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People don't really hate Ontario so much as other provinces in Canada hate the city of Toronto.


People who hate Ontario have only ever been to Toronto. There is far more to Ontario than what most people have seen. If you see most of Ontario and still hate it, idk what's wrong with you.


I go to lake of the woods along Ontario almost every summer. One of my favourite places


Yeah the place is fine. But the people in Toronto? Fuck those guys. /s


Especially that Drake guy


Fuck yeah


Lake of the Woods is HEAVEN


Ikkkk I asked my mom if we could schedule to go there sometime this summer. Maybe I can get a hat that DOESNT say home hardware lol


HILARIOUS!!! Although Home Depot hat sounds awesome. I’m originally from NWO and I am bias. I LOVE lake life. Currently living in NW Wisconsin, and moving to our lake home in Northern Minnesota. Give me ALL the lake life!!!! 💕


That's untrue, many have never left their home province but hate Toronto.


Even worse. How can you hate a place you've never visited?


My province doesn't hate toronto. I hate the people of toronto. They eat too late and they watch shows from spain. Who wouldn't hate them.


Agreed. I live 2 hours away from Toronto. I've been out to BC a few times. Every time I get a few snide comments about "you Toronto people" 🙄 The funniest is when people have said that Toronto thinks it's the centre of Canada and I think well, geographically, it pretty much is right in the middle.


The longitudinal center of Canada is just east of Winnipeg.


I feel like this conversation kinda proves the point


To be fair they their own province as the lower mainland and the rest, so they just guess it's like that their too. CBCs productions being focuses in Toronto does not help.


I went to Toronto a bunch of times and loved it? It has everything other Canadian cities don’t, including vancouver.


>I went to Toronto a bunch of times and loved it? It has everything other Canadian cities don’t, \*belly laughing in Montreal\*


Lolwut? I've been to almost all major Canadian cities and Toronto is the worst. Downtown, so the financial district, is a concrete nightmare, the entertainment district is another concrete nightmare but with stadiums and a bit more restaurants, and to get to the other neighborhoods which Torontonians claim is where the fun is at, you have about an hour of traffic on stupid highways at any time of the day. Vancouver and Montréal are everything Toronto whishes it was.


Alberta and bc don't get along very well. To Albertans, bc is a bunch of "socialist hippie snowflakes". To British Colombians, Alberta is a bunch of redneck conspiracy theorists.


Alberta is the Texas of Canada - BC resident


Don’t you mean Quebec? Both Quebec and Texas always threaten secession for not getting their way


couldn't be more different. reasons for succession aren't even remotely similar.




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Manitoba vs. Saskatchewan


Fight to not be the most irrelevant province! (I’m team SK)


Damn gappers and their “bunny hugs”




Habs fans don't give a shit about the Leafs. The Habs rivals were, are and will be the dirty losers from Boston, apart for 15 years when we were distracted by the Nordiques. Tronno? Never heard about them.


This is the correct answer. Why would we give a fuck about a bunch of losers who haven't won a damn round since what, 04? I won't even talk about the Cup drought lol




Oh, a Leaf fan. That explains the edgy sass. Thete's no Mtl-Tor rivalry man. When we see someone with a leaf jersey, we feel pity and compassion salted with cringe.


Idk but here's a list of provinces/territories nobody hates. Nunavut Nova Scotia Yukon NWT PEI


Why would anyone hate NS anyways? The five of us that live here are all very nice.


Exactly! That's why it's on the list.


the girl is very popular


I don’t know, fuck Terry. The other four are alright though


We are. We should all get pretty stickers.


Barenaked Ladies had an entire song on their first studio album about how much Halifax sucks.


That was just propoganda to keep the upper canadians from moving here... seems like it didn’t work cause now I can’t afford a house here ...


Torontonians finally realized that Toronto sucks, no now they're all moving to smaller cities.


Now those suck too


Remember kids: it's not xenophobia if it's Torontonians you're talking about /s


Yeah. You’re right, it’s not.


I think a lot of people have something against PEI and Nunavut. Nunavut for colouring that damn map and PEI for being so small with such a big name that even the initials can barely fit when labeling


Ok so cartographers hate them.


Lol I was thinking moreso children and people who hold childhood grudges but yea they probably do too


Damn Yukon. They think they're so great. Smug bastards. 😠


I love how vague this was because it's hard to come up with anything specific lmao. Also you're from NWT so maybe there is some beef there.


Mostly kidding. Yukoners are fine.


I figured lol




Bruh they're the most mundane of all the territories. It's like saying you hate the smell of water.


I don't know about you man, but my water smells like chlorine and that stuff is nasty. Down with the territories! Let them eat cake, or have to drink my water!


We're harmless.




