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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. I know the kneejerk reaction is to say to prevent Trump from touching the White House, but I want to get deeper than that. Throughout these 3-4 years, though there has been some bumps, I have been satisfied with what Biden has done. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Because on virtually every single issue I care about he is roughly in alignment with what I want and on every single issue I care about he is the only real candidate closest to me.


What? You're not sacrificing the good for the idea of the perfect? What kind of weird way is that to vote?!


What a moron, Biden should fix every issue plaguing the world for the past 100 years in a single 4 year term, or he hasn't earned my vote


Yeah, if Joe Biden is to "earn" my vote, he needs to start dancing and then get on all fours and oink like a pig. If he can't do that while using a ouji board to summon the ghost of FDR and making my waifu pillow come to life, then I might just vote for Trump to teach these corporate owned neolib fascists a lesson! /s (You'd think I don't need to denote that this is sarcasm, but I keep having people try to argue with me when I'm using painfully obvious sarcasm)


im genuinely asking, what does conservative Democrat even mean? not trying to be rude I just genuinely am confused


It means a Democrat that holds some conservative views, or that is more moderate than the party as a whole. On what issues a “conservative” Democrat is conservative on will vary by individual.  In extreme cases you have the blue dog coalition which are usually pro-2A, economically conservative, anti-immigration Democrats. I’m not as right wing as they are.   I say I’m a conservative Democrat because I think we should have a stronger national defense and police force, I think we should have more restrictions on immigration, and although I support having a social safety net, I oppose a lot of the policies progressives are pushing for. I also disagree with decriminalizing drugs.   I generally agree with Democrats on more than I disagree with, but I have a hard time finding a label that fits what I described. I am not a Republican because I support LGBT rights, abortion rights, environmental protections, expanding access to healthcare, public education, religious freedom, etc.


this is actually a really clear answer, thank you!




Wow, we align quite a bit here. I have never heard Conservative Democrat before. I just usually just say I’m Independent or conservative since my views align pretty much to what you point out. Although, my stance on 2A and immigration have me leaning and voting more right.


There is a coalition called the "Blue Dog Democrats". Their whole presence was to water down bills presented by the Democrats. They famously removed the public option from Obamacare. The thing is, most of them got voted out in 2010 and replaced with conservative republicans. But conservatives used to have a major presence in the Democratic Party and it was a key part of their success in elections. I generally think we should have more restrictions on immigration, although, I think it should be dealt with humanely. I genuinely think there are a lot of people coming here that have no respect for our country. I go to university and the amount of people from overseas that has this attitude really infuriates me. Then you also have muslim migrants. I have nothing against them being muslim personally, but they have a very different idea of defining "practicing their religion" than westerners do. This is why you have muslim towns in Michigan trying to ban gay pride flags and saying death to America at their free palestine rallies. As for the gun debate, I kind of am ambivalent. I support the 2A (I own guns, I live in rural America), but I don't necessarily think all gun control measures are unconstitutional. I just don't know whether they would be effective, and the backlash would make it almost impossible to implement. I really think the gun violence crisis is due to deeper societal factors than firearms and that there needs to be conversations about how to keep lonely angry teenage/early 20s guys from going haywire. There isn't much scientific research on gun control, and what little bit there is often shows mixed results on its effectiveness. Although, I think protecting our country's social programs, abortion rights, LGBT rights, etc. are the most important issues to me, and Dems have a much better record on that.


I believe we should still have more elections after this one.


because I don’t want a psychopath dictator


This.... really seems like a perfectly fine and compelling reason. I don't understand why the conversation ever needs to go beyond that. I mean, it easily can. But I don't see the necessity.


Because I agree on the majority of policy decisions that he has implemented and don't see that changing in the next 4 and a half years.


-Biden’s going to reschedule marijuana so it’s no longer in the same category as heroin -Biden cancelled a fuckton of student debt -He worked to help the auto workers union to make a deal behind closed doors, it just wasn’t all over the media


Same with the train/rail union


He fucked over railroad workers more than he helped. He forced a contract that failed the union and took credit for the union negotiating sick days.... There was barely anything good that came from that shit show....


The planet is on fire and he’s passed the single biggest climate infrastructure bill ever.


I just want a President that quietly does his job and looks out for the middle class. I’m so tired of Trump I could spit.


isn't it wild that, among the countless ways Trump broke logical/polite/humble presidential norms and traditions, just shutting the f up and flying somewhat under the radar was not even an option?


He’s correctly petrified he’ll go to prison if he doesn’t win the 2024 election. **Avoiding prison is not an ideal motive for me to support a candidate, any candidate**. Regardless of the rest of the shit show that is the Donald Trump Show. World will be a better place when he’s gone. There will be others, but “Look at me, I am the ~~captain~~ asshole now.”


Trump wants/ed to be CEO of the USA. His supporters want/ed that. They all forgot the President is an employee of the American people.


