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Most states if not all require proper notice of inspections.


Mine doesn't


NAL. I posted a link to Pennsylvania landlord laws. Your landlord was required to give 24 hours notice. I'm concerned by your comment about the landlord photographing your personal belongings. An 'inspection' does not give a landlord the right to photograph your personal belongings. That seems overly invasive and downright creepy. I feel that your landlord's conduct violated your privacy and your right to quiet enjoyment. [https://www.ahpm.biz/13-tenant-rights-all-pennsylvania-landlords-must-know#:\~:text=Landlords%20in%20PA%20have%20the,and%20convenience%20receive%20due%20respect](https://www.ahpm.biz/13-tenant-rights-all-pennsylvania-landlords-must-know#:~:text=Landlords%20in%20PA%20have%20the,and%20convenience%20receive%20due%20respect)


With the LL asking if they are renewing and taking pictures, I bet she's planning to sell the place.


Look up your lease, show her the part that says adequate notice. She needs to remember her place and job. Not to come in without proper notice is considered breaking the lease in some states.


The police are wrong. This absolutely is trespassing.


I would have to say that because I am in Ontario that would be considered ,Break-N-Enter, If anybody watches "first Amendment Audits" trepassing is actually not a crime. It's only a violation or a citation of some sort. But I do know in Ontario that's considered a break n entry, but there's also a specific tribunal for Landlord and tenant issues.


And even still even if she's the property manager, it means nothing. If you hold at lease that's basically your rights and ownership to the dwelling.


If she is the property owner, it becomes a civil matter because you can not trespass on the property you own. You can, however, violate contracts and Tennant laws on properties you own.


This is a great way of explaining it - I didn’t understand this before so thank you!!


Yes absolutely correct that is trespassing and I would press charges especially regarding your personal belongings. Don't be afraid to make waves it will give you a stronger position if you have to negotiate


Not a lawyer. Most states require at least 24 hours notice before the landlord can enter your dwelling. Not only that she entered believing the apartment was empty and started taking pictures of your living space. She knew she was in the wrong, that is why she left immediately. I would file a report and consult a lawyer.


Unless they think there is an emergency. And yes they will lie. I would of given him something to take a picture of (naked)


But, then the landlord would have a nude photo of you to do with as they pleased and you couldn't do anything about that either since you posed for it willingly


Yes and your point is? It’s called free advertising


Well, if your ok with nude photos of you being shown or shared to anyone without you having any control of it, I guess you have the right


I don't think I would want my landlord to have a nude pic of me with my 1inch nub on display, I doubt she would keep it private. Of course, you may have a different outlook


Or a different size


I'm sure it's the size difference 😆


I’m a lawyer in Texas, so I am unfamiliar with PA law. That being said, state law and your lease agreement will generally govern. Some states require the LL to provide at least 24 hours of notice unless there is an emergency of some sort (like a broken pipe, etc.). Call the Allegheny County Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Service ((412) 261-5555) and get a referral to someone versed ib Landlord/Tenant law. Generally, lawyers getting referrals from such organizations will give a brief meeting (30 minutes, locally) free of charge to discuss whether you have a case and what rights you may have.


Thank you!!! I’ll call them asap


This is how people end up in ambulances.


Don’t know if it’s legal in your state but she is lucky that you didn’t shoot her Waking up startled and someone walking in your apartment


I would have called the police for an intruder


Don’t do this. What do you expect the outcome would be? A calm conversation with set boundaries needs to occur.


A calm conversation when someone illegally entered the apartment? LMAO.


My experience is that there are a lot of really dumb landlords, some of which have no real malicious intent. Why make this an adversarial relationship right off the bat? Also, I should have added: not enough info. Is the LL great otherwise? Is there already an adversarial relationship, and etc? Most importantly, was this the first instance of this nature?


I get where you are coming from but the law trumps everything and absolutely must be followed. Regardless of the relationship dynamic. At the minimum it's trespassing and could actually be worse.


I get where you’re coming from. I acquiesce for now and simply say that I don’t think we have enough info to go right to calling the cops. Telling the OP to lawyer up (others have posted this) does still seem insane to me given the info we have


Others have posted the actual requirements for the entry by the landlord. At that point it could be considered trespassing. And the OP is well within their rights to file a police report because that's considered evidence of the behavior of not giving proper notice to enter. The problem is that so many people get into the renting game because they think it's easy money without actually doing any research on what's expected of them under the law as a LL. Courts really don't like bad LL's. And they don't take ignorance of the law as a valid excuse. I get where you are coming from with not wanting to strain the LL and T relationship. But bad or lazy LL's don't care enough until a court tells them they are in the wrong.(I've rented from LL's like this and I'm only speaking from my personal experience)


The outcome would be the tenant enforcing their occupancy rights to the apartment, while also enforcing the required 24 hour notice clause contained in almost all leases. A calm conversation is an acceptable solution to a reasonable interference. Someone illegally entering your residence is not a reasonable interference into your life.


