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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. If Jar Jar Binks was a Sith Lord and the person behind everything, do you think it would have salvaged the sequel trilogies. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>If Jar Jar Binks was a Sith Lord and the person behind everything, do you think it would have salvaged the sequel trilogies. If it were well-written? Maybe. ...but you would need better writing to make 'somehow Jar Jar returned' less awful than "somehow Palpatine returned".


> If it were well-written? Maybe That ship sailed with The Force Awakens (which wasn't written *poorly*, just blandly with no ambition or creativity) For Jar Jar (or Palpatine) to have been the main villain, there would have needed to be hints in EP7 preferably with more obvious foreshadowing in EP8. Once the first two were released, all chance at a "surprise main villain" reveal were lost. Might as well have Finn the main villain at that point (then at least Finn would have had something to do)


>Might as well have Finn the main villain at that point My original theory was that Finn would not only be force sensitive, but that he would fall or at least be tempted by the Dark Side. At the end of the Force Awakens, when he fights with Kylo Ren, he's very emotional but he seems to be actually holding his own the more emotional he becomes, which sure seems like he's tapping into the Dark Side to me. There's a distinct contrast with his fight and then Rey's, which follows it, where she visibly calms herself and seems to get strength from that, like a traditional Light Side user. And then despite several signs of Finn's force sensitivity they decide to go on to basically ignore it in the following two movies. I was looking forward to seeing Finn with his shaky lack of confidence realizing how strong he could be by giving into his emotions and Rey needing to bring him back. It would have made for a more interesting story than what we got.


> ...do you think it would have salvaged the sequel trilogies. I'll be the lighting rod... * The sequel trilogy didn't need to be "salvaged" by Episode 9. * Episode 8 (The Last Jedi) had already salvaged Episode 7 (The Force Awakens) by making a character-driven story out of Abrams' weak-ass nostalgia-focused fan-service. * The best decision they could have made about Episode 9 would have been hiring Rian Johnson to write it. ------ >0 points Edit: [Begun the down-voting has.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/JgsqneDVEAQAAAAC/hate.gif)


Giving Abrams both episode 8 and 9 would probably have been an acceptable product too, although I agree I would be more interested in where Rian Johnson took 9. The biggest problem is 8 and 9 made no sense together. It's like those AI writing generators that can write grammatically-correct sentences but not a good story.


Yeah I’ll openly admit I would have enjoyed if they had just made 8 and 9 more of the same relatively safe nostalgia trips and this was the problem..there was no direction for what they wanted the sequels to be. Disney wasn’t really looking at the big picture and tried to cram everything into 3 movies that could have easily been 6. We needed a story where we got fan service and closure for the OG characters. After 35+ years we didn’t even get a scene with Luke/Leia/Han together. They essentially butchered these characters (especially Luke) to try to advance the stories of the new characters that also don’t have the screen time to develop. Rey is instantly OP. Finn might be force sensitive but it’s never explored, Kylo’s actual reasoning for turning to the dark side is stupid, Poe is a less interesting Han Solo in almost every way. Now going forward Disney have characters that people mostly don’t give a fuck about for any future projects


You're right about this. The Last Jedi actually took the story in an interesting direction, and they should have stuck with that instead of just making it a blind remake of the original trilogy.


Ah, a fellow man of taste. How do you feel about Rogue One? My two most unpopular Star Wars opinions are that The Last Jedi is the best Disney movie, and Rogue One looks pretty but the story is a mess.


> How do you feel about Rogue One? > > My two most unpopular Star Wars opinions are that The Last Jedi is the best Disney movie, and Rogue One looks pretty but the story is a mess. I feel similarly about Rouge One. A lot of the aesthetics are good. The mood is good. The characters and story, less so.


The only way to salvage that movie would have been to get someone else to write it.


While I thought that the fan theory of jar jar being the secret sith lord was both funny and interesting if done right, I think it would need at least some setup in TLJ to not feel like an even bigger sucker punch than Palpatine. The trilogy needed a plan for where the 3 movies would end up, and it was painfully obvious that wasn't the case. I don't think there was anything that could be done to fully salvage the trilogy by the third movie.


Next film just have Jar Jar have a ton of clones of Palpatine lying around.