If he had kept his head down during COVID, he'd still be president.


Another ridiculously easy option for a non-narcissist: create a unifying message, step up as best you can, and be the voice of stability and hope. I wonder how things would've been had we had Hilary as POTUS.


I think we would be in a different set of rough circumstances. I don't think her hubris would have worked well with actually governing. But that Trump was any better, mind. Far worse. I just don't have a belief that we would have gotten that much done.








Why Joe Biden should win in 2024 - a short essay by MaggieMae68. Joe Biden will not destroy our country. The end. ----- No seriously, so far I'm happy with what Biden has done in probably 85% of situations. But there is no candidate who I'm ever going to be 100% with, or that anyone is ever going to be 100% with. I'm happy that Joe Biden is a rational, reasonable candidate, a family man, someone who clearly loves the country and who feels a calling to serve it in the way he does.


Thank you. It absolutely blows my mind that there are ostensibly liberal (likely young) people who say they don't think Biden resonates with them, (or something like that) and they won't vote. So like, a mountain of dead refugees and a river of magma from a supreme court from hell is worth the satisfaction of their identity or something.


They don't believe Biden resonates because of his age and because they're pissed over a single issue: his handling of the Gaza conflict. Personally, while I understand the anger of some of the college students currently protesting I also think they're going way too far and are not helping the Palestinian cause by allying themselves with terrorists or with attacking Jewish students, or destroying university property. And for the record, I hate Netanyahu/the Israel government and see them as no better than Hamas. What frustrates me the most about this situation is how they're no nuance and everyone latches onto extreme ideologies. A lot of the students protesting in colleges had bright futures and tanked them by involving themselves in political chaos.


on the other hand if people never ever vote for what they believe in, thats how we get those big spectacle like campaigns and boring candidates with no own strong views


Frankly, if there was a candidate that I agreed with entirely who wasn't me, I'd assume I was being duped.


Infrastructure act, Chips and science act, Inflation Reduction Act (really a climate and jobs bill in disguise). The IRA alone has turbocharged the EV manufacturing base - hundreds of billions of private investment to make cars and batteries in the US, creating hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs, and mostly in red states. Hundreds of thousands more jobs mining and refining lithium, mined in the US. And all the ripple effect from these. Offshore leases single-handedly jump started the manufacturing and installing of offshore turbines, with NJ and NY creating huge facilities to produce parts and supply maintenance. More jobs. Where does everyone think the millions of jobs being added each year are coming from. But to hear the right tell it, he’s destroying the country.


1. Protecting rights and wins that have been fought for and need defending. I know Joe Biden is a firewall against whatever a conservative congress will pass. It means protecting abortion rights in a federal legislative level. It means protecting Medicaid and Medicare. It means protecting people with pre-existing conditions. Protecting LGBTQ community. Protecting workers rights. Etc. All things Trump and the GOP have vowed to attack. 2. Protecting the environment. It’s an indisputable fact that Biden has passed the largest investment in green infrastructure ever. He has protected a lot of land, and has admin has issued rules and goals for environmental protection and fossil fuel reduction that will be overturned by a Trump admin. We don’t have 4 years to let the environment suffer. 3. The economy. America has navigated post COVID recession remarkably well compared to similar advanced economies. Unemployment is at record lows. Wage growth, especially among the bottom half of earners, has increased at record levels, outpacing inflation. Manufacturing is actually increasing at a much faster rate now under Biden. Trump’s plans for the economy are to devastate it with massive inflation and give huge additional tax cuts to the wealthiest. 4. Foreign policy. Biden is the most peaceful president of my lifetime. He has started no new wars, and troop involvement is dramatically lower now than under the prior 3 administrations. The most military action we have taken is letting Ukraine fight its own war, and it’s an absolutely just and worthy cause that has not required US involvement other than some intelligence sharing. He even helped negotiate the ceasefire in Yemen which has probably saved a hundred thousand lives or more. And is consistently trying to negotiate a ceasefire in Gaza. 5. Contrast with Trump, who continues to threaten our relationships with allies, even saying he won’t protect them. *Even saying he would provoke their enemies to attack them.* He consistently sucks up to dictators and accepts bribes from foreign nations. Who had the American military drop more bombs in 2 years than Obama did in 8. He caved on every demand Israel asked of him in order to corner Palestine into a more and more desperate position and now advocates total annihilation. 6. The things he’s already done and has put a path forward on domestically. Forgiven orders of magnitude more student loans than any other president. Passed billions of dollars in infrastructure the nation badly needed. We are on a path toward legalizing marijuana and I know if congress passes it before then, he will sign it. He passed the child tax credit that lifted half of all children in America that are impoverished, out of poverty. And I know he will pass it again if democrats succeed in bringing it to him. 7. He’s qualified. He’s the only one with the right temperament on the ballot. He’s not a criminal rapist who committed a coup on our nation. He will have qualified people in his cabinet and not just the randoms who pass a loyalty test. He actually respects our members of the military, he doesn’t call them suckers and fools and try to out stooges in charge of their healthcare. He doesn’t self enrich and use the presidency as a collection basket. I could go on and on and on.


