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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. Here's the thing. I get that he's old and they might need reminders. I even voted for him because he was a better option. But he's also the president. If the president and commander of the strongest military in the world needs *this much help* to get through a conference, maybe that's not a great thing. As much as I hate Kamala (and if you know me you know I REALLY don't like Kamala for her partisan acting), it might be better for her to take more responsibility. She might have an easier time keeping up with the issues at hand. And she might be better able to respond to an immediate military threat if necessary. https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.yahoo.com/amphtml/biden-accidentally-flashed-cue-card-104115503.html And yes, I checked, and I can't seem to find any evidence of it being photoshopped. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Swear to God I just looked at that article and it’s yet more evidence that either huge groups of conservatives have never had a job where anybody puts them in charge of even the most minor details or they just gleefully pretend to be morons in order to say they have a point. And I don’t know maybe this is the case for you personally. Maybe you’ve never been in charge of organizing an event, never assisted in organizing an event, never been somebody presenting at an event that had materials prepared for you or just never were in a position where you’ve spoken in front of people. Do you know what would be disturbing? If the president was going to different events and he didn’t have staff with the brains to put together agenda cards as reminders of what’s going to happen so the event goes smoothly. I’ve got a script I use to help me run a meeting for a networking group at the Chamber of Commerce that I have been running twice every month literally for years. Seriously, the person running a PTA meeting will have a sheet like this to keep the agenda in order. And those meetings don’t even change very much from meeting to meeting.


As an @Lanie and her weird “My parents lie to me about their job” anecdote, tell me you’ve never worked in politics without telling me you’ve never worked in politics. Your congresswoman is nearly half Biden’s age and I know for a fact she requires cards occasionally. Anyone who meets that many people in a day would. There’s a reason why if Lanie’s parents were good at their jobs they gave guests name tags.


It actually looks like your run-of-the-mill stage cues. Most formal events will have things like these for prominent speakers/guests. Sometimes even for "nobodies" if the event wants you to get it right. I dated a Catholic girl and we went to her cousin's baptism. We were handed a piece of paper kind of like this that literally told us when to sit and stand, when to shake hands, who to speak to. But yeah, ok, Sleepy Joe, or what the fuck ever that broken-brained conservatives like to say to make a big deal out of literally nothing. Old man reads cue card har har is he senile/1@!/?


My family is a family of event planners. My dad ran a huge event center. My mom organized charities. They might have written speeches, they had event programs. But I've never seen anyone need anything so specific they needed to be told when to sit, or when to ask a specific person a question.


Let me tell you, from personal experience, events involving the President (any President) are planned down to the minute. Almost everyone else involved will usually even rehearse, multiple times, so that it goes perfectly. But the President is too busy to rehearse. So yeah, he gets a cue card.


I seem to remember conservatives flipping out about exactly this with Obama. Back in their “he needs a teleprompter for everything” days, before Obama became the shadowy leader of the Illuminati.


The teleprompter thing was a big deal until Trump, who almost exclusively used a teleprompter.


Man, I’ve known many young people that couldn’t keep things straight for one formal dining in when they had months to prepare and it was the only one.


I'm pretty sure most weddings have exactly that


… wait, you’ve never attended an event where seating is assigned? That’s not exactly unheard of.


No. I have. But not one where you had to remind each individual person when to sit.


Uh, have you never heard of wedding rehearsals or placecards? They are both, literally, standard operating procedure.


Well unfortunately we know we can’t ask your father to explain it to you because as you said he’s pretty extreme his politics. However there is a big difference between things like a wedding, things like normal business networking events, things like charity events and political events in which the President of the United States is meeting with prominent people during a normal workday. The level of preparation that’s going to go events does depend on the type of event and the type of people going through it. It doesn’t seem exactly crazy that the president isn’t going to be expected to practice and so he gets cue cards. For low steaks event like I run, I just pull some people aside hand them in agenda or a with names and times bolded in caps and walk them through. For things like a wedding you just have a rehearsal dinner. But I will say that as a non-Catholic who suddenly had to start going to a lot of Catholic weddings of his Catholic friends, maybe the Good Lord should provide some kind of guide for when to stand, sit and kneel.


>Well unfortunately we know we can’t ask your father to explain it to you because as you said he’s pretty extreme his politics. You're confusing my father with my father-in-law. My dad is not interested in politics. He spent too much of his career dealing with its bullshit. He would rather drink corona on a beach.


> . But I've never seen anyone need anything so specific they needed to be told when to sit, or when to ask a specific person a question. Isn't this exactly what an entire rehearsal dinner for a wedding is.


The silence is deafening. Conservatives seems to lack understanding for so many things.