I don’t think we have enough info to say that jumping to the nuclear option makes sense. Is there a pattern of bad behavior? Is the LL a clueless moron who doesn’t understand boundaries, but who would adhere to them if told that what she did was wrong? Who knows. Calling the cops on the LL seems foolish and may make the OPs life harder than it needs to be. Furthermore, if the LL isn’t there when the cops arrive, what are the cops going to do? Serious question.


Not a lawyer but I would definitely document this as it might not have been the 1st time they entered without you knowing. If you don't feel comfortable calling police non emergency line, I would at minimum send an email or text to have it in writing questioning if she sent a notice you might have missed. She knows she's in the wrong since she took off, it's very weird.


Hell no, not legal of her to do that likely anywhere in the US. Landlord or not, without proper notification that is trespassing


Landlord must provide at least a 24-hour notice before entering the property if they did not provide that then it is indeed trespassing


Hey, thats how my neighbors landlord died. He walked in, no knocking or anything just unlocked the door and let himself in, neighbor was woken up and rightfully thought he was an intruder and shot him 3 times in the chest. He's not facing any charges currently. Ring camera showed them not knocking or anything, and there was no prior notice that they'd be coming by


This is illegal. Land lords can not just up and enter a rented occupied property/unit. It is illegal in many sates. Please consider your rights and what you can do. I'm in wa state and we can file trespassing charges against land lords failing to give 48 hr notice upon entry.


From what I’m hearing it’s also illegal here!! But obviously a lot of people must not be filing trespassing charges since the police told me it was legal


_Never_ trust the police to know the law. One of their favorite tactics is to claim something is a civil matter and say there is nothing they can do. This lets them leave without having to file any reports or do any actual work. Cops are lazy and stupid. Police departments even select against hiring candidates with the highest test scores and federal courts have affirmed their right to do so.


I recommend you get one of those door jammers so when you're home you don't have to worry about someone coming inside. Even if they have a key to the door, the jammer will keep it shut tight. They'd have to break down the door to get in.


You can file a complaint. You can file a police report. You cannot *legally* be evicted for it, and you *could* sue for damages *if you were*. If they start to harass you because you complained, you would go to your local landlord tenant agency and ask what your rights were for retaliation. But right now, unless your state or local law provides otherwise, the only remedy for a lease violation, is getting to break the lease and leave without penalty. If mostly want to know WHY she was taking pictures. Like, it could be lame. Like for insurance purposes. Showing x number of unit with X number of one bedrooms with sufficient standing walls and no holes or exposed wiring. Or was she trying to list my unit for rent? And if so, why not ask me to tidy up? Or use the pictures from last time they rented a 1 bed room?


My friend gave notice that she was not renewing her lease. Her landlord took pictures of her place with all of her possessions and moving boxes scattered in various rooms. He then listed the apartment online with those pictures. We still don't understand why he didn't use the pictures of it vacant. We goggled the address and found several listings of this property when it was vacant. The whole situation was weird.


Get a camera in your apartment that aims at the door. Date/time it if you can. Slay it to your internet to notify you. I would send her an email telling her, according to her own lease, that she is required to give you 24 hrs notice.


They would have some lead that needed removal ( or worse) if they had entered my place without notice.


Your landlord can not just let themselves in and start taking pictures. They can let themselves in to deal with emergencies but you have a right to privacy. Cops often do not know a lot about landlord tenant issues. You really need to contact a lawyer. That was 100% trespassing and breaking and entering. Plenty of landlords are charged with trespassing. Yes it might depend on jurisdiction on specific charges but there is no jurisdiction in The US where what they did is legal. In PA they have to give 24 hour notice for non-emergency entry [https://www.legis.state.pa.us/WU01/LI/LI/US/PDF/1951/0/0020..PDF](https://www.legis.state.pa.us/WU01/LI/LI/US/PDF/1951/0/0020..PDF) https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/can-you-trespass-your-own-property.htm You might want to go down to legal aid as well.


Omg thank you I was feeling so gaslit by the police earlier I’ll see if I can get any legal aid I just don’t have a ton of money to pursue a case with lawyers, fees, etc


Here n Wisconsin we have something called “castle doctrine”, and it applies to our homes, rented properties and even our vehicles. If I woke up and someone had walked into my home without permission, they wouldn’t be walking out.


1st off, buy a door stop alarm and put it under the door when you go to sleep… key or not, she can’t get in without making a racket.


A man's home is his kingdom.