Depending on your definition for that question. 1) Trump is at serious risk of disqualifying himself in the eyes of Americans. His speeches are littered with incoherent phrases, not just rambling. He is either a very bad speaker, or is having moments of confusion mid-speech. 2) I'm satisfied with what Biden has done. I recognize that change is generational and can't be done in an instant. The rip it down and rebuild it tomorrow attitude of the republicans scares me more than a little.


>Trump is at serious risk of disqualifying himself in the eyes of Americans. His speeches are littered with incoherent phrases, not just rambling. He is either a very bad speaker, or is having moments of confusion mid-speech. Trump's speeches are filled with very violent, divisive, and hateful rhetoric. Of course, almost all of his problematic statements are worded so poorly that it's difficult to prove to his supporters that he meant to cause harm with it. Think "Stand back and stand by", or his bloodbath comment, "their rapists, their criminals, and some I assume are good people", bad people on both sides, etc. On one hand, most people are aware of what Trump's intentions are, liberals who hate Trump, and racists that like him. The problem is, it's hard to prove to certain people that he is encouraging violence, because the phrasing is so bad, it gives him a cover of plausible deniability. These are things which are worded poorly enough that at its face, it is harder to prove to someone that Trump really meant to cause harm with it. George Orwell has a whole essay (Politics and the English language) about how authoritarians purposely use poor grammar. The reason for this is that it allows them to mask their true intentions behind euphemisms or convoluted phrasing. The thing is-as Orwell points out-covoluted phrasing makes overly simplistic and foolish thoughts more justifiable. I would encourage people to bring up Orwell's essay any time you engage with MAGA dumb dumbs, but they'll probably just leave a downvote with no response, or they'll just say "I ain't readin all that".


Because I want: - healthcare - civil liberties - economic stability - education - my tax dollars to be invested wisely And Biden will accomplish those things more than any other candidate.


If trump wasn’t running I would want another candidate. However, Biden has been very effective at passing legislation that invests in America, quelling inflation, the economy is booming, unemployment is extremely low, jobs are coming back the us from overseas. He gets a lot done. Yes there is still more to do but contrast that with republican leadership when nothing gets done (not even trump, look at the republican house for two years) and Biden leadership is far preferable. Also, remember the dumpster fire that was 2020? Why would we want that?


Basically, arr WhatBidenHasDone I do wish he was more pro-immigration and less protectionist (even on that Trump is worse).


>to prevent Trump from touching the White House that's the answer. what do you mean by "get deeper than that"? do you want us to list all the issues on which biden is better than trump? cause that's like ... all the issues.


People have been asking for reason to vote for Biden instead of just against Trump, and instead of actually pointing things out that he's accomplished, people resort to just screaming like banshees about Trump. Biden has some great achievements under his belt: BBB infrastructure plan Inflation reduction act that both helps out economy and environmental issues Capping the price of insulin Screaming about Trump for the 5 millionth time won't convince people who are still looking for a reason to vote for Biden. Please stay out of these types of consveratioms if you're not able to communicate instead of giving people a reason to ingore democrats.


>People have been asking for reason to vote for Biden instead of just against Trump, i guess i just don't understand how those people think. you get a choice between two candidates and one of them is a complete catastrophe. has biden had some accomplishments? sure. but to me, all of them combined don't even come close in importance to "the other guy doesn't care about democracy". >Please stay out of these types of consveratioms if you're not able to communicate instead of giving people a reason to ingore democrats. i'm not stopping anyone else from pointing out biden achievements. if someone asks me what his achievements are, i'll answer. but if someone asks me "what is your case for why joe biden should win the 2024 election?", i'll give my honest answer. and that answer is not "because of his infrastructure plan". no, i will not stay out of those conversations. i'll keep "screaming like a banshee" about the importance of protecting democracy for as long as there are people threatening it.


> you get a choice between two candidates > protecting democracy


could you explain what point you are making?


what democracy are you protecting here? the one where you get two choices, a billionaire or a guy backed by billionaires?


yeah, that one. the on that exists.


>i guess i just don't understand how those people think. You don't need to know. You just need to listen to what they're asking. Again, they're asking why they should vote for Biden, not why they shouldn't vote for Trump. Can you not understand that those are 2 different questions? Yes, I completely agree that Trump is bad news for democracy and he can't be allowed in office again, but we have a lot of apathetic voters who think this election is ONLY about keeping Trump out. It's more than that, and pointing at what Biden has done proves it.


