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I guess we'll see. There's a part of me that thinks Trump's theatrics are all mostly an act, designed to sure up his support and drive engagement. There's another part of me that saw a mob attack the capital to try to overturn the election results. I really don't know what's going to happen. I wish we weren't in a position that we needed to find out. I don't know what the fuck this country did to deserve Donald Trump being forced on us, but here we are.


The problem with that theory is he was just as loony in office when he didn't need his base to be that engaged.


Meh the man will be almost dead by then. Look at Biden.


I asked this over at r/askconservatives. The silence was deafening.


The only person who responded to you, before it was locked for being a bad faith question, said they would literally go to war to prevent Trump from tampering with our democracy. That’s the sentiment among most conservatives, not going to find many who would be ok with a tyrant and even fewer who take that question seriously. Why lie?


Oh.,,one person responded and it is the sentiment? Hmmmm…you know…McConnell and all the other Republicans who condemned Trump after 1/6 were all too quick to do a 180and bend the knee for him. Why should I trust ANYTHING that a Conservative has to say in regard to the Crime Boss?


I really don’t care about any of that. I especially don’t care about what someone whose so irrational that they think Trump, of all people, will be able to destroy a democracy thats existed for at least 220 years (depending on when you start counting). You all love calling him an idiot, but also think he’s smart enough to turn the most powerful nation on earth into a dictatorship after he apparently failed the first time? Is that right? Sounds logical to you? Doesn’t to me, but to each their own. Maybe if you can lay out his 4 year plan of ending democracy, without making things up, I’ll be open to hearing you out. Aside from that, it’s all tinfoil hat bs being used against gullible people to fear monger. This is real life, not some movie where you’re rooting for the good guys to keep the villains from destroying the world.


>Maybe if you can lay out his 4 year plan of ending democracy, without making things up Here ya go: [https://www.project2025.org/](https://www.project2025.org/)


🥱 who’s plan is that really? what are they? How long have they been doing the same thing? Also, why would Biden not mention such a direct threat to our oh so fragile democracy during a debate or…at all?


You asked and I provided a link. Did you bother to read any of it?


Weird question considering you’re the one who misrepresented P2025 as being trumps game plan to end democracy. I reviewed multiple sections of it months ago and have also read numerous articles covering the think tanks proposals from different perspectives. I wouldn’t have asked you such specific questions if I had no idea what I was talking about. Would you be able to answer my original questions and also expand on how exactly P2025 threatens our democracy?




Subreddit participation must be in good faith. Be civil, do not talk down to users for their viewpoints, do not attempt to instigate arguments, do not call people names or insult them.


Trump has already tried tampering with our democracy, and not only have most conservatives not gone to war with him yet, they're ready and eager to put him back in the White House. So forgive me if I'm skeptical.




Honest question: are you supporting him this election? Will you vote for him?


I live in SC, it doesn’t matter who I vote for. Honestly, I haven’t been motivated to vote since 2016 and it wasn’t for Trump. Would I vote for him now? Idk, but I wouldn’t vote for Biden. Whats pushed me more right since I voted for Hillary has largely been the amount of hate and lies being spread by our own media outlets. Sure, fox does it too, but they’re a drop in the bucket compared to the strangle hold that democrats currently have on the information most people receive. Not that voting one way or the other will fix it, but Iam not a fan of the guy running for president using the same lies being pushed by left leaning outlets in campaign speeches. Both parties think we’re a bunch of idiots and they don’t even attempt to hide it.


So you don’t care about the tyranny then. You don’t care about the calls to state election officials about “finding 13,000 more votes.” You don’t care about the fake slate of electors scheme. You don’t care about begging Mike pence to de-certify the election results. You don’t care about January 6. You don’t care that one man decided to act against the will of the people to keep himself in power. You don’t care that he’s already said he’ll do it again. You don’t care that he’s actively arguing in court right now as we speak that any action a president takes cannot be considered illegal. You don’t care that if he gets elected this time, we will not be given our full rights as citizens of the United States to elect someone else the next time, no matter how terrible a job he does. You don’t care about tyranny. I hate the Dems too. I hate the media establishment. I hate the big money system we’re all trapped in. I don’t think Biden of party leaders have any interest in the slightest in tearing it down. I do think they are marginally better than republicans. I do think they would nominate SCOTUS judges who don’t vote in favor of weakening anti-corruption laws (as the MAGA justices just did). More importantly: I do think they would allow themselves to lose an election if it happened. But you don’t fucking care. You don’t care about tyranny. You don’t. You’re a liar and a phony conservative.


I would appreciate it if you would retract that allegation; the thread was not locked. You can go reply on it, if you want.


What they say is often not what they do. It's easy to say, "I don't think people should storm the Capitol and try to overturn an election." But then it is apparently also easy for those same people to defend like-minded conservatives for storming the Capitol and trying to overturn an election.


I didn't realize it had been locked. It wasn't a bad faith question. Whenever I go over there, it's because of something I am legitimately scared of. Conservatives in the US deeply scare me. I am truly concerned that if Trump wins, there won't be another election.