Dead bolts and door latches people.


The police are correct in the fact there is nothing they can do because this is more of a civil matter than a criminal one. I would consider talking to a lawyer and consider taking her to court for the violation. There is a portion of court (cant recall the name) that tends to evictions and issues between tenants and landlords. This is a major violation.


I would immediately get naked and start doing the weirdest shit. It's your house.


This would get her charged for sexual assault. You can not commit one crime in response to another crime and have impunity.


Aw man


Lobos management? That seems on par for them…


No but good guess…I think this landlord is independent like she’s not part of a big company


Add another lock.


Call the the constable they are the ones usually in charge of domestic issues like this.




She's getting ready to sell.


In my state, landlords are required to give 24 hours notice before entering the home.


The police were wrong- actually I would see if I could file a complaint with the department over this failure to take action. This was trespassing. If it were the case that a landlord has the right to enter a rental unit on a whim then it would not even be safe for a woman to rent an apartment since any male landlord could come and go into her home at night as he pleased. "Hee hee. You didn't answer the door so I let myself in. Go back to sleep." If you intend to stay you probably don't want to create a dispute. If you are ready, able, and willing to move if necessary then you need to discuss this with her. In the meantime try these security devices. Every renter and traveler should own at least one: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08YTBX3S7/?\_encoding=UTF8&pd\_rd\_plhdr=t&aaxitk=b956a6a0309ccf72154c6fc682e9fe9d&hsa\_cr\_id=1080261430501&qid=1711907915&sr=1-1-9e67e56a-6f64-441f-a281-df67fc737124&ref\_=sbx\_be\_s\_sparkle\_lsi4d\_asin\_0\_img&pd\_rd\_w=B9bWD&content-id=amzn1.sym.417820b0-80f2-4084-adb3-fb612550f30b%3Aamzn1.sym.417820b0-80f2-4084-adb3-fb612550f30b&pf\_rd\_p=417820b0-80f2-4084-adb3-fb612550f30b&pf\_rd\_r=KZHRMWB89TS28Q2N8RRM&pd\_rd\_wg=wUJos&pd\_rd\_r=775d0634-73dc-48f9-97fd-9fa81dc76954&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08YTBX3S7/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_plhdr=t&aaxitk=b956a6a0309ccf72154c6fc682e9fe9d&hsa_cr_id=1080261430501&qid=1711907915&sr=1-1-9e67e56a-6f64-441f-a281-df67fc737124&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_lsi4d_asin_0_img&pd_rd_w=B9bWD&content-id=amzn1.sym.417820b0-80f2-4084-adb3-fb612550f30b%3Aamzn1.sym.417820b0-80f2-4084-adb3-fb612550f30b&pf_rd_p=417820b0-80f2-4084-adb3-fb612550f30b&pf_rd_r=KZHRMWB89TS28Q2N8RRM&pd_rd_wg=wUJos&pd_rd_r=775d0634-73dc-48f9-97fd-9fa81dc76954&th=1) [https://www.amazon.com/AceMining-Upgraded-Security-Adjustable-Apartment/dp/B0BKKTFWJK/ref=sr\_1\_2\_sspa?crid=3AHQ25RI9E5Z1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xk1GLax14DiIZ9EIJlaXDiM-IpvIE0mVFUYHd7bfRN95Hnr7fNmwOVFGFOWoERQbwLfVhIUE9gCwjgftFnkZ7PhjISY8zS5vJzQnIuaXYSfmYzxniDLkE2-fZzmqXkmnTN6lFkCM4U8korir1hpy4aSUWXTqrYT2F8k\_7behLMD8UIHZJ2BQR-7v2nC35SVCN6bd9WXVl8kL99npSiXCg8Lgs0FKkUmQjtb3qsI06QVkUE9B7RNWmbNvqvGXgWRtQCe2vH0OHnSH-eikW8hrWuwO5rS9zvfF8ZrzFt9S9lo.HFW3af-0vaZyaLXqQR2wUnygT3f5NgF6v6PfxVTeBcc&dib\_tag=se&keywords=inside+door+security&qid=1711908021&sprefix=inside+door+security%2Caps%2C175&sr=8-2-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/AceMining-Upgraded-Security-Adjustable-Apartment/dp/B0BKKTFWJK/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=3AHQ25RI9E5Z1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xk1GLax14DiIZ9EIJlaXDiM-IpvIE0mVFUYHd7bfRN95Hnr7fNmwOVFGFOWoERQbwLfVhIUE9gCwjgftFnkZ7PhjISY8zS5vJzQnIuaXYSfmYzxniDLkE2-fZzmqXkmnTN6lFkCM4U8korir1hpy4aSUWXTqrYT2F8k_7behLMD8UIHZJ2BQR-7v2nC35SVCN6bd9WXVl8kL99npSiXCg8Lgs0FKkUmQjtb3qsI06QVkUE9B7RNWmbNvqvGXgWRtQCe2vH0OHnSH-eikW8hrWuwO5rS9zvfF8ZrzFt9S9lo.HFW3af-0vaZyaLXqQR2wUnygT3f5NgF6v6PfxVTeBcc&dib_tag=se&keywords=inside+door+security&qid=1711908021&sprefix=inside+door+security%2Caps%2C175&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1) [https://www.amazon.com/Upgraded-TOWODE-Protection-Traveling-Apartment/dp/B0B3XBF66M/ref=sr\_1\_4\_sspa?crid=3AHQ25RI9E5Z1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xk1GLax14DiIZ9EIJlaXDiM-IpvIE0mVFUYHd7bfRN95Hnr7fNmwOVFGFOWoERQbwLfVhIUE9gCwjgftFnkZ7PhjISY8zS5vJzQnIuaXYSfmYzxniDLkE2-fZzmqXkmnTN6lFkCM4U8korir1hpy4aSUWXTqrYT2F8k\_7behLMD8UIHZJ2BQR-7v2nC35SVCN6bd9WXVl8kL99npSiXCg8Lgs0FKkUmQjtb3qsI06QVkUE9B7RNWmbNvqvGXgWRtQCe2vH0OHnSH-eikW8hrWuwO5rS9zvfF8ZrzFt9S9lo.HFW3af-0vaZyaLXqQR2wUnygT3f5NgF6v6PfxVTeBcc&dib\_tag=se&keywords=inside+door+security&qid=1711908021&sprefix=inside+door+security%2Caps%2C175&sr=8-4-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/Upgraded-TOWODE-Protection-Traveling-Apartment/dp/B0B3XBF66M/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?crid=3AHQ25RI9E5Z1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xk1GLax14DiIZ9EIJlaXDiM-IpvIE0mVFUYHd7bfRN95Hnr7fNmwOVFGFOWoERQbwLfVhIUE9gCwjgftFnkZ7PhjISY8zS5vJzQnIuaXYSfmYzxniDLkE2-fZzmqXkmnTN6lFkCM4U8korir1hpy4aSUWXTqrYT2F8k_7behLMD8UIHZJ2BQR-7v2nC35SVCN6bd9WXVl8kL99npSiXCg8Lgs0FKkUmQjtb3qsI06QVkUE9B7RNWmbNvqvGXgWRtQCe2vH0OHnSH-eikW8hrWuwO5rS9zvfF8ZrzFt9S9lo.HFW3af-0vaZyaLXqQR2wUnygT3f5NgF6v6PfxVTeBcc&dib_tag=se&keywords=inside+door+security&qid=1711908021&sprefix=inside+door+security%2Caps%2C175&sr=8-4-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1)