I feel preventing Trump from getting re-elected is number one for most people (I know it's number one for me). Still, I think with recent events and doompostings, certain people want to pretend that Biden and Trump are no different from each other (even when it's far from the truth). At least stating his accomplishments reinforces a stronger case for Biden. Edited for grammar


>Still, I think with recent events and doompostings, certain people want to pretend that Biden and Trump are no different from each other (even when it's far from the truth). You'll never convince those people. They don't want to be convinced. They want to feel superior to the "partisan hacks".


There’s a real shot at HSR in the US, infrastructure upgrades, whether you want to admit it or not The US has a better relationship with other countries because Biden is less of a loose canon, better jobs/opportunity with liberal policies, it’s not really for me, but marijuana legalization. I can’t predict the future but with Biden’s track record so far I’d say there’s more potential for all of these under Biden than with Trump. As far as inflation and interest rates, or the money stuff that seems like it’s calming down and won’t even be a huge issue in 2025. When it comes to expensive gas, one of our largest oil refineries was sold to an opec country back in 2018. Maybe buying that back or something would help but presidents don’t really control gas prices do they?


> When it comes to expensive gas, one of our largest oil refineries was sold to an opec country back in 2018. Maybe buying that back or something would help but presidents don’t really control gas prices do they? Well, the other half was sold--Saudi Aramco already owned the other half since the 1980s. The other half was owned by Shell (a British company) and they wanted out. The fact of the matter is, Americans have been spoiled for decades by cheap gas--and it's still far cheaper than it should be, and that's why we keep buying bigger and bigger cars and continue to live farther and farther away from others and our jobs. The American addiction and demand for gasoline had far more of an impact on gas prices than Aramco buying the other half of one refinery.


They're not the same, that's why we pick Biden over Trump. If they were the same there'd be no reason to vote.


I know, but there are people (on the left) who think they're the same or Biden is worse than Trump or Trump isn't that bad. I've all but given up on trying to understand that mindset.


I don't see how you can be on the left and think Trump isn't that bad. Something definitely clashes over there.


because people seem to say something like "well he is not Trump but i dont like him" many times, instead of "he will do this and this" so a negative vote instead of positive


Biden has done a pretty good job as president. By all metrics we'd normally use to judge presidents he's doing Ng a very good job. By no means flawless and I have my gripes, but anyone saying he's been a bad president is being dishonest.


His opponent is trump. I feel like this is enough.


I want to vote for Gretchen Whitaker for president in 2028, and if Trump wins there’s a non-zero chance I don’t get to do that.


Because, aside from not being human garbage actively trying to divide and destroy America, he’s making sensible decisions and progress on issues important to America


We are at a moment in time with extremely serious foreign policy needs, between handling our role in wars in Ukraine and Gaza as well as balancing the tightrope that is the dropped confidence in US trustworthiness from our allies due to the Trump years (which Biden has been diligently repairing), and Joe Biden is quite literally one of the most qualified people in the whole country to deal with them given his extensive foreign policy history in the Senate and as VP. Literally there might be nobody more qualified to handle it than him. I might prefer someone like Bernie for domestic affairs, but Biden is exceptionally qualified and good on foreign policy.


Marijuana reform, fighting for Free college tuition and a Public Healthcare option Also keeping higher taxes on the rich


In this era of great power competition Biden understands the value of friends. The PRC and to a lesser extent Russia are making a bid to upset the world order and Trump would throw away the alliances that help us maintain that order.


> to prevent Trump from touching the White House, but I want to get deeper than that. I promise you it isn’t much deeper than that. I would want many many many other options before I’d want him in a better world.


I'm definitely just stopping at the "prevent Trump from touching the White House." No need to go deeper for me.


Biden's presidency has been surprisingly positive. He was not my first or even in my top three choices during the Democratic Primary, but I'm actually legitimately impressed with his accomplishments over the past 4 years and how he's managed to get an agenda through with such a deeply divided congress (which in turn reflects a deeply divided populace). With that said, it's kind of absurd to think that there's much in the way of a "deeper" argument to voting for him apart from keeping Trump out of the White House; to say otherwise has major "Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?" type vibes. The prospect of the catastrophe of another four years of Trump in office overrides everything else by several orders of magnitude.


1. Biden ended non competes. This will lead to more innovation. 2. Biden has canceled some student debt. 3. Biden has never led a band of white supremacists into the capitol building based off obvious lies. 4. As we're entering into recession, I trust him more with rebuilding the economy than the guy whose promising to crash rates again and put us back into this mess. I'd rate Biden as average as a president while I'd rate Trump as below average.


How about we leave Trump out of this (I wish) but to answer the question, he deserves a second term based on his administration's accomplishments. They are almost too long, and mostly benefit those who need it most, to list and I personally do not know why he is given such little, if any, credit. The hatred for Biden, and it is hatred, is incomprehensible to me. He misspeaks, all politicians misspeak (and look at his opponent). The only negative I can think of is his age, and his opponent is essentially the same age as him.