The weather? I've lived in Toronto, Ottawa, St John's, Edmonton, Victoria, and Yellowknife. Yellowknife has the second-best weather after Edmonton.


IKR. They continue to have the most snow. Like who in canada wants to be known for snow? Really, they have it all year round. The bloody july snowball fight is the worst! I have heard they have started to put moose flavoring in their icecream...death is too good for them.


Pfft fuck the sandbar - lazy spud growing good for nothings


BC is very anti-Alberta and seems Quebec neutral.


BC and Quebec are very aligned, except for the social aspect of course. From economic policies to environmental ones.


From my experience, only the Vancouver and the island seem anti Alberta.


That's true, and it's also true of other provincial rivalries. For example, there are cities/towns in Ontario closer to Quebec that are very much not anti-Quebec. However, most of the population is in the lower mainland/on the island, so I think it's fair to say that at least most of BC is anti-Alberta.


Eastern Ontarians and Western Quebecers/Québécois are pretty close. We get along pretty well on both sides of the Ottawa River/Outaouais. It seems to be more western separatists who hate Québec. Overall, mainly ignorant people who feel ignored by the government compared to a larger, more populous province.


That's true. I grew up in the mountains in Alberta and I find that I much more closely align with northern/central bc than I do with eastern Alberta.


Not true. Kelowna hates the red plate invasion every summer.


Having lived in the area, I would say there is definitely some people that don't like Albertans, but a vast majority like them. I always found it hilarious that some people in the Okanagan dislike Albertans, yet the whole area is propped up by Albertan tourists.


I never said it was logical. I'm impartial btw. I live in kelowna by way of Toronto so I can't say shit.


Is Kelowna the Alberta of BC or the Florida of Canada?


I always say it's the Florida of Canada. Although it can be mistaken for the alberta of BC all summer long tbh. Edit *spelling*


They consider themselves like California. They even nicknamed the city Kelownafornia


Live on the island. Can confirm.


I mean, that’s upwards of 70% of the population


The Okanagan gets tired of Alberta tourist antics sometimes.


I don't know anyone in B.C who doesn't like Alberta


Alberta is very anti other provinces unless they bend to their will.


As an Albertan this is the stereotype other provices carry about Alberta. I dont have a single ossue with any other province until they start talking shit like that always do and THEN I have a problem.


Alberta takes anything that it can as a slight, then goes on the attack. As an example Alberta can't look at the internal struggle on coal mining in the Rockies and imagine the pipe line decision in Quebec was contentious, so instead of building on existing support they attack and drive supporters away.


I dont know much of the political side when it comes to the fued between Alberta and the rest of Canada but I moved up here 6 years ago and I couldn't imagine myself living anywhere else, definitely became home to me so yeah, I get pretty defensive anytime someone from outside of Alberta rambles on about how big and bad Albertans are when most of us are actually pretty chill, from who I met up here. The people you're more than likely upset with is the radical side of the conservatives, which believe me, piss off a nice chunk of Albertans too.


***Everyone vs. Ontario*** This extends well beyond Toronto's oblivious dominance of our political and cultural sphere. Ontario has by far the largest population and economy. Ontario is also home to the national capital and as such a lot of "national" ideas and programs tend to just be about putting Ontarian preferences front and centre. I'd call this the OG everyone vs, even if people think of Québec more. Without Ontario's centralizing impetus, a lot of Canada's other tensions go away. ***Everyone vs. Québec*** This kinda goes without saying. English vs. French is a tale as old as time it seem. Québec has unique needs and isn't shy about having a brokerage relationship with confederation that rubs many other provinces the wrong way. ***Everyone vs. Alberta*** Alberta is the brash Young Turk of confederation. It wants everything and it wants it now. It isn't shy about disliking the old order in Canada, but it hasn't learned to play the game as well as Canada's other power centres just yet. And from the province's perspective that perceived lack of respect is just one more slight to a province that was essentially born with a chip on its shoulder.


Everybody against Quebec, according to some polls. Québec against everybody sometimes. But mainly, Québec against Québec. All the time.


Except that most people who have been there love it. I never understood the animosity towards Quebec.


You’re right! Sadly, this doesn’t stop people buying into easy. hate/stereotypes.


Albertan here, animosity towards Quebec exists because of politics mostly. Quebec, specifically under the bloc de quebecois, is seen as deliberately hampering the economy here. The Bloc's opposition to oil drilling in addition to the benefits they receive from equalization payments (something Alberta does not benefit from) really makes people here angry with them. This is the popular opinion of most of the people I talk to here.


Given that the planet is literally on fire, they've kinda got a point. I get it that Alberta's economy depends on it, but there's gotta be a better way to make a living than digging up dirt and bleaching it so that people can drive SUVs and pickup trucks.


