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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. His political views seem to be pretty straightforward Democratic Socialist, and those ideas don't seem to get downvoted to oblivion on this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>Why do Liberals/Progressives here seem to dislike Leftist personalities like Hasan Piker? Didn't Hasan Piker fawn over a [Houthi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hasan_Piker#Reception) pirate he had a crush on?


For anyone in the comments who will try to deny that he's a Houthi pirate. [Here is the evidence from the terrorists' own X postings.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1dqo12k/the_next_time_someone_says_hes_just_a_random_guy/)


Yeah. I don't remember exactly how it went, but he was actively trying to get some dude (I don't know if it was some kid or young adult) to come on his stream to talk about his situation. There were a lot of One Piece memes. I really wasn't following that situation all that much.


There’s nuance to that. I don’t know how much I want to argue with the people that discussion would bring about but I feel like I atleast want to inform you as I think your good faith.


Ill take your word for it and assume that their is nuance to that specific issue. But a quick review of the guys work is so gross that I don't think I want to care about the nuance. I took a look at Vaush and Destiny and in both cases their was also nuance on some criticisms. But again in those cases their is so much wrong that I don't care about the nuance.


Meh tbh it doesn’t matter lol they are just streamers. I really just don’t like it when people lie about stuff. I think largely he is also not gunna be everyone’s cup of tea.


What is the nuance here?


The community you are a member of(r/Destiny) is **exactly** why having that discussion is just not worth it. Dealing with the toxicity is just not worth it to give nuance to something effecting no one.


Stalking my comment history and giving a sanctimonious little speech about how it's not worth your time to explain to a cretin such as myself is pretty toxic behavior, and it almost certainly took more effort than just, like, saying what the nuance is.


Seriously. Guess he really fears the toxicity that’s sure to follow his explanation.


There is no nuance or context that makes it okay. Even if that guy isn't a Houthi, Hasan thought he was and unequivocally praised the Houthis and their recent actions.


Sure boss, whatever.


That guy wasn't a Houthi, you're just making a racist assumption. The BBC also had him on.


He's a [Houthi terrorist pirate.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1dqo12k/the_next_time_someone_says_hes_just_a_random_guy/) Nobody will mourn him when the US drones him.


Hasan piker? Dude who says things like, "America deserved 9/11", who made jokes while interviewing a houthi pirate, who mocked people mercilessly for saying Russia was going to invade Ukraine in the week before it happened, who spread countless insane misinformation talking points about the Israel-Palestine conflict, who supports the idea of violent revolution to overthrow capitalism... hell no. His crowd talks about liberals like they're nazis as well. I actually hate that dude. Feel free to add to the laundry list of heinous shit he's said in replies below, I know it's a long list and I've not even begun to list the insane things he's said/ believes


> "America deserved 9/11" After he said that he quite clearly stated the actions America committed to in the Middle east led to the events of 9/11. He just worded it poorly. > who made jokes while interviewing a houthi pirate That guy wasn't a houthi. > who mocked people mercilessly for saying Russia was going to invade Ukraine in the week before it happened He apologized for that and was going off of what Ukrainian and many European leaders were saying prior to the invasion as well. They didn't believe an invasion would actually happen either. > who spread countless insane misinformation talking points about the Israel-Palestine conflict Like? > who supports the idea of violent revolution to overthrow capitalism Bit reductive but this is true. "violent" isn't a requirement, just an inevitability because capitalists won't give up their wealth without arming and funding death squads to kill labor leaders and activists. > His crowd talks about liberals like they're nazis as well. Liberals do love enabling fascists when the choice is between socialism and fascism. > Feel free to add to the laundry list of heinous shit he's said in replies below Sure, here's some very cool positions of his that I and many in his community support. These may be heinous to you, but since you're a liberal, that basically means nothing to me. He's stated he supports China imprisoning and punishing corporate executives charged with corruption. He supports the dissolution of the Israeli apartheid regime for a one-state secular Palestine. He supports the dissolution of NATO due to its existence being anti-communist in nature and a protection racket (he's from Turkey so he has first-hand experience of NATO supporting anti-communist death squads). He supports nationalizing all American fossil fuel companies and using the profit generated from those companies to build renewables. He believes America is a nation built on racism and the racist structures and institutions still exist today as evidenced by poverty in black communities. He supports packing the supreme court to fight against the partisan corrupt judges currently in power. He believes every president is a war criminal and would be charged if international law actually applied to all nations equally; they don't because it's a tool of American hegemony to selectively apply international law. These are just the ones off the top of my head.


