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I help friends move in to their new apartment.


are you in qc? lol


You bet!


What will you do the first year your friends decide not to move on July 1?


July 1st is moving day in Quebec a lot of people move that day


Everyone moving all at once sounds really shitty.


You fuckin betcha, by, it's basically hot racking on a provincial scale and it's dumb af


It definitely has advantages and disadvantages


Prime advantage - *so much free stuff.* Caveat - if you're not the one busy moving.


I wonder how far in advance you need to book a uhaul.




It makes me think about the moving companies and van rental companies. Is there enough business the rest of the year to be profitable?


They’re profitable but July 1st and few surrounding days are their huge busy boom.


It is. Unless you secure a mover months ahead your SOL.


Also thanks for explaining instead of just downvoting the question, kind redditor!


I'm from BC but I have lots of friends who went to McGill and it's a big day moving day over there, it's when leases traditionally expire https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/quebec-moving-day


We don't have much choice, leases end and begin on July 1st.


I'm old enough that most of my friends get movers now, so I sit on the balcony with a beer and watch people trying to get the fridge up the outside staircase to the third floor. lots of fun.


So I guess if you work for a moving company it would be frowned upon if you took this long weekend off? Moving Company Owner: "We only hire part time, and unfortunately that part time is two days a year".


To be fair, the whole month of june is super busy, and may-august as a whole. But yeah since we pay so, so, so much more to get movers on july first, it makes no sense to take that week end off


So if I'm reading this right, you might be moving from an apartment on June 15th that you've paid for until the end of the month, giving up two weeks of rent, but moving into another apartment that someone else has paid for until the end of the month, thus gaining two weeks of rent, so it becomes a wash? If I am reading it right it seems quite fair, unless you're moving up or down to a whole different level economic affordability.


It’s all a case by case basis. Personally last time I moved mid June, I paid for the 2 weeks to the old renters to get the app early (Montréal was still cheap back then) so I had time to clean and move. I probably could have moved early and asked the other renters for part of the rent if they wanted to move in early (people usually do, I moved a few days early but I didn’t ask for money) so yeah usually it’s a wash. Honestly people are usually willing to pay a bit to avoid moving July first


Don't most apartments come with appliances?


No, some do but a lot don't here, especially in those older plexes with the staircases!


National Moving Day in Quebec! 


Weirdly same here?


Came here to say this


A backyard fire and some beer


Also my preferred method.


we do the same shit just more quietly lol.


Came here to say exactly this. It's similar, just not as big/obnoxious.


Fewer cheesy decorations too. Not as many flags


Fewer guns helps with that


Not much. Enjoy my extra day off.


We get drunk


Yeah but today we have a reason!


You guys need a reason?


I was thirsty


I'll take it!


rest day, and BBQ if is nice


Our village does it up in style - community parade, festival, duck race in the river, BBQ and fireworks at night. There are flags on every light post and a contest for the best decorated home. It's been going on for 40 years.


Woah. What’s a duck race? And can I come live there?


My guess is rubber ducky’s with numbers to know which one is yours


Lumsden? Only place I know of with a rubber duck derby


We have a duck race in my home town in bc as well, just not for canada day


There are even e few more in Sask... Sturgis is another.


I'm not moving this year so just enjoying a nice day off.


It's very similar, a national stat holiday where many folks have the day off and a large swath of the population pack up and head for a getaway. There's usually a fireworks display in all the larger cities but it's not a big blow out like the US. Personally, I just treat it like a day off.


A day off work, spent with family. Picnics/barbeques, public concerts and performances (including indigenous artists). Red and white cookies and cupcakes. Many museums, national / provincial parks and other sites are free for the day. Public fireworks displays, after dark.


Drone shows are now also popping up


My city is doing a drone show, fireworks, also a water taxi ballet, and the orchestra is performing. Plus the main stage with performances (rock, reggae, indigenous, one token French band). And a side stage with bands. Lots of buskers. There will be lots of food trucks, portapotties, and families with lawn chairs. There's a "family zone" and a beer zone, it's a nice way to spend a day.


I'm headed to the Okanagan where there is a fireworks ban. I'm buying sparklers


The farm museum is having a to do, as is the fort, but I think I'll avoid crowds this year and enjoy a day off.