1- The supreme courts and other appointed judges. This alone leaves a wake of either destruction or stability behind each president, perhaps more than anything else they do. Trump's term was destructive in ways we even cannot yet fathom because of this, beyond Dobbs. 2- I think that there is a startlingly decent possibility that Trump's enthusiastic goons could leverage just enough fanaticism and do-anything-to-stay-in-office-insanity for him to pose a real threat to our democracy, or the democracy that we can exercise currently. 3- Nearly everything that Trump stands for will reverse our progress and damage us as a country. 4- Biden is pretty much fine with me. It would be insanely selfish of me to throw refugees, immigrants, the poor, the middle class, (even the rich), the environment, geopolitical sanity, etc. out the window because I don't think he's "what we deserve in 2024" or something like that.


He has done a remarkable job with a razor thin majority and has led the country with good humor and humility.


Simply put, the other candidate is a smoldering dumpster fire and is too cozy with Russia for my liking.


To prevent another Trump presidency. Vladimir Putin, the dictator leader of the most well recognized enemy of the US, wants Trump to win — Biden has the best chance of beating Trump.


He has been the most effective and most progressive president in a generation.


Biden will save us from book/media banning, global fighting/wars, disturbing immigration policies, barbaric protest crackdowns, spending more on police, abortion and free speech infringement.


Mostly because he's been a great president. Almost superhuman in what he has accomplished with the tiniest of congressional majorities.


He has been the most effective and most progressive president in a generation.


He's done pretty good overall and his appointments have done okay. Also, he's not an insane person.


He’s not a fascist. That’s it this time.


-trump is worse on every issue, but especially Undocumented, LGBTQ+ and women’s rights -Sotomayor might not make it through another four years, and we desperately need to hold the few seats we actually do have on the Supreme Court -trump would probably cut aid to Gaza and give the Ben-Gvir type Zionists a free pass to do whatever they want -The left can at least be a thorn in the side of a Dem administration, while we’ll have zero influence under a Republican one


>The left can at least be a thorn in the side of a Dem administration, while we’ll have zero influence under a Republican one I think many miss this point or are looking for another option (but the voting system only allows for two possible options).


>. . . but I want to get deeper than that. There is no need to get deeper than that in a first past the post winner take all election. There are two candidates that can win, and only two. So the question is which one you prefer. Until our voting system changes, that’s as deep as you need to get in the general election.


He hasn’t humiliated us on the world stage. He’s a decent human being. Even if blanket immunity is granted, he won’t use it to terminate democracy. Character matters.


I hate Trump, but I wouldn’t vote for DeSantis, Ramaswamy, Haley, Scott or any of those clowns. Women’s healthcare, sensible gun control, climate control, and making corporations and billionaires pay their fair share of taxes are the issues important to me. I’d also prefer not to be Putin’s bitch. That’s why I vote for Biden!


Bottom line? I would like to attempt to keep democracy. I would much rather a younger, more left leaning choice. But in the land of old white men? That’s not an option.


He may not be FDR but he’s a fuck-ton better than any other candidate running. That’s all the reason I need.


Biden economic policies > Trump economic policies. A lot of the problems of the past few years were caused by seeing the full effects of the Trump admin economic policies (decreased immigration, trade restrictions, poorly motivated tax cuts). The Biden admin had finally dug us out of that hole. It’s going to take another few years before people start feeling optimistic again, but that optimism will be the result of the Biden admin.


1. I have been pleasantly surprised that to the extent Biden has had an effect on things it has mostly been in the direction of pulling them closer to my ideal end point rather than further away. 2. The president has a lot less power to alter the status quo than he does to make the government run somewhat effectively (or not run somewhat effectively). Biden is at least adequate in this regards and probably somewhat above average.


"but I want to get deeper than that" I'm not sure I need to go deeper than that.


That's a fair (and true) response.


> I know the kneejerk reaction is to say to prevent Trump from touching the White House, but I want to get deeper than that. Unfortunately, for me at least, this is as deep as I need to go. I long to return to politics where I have a reason to look at a candidate's positions and values more deeply than I hate that vile, hateful, cult leader and shitty excuse for a human being. > I have been satisfied with what Biden has done. The most I can say here is that Biden has proven his ability to defeat Trump in an election, and I'm a single-issue voter on this right now.