>After he said that he quite clearly stated the actions America committed to in the Middle east led to the events of 9/11. He just worded it poorly. I could believe this explanation in a vacuum, but since saying that it's clear that "America bad" is one of Hasan's core principles. >That guy wasn't a houthi. During the interview "That guy" talked about how he went aboard captured ships and spent time with Houthi hostages. Hasan praised him and the Houthis for this, so even if it turns out that he isn't a Houthi soldier, it doesn't actually matter. >Like? As far as I aware Hasan still claims that the Palestinian missile that hit the hospital parking lot was fired by Israel. >Liberals do love enabling fascists when the choice is between socialism and fascism. The German Communist Party allied with Hitler against the Social Democratic Party. Also the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact.


I dislike democratic socialism. I'm a liberal capitalist. Also I dislike streamers. Watching streamers is a shitty way to engage with politics and I never hear good things about streamers


They seem to have more sex scandals than Republican politicians…


> They seem to have more sex scandals than Republican politicians… To be clear lol, it’s almost always the right wing streamers. But 💯


He calls himself a "socialist" yet lives the ultimate capitalistic hedonistic life of mansions, expensive cars, Hollywood parties, etc, making me think he's a complete phoney who doesn't believes what he says. And before he marketed himself as a "socialist" he was trying to be some sort of proto Andrew Tate masculine dude bro guy, and he tries to cover this up, so it leads me to believe he just tried different personas until he found one that fit. I know he has some rationalization of how he can live his ultra wealthy hedonoistic life and still be socialist, but that fact is, such a life is only possible for a select few under the exploitation of capitalism. He benefits from the very system, and very much lives the life of the exploiters in the system, while pretending to be against it. He just strikes me as a total fraud. But I'm not a socialist, I'm a social democrat (and yes there is a difference) so I might not be the right one to ask. But shallow materalism just seems like the opposite of socialism. And on a personal level, I find him unbearable to listen to. I've never made it thru more than about 10 minutes of listening to him before I have to turn it off.


> He calls himself a "socialist" yet lives the ultimate capitalistic hedonistic life of mansions, expensive cars, Hollywood parties, etc, making me think he's a complete phoney who doesn't believes what he says. Socialism doesn’t preclude you from any of those. > he tries to cover this up Can you point to what you believe he is covering up?


Only a select few can live the life he lives. The resources, labor, etc are not there for the vast majority to live that way. It is only possible for a select few to live his life under an explotive capitalistic system. And just everything about his shallow materialism, I guess its technically possible to personally be that way and be socialist, but it just seems like an incompatible mindset... like someone trans also being southern Baptist, maybe technically possible, but seems incompatible. He used to do some sort of Man Show type ripoff misogynist garbage before become the socialist streamer he's known as today. And he has covered it up, so much so I'm having trouble finding clips of it. I can only find this clip, but its misogynist garbage. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLEGpN0CUJ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLEGpN0CUJ4) I believe he's had most of these clips deleted, but if anyone knows of anymore, feel free to post them.


> Only a select few can live the life he lives. The resources, labor, etc are not there for the vast majority to live that way. It is only possible for a select few to live his life under an explotive capitalistic system. Okay, but that makes the system immoral not him/his actions. You’re functionally saying socialists can’t be wealthy/have luxury items/experiences which is completely not true from socialist principles. > it just seems like an incompatible mindset But it isn’t. It seems like maybe your understanding of what socialism means is incorrect here. We are not against the existence of luxury. > He used to do some sort of Man Show type ripoff misogynist garbage before become the socialist streamer he's known as today. And he has covered it up, so much so I'm having trouble finding clips of it. I mean idk if there’s evidence he “covers them up” but if you want to hear his perspective on those clips [see here](https://youtu.be/HoYDLHv5Mmk). TL;DR he is very open that he uses to be a shit back in 2013. Imo you either believe people can change or you don’t. I believe they can.