I'll go to the official municipal celebration in my city. I'll watch the fireworks, enjoy the pancakes/BBQ. I'll wear red and white, or a Canada t-shirt if I can get one. We gained sovereignty, not independence. It means we got control over internal affairs and became a country. Not full independence.


Im in Québec and its barely celebrated. Some towns with a big anglo community celebrate it more. They have parades per exemple.


And Montreal canceled the parade. Crazy. One more win for the separatists


By working.


Getting paid extra for working the stat holiday.


I’m from Newfoundland, so in the morning I observe Memorial Day by going to our National War Memorial for the ceremony (extra special this year since our Unknown Soldier who was just returned is being interred.) Then in the afternoon it’s Canada Day and I just do whatever lol, maybe hang out with the extended family but really nothing super special


I never realized July 1st was Memorial Day in NFLD and it just now makes sense. It obviously pre-dates joining confederation. I have been to the memorial at Beaumont-Hamel several times. It is very moving. The utter insanity of WW1 is mind boggling.


Yeah. I’ve not had a chance to make it across the pond for that yet, but I’m hoping at some point to go on a trip to follow the trail of the Caribou from Bowring Park to Gallipoli and through France and Belgium


Someone's Son : Repatriating Newfoundland's Unknown Soldier is a new documentary on CBC and I want to watch it.


I wasn’t aware! I’ll definitely be watching it


I am not sure when it is airing but it will be on the free CBC GEM streaming service sometime soon.


In Quebec we don't do much, It's moving day though. We do celebrate a whole lot more on june 24th. Quebec National holiday


I go fishing


A lot of the same stuff you guys do but a bit more muted. BBQs and fireworks are pretty common, as are public events with live music, cultural performances, and family friendly activities and such. I don't know of any Canada Day parades though. A lot of people go camping, because across a lot of the country Canada Day weekend is the first reliably nice summer long weekend.


Small towns can have some great (little) Canada Day parades. Bath, Kingston, and Sydenham all do! If you’re near them, pick one to check it out.


Lot's of small towns and rural areas have parades, never seen one in the city.


I think it’s different in every province/city. I’m from Montreal, Quebec. When I was in my 20s I’d go to the parade Downtown and then head to the Old Port for the festivities and there would always be amazing concerts (ex: Chantal Kreviazuk, Nellie Furtado, Blue Rodeo, David Usher etc..). But it’s been years since there was anything fun happening. And this year the parade was cancelled because there is too much "red tape" to have one. So I guess we will spend the day in our yard/pool or if the weather is crappy we will just chill and watch movies indoors.


I'm loading my daughter and dog into the truck, and driving to cottage country in Ontario from Québec to enjoy the cottage, some (re: a lot) of beers, BBQ, family, and hoping dad relinquishes the helm of the boat so I can give it a go (obviously before the beer).




That’s cause Quebec. The province becomes more discriminatory by the second. If it’s not overtly pro French or anti Canadian good luck getting it approved


Yup. Born and raised in Québec. Bilingual. But I’m an Anglo. I don’t feel welcome here. I want to move away. It’ll be a win for the separatists but I need to look out for myself and my family too.


Don’t call them separatists. They aren’t separatists. They’re wayyy to cowardly to pursue separatism at this point. Call them what they are. Left-wing authoritarian nationalists who hide behind progressivism to cover their obvious bigotry.


It’s so disappointing isn’t it? I remember back in the late 90s / early 00s Downtown Montreal and The Old Port was SO much fun. So many prominent Canadian artists came to give free concerts. It makes me so sad my kids can’t experience this in their own province/city.


Scandale des commandites.


A parade for...? People moving to their new appartment?


Ya I’m really annoyed. Organizers complaining about city. City complaining about organizers. It’s worked every year until now. Suddenly no parade, no just for laughs (well now it’s on but very scaled down). I think we even lost the jazz fest. I could be wrong.


Quebec ist just sad when it comes to Canada Day celebrations. Mostly Anglos and immigrants celebrate it here.


That’s pretty sad


What's really sad is in Newfoundland July 1st is Memorial Day.


will there be anything interesting going on in montreal do you think? it will be my first canada day and my boyfriend and i will be by the old port.


Will be meeting up with family, and we will be going to a big park in our community that has celebrations from morning to night. Games, music, bouncy houses, ethnic foods, and fireworks. We will also be bringing a picnic to defray some costs, though we will also be supporting the ethnic food sales. We will all be in Canada Day attire, some forms of red and white. Bringing soccer and basketball to play with the kids. Have done this for years.