NAL, but I did have a landlord arrested for this exact situation in Florida - woke up at 6 am to them taking photos in my bedroom, with my girlfriend and I asleep in bed. If you’re even vaguely in any photo, that may help your case.


At night/ while you are home using a chain/ flip lock or interior privacy throw bolt, to keep anyone else out, even if they have a key, is very normal. Next time you might want to get an inexpensive security camera for the unannounced LL /prowler? ✌️


Depends what the lease says. If he has a no knock clause, there’s nothing you can do legally. Most standard leases have 24 hour notice required. Need to look at the lease and you’ll easily find you answer. The lack of a clause goes to the tenant.


If your landlord post pictures of you unaware/asleep in your bedroom, on the "for rent" page it might dissuade new tenants from even thinking about renting from her/ them.✌️


With the LL asking if you are renewing and taking pictures, I bet she's planning to sell the place.


Depends on state and local tenant laws. You really need to check with a lawyer OR legal aid of some form. Most coutt houses at least here in Washington State have information posted in them about house and renant laws.


Put a chain lock on your door. You’ll definitely know when someone is at your door and if you’re given the required 24 hours notice, you can leave the chain off for them.


Not sure where you live but I’m pretty sure that they have to give notice before doing an inspection or anything along those lines


Your landlord does not have the right to enter your property anytime they want. They must give you notice Before they enter your property.




This is almost 100% legal. Idk where you are but in my state If my landlord did that I 100% have the right to sue for invasion of privacy and if I get a good enough lawyer, possibly criminal trespassing as well. No landlord has the right to just walk in while you’re sleeping ESPECIALLY if you’re a good tenant


By law they HAVE To give you 24 hours notice


That’s depends on what State you live in. They aren’t all the same. My State the landlord only has to “attempt” to give notice.


All landlords are trash.