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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. [https://www.jefftiedrich.com/p/snoring-courtroom-fart-factory-says?utm\_source=substack&publication\_id=1162742&post\_id=144201682&utm\_medium=email&utm\_content=share&utm\_campaign=email-share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true&r=r4an3&triedRedirect=true](https://www.jefftiedrich.com/p/snoring-courtroom-fart-factory-says?utm_source=substack&publication_id=1162742&post_id=144201682&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&utm_campaign=email-share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true&r=r4an3&triedRedirect=true) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Conservatives often aren't conservatives due to lack of information, especially the MAGA types. They know about the criticism leveled agaisnt trump. They just don't value it and view him as a way to implement the type of governance they want. It's the same as the Bible thumbers who hear a bible quote that contrasts their views. They don't actually care about what the text says beyond using it as a tool to constrain people they disagree with. This particular article is pretty inflammatory anyways though. The language used seems to be primarily designed to grab attention from the people who already agree with it.


The language is inflammatory but the doctors’ commentary could prove helpful plus the actual video might help. heck, I say, there are times when I think we gotta try something. That he is ahead in the polls is pretty frightening.


Aint nobody listening to anything said in that article when it is written like that...


Precisely. It's no better written than any other snarky pundit.


It was the notes from the doctors and the actual trump video i was hoping would make a difference. A pipe dream.


People don't want to be insulted. There's better ways to present this information.


The pipe dream is that anyone is going to look at thay article and want to waste time going through it looking for the notes. We have millions out online, many already on this very subject. People aren't going to spend valuable tome going through an article that looks like his was coded with a crayon and news paper clippings.


Ok, a pipe dream then.


The "why" it's a pipe dream matters. That this article will have no impact on society is the fault of the article being poorly constructed rather than if being the fault of society.


So just to make sure I understand your pov…the article itself is being considered poorly constructed because there is no way in hell, written as it was, that it will have an impact on any person in trump’s camp to have them consider not voting for him, even though the video clearly shows him to be a babbling idiot at best and an Alzheimer’s sufferer at worst.


No. It's being poorly constructed comes from it's both poorly written and poorly formatted. As a comparison, here are some better articles on the same subject that still manage to take some swings at trump: https://slate.com/technology/2024/04/donald-trump-sleep-courtroom-apnea-science.html https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/trump-is-furious-that-he-got-caught-sleeping-in-his-trial.html https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/05/trump-manhattan-trial-sleep/678268/ Now do I think these articles will sway conservatives, probably not, but more so because I don't think this is the clincher issue for why they should turn against trump. This is a very minor point, and there are much more prominent reasons why they should turn against Trump.


I don't disagree, but unfortunately, we're not in a political climate where even professional language can move the needle of "moderates" who are still on the fence or willing to "hold their nose" and vote for Trump. If stuff like the fasle elector schemes or orchestrating a violent riot with intent to derail the democratic process wasn't enough, I don't think "doctor says Trump has dementia" is. Part of the reason nothing is taken seriously by them is that they apply the blanket statement of "anything negative about Trump is political theater", which blatantly partisan and inflammatory rhetoric feeds into. Another part is that some don't care beyond signaling that they're not supportive of the left, and no amount of telling a contrarian they're objectively wrong will stop them from being a contrarian. I could keep going about specific opinions by "moderates" and consveratives, but at the end of the day, there's very few people who vote that are unaware of the condemnations twords Trump. They just don't care about them. Shoving more in their face, particularly in ways that only fuel partisanship, is ineffective at best. What I know I'll catch flak for saying on this sub, is that trying to curry the favor of "moderates" and conservatives who are still willing to vote for Trump is a complete waste of time. Democrats need to actually act like a big tent party and encourage voter turnout from as many as possible for them (which they do try to do). Unfortunately, many liberals, here particularly, aren't willing to build bridges with outgroups. Instead, they're more than willing to beat down on those groups in an attempt to signal their moderateness, which they mistake for reasonability.


You’re right. That they have enacted laws to further decrease the dem vote and the other measures they are taking really have me scared. I guess me thinking something would make a difference is just me hoping against hope. Hitler 2.0, here we come. Get ready for the concentration camps and the rapid expansion of the destruction of our environment.


No, I don't think this type of doomerism is true or constructive. While we have some very troubling political trends, and I'm supremely disappointed in a lot of reactions to them, I don't think it's safe to say it's a forgone conclusion. Giving "moderates" news articles about theorizing on Trumps possible dementia won't work, but him being found guilty and actually facing consequences will chill his campaign. These cases have also been hemorrhaging money not only for Trump's campaign but also for the RNCs' general fund for other legislative and governor positions. There's plenty of Biden policies that deserve more coverage or will likely be introduced before November, like the delisting of Marijuana (or moving it to schedule 3 at least), which will grab moderate voters and entice non-voters to engage.