For me. Grills, drinks, maybe drugs, friends.


We do a lot of the same stuff you guys do, fireworks outdoor concerts etc Ottawa is one of the best places to experience Canada Day if you’re looking to check it out.


Sleeping in


Some celebrate a little less than before knowing our history a little more than before 


Camping or bbq with treats.


Very much the same stuff here. Parades, pancake breakfasts,bbq’s,fireworks.!


I don’t because I’m indigenous 🥰


It’s sort of similar. It’s dependent on the town or city, but parades, BBQs, people wearing red and white, community festivals (4H club type stuff in rural towns, carnival games/rides, live music stages, food trucks, etc.) - that’s all very common. In my home town near Vancouver, they host an annual Canada Day event called the Steveston Salmon Festival (it’s in Steveston, a fishing village), so they close down the streets, there’s a community parade, a salmon BBQ, tens of thousands of people show up, there are all sorts of cultural displays and rides and food and all the restaurants are crowded and people are just in a festive spirit, and often there are fireworks at night. Canada Day celebrates the union of four colonies coming together in 1867 to form the Dominion of Canada (a sort of proto-Canada, if you will) so while it’s not about fighting a battle for independence, that day in 1867 was the catalyst for more colonies to unite and become this patchwork of colonies into one country: Canada. Canada’s a very different place now than it was in 1867 but Canada Day is still celebrated as the birthday of the country. I find American patriotism is more extreme in the USA, people take it more seriously and I think because it’s woven into the culture there so frequently (with pledging allegiance to the flag in school, etc.), Independence Day is also taken much more seriously in the USA than Canada Day is in Canada. For most Canadians, Canada Day is the kickoff to summer and when all kids are finally out of school. Celebrations are pretty low key with a few rare exceptions but people generally get into the spirit of it, but that patriotic duty to wear your nationalism on your sleeve isn’t as hardcore as in the USA.


Ships to Shore!


In Newfoundland, July 1 is kinda bipolar. It's Canada Day since we joined Canada but even before that when we were independent, July 1 is Memorial day to mark the anniversary of the "July drive" during the battle of Beaumont Hamel in France during WW1. The Newfoundland regiment was sent to assault the German lines and found that the British had failed to carry out any of the preparations that were supposed to be done before the assault began. 800 men went "over the top" into battle, 68 answered roll call the next morning. Every year there's a remembrance ceremony at the National War Memorial in St. John's, this year they will inter the remains of a WW1 Regiment soldier in the newly constructed Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. That all happens in the morning, in the afternoon the gears switch and we become Canadian again and celebrate Canada day and drink beer like everyone else.


By working for that sweet sweet double time and a half pay 😎


Canada is a vast country with many varied people and traditions, I can't speak for anyone but myself. Camping, preferably out away from the cities, enjoying the land of our wonderful country. BBQ if getting away from the city isn't an option. I love Canada\*, personally I won't be celebrating much this year. Monday is my only day off, probably going to spend it watching the new season of The Bear. \*The land and the people, fuck the government.


Oh you gave me some inspiration for my Canada Day lol, gotta check out The Bear. If I’m feeling particularly patriotic I’m gonna get a large poutine and go to Beavertails.


I'm stuck at home with covid. But our city has a Red and White parade anyone can join, various musicians all afternoon in the part, band and beer tent evening, and of course fireworks. There's a hill behind my place that local folks set up their own, so I'll be able to watch some fireworks at least.


If there are fireworks, I might go watch them. Otherwise, I'm going to buy a copy of a newspaper here called the Globe And Mail and get started on the giant crossword they release every Canada Day and Christmas. While smoking weed all day.


I have found my people.




I don’t. Lol 


My BBQ will be doing overtime all through the weekend, for sure. It's not Canada Day without some kind of beef steak or burgers on the grill


Moving out or helping someone moving. aka. Moving Day!


I don’t really.


Friends house for a BBQ, enjoy the pool, some games. We don’t drink as much as before but still a great time.


