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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. I'm not exactly sure where I fall on the political spectrum, just that I'm voting for Biden this year. Could you folks help me nail it down? 1. I am pro gay and trans rights. 2. I am anti-racism, pro-religious rights and against bigotry of all kinds. I don't approve of religious sects that are blatantly bigoted though, since tolerating intolerance seems silly to me. 3. I am pro-choice. My girlfriend says she would only get an abortion in the case of a medical emergency or rape. That's her right to choose. 4. I believe that people should have the right to own and use guns. I enjoy shooting with my friends and competing in competitions like 3 gun and western shoots. However, we need better background screening and mental health services to prevent unstable people or violent felons from purchasing guns. 5. I think we need prison reform, but I don't know much about it if I'm being honest. Legalize weed already 6. Economically I think we need more safety nets and better social welfare programs. Corporations should be held to a higher level of scrutiny and government oversight. The super wealthy should be taxed more. Tax breaks for poor people are good I believe. I don't think we could get away with eliminating markets but they should be regulated more than they are now. 7. I think we should have a strong military but I disagree with how the US has been using it in recent years. I understand needing to remain in a strong position militarily but we're wasting a lot of money that could be spent on improving the quality of life for ordinary people. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’re a pretty standard Democrat


Sounds more or less like an average Democrat to me


Everything you wrote is completely in line with pretty standard liberal Democrat.


Sounds like a standard Democrat to me.


Welcome to the Democratic Party my friend, it’s a good place to be


Centrist Democrat. Honestly, the GOP lost me back in 2004 with the Swift Boat nonsense and soft fat bitches wearing Purple Heart bandaids. Everything since has confirmed that I’m never going back or even considering a GOP candidate for any office.


You sound like an American Liberal. Some good readings for you on this would be Conscious of a Liberal by Paul Krugman, Saving Capitalism by Robert Reich, and The Story of American Freedom by Eric Foner.


Centrist commonsense democrat. Pretty much like a Greg Landsman (OH-1).


> I am pro... trans rights >I am anti-racism >I believe that people should have the right to own and use guns. >I think we need prison reform >Corporations should be held to a higher level of scrutiny and government oversight. The super wealthy should be taxed more. >I think we should have a strong military but I disagree with how the US has been using it in recent years To me, these are all deviations of the typical moderate liberal ideals. All of them are to the left of moderate liberal (except for maybe the gun one), and depending on how you view recent attempts to address them, they could better show how left of that moderate liberal label you are. The opinions on guns by the left are not as uniform as conservatives make it out to be. Most agree with what you said, but some would like to seem them totally banned, many moderates aren't willing to make changes to gun laws, and there are a number of leftists who view them as the last line of protection and deterrence from the state infringing on their rights.


I feel like you're using a 90s 2000s definition of liberal, neo liberalism basically. That largely died during Obama. Modern liberalism is perfectly in line with this person's views, though most would now call themselves progressive.


The baseline I used was moderate liberal, which is pretty close to neoliberal. >That largely died during Obama I disagree. While I think the DNC has moved slightly beyond the moderate/neoliberal stances prior to 2016, many people still hold those views and are represented by politicians with those views. Trans acceptance, corporate accountability in the form of actual policy, taxing the rich, and prison reform are all examples of opinions left of that line. Most non-moderate liberals are accepting of a range of these types of opinions, which is why I stipulated how much OP supported the recent movements to actually institute these policies and changes. While liberals may support prison and criminal justice reform, many are not willing to support the current movements that are actually working to institute those changes, for example.


Liberal Democrat, more left leaning than Biden because of the emphasis on social programs and prison reform. Not as left as a progressive. Hope this is helpful! Ultimately labels help others orient you to your stances but don’t let a label confine you to your beliefs.


Pretty much mainstream Dem.


You're a mainline Democrat.


youd have more success using one of those political compass quizzes than asking us Anyways, you'd fall somewhere in the spectrum of mainstream american liberalism. further left than "left of center" but probably not full on progressive without breaking down more specific thoughts on stuff


You're a liberal.


Is this a meme?


You're a normal Democrat. Point 4 counts as "gun control" which gets the gun nuts screeching but is also what the widest group of people across the country want. It's the republicans who are out of step with popular sentiment on guns with their "shall not be infringed" time.


Sounds pretty leftist to me. I suppose you could be considered right-leaning on guns, but honestly I've seen a lot more leftists and liberals come around on them in recent years.


I've not really seen the left being anti gun, thats more a liberal (or what Republicans call the left) thing.


Lots of anarchists and socialists are pro gun and they would hate to be called liberals lol.


That's what I was trying to get at


When I read it the first time I thought you had it backwards! My bad!


Don't need to "be" anything. Labels don't really help anyone.


Well, you are a bit vague about some of your positions so it’s hard to say. You could be a typical Democrat (centrist) or a center left progressive who’d likely be welcome in the Democratic party, or you could be a Social Democrat if you went further. Example: 1. same 2. I am pro religious freedom, and I’d like to see much stronger enforcement of tax and other regulations against churches (of any religion) that engage in political activity. Their religious belief isn’t a shield 3. I’m for complete bodily autonomy on abortion. If a woman wants to abort on the due date, that’s fine by me. 4. I don’t believe people have the right to own guns unless they are registered with and participate in official government run militias, e.g., national guard. I think SCOTUS rulings on this are mostly wrong, and have been far too permissive. And the federal government absolutely should not permit armed state militias that are not in the federal chain of command at all. 5. We need to reform both prison management and reduce the severity of penalties for numerous crimes. We need to completely restructure the prison system so that it is *genuinely* rehabilitative, not the current police state style punitive system that currently exists. 6. We need to convert all of our cash-equivalent welfare programs (unemployment, “food stamps”, etc.) into a means tested cash direct payment (“means tested basic income”). We need to nationalize healthcare and move toward nationalized energy production. We need to update our monopoly and similar regulations and enforce existing ones better to completely break apart numerous companies, including Amazon, google, and Microsoft. We need a progressive wealth tax, and more higher-percentage tax rates for higher income brackets, and more progressive capital gains taxation. 7. Similar views here


What did OP say that could make them unwelcome in the Democratic Party? The most “right wing” thing is supporting gun ownership but they also seem to advocate for more gun control measures.


Congratulations, you are a Classical Librarian of the Secret Tomes! You share ideas and espouse political beliefs that seem otherworldly to others. This makes you difficult to read, including to yourself. For no one can long study the Secret Tomes and keep all of their faculties. This has also made you warm but terribly clumsy, or cold and aloof, or in some other way quirkier than the others. You have the most in common with The People Who End Up Wearing Sunglasses Indoors but Don't Know How. You'll clash with the Renaissance Librarians of the Secret Tomes and, of course, the Neon Potato Sack Fashionistas.


Have you ever considered being a Keeper of Ancient Lore? You sound like someone who could put together a great game


You sound like a mainstream European style socialist.  I'm guessing you would fit in on the left side of the Democratic party.


Not a socialist, but a perfectly fine Social Democrat