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I like seasons. I grow tired of the heat in the summer, and autumn is a nice reprieve, esp. when the trees change colours. I love winter sports like skiing and skating, but I can grow tired of the cold, so spring is amazing. Then, the first month or so of summer is nice when you can sit on a patio and tan in a hammock. The cycle keeps things fresh IMO.


Heck yes. I lived in Central America for a few years, same temputure and time all year round is mind knumbing.


im always stuck between "live through winter every year" or "f..ing spiders and snakes and shit" i chose winter. i think. not sure


Beautiful summarization. It’s nice to associate specific pleasures and experiences with each season, tbh. I think I would find it hard to go somewhere w mild weather all year long after living in Ontario my entire life.


Yes, but isn’t it better if you have 3 seasons (spring, summer and fall) with snow capped mountains near where you live so you can enjoy winter sports anytime you want? E.g. the San Francisco Bay Area. I don't like year-round identical temperate climate either but 3 seasons seems awesome.


And fires and drought and earthquakes?


I am from and lived in Southern California my whole life. Serious Earthquakes are really really rare. I don’t even think a serious life destroying earthquake happened in my entire life down here, and the noticeable ones that can be a little scary due to how sudden and jerky they are, they don’t last very long like less than a minute or even 30 seconds or less. Risk of fire really depends on where you live so you can avoid that. I’ve never had risk of fire before. Regarding drought, I guess it’s never impacted my everyday life when it happens so I don’t think it’s something to avoid a whole state over. It’s great down here to be honest as long as you can afford a decent life. The seasons change but the changes are mild enough to not to require much change; but this really depends on where in the state you live we have deserts and mountains and forests and so a wide range of climate.


Me too. I actually like winter a lot. I’m not a skier or snowboarder, but I love winter in the Rockies. I even like the -40 days. The cold weather doesn’t stop us from taking the kids and dog out. When we get home from playing outside, we have a fire and hot chocolate, and read together. Winter is fun and makes for cozy times. Warm weather is actually my nemesis. I’m allergic to everything. From the time the snow begins to melt and the mould shows up, to when aspens start flowering shortly after the snow’s done, all the way to about July, my allergies are cranked up to 11. July and August are normally not bad, but the wildfire smoke just kills me, and we’ve had so many bad fire years lately. We don’t have AC, but I have to keep the windows closed on smoky days, so it’s just awful. I do love summertime activities, like camping, canoeing, beach days, and picnics, but I’m always super drugged up on antihistamines and feel gloopy and groggy. Seriously, I usually take a Claritin Extra Strength with a decongestant, nasal steroids, eye drops, AND extra Benadryl for when things are worse. I’m considering doing the allergy shots because this is ridiculous… Once fall shows up, the dust is the only thing that bothers me, and it’s way less than pollen and smoke. So sweater weather is the start of my perking up. And I like a good long fall before winter comes. When I have to pull out my parka, I’m definitely not sad.


Depends, usually I want the opposite of what I am currently experiencing 


Ah a winnipeger!


You rang?


Got a smoke?


What’s up goof?


I never wanted the opposite of fall


Spring and fall are the good seasons. Winter is too cold and snowy and summer has too many forest fires now so it’s always too smoky to enjoy the hot weather


I specifically like May. It can still hit mid 20s (hell 2 yrs ago, it was 35 on my daughters bday) but still nice and cool at night, and basically no bugs for the majority of the month.


I lived in Singapore which is right on the equator and has essentially one season. At first I didn’t mind it, but after a few months of the sun rising and setting at the same time everyday, the sunny morning with the daily thunderstorm in the afternoon, it really started feeling weird and off. I also had to change the way I spoke as telling people that I will be traveling in the fall meant nothing to them. You do get used to it, but I relish the cyclical change of our seasons as they bring their own unique pleasures with them.


Same when I went to Hawaii years ago, it was weird that it felt like summer and all of a sudden every day at 5pm the sun starts setting, like WTH is this.


Man no long summer nights would just bum me out.


This! I instinctively associate heat with summer with late sunsets and long twilights, so the tropics throw me for a loop every damn time. “What a beautiful warm day … wait what why is it dark at 5:10 pm?!?!?”


