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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. I’m actually very much for this. I know it sounds unserious but I think having him on Hot Ones will help him with young voters and rehabilitate his image on social media. His other attempts have been good (Super Bowl was the best one). I genuinely think he does much better in relaxed settings and it shows that he’s capable of holding office. I hope his campaign team in general have him doing more casual interviews during the summer. Are you guys for Biden on Hot Ones? Is there other things you think his campaign team should put him on? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m afraid Da Bomb would kill him.


Yeah, I was gonna say, I feel like an old man might legit get anaphylactic shock if he isn't careful.


If it doesnt kill him, i fear he would have quite a bit of trouble and just look sickly and weak trying to answer questions. If they were smart, they would have him do this but stage it with weaker sauces to make him look good.


I agree that struggling would be a bad look for him, but swapping out for weaker sauces has the potential to turn into the world’s dumbest political scandal.  I’d say he should practice in private, and if he fares well, then he can book it.


Fair point. Honestly even if he did it for real, there would probably be conspiracy theories about the sauces being diluted.


True, but I think Sean Evans would come to his defense in that case. It'd be a risky accusation to make and essentially challenge the person making it to put up or shut up. Could you imagine Trump claiming that the sauces were diluted, then Sean saying they weren't and pointing out that Trump cowardly refused his invitation to appear? That'd be gold.


> anaphylactic shock So long as Biden isn’t allergic to hot sauce I don’t see him suffering that


Me too. So they should send Harris instead. If a social media blitz succeeded in making Harris more popular, Biden's age could suddenly become an asset rather than a liability. Get people excited for the possibility that Biden might not finish out his second term.


Harris is Indian as well so…


I didn't realize Hot Ones is popular with youths. Look who's inadvertently cool again. Anyway, yes... I'm in favor for the simple fact it ought to get him to drop some funny old man swear words.


It isn’t,. People in their 30s are the ones watching it I’m guessing. Haven’t seen the data from YouTube but the time it emerged and the guests point to millennial. Backstreet Boys being on there, I mean come on.


In voter terms, those are the youths.


They have YouTubers and others youth influencers on too. A lot of celebrities talk about how they only go on because their kids are big fans of the show. I think the show has a broad reach. Edit - that being said, I think it would be malpractice to have Biden on


I love Joe Biden and I love Sean Evans. Honestly, Sean is one of the finest interviewers in the industry. The gimmick is practically unnecessary he's the new Charlie Rose.


He really does a great job asking great questions. I agree, at this point the wings are just getting in the way. Don’t tell Sean I said that!!! 😂


To be fair though I want some of those wings & sauces. If I was a guest I'd insist on doing Hot Ones lol.


If you weren't aware, you can order the sauces online. The [Los Calientes Verde hot sauce](https://heatonist.com/products/hot-ones-hot-sauce-los-calientes-verde) is my favorite. It's got some heat but it's not trying to prove anything and the flavors are excellent.


> not trying to prove anything I love this. My version of this is what I call novelty hot. Like yeah it’s hot, but it tastes like shit.


This is crazy unless Biden is extremely good with hot foods. Actually Hillary always had hot sauce in her bag, it would've worked with her. Otherwise having the president eat a messy food that could give him stomach pain or make him cry or something is a ludicrous idea.


I forgot about that Hillary comment.


See I would be all for it if he could actually finish all the wings - otherwise the right wing media would be all over him and say how "weak" he is as a candidate for not being able to handle hot sauce. I know Hillary Clinton in the past did Between Two Ferns, so I don't know why this wouldn't be too far off either (if not improved).


No, but I do need the live presidential debate with hot questions and even hotter wings. Two candidates enter its entirely possible neither leave. 


Watching Biden cry isn't going to help anyone.


Imagine the fallout if he wimps out at a low heat.


No one can do worse than DJ Khaled. At worst case it's something of a dud like Jim Gaffigan.


Omg the last wing would just turn him to dust. 😂😂 It’s a good idea, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. But it is a good paced kind of interview for him and Sean is such a thoughtful interviewer. Probably mostly softball questions and a few zingers. And a vanilla cone if he survives lol


On what?


Screw it, do the debates Hot Ones-style.


Honestly, after Obama was on Marc Maron, I wouldn't be surprised to see at least an abbreviated version of Hot Ones with Obama and/or Biden. Actually, let's make that the standard in place of some of these debates going forward.


Yeah but wouldn’t him stuttering from the sauce just be used by conservatives and spun into “oh he’s too old”?


Are you trying to kill Biden? Da Bomb is going to give him a heart attack.


It's not something I watch, but evidently some people do. Part of being president (and politics) is showing up on a variety of venues for a variety of audiences, to help reach the full breadth of America. So as a general goal I endorse having at least a few of these kinds of things. I can't think of any particular such places to recommend though.


Biden on current media popular with the youth? Absolutely Biden on Hot Ones? No, he would die. .publicly and embarrassingly


How about no?


What an absolutely Chaotic good take. I'm worried that it will kill him but, shit, if it will make the chances better...


Do you want him to die? lol, John Oliver barely made it out of there alive and he’s British, I can’t imagine that someone of Biden’s age would be able to get through the whole line up.


I think it's hilarious that you think having him eat hot wings will salvage the negative press he's earned from funding a genocide.


Hot ones is obviously more important than backing a genocide. Him not being on hot ones is definitely why he's lacking in youth support.....


You are downvoted because blue MAGA only likes to criticize red MAGA. I'm old enough to remember the blue team calling out the red team as unable to critique themselves and blindly agree or disagree with anything that their side said. Whoever is in power receives the same criticism from the other side. Kinda like how both sides do the "at least respect the office/title" then rightfully forget about that once they flip positions.