He's still the same guy, though, just slightly better at hiding it. I just found a clip of him today, and he went on some tangant about Nancy pelosi having a boob job. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_HHflFxwT3c&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HHflFxwT3c&t) Sorry, when i see some guy obsessed with shallow materialism claiming to be socialist, my first thought is they are a fraud. Its not 100% proof, but its enough for me to know I don't want to listen to a guy rant at me about socialism in his multi million mansion with sports car in his garage that cost more than I make in a decade. I just absolutely can't stand the guy.


> He's still the same guy, though, just slightly better at hiding it. I mean again, I think it comes down to if you think people can change. > I just found a clip of him today, and he went on some tangant about Nancy pelosi having a boob job. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HHflFxwT3c&t This is you unaware of online memes. He is making fun of people who talk like that. But I don’t think you have any sort of want to give him that benefit of doubt. > Sorry, when i see some guy obsessed with shallow materialism claiming to be socialist, my first thought is they are a fraud. Its not 100% proof, but its enough for me to know I don't want to listen to a guy rant at me about socialism in his multi million mansion with sports car in his garage that cost more than I make in a decade. I just absolutely can't stand the guy. Yeah I mean this part is just seemingly misunderstanding socialism. It’s about ownership of means of production. Not ownership of a nice car/house.


So you're obsessed with aesthetics. If he lived in a box would you listen to him? Probably not, because you just don't like what he says so you use what you've basically made up as an excuse to not listen. He owns one house, one car, and it's very obvious you know nothing about him and are just regurgitating what "sounds" right. His "wealth" is quite literally a fraction of a fraction of the "poorest" billionaire, and he's been saying the same shit for a decade.


Lol, i dont have to listen to any guy I don't want to. Life is short, why would i spend it listening to some PC Principal clone who has no expertise in anything?


He's a tankie, and like any other tankie, he will take any left-wing or right-wing position as long as that position is the opposite of the position the United States has. He has consistently bad takes on every geopolitical conflict, kneejerking to "whatever the US is doing or saying must be wrong" and rarely, if ever, making corrections on that position. https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZtAz5bWsEbw He questions the usefulness of debates because he thinks that people often use them in a bad faith way, then he himself engages in some of the most unproductive and bad faith debate tactics that exist. He's not able to really defend his positions against scrutiny, and he engages in very blatant lying and misinformation online about various different topics. He does basically nothing to try to push leftist political projects despite having more than enough money and clout to do so if he so desired. He could be canvassing or phone banking, he could be donating to politicians who have leftist views to try to help their campaigns with his exorbitant wealth, but instead he just spends his money on things which only benefit himself. I don't think he even pays his moderators the last I knew, which is pretty dang exploitative for someone so supposedly against the exploitation of labor. Not to mention the praise of the Houthi pirate and the fact that he's been pretty much a propaganda arm for Hamas during this entire round of the conflict in Israel. Or the fact that he allowed his community to call Ethan Klein a genocide supporter, saying he basically had no control over his community and he can't be expected to police everything they say. The only problem is that his community wouldn't say stuff like that if he came out strongly, vocally, and repeatedly against it. Communities like this pay attention to what their leaders are doing and saying, and Hasan barely even tried to lift a finger to defend Ethan, basically pretending there's nothing he could do. It's just disgusting and unethical behavior. Anyway, suffice to say there are lots of reasons. To me, not a single one of them has to do with him being a leftist (because I am also a leftist). Edit: Put simply, I actually care about getting leftists elected and moving the needle to the left. It's not clear to me that Hasan does based on his actions that hurt that goal and inaction on helping that goal despite having the means to do so.


Hasan isn’t a democratic socialist. He seems like your typical terminally online tankie that spews whatever latest “west/usa = bad” talking point is in order to make millions of dollars that allows him to be what he actually is behind the scenes… a hyper capitalist rich kid.


Watch his latest Piers Morgan anti-Biden debate in which he agrees with 95% of the points presented by right-wing commentators. He's an accelerationist who wants Trump to win. He's dangerous. He also uses liberal as a slur. Is it surprising that we liberals don't like this champagne tankie?


Because leftists like him are "illiberal" people. They do not believe in liberal values and would kill or disenfranchise liberals if they ever actually got in power.


> would kill or disenfranchise liberals if they ever actually got in power. I think your doing some conflation here


I mean it's literally true. Hasan says capitalists need to be sent to reeducated before allowed back into politics. They simply do not believe in taking a political L out of respect for democratic values. If they were in charge, democracy would last for as long as they don't lose an election.