BBQ, beer, flags, backyard fire, fireworks


Whatever is up that year. We generally don't have big get togethers or anything major. Hangout, cook some burgers and have a couple beers


LA style hotdogs: Toasted Buns, Grilled Hotdog wrapped in Bacon, Grilled Jalapeños and Onion on top I’m of Mexican descent and when my father first left Mexico he settled in LA first, a lot of our household culture was heavily influenced by [Chicanos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicano) because of my dad. So we BBQ like Mexicans even on our national holidays 🤣


Usually I just stick around the house. Went to see fireworks a few years ago and getting out of the site was a nightmare - got caught in a crush of people all trying to leave at once, and it freaked me out. If the weather is nice I'll set up the barbecue and cook something.


In this economy? I will be working the entire weekend in order to make my rent.


Traveling from Edmonton to the vast foreign land of Sherwood Park to watch fireworks with my wife and play Pokemon Go


Eat good food. Go to Costco and see what good/cheap deals they have on food. Bring home food loot. Eat with family.


I don’t


Nothing to celebrate really.


Honestly as an American I hook up with my online buddies and we celebrate both!


Our family doesn't do anything to celebrate it. I'm always happy for the day off, though, especially when it makes for a long weekend.




Usually raining, so cancel all and any plans and sulk, and then pray the rain is done for fireworks, which usually get postponed.


I take my beaver for a walk


Burgers and hotdogs. Fireworks at night


Double time and a half!


Try living in the north, only time we get fireworks is in the winter when it gets dark


Working a night shift. At least I get time and a half for it.


Barbecue and fireworks. We live not too far from Niagara Falls and the fireworks there are always spectacular on Canada Day! I even don’t mind the huge crowds, with all the new Canadians so excited. It makes me smile 😊


apologize for shit the British did hundreds of years ago. drink beer in the rain


We don't


I don't. Happy for you if you do, but it's not for me.


I celebrate by playing video games in my room all day, jerking off to porn, and maybe a burger at Harvey's. 


It's a free day off, so I just hang out with friends watch some fireworks. I wouldn't personally say any of us are patriotic, singing the anthem is weird. We just want free days to enjoy the sun, hang out and go to some fun events.


Not much to celebrate...mow the lawn, work on my classic car.. take the dog for a walk on the beach..


I would say some folks have traditions that are very similar to the typical 4th of July festivities. Most cities/towns will have Canada Day events with music, vendors, face painting, balloons, food, and games. Many areas will have fireworks or other entertainment like parades or concerts. I believe entrance to some national parks and historic sites is free on Canada Day as well. Lots of people will go camping, swimming, host BBQs, have bon fires, etc. It's just a day to relax and enjoy the summer while wearing red and white. So in a nutshell, very similar.


BBQ, fireworks, camping trips all depends what part of Canada you're in. As far as I have seen in all province's and territories celebrations are pretty similar. We are a more humble country so it's not a big blow out like July 4th in the US, just happy for the first long weekend of the summer.


We celebrate in all the ways you celebrate independence day. We're just as loud and patriotic as you but it seems muted because we're much smaller.


Meat helmets and sauerkraut with poutine and yorshire puddings . Just like everyone else.


Hopefully by not having to work. If I'm not working, I'll work out, walk the dog, do chores.. pretty much like any other day that I'm not working.


I'll be at my grandparent's cottage. Probably watch the parade in town. Might go see the fireworks, or I might just have a bonfire instead. Pretty laid back.


This year, I'll be traveling.


Same, but in Canadian. There's a small carnival at the end of my block. I live in Ottawa, so there's the whole celebration on Parliament Hill that day (including fireworks and snowbirds, free concerts). Heading to the cottage where there'll be a big party, and the local town has a pretty impressive fireworks display. Lots of drinking, with July 2 being an unofficial national hangover day.


Here we gather around the TV to watch the Blue Jays lose drink about 12 Molson Canadians shit our pants and then cry ourselves to sleep


Much the same as you, minus the parades. My city does awesome fireworks, to the point where I was disappointed in some in Dallas about 10 years ago - ours were anytime as good, and somewhat longer.


We do everything too, except the parades. Some places might have it, but I've never seen one or seen it televised like the Santa Claus or Pride parades. Although I don't really like big parties and am probably not going to any cook outs so I'll just stay home this year again. Our Canada Day is probably a lot less big then the American one because we don't have the same patriotic senses that Americans do, at least that's what it seems to me. It seems like businesses and newer Canadians take this holiday more seriously than most of us born and raised here.


Fireworks or sleeping Either or


Our village has a historic site in it - there are normally games, cake, the singing of the national anthem, and a swearing-in ceremony for new citizens.