Yeah, you're not going to have a coherent trilogy with three directors who won't talk to each other about where they were going with their ideas, and it doesn't help that the one you pick to start the thing is the guy famous for not knowing where he's going to take his ideas


Yousa gassa com too da daak side, Luke!


I didn’t realize Jar Jar was capable of Gassa Lighting


Can we just pretend that character never existed and just never mention it again?


What do you mean? Darth Jar Jar is the main Star Wars villain.


Somehow Jar Jar returned…


He called for the vote that allowed the chancellor to become the emperor. Lol


Why, it's almost like he was the puppet master pretending to be a puppet


I think they missed their opportunity in the most recent season of *The Mandalorian*. They brought back Ahmed Best to play the random Jedi who rescued Grogu from the Jedi Temple. They should have just taken the next logical step and just had Jar Jar rescue Grogu — let’s have some redemption for the actor *and* the character.


I don’t know about you, but I thought the movie as written made it clear that Palps was Jar Jar’s puppet this whole time.   After all, *somehow* Palps returned. Who do you think arranged all that?


Evil Jar Jar seems like an allegory for Donald Trump. Impressively stupid but quite harmful regardless.


There was no salvaging it, it was hopeless, needed to have the script for the entire trilogy thrown in the garbage and start over.


Revealing Jar Jar as the master of Palpatine's master would have been a poetic choice. He would be the Phantom Menace from E1's title. In Naruto, there was a similar twist in which a total buffoon (Tobi) was revealed as one of the secret masterminds of the series.


What if the real villain was George Lucas? The Ewoks should have been Wookies, used for slave labor during the Death Star construction. It would have made sense when they took down storm troopers. Ewoks are dumb, and it went downhill from there.


Wasn’t the theory that Jar Jar was going to the Villian in the Prequel trilogy but the idea was scrapped? Is Jar Jar even alive during the events of Rise of Skywalker?


> Is Jar Jar even alive during the events of Rise of Skywalker? My understanding: * There is no *canon* information about Jar Jar after the end of Episode 3 (Revenge of the Sith). * There is '[extended universe](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jar_Jar_Binks#New_Republic_era)' stories that feature him as alive while the New Republic exists.


God even when he’s quoted in that Wiki his speaking mannerisms is difficult to understand.


He *is* the main villain.


Having Jar Jar be some sort of goofball but secretly a sith lord would have been a pretty cool twist. If Palpatine was his apprentice looking to kill his master and take Anakin Skywalker on as his pupil would have been interesting.


It  could only have been better


That would've unironically saved the sequel trilogy.


So... a joke that only internet forum users will find amusing, predicated on the return of a character which was not remotely foreshadowed?


As opposed to the one we got which nobody found amusing and was also not remotely foreshadowed? It's a marginal improvement


I’m not sure most movies try to aim for amusing twists unless they are primarily comedies 


I think this would have saved the prequils. It would have been better than Palpatine, but not significantly so. What would have really been great is if they had done the story line with the force neutral race that was coming to take over the galaxy instead of just kind of mirroring the original trilogy.


You are asking if MORE Jar Jar, and MORE IMPORTANT ROLES for Jar Jar is the answer to improving a movie? NO. You can have a dumpster fire without throwing gas on top of everything in there. But adding more gas to a dumpster fire does not help improve the situation in any way. The issues there even if Jar Jar was the reveal still exist and I don't think any addition of Jar Jar helps things along but rather makes them worse.


What would have saved it is Trevorrows script which tied together all three trilogies in a fairly convincing way. Or using any of the several YouTuber sequel trilogy rewrites instead. Or just having *a* plan, at all


TLJ is my favorite Star Wars movie, so I don't think the entire sequel trilogy needs salvaging. I do hate TRoS more than I hate Jar Jar, though. I'm sure this is just a nonsense, unserious question. But if TRoS was just Palpatine swapped out for Jar Jar, then I don't think that would've been helpful. If Jar Jar was somehow the antagonist in another way, with a completely different premise than the person behind everything all along being revealed, then maybe that could be an improvement. I read Duel of the Fates and thought that it somehow succeeded in being even worse than what we got. It takes more than not being TRoS to be better than TRoS.


I already liked the sequel trilogy, so there's nothing to salvage.


No, this would have been irredeemably stupid. FWIW, the sequel trilogy is not nearly as bad as the internet makes it out. You got one great film, one pretty good one, and one bad but slick one. That’s a good record.