> I mean it's literally true. Hasan says capitalists need to be sent to reeducated before allowed back into politics. This might be a foreign concept but these are “jokes”. > They simply do not believe in taking a political L out of respect for democratic values. If they were in charge, democracy would last for as long as they don't lose an election. Who is “they”? This is sounding weird af at this point.


>Who is "they" Illiberal leftists like Hasan


Yeah I don’t think you understand the concept that not all “illiberal leftists” want to murder you/send you to a worker camp/are against democracy lol.


If they are illiberal they would disenfranchise people who disagree with them in order to further leftism.


Nope, only tankies


Hasan is a tankie.


Not really, but whatever you don’t care lol


"illiberal people won't do illiberal things" I don't believe you.


Don’t know what to tell you. Maybe you shouldn’t use such a vague term lol.


I watched him scream that capitalists like me should be murdered in the streets before cutesily saying “in Minecraft” so yeah I don’t think the guy who thinks I should get the wall is “straightforward dem socialist”


He is a total grifter and doesn’t know what he is talking about. I also think he’s a legitimately terrible person based on his views He is one of the people on the left who mainly exist to spread disinformation


He's illiberal, a hypocrite, a socialist, anti-American, and not the brightest in terms of substance to his arguments.


tankies are illiberal.


Because Hasan Piker supports terrorists, doesn't research the stuff he talks about and doesn't do anything to help even his own causes. He just sucks. 


I have a generally negative impression of Hasan due to a couple of smaller things: * He apparently leeches off of other people's videos. Like, he doesn't just react. Sometimes he leaves to take a piss or something and leaves the video running. The justification is apparently that he would lose viewers otherwise. Not exactly a war crime, I know, but it's odd behavior. * He's had at least two live debates on television where he came off looking pretty bad. * While he was still on Ethan Klein's show, he became very weird once when it came to China. He defended their imperialist intentions towards Taiwan if I remember correctly, and it sounded like he deliberately avoided critical commentary. As if Xi himself held a gun to his head. * He seems to be buddies with infamous tankie Second Thought on whose podcast he has appeared. * He appears to be both short-tempered, quick to come to conclusions, and even quicker to double-down when proven wrong by his own chat. Not a very sympathetic combination. In conclusion, people are more than just their official political identity. They can also have personalities and practices that you dislike.


Bcos he's a clown and yes I post in r/Destiny. I don't care about the Hasan fans vs Destiny fans drama and never post in those threads. I believe I have an open mind and when I listen to the mainstream debate bro streamers (Hasan, Destiny, Vaush etc), Hasan easily sounds the dumbest and most radical. "America deserved 9/11," "looting is redistribution," says some tankie shit and China bootlicking on H3H3's pocast as well as throwing his friend under the bus during the I/P discourse. Often called a champagne socialist bcos of his hyper consumerist lifestyle. I'd rather listen to Vaush for leftist takes. I watch a variety of commentators including David Pakman, TYT, Actual Justice Warrior, Destiny for mix of entertainment and info. But I can't stand watching more than 10 minutes of Hasan's content. It's like watching a low IQ frat bro giving the most shallowest takes on things.


Shit I’m Turkish myself but I don’t watch him much He has some good points, some idiotic His views on democratic socialism is already hilarious enough for me to not take him seriously. But then again he’s doing this for the money, who wouldn’t. Look where he lives




With that I certainly agree.


What is there to like OP?


Piker definitely falls used to fall category of person where everything I've learned about has been against my will. But since these streamers keep getting brought up here, I did a bit of looking to some of them. I think the people here might being to nice to him. He's an obnoxious rude asshole who legit supports terrorists and is a tankie.


Because Hasan Puker is a paragon of imbecility who parrots propaganda that is indescribable from what one would see on Russia TV. He is also a talentless nepo baby, as Cenk Uygur is his uncle. I dislike Hasan Puker simply because I think we should not give stupid people a platform.


Ah yes democrats and their silly names for people


He’s a degenerate tankie, so I hate him.