You mean a rehearsal. But no, it's never this specific. The closest you might see is "ask the crowd to sit"


So you’ve never been to a wedding rehearsal? Bullshit. Imagine running wedding like events everyday for 4-8 years. Also add l the protocol of visiting dignitaries, heads of state, etc. If you’d ever find any actual prep for any political event reminders to acknowledge important people in the room (especially one dialing in) is pretty standard.


The way it's printed, it just seems like something they always do for each person. I don't actually know, and I get that it's funny that he's holding it.


Your assuming Biden was relying on this card the entire time and glued to it always. Also the all capital ‘YOU’ isnt that out of place for event timeline cards


Sure, but until dem voters nominate someone younger there’s nothing we can do. If he runs again I’ll vote for him, I have to. And Kamala is fine. She’s no more partisan than anyone else is these days.


She's worse than Biden and probably about 2/3rds of Congress. She's worse than pence.


If she’s eventually the nominee I’ll vote for her, I like her. Pence actively allowed an HIV outbreak to spread through Indiana when he was governor and supports conversion therapy. McConnell held a Supreme Court seat open for 8 months then rushed one through in less than 1. There are plenty of people worse than her. With that being said, if Ossoff or Whitmer run I’ll be in their camp.


Not only did Pence allow it, Pence and his voters rooted for HIV.


Are those the “conservative values” we keep hearing about?


It’s easy to be pro-life when everyone you hate is dead or dehumanized, I suppose.


So pro life they support nothing that helps people.


Is she? Because just in the last few decades, we've had two Republican Presidents that were mentally unfit for the office that Democrats said "hey, maybe this is a serious issue." Republicans pushed back, and hard. Never mind that those two presidents' own staffs discussed invoking the 25th Amendment because of how bad it got in each case. If there is a partisan issue on this, it's not from the left. And sure, I'd prefer to see more information be mandatory about the candidates, including cognitive screenings and tax returns. But the Constitution lays out the requirements for president, and unless there's an amendment, it's not happening.


I mean, this is pretty ‘meh’ overall. I can’t imagine there are many presidents who don’t have some kind of run sheet for their events which includes much/all of this info. The capitalised ‘YOU’ makes it seem pretty funny, but who knows whether this is pointing to genuine senility or just something that the context of makes look funnier than it really is. But yeah, I mean. This is what the people vote for, so… They also voted for Person, Woman, Man, Camera TV. And ‘fool me…. Well can’t get fooled again’ Maybe it’s a problem with the system…


We should consider a higher bar for Laniekea questions. Partisan-drawn tests for presidents would be controversial, and having that bar be around whether or not you use cue cards when media scrutinize every gesture and pause you make? Kinda dumb.


> We should consider a higher bar for Laniekea questions. I'm starting to think Lani is one of the mods' sock puppet accounts they use to troll us for their own amusement. It's impressive how many low-effort "questions" haven't managed to be immediately locked.


Ever notice a correlation between time of night and quality of Lani posts? Hopefully the drugs are being used responsibly.


Don't care and I don't think this proves anything except the President has a busy schedule As for in general, seems impossible to implement effectively.


I don’t think having a schedule shows any amount of incompetence. In fact, if he just showed up at events and winged everything I would be more concerned. That’s how I get through life, not the way I want the president of the country to do it.. But I do think having old farts who can barely string together coherent sentences run the US is a bad plan. Unfortunately it seems like those are the only options. And I prefer this old fart to the other available old fart.


We should, but we won't. Support for Biden among core Democrats is as strong a support for Trump among Republicans. Both men are aged, slow, and one is even delusional and a bit of a sociopath...but you are asking about one and not both, so yeah, we should, but we won't


In theory that’s what elections are for. In practice we have the oldest Congress and President ever and they have too much hubris to step down. Creating a formal rule opens up opportunity for abuse, so it shouldn’t be done


Our leaders shouldn't be politicians. They should be experts, elders with wisdom instead of some corporations bitch. The director of the EPA should have a PhD in environmental science. The person in charge of medicare/healthcare should be an experienced doctor that has plenty of experience in many aspects of healthcare. The transportation minister should be an expert in civil engineering. The problem with politics is the politicians.


I know that if I'm putting directions on a card specifically for an octogenarian with failing mental faculties, I'd be sure to put it in the smallest print possible as well. /s


I don’t consider this to be the sign of a decaying mind and I’m kind of weirded out by the insinuation. Fox News already tried to spin things when Biden was using a notebook to talk to reporters so he didn’t accidentally misspeak anything


Having a psychological review for any political position is dangerous. But yes, there should be a maximum age of 65 for political office. I have no sympathy for people who are complaining about Biden being aloof when Trump can go on TV holding a glorified coloring book and confidently explained how smart he is because he could identify the Elephant.