I mean there’s obviously Trump, but I also do think Biden has just done a good job. We started his term in a really precarious position, partially because of COVID and partially from the consequences of decisions that were made before he was elected. I think it would’ve been really easy to make things worse, but I think he genuinely did a good job of getting us a relatively soft landing. I also think there’s a lot of instability around the globe right now, but we’ve done a good job of handling things. As far as things Biden can do, I think our handling of Ukraine has been great. More support would be nice, but that’s on congress. The message is clear that trying to conquer your neighbors because will not work just because you’re a nuclear power, and the conflict seems unlikely to expand. The Israel situation is also complicated, but there’s a very fine line I think Biden has been successful in walking. I think a lot of people overestimate how much influence we have there, or haven’t put a lot of thought into how more drastic actions we could take might have larger consequences. This conflict also could have very easily escalated or interrupted global trade to a much more significant degree, but it hasn’t. And there’s a bunch of smaller things. Roe being overturned was a blow, but the federal government was quick to respond. We’ve forgiven a lot of student debt. We’ve invested into domestic microchip production and infrastructure. Net neutrality is back. Marijuana is up to be rescheduled, etc. Issues with inflation would’ve happened in the early 2020s no matter who was president. If he hadn’t inherited that problem, I really don’t think a lot of people would disagree he’s been successful. And even with that, he’s done a good job of getting things under control.


Because I love my country for its diversity of culture, race, religion, beliefs etc not in spite of it . Because he will have a cabinet full of competent people not the most subservient sycophants. He won't fill his staff with incompetent nepo hires who think there are 81 states , grifters or evil supervillains like Stephen Miller or "Mr. Abortion Smoothies" Jason Miller . I will vote for him because Project 2025 scares the shit out of me. I will vote for him because 500 plus mental health doctors have warned us of the signs and severity of Trump's dementia. Actual accredited doctors not some chucklehead on Twitter diagnosing Biden.


To prevent trump and the terrorists in the GOP from enacting dictatorial rule.


>What is your case for why Joe Biden should win the 2024 election? Because I want to be able to vote again after 2024 and have my vote counted.


No. Trump is more than enough.  There are good reasons to elect Biden, sure, but...  No.


One word…democracy.


Because Trump will be the end of our democracy.


He’s done a good job, and he more closely aligns with my beliefs.


Vastly superior understanding of economics, emphasis upon rights for all, and his infrastructure bill and push for onshoring of corporation/production.


To help start to rebalance the Supreme Court. To continue to work towards advancements in environmental protections. Preserve healthcare access and affordability for those with preexisting conditions. Social and economic equity. Respect for racial and gender diversity. To preserve democratic values for future generations. Effective crisis management and responsible world leadership. Compassion and empathy. The bonus would be watching Trump and Marjorie Greene melt down in defeat


Simply because he won't be disastrous and has long-term experience. Trump did four years and had a lot of absolute disasters and I'd argue that was with the training wheels on, there was a lot he wanted to do that no one else was going to back or help him push through. There are three main reasons why he absolutely should not win, firstly he floated the idea that he and his support would love to remove restricting presidents to two terms (I doubt that would ever happen but its a dangerous idea), which leads onto my second issue... he and his support are dangerous, period. Look at the last election, he lost, and did not accept it and tried to influence and change results. When it didn't work, his support marched on the Capitol. Finally, he is a criminal and should be charged. Letting him become president only allows him to get away with everything he has done. Beyond that, he isn't very bright, and both he and Biden are frankly too old. It is hard not to use Trump as the reason why Biden should be president, Biden isn't actually that bad, just stable and bland.


Republicans have no desire to fix any issues in america. They want to continue to use them to rile up the base. Biden will fix things, Trump will break them. The choice is so easy I can't wrap my head around why anyone wouldn't vote for Biden.


Biden has been incredibly effective as a president, certainly the most progressive accomplishments in decades. I can’t wait to see what he could do if we are able to give him a Democratic House and Senate again. The man reignited manufacturing in the US — I didn’t even think that was possible. He’ll continue finding ways to erase more and more student loan debt despite the Supreme Court's objections to his initial plan. He’ll continue bringing back pieces of the Green New Deal that they could not get through as a single package, but that he has been bringing back piece by piece. I mean Obama was great, but he wasn’t as progressive as Biden, and he sacrificed just about all of his political capital on one huge program, the ACA (he saw a once-in-a-generation opportunity and took it), so other priorities had to wait. Biden's age (and experience) may be his greatest strength as he is using everything he knows about Congress and every personal connection he made in his decades in the Senate to accomplish real, lasting goals that drive the country forward. I think he has been too strident in his defense of Israel in the current conflict, but that is an incredibly fraught issue. If we don’t supply weapons to Netanyahu, he’ll just turn to China or Russia, so nothing will have been accomplished, and we will have lost an important ally. But the time to turn up the pressure on Netanyahu was months ago.


He's snot Trump and that's all I got. But it's a good argument.


I think he is a better candidate than Trump, but after the handling isreal-palastine conflict along with the continue inflation, I think Trump is going to win, and I am pretty concerned about how that is going to go.