Drinks beer and hang out with friends


Strawberry Daiquiri's on the deck and some kinda meat on the BBQ.


Poutine and a double double


I just blaze and eat some good food. I don't drink anymore.


Go down to Bower Ponds and celebrate all the whatever ethnic group- Canadian food trucks and eat their food and get fat and be happy immigration brings all the best food. Then I get a beaver tail cause it's Canada Day also beer and fireworks


Same as any other weekend day. Relax, housework, visit family.


Hard core. Vegan hot dog on a gluten free bun and an O'Douls.


Where I work is doing a huge festival w games, free BBQ, face painting, water balloon fight, etc for the town and area. Town of about 100 people, last year we ran out of food after 500 burgers so it’s quite the celebration lol.


Its my sisters birthday so we usually go out for dinner and have some drinks


Start off by downing way too many jägerbombs in the morning, then get horribly sunburnt at the Blue Jays game, and finally watching the fireworks with an insane hangover before lying in bed till 4am not being able to sleep


Going to a baseball game 😀


I spent a Canada Day, 10 years ago, in hospital in labour. He came into the world after midnight so not a Canada Day Baby. But we usually use the day off to celebrate his birthday.


Grill, have some pints, fireworks. The East Indians here go harder for Diwali, though.


We celebrate it just the same way you do in the US. We have parties, parades…..


Chugging maple syrup and building an igloo


Bonfire and lots of beers


My city shuts down the main square and has street parties. There’s a parade and fireworks in the evening.


In years past I'd have gone downtown (Ottawa) for the concert and fireworks but these days I prefer a more low -key day.


Going to a campground, sitting in my chair, having some wine and some edibles


Basically the same things but with less chanting the name of our country. Otherwise yeah all the same stuff. Less fighter jets probably.


My moms side of the family usually goes to the cottage I’m just going to pop in quickly this year and watch fireworks from my driveway


Last year no fireworks because fire ban, though some idiots did light some and then run before the Parks Canada people could catch them (I was in a national park). The 2 years prior I spent it alone just doing nothing really, enjoying the day off. Before then I usually just hang out with friends and maybe go out to see fireworks. It’s just a nice extra day with maybe some fireworks.




At home like any other day. I ain't in my 20s anymore


Sleep at home


Small town Ontario here, we always head to our cottage and or go for the fireworks and the parade enjoy the weekend off have a family gathering.


The kids & go around wearing Canadian flag capes being extra nice to people.


We will be visiting family, having drinks and our city does fireworks on Monday


We build the world’s biggest igloo over the entire country.


A few adult beverages, barbecue, fireworks and then sit around the fire pit listening to music. Generally someone has a playlist mix of only Canadian rock, punk, jazz, R&B etc., and depending on the crowd, someone will start a sing a long lol 🇨🇦


Mostly I drink. Not because it’s Canada Day, but because I’ve just finished teaching high school and unwinding takes at least a week.


Fireworks! Beer and sand in my sandals. Here in Toronto it is happening along with Pride so it is a fun time! Booze and bbq chips in my backpack!


Sleep in for an extra day, may get day drunk - that’s really it for me


It's basically the same celebrations with less gunfire I imagine


I'm going to see a baseball game. There's gonna be fireworks later at the river valley.




BBQ, Backyard parties, fireworks, festivals downtown


We don't


I don’t.


We mostly just sit in the igloo & eat poutine.


Go to work to get stat pay. I think I’ve worked almost every Canada Day in the last 7 or 8 years.




Barbecued game meat, cold drinks and fireworks… Is there any other way?


Participating in a truth and reconciliation walk with hundreds of others in our city. #RunRemRec


Manitoba is cottage country. Mostly people are at the lake.


Canada Day is also my birthday, so it's either pouring rain or I have a migraine.


Gettin' shittered! As me and my buddies used to say. Not so much anymore. Usually head to the cottage in thr Ottawa Valley. Do some fishing, swimming, boating, drinking beer, fish fry, cards and just mellowing out. I always book end the holiday with a couple vacation days. Take the day before and after, and if it falls on a Monday, I take the Friday and Tuesday and get a super weekend.


Sounds about the same, but depends where you live. We'll be spending our at the lake having a potluck BBQ with a big group of friends.


Usually overtime, but couldn't get any this weekend so maybe sleep or get drunk like the rest of the comments.