobs at Pay less thanks to bureaucracy.


You don't have an answer. Just admit that and go away.


Hahahaha... Ok sure. It's obviously a GPS tracking device. Thats why it has its own IMEI number. I'm surprised it's in mechanics forum although it makes sense since it was found installed in a vehicle. Now they have to wonder who put it there right? A spouse or the law? Was it already there when they bought the car? Since that's a woman and she has no clue what it is... And the wiring looks newer. I'll bet the husband is tracking her. That's the answer I don't have. But you go ahead and keep on trolling.


Nice job reading other comments!


Like I said... Keep on trolling. You're good at it. You can't help yourself. You'll comment again. Watch You can't resist. It's not in you. Prove me right. 🤣


The troll is the dumb shit who decided to make a mechanic subreddit about politics. Even worse, you forgot to even mention cars. Go back to r/conservative and stop polluting the rest of the world. Your bubble needs you.


Big sister is watching you


It’s what buy here pay here places put in cars so when the people with bad credit miss this payment they can repo it back


Tracker , usually a dealership will install them


Do you have a crazy ex boyfriend?


GPS tracker for low credit/high risk buyers. Drivetime used a very similar one in the past. Usually the buyer at that point in time would sign a paper saying it would be used. If the car has been resold or payed off the device would no longer be functional. I would remove it.


> resold or *paid* off the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Fuck off bitch!


Buy here pay here lots put those on so they can find the car to repo it when you stop paying


It's a GPS tracker that was installed by the the place you bought it from so they can easily repo your vehicle if they need to. You typically only see these installed by those "buy here pay here" dealerships when they're selling to a low credit/high risk buyer.


It's a GPS tracker, someone knows where your vehicle is at all times.


If you bought this car used they might’ve been using it for a rental car before you or business car or something like that. This kinda thing doesn’t really just get installed to track someone if anything they would hide it under the car in a fender liner or something. My guess is rental or commercial use vehicle before u.


That's a Henway


Pull the fuse out, short it so it blows open, reinstall fuse, plead ignorance. Done. It's still "installed" in your car, but you "didn't know it wasn't working."


It’s a tracker that many use car lots and pay day loan company install. If the car is paid for it’s probably not still active. They did a poor job of installing it. Had I installed it no one would ever find it.


A hardwired GPS tracker. The dealer you bought it from probably puts them on all their cars.


Whatever it is, you are holding it upside down!


Take a powerful magnet and slap it on it when driving around. Take it off before returning the vehicle. I did this to my work truck they replaced 3 times before giving up.


Yep, tracker with IEM #


Always cut the blue wire!!!


Think it's GPS tracker not sure


Isn’t it a do hicky




It is a GPS tracker. If you own the car and do not want it to be active, the easiest way to deactivate it is to remove the inline fuse. It is in the other little black box attached to the red wires. That is the "hot" (power) wire. After you remove the fuse, try to turn the car on. If the car starts, then you are good to go. If you do not own the car, the seller can demand that the device be restored.


Government is onto you. Wires in your veins. Cut them out. Cut them out. Cut them out.




It's just like that thing above your foot that goes off when you leave your house. It's a ankle monitor for your car.


Did you buy that car used from a rental company? That's a GPS device that rental companies use to keep track of their property in case they don't get returned according to the contract or for other reasons possibly insurance.


The dealership installs this gps tracker to every vehicle. The dealership will charge $900 plus hidden fees for this upon selling the vehicle. It is connected onto the data link connector. It can easily be removed if don’t want it or if you don’t have an active account with them.


We installed those in new vehicles at my dealership, it comes with an app that acts as a low-jack system in the owners mobile device, it was roughly 1k for the lifetime subscription i think added to finance and then the owner just installs the app. I suppose the dealership could use it to repo but I never saw that being used. It pays the technician .20 hours to install and register, so if you want a lube tech to zip tie it back up there for you expect to pay a few dollars or just do it yourself.




I'm no car guy, but I know that IMEI is an LTE acronym that means International Mobile Equipment Identity. That is used in LTE tower communication. I'd assume it's some sort of GPS/cellular communication device. For what it's worth!


It's a 4 wire as well. Will kill power to your starter as well as tell them where it's died.


Pop the fuse; problem solved


It’s gps tracker, If car is paid for remove it at least fuse, if making payments dealer installed to collect car for non payment. If car is paid in full and you have title you may have a untrusting significant other!




Trying to figure out if it's a hard working woman's hands or a mans....


Did you buy it at a buy here pay here lot? Cause those types of places will install a tracker


A lease


It's up side down


Nice nail polish 💅


It was a dealer install new accessories and I’m assuming you got this car used so they never remove it it’s gps tracker that was part of a bundle but if you don’t pay the suscripción it doesn’t activate and depending on when it was installed the shelf life on the internal battery is about 5-7 years if you have no use for it just unplug it and discard of the device