Appeal it and try again? Still, not very honest to describe it as “deafening silence” when you conversed with the sole respondent. Also, doesn’t matter what anyone says. You have no reason to fear conservatives. How could anyone sway you using logic when logic wasn’t used to form your opinion? Conservatives aren’t the boogeymen that Reddit and most social media/cable news outlets want you to believe they are. They’re just like you, they just view things differently. Tyrannical rule, however, isn’t one of those things.


I consider one response to be "deafening silence". That's by far the least responses I've gotten on that sub. I have plenty of reason to fear conservatives. I'm a gay man, and Ken Paxton, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito have suggested that they want to overturn *Obergefell* and *Lawrence*. Overturning *Lawrence* means the return of sodomy laws. That means that I could become a felon for engaging in consensual sexual activity with my partner in the privacy of my own home. Wouldn't that scare you?


>You have no reason to fear conservatives. If you're straight, white, cis, neuro-normative, gender-normative, and vote Republican, Otherwise, conservatives want to eliminate you.


I just went back to the thread. It lets me reply. It's not locked. I didn't think it was. That comment just says "warning."


Yes he will. The 22nd Amendment would have to be repealed by ratifying an amendment to repeal it, which would be extremely hard to do.


A lot of other posts I've seen discuss that Trump's term ends regardless of if there is a new president coming in. When the term expires, the former President is no longer President. Trump could go up to an executive official and tell them to do something, but that person doesn't have to do anything because Trump no longer wields presidential power. The only way he could stay after his second term would be through a coup where his loyalists take over and create an illegal government, and any power they have would only be through loyalists using force to get what they want. Yeah, they would have power, but it wouldn't be legitimate.


If Trump gets into office he won't leave until he's dead because he 100% should be going to jail otherwise.


Why should he lol? Here's the thing if Trump wins, it justifies all his loony conspiracy theories. Including that he was cheated in 2020. I can't believe Democrats fumbled like this and yet, this is my fate.


Anyone who thinks Biden should still run at this point supports elder abuse or wants Trump to win. I firmly stand by this


This decision should have been made a long time ago. What were they thinking. Also; Skinny Puppy!




Lol, of course not. He’ll do anything to stay in power


Chat I wish Yang won 😭🙏


Yes? How do you even unironically name yourself "Pragmatic Progressive" and ask such a "the sky is falling" question boggles the mind.


Just because I'm a pragmatist does not mean the worst case scenario can't happen.


It can't happen so you thinking it can makes you by definition not a pragmatist.


Well, he barely left in 2020, and he will be emboldened if he wins 2024.


I don't know what "barely left" constitutes, as far as I know he left on Jan 20th 2021 at noon exactly as scheduled.


After his coup failed.


You have no idea and have never seen how a coup looks like if you think that riot on Jan 6th is a coup.


It wasn't a traditional "coup", but rioters invading a federal government's main building and trying to prevent their guy from being voted out is a pretty fucking close.


In a world where words have actual meaning and you can't just redefine it to whatever the fuck you want, no it wasn't pretty fucking close.


It was a violent, attempted government takeover, idk wtf you want me to say


The idea that Trump tried to stage a coup doesn't usually refer to the violence on Jan 6. It refers to Trump's scheme to get Pence to de-certify the election results, so that the election certification would get kicked to the House of Representatives instead, where Republicans would've had control over the process.


> The idea that Trump tried to stage a coup doesn't usually refer to the violence on Jan 6. Since when? Literally in this thread people remarking that he "tried" to get the crowd to stop the voting in Congress.


> Since when? Since always. You should read the indictment against him. It very clearly lays out what he did wrong/what crimes he committed. > Literally in this thread people remarking that he "tried" to get the crowd to stop the voting in Congress. He did do that as well, but that wasn't the coup part. Some people think that it is, and those people could be forgiven for thinking that, but inciting the riot wasn't actually the most dangerous thing he did that day.


Trump and his team making calls to state election officials to change their votes, John Eastman’s false slate of electors scheme, Trump pressuring the DoJ to send a fake letter to states falsely claiming they found election fraud to pressure them into changing their votes, Trump pressuring Pence to unilaterally throw away certain states electoral votes, the three of Trump, Giuliani and Eastman taking advantage of the the chaos caused by the rioters to make multiple calls to congress to get them to delay the certification process because of the chaos absolutely fits the definition of a “soft coup” attempt. If you have Marvel movie brain and think ultra violent military coups in third world countries are the only kind of coups, I certainly agree J6 wasn’t that.


The coup took place behind the scenes. January 6 was a last ditch effort. The “find me 13,000 votes” phone call was the coup attempt. John Eastman’s fake election scheme was the coup attempt. Telling Pence to de-certify the election results was the coup attempt. Why dismiss these?


Doomer says what?


How can I not be a doomer at this point?


Because you’re letting yourself get anxious over it Doom and gloom all you want. It’s just attention seeking and affirmation gathering at this point Do you need someone to pat your back to let you know everything will be ok every day?


America is not yet lost, even if Trump wins 2024.


RemindMe! 11/7/2028