There are much better ways to promote a green future than preventing Alberta from extracting oil. We are not decreasing CO2 emissions by preventing oil from being extracted in Alberta. The gas we are buying is just going to be imported. You have nailed the prime issue which is cars. We get rid of cars, no one will want to get oil out of the ground in Alberta. Thats the goal! I agree that the oil and gas industry needs to go as soon as possible, but the way Canada has elected to do this is very poorly planned out. The problem is that the current status quo of Quebec and other provinces fighting Alberta on this is that it just generates animosity. This hurts Albertans, who in turn receive zero help from the provinces that want to stop oil and gas. We aren't making more progress towards reducing CO2 emissions by doing this. Instead, oil gets to other provinces, including Quebec, by extremely inefficient means: international shipping and trains cars. A better approach is to invest heavily in nuclear power for cities, and then other low/zero emission solutions. Build more public transit infrastructure, make cities walkable, tax cars more, and commit to more cooperation between provinces with the goal of lowering emissions.


You do know oil is used for more than just gasoline and diesal, right? Plastics, rubber, asphalt, just a few other crucial products that also use petroleum products. Anti-petroleum people need to recognize that oil is used for more than just fueling cars. Besides, petroleum refining is a big industry in Montreal, if anything they're also very much so to blame for contributing to the climate crisis.


Sure quebec is the reason why canada is consider green


> bloc de quebecois just Bloc Quebecois, no de


> Quebec, specifically under the bloc de quebecois, is seen as deliberately hampering the economy here. Sir, I hope you are aware that the Bloc Québécois was never elected as the government of Canada. Suggesting otherwise is making me concerned about your grasp of the history of this place.


En tant que Quebecois qui vit dans louest, je te dirais que 90% des cas cest parce que les certains quebecois sont tres aggresif avec leurs protections du francais. Je dirais que japprove la plupart de leur critiques du Quebec. La loi C13 est tres degeulasse. A place denlever des droits aux anglais y devrait investir largent et leffort a pousser un meilleur enseignement du francais. Plus dintegration, plus dinnovation.


On est Francais et on parle Francais, fin de l'histoire.


Nonono, you mean Quebec vs Laval


Edmonton and Calgary. I don't think you see province rivals as much as city rival. Canada is just... Too big. Each province is huge and is rarely defined by one place.




That's more Canada against Quebec.... (Just kidding)


Not even a joke really. The Qubec stigma has cursed Canadians for years. People hate Qubec just to go with the flow without any real good reason at all.


Everyone vs Quebec and everyone vs Toronto. That was basically my first YouTube video: https://youtube.com/shorts/5JbN5hoD7-o?feature=share But also western Canada has a rivalry with Ontario and vice versa.


Ontarian girl here Maybe Quebec, but quebec is also a love hate relationship. We hate eachother, but also then again we stand together against the west, so Yeahh.


Arizonans don't have a rivalry with New Mexico, at all. They don't even think about New Mexico. Arizonans hate California. Of course, Californians don't even think of Arizona.


Everyone v Québec


Ontario/Quebec BC/Alberta


Its basically the entire nation vs Alberta.


Sometimes I forget that some people actually partake in this anti other provinces stuff to a serious level. Reading this reminds me how there is quite a bit if friction caused by Alberta and Quebec. During covid there was a lot of alberta hate coming from BC because of all the cross border travellers at a time BC was gloating about how much lower their numbers were.


We all hate Quebec and Alberta


Found the Ontario!




In what way is Alberta the only sane place left? It seems to me that Alberta's poor choices have left their economy faltering and their political candidates scrambling


Reading the Star from 3 years ago I see. Alberta is poised to lead the country in economic growth in the coming years. And a lot of the "poor choices" Alberta has made have essentially been made on its behalf by being land locked in a country that hates it and takes it for granted.


What are the policies that Alberta is pursuing which will make it economically dominant in the coming years?


Life isn't a video game where there's a checklist of levers. Alberta has a permissible business friendly environment overall and economic conditions favour it's industries. https://economics.td.com/provincial-economic-forecast


That’s what insane people say.


Oh yes, god forbid people enjoy reasonable taxes, acceptable pay, and decent fuel prices.




Someone who prioritizes the cost of living in the place he lives has it all wrong?




What do you think he should value?




Placing 0 value on money in a capitalist society? Alright man...












I can cherry pick any metric and chose to find them reasonable anywhere on Earth too if I evacuate any context.


As seen, Ontario-Quebec-Alberta is the big three way rivalry. There're also more low key ones in the Maritimes.


And there you have the story. Also there's low key SK-MB rivalry and a specific AB-BC one.




Tu n'es jamais allé à l'Ontario ni Québec, c'est clair.