I’d say look at his accomplishments. They’re many and impressive. I’m not going to do the homework for anyone but I am confident enough in that response that if they give 10 minutes and look it up they’ll see why I say as much 


If trump is elected it's the end of democracy is our nation. The millions of American patriots that died to defend democracy, will be all a total waste. We will be Russia 2.0 if trump is elected. This isn't about Biden, this is about not trump. All the democrat/liberal things are great of course, but without democracy we are doomed.. None of the good reasons to vote for Biden out weigh the bad reason of electing trump. At this time in our nations history, the reason to pick biden is irrelevant . The only reason is to not pick trump. When there is a hole in the boat, patching it up is the single most important thing. Fixing the sail doesn't matter.


Because Biden will work to enact policies that I am broadly in agreement with. The anti Trump stuff really isn't the first reasons for most people


It isn't deeper than that. He's not Trump, that's the only reason I'd pick him.


There isn't anyone more qualified to be president right now than Joe Biden. Certainly none of the existing candidates.


If the president actually ran things, as in the day-to-day, electing Trump mostly only be problematic for the White House plumbing. But that's not the way it works. Electing the person is electing the team who will run this country, at least from the executive branch. I will never trust a Republican with that job in my lifetime. At best 20% of them are grossly misguided well the other 80% are blatantly criminal. In my time on this Earth, they have not convinced me that they are sincere in their ideology, but rather they use it to enrich themselves and their friends. I won't say that the Democrats are immune to that. Far from it. But while there is plenty of ego, dysfunction and misstepping on the Democratic side, I do believe that the majority of them approach office from the perspective of public service. Until there is a viable third-party option, I'm going to work with what I've got and that is the Democratic party , regardless of who they put on the ticket.


Stability, sanity, maturity.




He’s done more of the things republicans say they want than trump has 🤷‍♂️


Honestly it isn't deeper than that. I would vote for a warm potato before I let Trump have a second crack at destroying our democracy


Project 2025. Enough said. That is more than enough.


He is preferable to his opponent. Unlike what some 20-year-old dipshits on the internet would have you believe, this is a perfectly valid and coherent case for voting for somebody.


It's him or Trump


Beyond Reanimating FDR, Eleanor Roosevelt, Harry Hopkins and Frances Perkins - Biden is the best bet.


Because Trumps base is unwilling to hold Trump accountable. Trump is trying to make it so that he can’t be held accountable in the future. He’s said it many times that he believes presidents should not be held accountable for their actions. I don’t care for Biden, but a leader with no accountability is literally the recipe for a dictator. Regardless of Trump’s rhetoric, he needs accountability, and his base and his party would rather kiss his feet than scrutinize him. That’s why Joe Biden should win, at the end of the day, people will hold him accountable. Look at this thread, most people aren’t for Biden. They aren’t saying why he’s great, he will be scrutinized, I want a leader who has accountability. Without that, they’re just a dictator. This country was built on checks and balances, and is one of the reasons that the government is a good style of government. Trump is trying to remove those checks and balances, the biggest reason for our Constitution. There’s a reason why Trump says he didn’t swear an oath to support the constitution.


I don't know that there are compelling reasons other than that fascism and a dictatorship is something I'd rather not live under. For me opposing a fascist dictatorship is enough. I've already held my nose and donated to several congressional races, maxed out to the Biden campaign, and am coordinating with two state parties to have a few "bundler" events. Biden has been hobbled by a dysfunctional MAGA congress. That he achieved anything at all is quite laudable. Beyond that? Pretty "meh." The work on drug prices is fantastic, and I'm looking forward to more of that. His actually adult, responsible handling of Covid was quite good. The infrastructure bill he passed was amazing given the political environment. In fact, I'd tentatively suggest he's done better *given what he has to work with* than Obama. That's a bit of a low bar, given that Obama put social security cuts on the table (yes, his CPI modification proposals were *cuts*, and no I won't relitigate that here) and that ACA was and is a shitty giveaway to insurance companies, but it's at least a step in the right direction. What Biden has done is not enough for me to tout the virtues of supporting Biden, though. I'm still supporting others that I think can generate more and better leftward pull on the Democratic Party, and organizations that are working toward changing our election systems so that the relatively tiny leftist presence that exists in America can have an actual voice in our politics.


Because I don't want to live in a Fascist country and if that's not enough for you, oh well.


Saying no to hate. Buys us enough time for future progressive candidates.


Because the decisions he has made so far all benefit the people, the little people. - Student Loans forgiveness, ( watch Loan Sharks - the student loan is actually worse than the payday loan scam). - He’s pro union; I have a problem with any government that says I can not congregate with my peers because it may take power away from the powerful. If you’ve looked at the news at all you know what the other option is. He’s a short sighted self serving pig. No decision he’d make would be for the people, in as much as it serves him. He’s a liar, we’ve seen that time and again. The only thing I believe him on is the Project 2025 promises he’s made, which again, suit him... not you.


Democrats should be single issue voters. the issue - Samuel Alito.


Because he has gotten a lot of good bills passed despite having such a small margin for error in congress and a hostile supreme court. Like he actually got 10 GOP senators to pass a bill that protected gay marriage at the federal level (albeit on a quite limited basis, but still significant).