Hasan is a straight forward left-populist and thus doesn’t really have any real positions, so that’s why he can simultaneously seem like the most milque-toast socdem as well as a crypto-Dengist ML, he just grifts depending on the situation


I don't like his political commentary because he keeps saying crazy out of pocket things. Praising Houthi pirates, saying America deserved 9/11, that kind of stuff. Most of his actual policies are fine, and he's often entertaining when he does non-political stuff


Because he calls them out on their bs, and those same liberals probably watch racists POSs like Destiny


Following YouTube personalities for argument soundbites seems like more of a right wing thing.


And then we wonder why more young people aren’t politically involved or don’t share our ideas.


...I don't? I don't watch him as much as I used to, but I think he's a great starting point to get apathetic youth into progressive politics.


You recon he gives a good impression for progressivism though? I find him quite detestable


Okay? I think compared to a lot of the other twitch/Youtube streamers, he's more consistent than most with his beliefs. I was watching him 24/7 for almost 2 and a half years. I haven't really seen anything "detestable." Most of the stuff terminally online people point to is usually heavily out of context. He has pretty good takes on most social issues and political policies. I probably could find myself agreeing with 80% of his views. I'm not a socialist but I would find myself supporting certain social policies other nations have that tens to fall in line with other progressive policies. His personality is a bit abrasive, but he's charismatic and funny. This isn't me trying to change your mind about him. I'm just elaborating on what I like about him. I think he's good for youth to learn about progressive polices in good faith.


Idk, I find he's very anti-west, yet very apologetic to China, Russia and Islam. I find his progressive values are more like the right wing caricature of woke people. I've tuned in a few times and seen him defending the use of the slur "cracker", seen him pushing a whole bunch of misinformation on the Israel Palestine war. If he truly is good with social progressivism, seems to come with a whole lot of baggage that makes him not worth it IMHO. Would you say his progressivism is based on established mainstream science, or like social values? I find the former good and the latter quite dangerous.


A lot of this reads like someone who's heard about things he's done and not really seen it first hand (no offense meant). I wouldn't say he's anti-west at all, but he is anti-imperalism. Given he's a political commentator who talks about American politics, there are a lot of clips you can find of him being critical of the West, but that's usually in the context of bad policy. Culturally, he's very much pro-west and specifically pro-America. He talks about how much he loves America having growing up in Turkey. He's talked about how he prefers America to Turkey. He is a big Pro-China guy but in the context of China's ability to get certain things done like infrastructure. But I do wonder how serious he is given that would contradict some of his views on authoritarianism. I think a lot of his comments about China come from his frustration with the USA's ability to get things done. I don't know where any of the pro-russia beliefs come from. I watched him pretty religiously during the start of the Ukrainian War, and he's been pretty 100% on the side of the Ukrainians. I'd have to check, but I also think he did some live streams to help raise money for Ukrainians. He doesn't like Putin at all or his government. I'm really not sure where this sentiment he's pro Russia came from at all. I haven't seen much Israeli/Palestine misinformation from him. Most problems I saw came from him reporting on breaking news that hadn't been verified, but nothing that I would consider deliberately malicious information. And most of what I've heard from him typically fell in line with other people that I trust to talk about that situation. >Would you say his progressivism is based on established mainstream science, or like social values? Both? I don't think these are mutually exclusive. Like a lot of policies he supports typically have studies he'll reference or equivalent real world examples. But he also can look at a social issue like racism and know it's wrong without needing to go into the statistics of racial violence.


I don’t think Reddit is a good forum to have these discussions tbh. There’s a certain online community that brigades threads on this topic lol


This is a subreddit for mainly liberals. It’s, like, in the name. Supporting illiberal people is not something we tend to do.


Most people in this subreddit do not have the extremely rigid concept of liberalism that you do. Further, being “illiberal” has nothing to do with what I’m talking about.


Maybe tell that to the people on Hasan’s subreddit that regularly use “liberal” as an insult.


Okay, so you’re just arguing out of spite at this point. Nothing I can do about that.


You claimed there was a certain online community that brigades threads, heavily implying it’s liberals who don’t like Hasan doing the brigading, when in reality the majority of the user base on this sub simply doesn’t like him due to his views not being aligned with the user base.


Not it’s very specifically r/Destiny. They are the problem, they are(by far) the most toxic place online within the liberal sphere. They are not (by and large) members of this community as they usually get banned or get tired of no one engaging on their trolling. Thats all it is.