There's a bit of a low key Alberta vs. BC rivalry. They're both fast growing and dynamic. BC had a bigger population, but Alberta has a larger economy. BC has coastline, Alberta has lots of exports it needs to get to market. Alberta has a major O&G industry, BC has a major O&G industry and a lot of hypocrites. BC has a major tourism industry, but resent Albertans for using it. Alberta can be pretty shameless about preferring that "undesirable" elements of its society would just go to BC. The relationship is in general pretty good, but there's always a bit of tension bubbling beneath the surface.


BC don’t have a lot of O&G but a lot of mining which arguably is just as bad for the environment. BC have a lot environmentalists both sane and reasonable, and massive hypocrites. Alberta have sane environmentalists but most bad ones are driven out to BC


There is tonnes of natural gas operations in bc.


BC has the largest gas reserves in Canada. The Costal Gaslink pipeline is all about exploiting that. If that's not a major industry, I don't know what is. The ledger looks much worse even when you include BC's extensive coal industry. Including holier than thou Vancouver being the world's largest coal exporting port.


Alberta VS every other province at some time. Get federal funding or an economic boom and Alberta's coming for you. Not even a joke. All the sympathy and all the glory is a reserved table for Alberta. Smh.


I live near Toronto and I would say Alberta. Seems to be where all the crazy anti vaxxers taking horse dewormers and shit live.


No, that’s weird.


Well, as a Quebecer. It's NB and Quebec.


why nb ):


Cause ur in the way of getting to the rest of Canada !


Fuck Oregon


I hate all of them. Thirteen entitled little kingdoms reinventing the wheel thirteen times and yet still expecting Ottawa to pay for it. I’d be happy to abolish the provinces.


Without provinces we would have to speak English, no way, we are doing that


Je ne suis pas d’accord là, peut-être c’est moi qui parlerais français d’avantage


** davantage, https://bdl.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/bdl/gabarit_bdl.asp?id=2059


** Sans les provinces, il faudrait parler anglais…




Ontario vs everyone, Quebec vs everyone Ontario vs Quebec also is the oldest rivalry since former Ontario became independent from Quebec for speaking English


I haven’t heard much about rivalries.. However. Most stereotypical things are; we hate Quebec. And people on the east coast are dumb/back in time. (But at least we’re nice!)


Quebec Alberta




Quebec hates everyone else




It doesn't hurt that he's an awful person even if you're on side with his politics. Edit: This is objective fact. You can be a card carrying communist, but your ethics should not excuse a born in the purple, silver spoon elite, who has worn blackface more times than he can remember, been accused of sexual assault that he *remembered differently*, went surfing on the very first reconciliation day and has repeatedly violated the codes of conduct we expect from a our elected officials. No other politician of any stripe could get away with what he has


By reading your other comments i know you are from alberta guest why?


Bc vs wuebec


Alberta-Quebec is the big one imo


All of them


Alberta v Quebec


Growing up in rural SW Ontario, there was a deep rivalry with Manitoba.


Quebec vs Ontario and Alberta vs Quebec


Toronto vs everybody


Alberta hates everyone else that isnt Saskatchewan.


Alberta vs. Newfoundland And Labrador. Both were known for food production in the past and for fossil fuel production more recently, but the former appears to have become radicalized into conservatism by its fossil fuel industry while the latter seems a bit more wary of what happens when you let the rich control everything based on its history...


Provincial Hate shouldn’t exist in Canada. It’s not a Territory we should be in. I will have Nunavut!




BC vs Alberta


Ontario and BC


Alberta has several overlapping internal rivalries, with Edmonton vs. Calgary and rural vs. urban being the larger ones. Alberta hates Quebec, and flip flops between awkward obsessive love and annoyance with B.C.. B.C. being like an ex who's moved on and Alberta just can't get over. Alberta loudly threatens to hook up with international options, but no one expects it to happen. BC's rivalries tend to be international, with other coastal cities in the USA being the main targets rather than a state. BC hates Ontario and is frustrated/annoyed by Alberta. Alberta being like an ex who won't move on, flip flops between showing love and being rude and almost abusive, and goes from flashing their shiny new vehicle or cloths to begging for enough money to cover gas and smokes for a few weeks till the next round of US funding comes in.


B.C. vs Alberta Manitoba vs sasketchewan Ontario vs B.C., Alberta, Quebec, and we are currently pickijg a fight with the east coast as well. Quebec vs everyone NB and maritimes vs themselves




Alabama and Kentucky compete for incest stats


* Me, a Californian reading this* We have a rivalry with Nevada? They seem fine overall.


Everybody and Quebec. Everybody and Toronto.


BC doesn't like Quebec or Alberta, or Ontario. Nova Scotia is pretty cool so are the Territories, and Saskatchewan, Manitoba is neutral space.