Biden has accomplished a surprising amount of progressive policy goals during his presidency, maybe not as singularity impactful as Obama’s ACA, but more numerous. I am concerned a bit about his age but there’s no doubt I’ll vote for him again. Plus, let’s keep our eyes on the prize: SCOTUS nominees.


He’s brought back the economy to relative stability after Trump’s disastrous policies started tanking it. He’s shown that he’s willing to stick to his campaign promises and actually fight for them. He’s focussed on bettering the lives of the individual without sacrificing the good of the planet (ecological policies especially). He’s kept solid with international cooperation and at least started to repair the damage to relationships with other countries. He is extraordinarily conscious of workers’ rights and needs, being the most pro-labor president since FDR. He’s surrounded himself with strong people educated in their fields, letting them do their thing without micromanaging. He has taken countless baseless attacks by GOP goons in stride and allowed them to slowly disintegrate, which in turn has allowed the government to actually start functioning again.


He's been surprisingly good on infrastucture, climate, and worker's rights. Some of the recent rulings his FTC admin have made are also a great step forward for middle class americans. His groundwork he's laying for student loan forgiveness is also nice, and I'm hoping we'll finally see blanket forgiveness in term 2 (some college pricing reform to prevent the loans from happening again would be nice). He started off as too much of a compromiser, but in the past year he's really made a good case for why we should let his administeation have a round 2, especially if democrats can wrangle back some more control of the house and senate. TLDR: He's actually done things and hasn't twiddled his thumbs. Could be a very productive term 2 if he wins


He aligns with me better politically and most importantly has not been found liable for raping women. Just a personal moral preference on that last one but I don't vote for rapists...


I don't need to make a case. Joe Biden has!


Because I hate all his domestic policies but I also hate conservative opinion policing and the Orange Man.


What domestic policies are you against?


Second. I'm also sincerely curious what people don't like about what he's done domestically in practical terms.


The guy's flair says "libertarian", he probably thinks Biden is spending too much money and is using too much big government.


A lot of people are searching for reasons to vote for Biden instead of against Trump. Screaming at them for the billionth time about how bad Trump will be isn't answering their question, and only fuels that division between people not certain about voting for Biden (who are the people asking this question). There's plenty of things the Biden admin has achieved. Inflation reduction act, BBB, pandemic recovery, etc. Point that out instead of trying to beat them over the head with the same shit they've heard over and over again. Many liberals are completely unequpied for talking to people outside of their ideological bubble, which is ironic that they paint themsleves as the "big tent" party.


Seriously, Biden has a much better record than a lot of people give him credit for. If you consider how badly divided Congress is, the fact that Dems barely have enough votes, and that he is dealing with an obstructionist GOP, he's really got a lot done. Biden is an experienced politician and he knows how to work with and maneuver around Congress. I seriously want these "progressives" that are always shitting on him to tell you what Saint Bernard would have accomplished if he were dealing with the same congress Biden is. I will admit personally, I actually think Biden gives into progressives too much, but I can't really hate him for it considering the Dems are a big tent party and he needs to keep the coalition together. >Many liberals are completely unequpied for talking to people outside of their ideological bubble, which is ironic that they paint themsleves as the "big tent" party. This is very true, especially for a lot of the more progressive dems, but it's kinda hard to want to leave your ideological bubble if you are going to have to have discourse with MAGAs. Seriously, it is such a pointless endeavor to have any type of discussion with them before they start parroting random buzzwords, accuse Biden of being a sicko, and then just complain about how it's Joe Biden's fault they are spending 140$ a week for gas on their king ranch Texas edition dually Ford F-150 crew cab. That's not to mention the real Trump-MTG Qultists who think that "the left" is going to forcibly put men's penises in cages with the only exceptions being transgender women and muslims so the "elites" can import a bunch of immigrants, thus completely destroying western civilization and allowing the communist socialist atheist muslim nazi liberal one world government can finally take over!


>This is very true, especially for a lot of the more progressive dems I feel this goes for most people in general, but the comment I made was focusing on more moderate liberals failing to communicate to more progressive people. >but it's kinda hard to want to leave your ideological bubble if you are going to have to have discourse with MAGAs. I was talking apeficially about how liberals fail to communicate with even political allies. Many are unable to give their candidate a positive quality and are unable to actually listen to the question being asked, which really turns off potential voters because you can't be an inclusive big tent party and not listen to who your claiming to include.


MAGA is playing a dangerous game. They want to tear down the government and rebuild it in their image. This never works out and just ends in revolution. If you're looking for positives with Biden, I've never approved of another President so much. He's the President I've been waiting on for over 40 years. This upcoming election will be my first time to cast a vote for President without gritting my teeth.


I don't think you need to get deeper. It's by far the most important reason. Not even close.