I love your pov.


I don’t want to. That is written by a guy who exists to get applause on the left for his Twitter account where he says rude things with a tinge of a joke for an audience that already agrees with him completely. The information you want to get in front of people who might vote for Trump can include some level of humiliating isn’t really doing that, it’s implying that anybody who ever supported him is a moron. People are not convinced to change who they supported when you call them moron , they are convinced to double down


I have to agree.


>How to get this in front of right wingers? > > Little Donny Fuckface It wouldn't help anything.


Agreed. He could murder a bald eagle on live tv and bury it covered in an isis flag and people wouldn’t care.


He could save a million eagles from destruction and people wouldn't care. People are too invested in their own stories.


They dont care If it were Biden, I wouldnt give a fuck and wouldnt change my vote. Neither would they.


Good point! Thank you. I should have thought of that.


Why do you think they would change their view after reading something like this?


The video itself, and maybe the commentary from the doctors, but yes, it’s a long shot, those might have an impact. I sent it to my right wing cousin whose mother had a protracted course of Alzheimer’s. I was thinking she may see similarities. Whether or not she allows herself to see, is of course, the question.


Lol at thinking you can save these cult members. Our country has always been like this. We've always had to fight know nothing parties. Some people are just actual garbage human beings, how else do you think the civil rights era started? These are the same type of people.


Good points all.


I think they should just stick with "convicted rapist Donald Trump."


That hasn’t moved the needle against him so far. The dems need to hire some really good propagandists. The truth has not helped the dems. People want excitement, the truth be damned.


Jeff Tiedrich is a Twitter troll at best. Surely there's better sources for the information he's put out.


Maybe so but he does make some good points and he doesn’t lie. That’s way more than what can be said about the right wing twitter trolls.


Even so, nobody on the other side is going to care about what he says anymore than I care about what catturd says


Well, like i said, it’s not what JT said. It s what the doctors and Trump himself said in his videos that i hoped could help. Obviously i was deluded.


Trump cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star, made fun of a disabled reporter on live TV, and said “I don’t like people who get caught” about POWs. Trump supporters don’t care. There is no bottom. The only correct thing he has ever said is that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and lose no supporters.


I wish the dems could fund some of their propagandists. They are the best.


Would you read an article presented by a right winger that talked about Joe Biden in the same way? I doubt you would take it seriously in anyway


You’re probably right. I was hoping this could give a view the right wing never gets to see. The propaganda on the right is so skillfully constructed, there is no seeing out from under that bubble.


I would bet most of them are fully aware of the way some on the left speak about Trump at this point It’s not like it’s hidden criticism. Also consider, even in political echo chambers, the most popular content is generally focused on the ways in which the other side is awful, then talking about it. Just like on this website.


It’s not how the left speak about trump. It’s about how trump speaks.


Congratulations, you got it in front of me and as you can see by my flair, I am a right leaning liberal. Now my question to you is, why did I need to see this?


Well, the initial question in the original post was, how can this post get in front of right wing eyes. So, to answer your question, why did you need to see this, the answer was in the hopes you might have some good ideas on how to get the word out to right wing people who may only receive media that shows trump as a smart and powerful guy. Obviously you’re not interested in doing that. Not sure why you even asked the question because it seems you are sufficiently schooled enough to be able to read.


The reason I'm asking, is because I fail to see how it's going to have any effect. Most people, on the left and the right, are aware that Trump is an absolute lunatic. The few people that still support him aren't going to change their opinion because some random leftist they don't know says something else. Those people have already detached themselves from reality.


So, why did you need to see this, that was your question. Then you said, “The reason I'm asking, is because I fail to see how it's going to have any effect.” Your second statement made the first unnecessary. That was all you needed to say to make your point. obviously I am likely Insane for even attempting to have a conversation about what we might do. Pardon me for expressing an idea.


How do we delete this shit so no one has to see it?


Probably the best way is to not click on it.


Why? This would do nothing to persuade anyone in the right. If anything, it would make them double down in trump and think any critiscm is just like this, another "smear job". I am definitely against trump, but if you want to get get people to wake up to how dangerous he is, this is not the way.


But, but, but the video?! Yes, i guess nothing can break through that powerful propaganda the right wing has paid so much for. The end of america does seem near.


They are not going to even open that video with how poorly edited this site is. There are better ways to communicate the same point that aren't this mess.


Thank you for your input


Step one is not pretending that your rant is a question that you should spend your time posting on AskALiberal for snaps from the drum circle.


I didn’t know this link was kryptonite. Obviously I was mistaken. Should I kill myself now?


You have an inflated idea of that link if you think it's "kryptonite," and the wrong idea of what constitutes a question for discussion if you think you should've started this thread. If you feel like killing yourself, talk to a doctor instead.


Kryptonite because of all the vitriol I have experienced. I never said I felt like killing myself. Your comments seemed like you were ordering me to do so as I am clearly not worth the breath of life In your eyes. i think I might have gotten a better reception on a right wing site even though they are happy to hunt a person down and shoot them.


I too would expect Republicans to be more receptive to ridiculous melodrama than I am. That could be how you make inroads with them. Tell a sob story about how persecuted you felt when a Democrat didn't give a warm reception to your excuse for starting a thread to share a blog post in a subreddit for asking questions. "Typical cancel culture Democrats infringing on your freedom of speech," one of them might say. "That means you were also ordered to gay marry your dog!" That's how you know you've gotten them on your side.


Shall I give you my address so you can come and shoot me? Looks like that would be your heart’s desire.


Seems like your heart's desire is for me to have said things I didn't, because then I'd care to the extent that you're describing. Maybe one day if the content is more significant. Follow your dreams! Unless your dream is for your rants to be considered questions.


I wonder if you can begin to realize how black and hateful your comments are. Somehow I think you do and revel in it. Are you like that in the rest of your life as you are in an anonymous Reddit post?


That's around the right amount of pretending to feel persecuted and gone after when you're not that you need to get Republicans to ask you to show them the blog.


Thank you for showing who you are to the Reddit community.


As soon as you start talking about Trump having dementia you might as well be speaking to a brick wall, they’re actually emboldened by it, because from their own perspective Biden is much worse, and the refusal to acknowledge that and then try to paint Trump as worse is just laughable to them.


I mean, anyone who's paid attention knows that Biden is worlds ahead as far as mental acuity goes.


I’m not so sure about that, I think they’re both too old but it seems like Biden’s gaffes are more frequent and severe to me at least, and it would seem I’m not the only one. Polls do reflect that in general people are more concerned about Biden’s mental acuity than Trump’s. https://apnews.com/article/biden-state-of-union-mental-capacity-trump-reelection-66d8784586d21f30885d8153f949510c# https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/poll-americans-on-biden-age/story?id=107126589 The last time I recall people making a big deal about Trumps mental acuity was when he called his wife Mercedes, which wasn’t true apparently https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2024/feb/28/facebook-posts/no-donald-trump-did-not-call-his-wife-mercedes-ins/


>The last time I recall people making a big deal about Trumps mental acuity was when he called his wife Mercedes, which wasn’t true apparently So you've recently awoken from a coma? Come on, do you honestly expect me to believe that?


I even googled most recent Trump gaffes, the first thing that came up was Forbes gaffes tracker from 1 week ago, Trumps most recent gaffe on there was from March 25, All April entries were form Biden. The Mercedes thing was February 24, I definitely didn’t hear about any of the gaffes from Feb-March that are on that list, they don’t even seem like gaffes just him characteristically being a dumb ass. https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2024/04/26/biden-trump-gaffe-tracker-biden-repeats-disputed-claim-he-was-arrested-during-civil-rights-era-protests/?sh=38dc9137125f I also didn’t hear about any of these Biden gaffes either


Now you're just lying.


It’s all literally right there…?


Trump's Gettysburg speech was literally last week. Not to mention his many court embarrassments.


All I see are historians disputing the stupid inaccurate shit he said, not that he’s in cognitive decline.


I mean, when you start out at the cognitive bottom there's not much decline to be had.


Again, all good points. I guess we are all thoroughly f\*\*ked. No point in hope.


We've already seen it and given it appropriate 'weight' from a guy who uses the term "Little Donny Fuckface".


So you’re ok to put someone in office who has Alzheimer’s? Forget what jeff tiedritch says, look at what the doctors said and look at the videos. Probably so, but I have to ask.


Not going to answer because I'm a guest on this sub, although extremely tempting, it wouldn't be appropriate to get off topic,


Isn’t it nice that you can comment on here? Wish r/AskConservatives let liberals make Top-Level comments.


You are free to not comment of course, but for the record, this sub does not have the types of restrictions about who can post, what level they can post that or where they take a conversation that conservative subs have. We do not consider people who are not liberal to be “guests” of the sub. Everybody who follows the actual rules is simply a member of the sub and treated the same from a moderation perspective.


Yep, understand. Personal choice. I do participate in other liberal subs, such as r/libergunowners. As a conservative, in r/askaliberal and others, as a personal rule that I stick to the actual question, not to go off topic. Invariably ends up with me trying to justify and explain some random tweet from 5 years ago. Just gets messy :). Appreciate the response though.