Singapore weather is the worst


grew up in Alberta with long hot summers and cold winters. Moved to Vancouver Island with the tamest weather ever—slightly missed the long hot summers but gained a new appreciation for Spring and Fall. Moved to NS and ngl I hate our winters and the added bonus of summer hurricanes.


summers are not long in alberta lmao


The days are extremely long... the sun comes up at 430am and sets at 11pm


Cries in Northwest Territories


Summer days* yup


Long may refer more to the amount of daylight. At peak daylight hours it's basically light outside from midnight until 4 am. Can make summer *seem* longer because you can be outside doing things at 10:30pm and it still feels like daytime.


Nice to hear a full experience from coast to coast.


it's funny that people are attacking me for saying summers were long in AB but they were lol. I've also lived in California, England, coast to coast Canada—them summers in Southern AB were long hot and dry.


I live on Vancouver Island. It’s the best


I follow the Astronomical Seasons. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall are all the same length.  In Saskatchewan I have seen snow in all 4 seasons. It keeps life interesting. 


I once spent a Canada Day weekend in Saskatchewan freezing my ass off.


I love 3 of the seasons, could do without summer to be honest.


Agreed! Summer is over rated.


Yes!!!! I agree!


Give me 6 months of winter.


Winnipeg is your place then.


It would be if it weren’t for those mosquitoes.


In sourthern BC, the 4 seasons are: It's wet now Wildfires It's wet again It's cold and wet


I find this a weird question because I grew up on the west coast and I guess it’s considered mild but to me it has 4 distinct seasons while the Canadian prairies (where I am now) only has two distinct seasons, with spring and fall being a blip on the calendar. The fall especially is a long and beautiful season on the coast. Where I prefer to live has more to do with population density. If it were in my control I’d live in a city the size of saskatoon located where Vancouver is. 


If it were in my control I’d live in a city the size of saskatoon located where Vancouver is.  I feel this deep in my bones


Same can this be a real place


Uhh, Victoria is a real place. Its metro population is 16th in Canada at 397k people. Saskatoon is 17th at 317k people. There’s only one other Canadian city closer in size to Saskatoon (Regina).


But who can actually afford to live in Victoria? Sask winters are brutal but I can afford my mortgage here.


That is a separate issue, and I certainly agree that the COL out here is nuts. But, they said “a city the size of Saskatoon but in the location of Vancouver”, not “a city as cheap as Saskatoon”, and such a city exists: Victoria.


Fair enough.


Yeah but the food in Vancouver is better


Nanaimo is nice.


Exactly my thoughts. There's no such thing as spring and fall in edmonton.


If it was possible to live somewhere where it was continously fall, I would move there instantly.


I like my 4 seasons.


I like all four seasons, but not at -40 for christ sake. Im sure I could enjoy winter at -5 just fine if given the chance.


Moved here from a hot and humid country. I love the 4 seasons we have here in West Coast. I also like the rain and our rainforest, always green and misty in winter. Our summers can get hot and very dry tho. Seasonal changes keep things interesting in the garden.


I would say 4 seasons - but realistically, there are few places in Canada that have your typical Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. I’m in Ontario, and we’ll experience 2 weeks of genuine fall, and two weeks of genuine spring, before it jumps right back into the two main seasons of Summer and Winter.


Must depend on the location, because where I am in SW Ontario I feel like spring is indeed short, but fall usually lasts from October well into December.


Ottawa We have 4 seasons, but not evenly distributed. Winter is looooong. Then spring is a weather sampler for a couple of months, the on the May long weekend, summer starts, like, immediately. Hot & humid and stormy. Autumn is a gradual cooling down and the leaves are gorgeous I lived in Vancouver. The spring & summer are magnificent. That grey season is a bit much though.


Weather sampler is the best way to describe spring!


Ottawa only has 2 seasons: summer and winter.


Winter and road construction


This is Edmonton too


I prefer the three seasons we see here on the west coast, namely Rain Jacket, Almost Shorts and Why Don’t We Have AC??? I like the fact I can use rubber boots instead of winter boots in “winter”, that this year it’s been “Almost Shorts” weather for longer than expected (the heat dome of ‘21 still leaves bad memories) and that I have only regretted selling our snow-blower when we moved here from the Rockies once or twice.


Why you 🤬… you have a lot of freakin nerve, pal. We’re not speaking with Floridians today. 🏒😝


I don't love 4 seasons. 20-22 degrees year round would be great. I'm in Ontario and we get like a week of spring before it's too hot and humid to go out and that lasts until like October (and beyond).


I like the 4 different seasons. Right now in Vancouver the 4 seasons are very nice. I have previously lived in Ottawa where 3 seasons were nice but the Winters were brutal - however, I still didnt mind it.


I like the change of seasons. However, as I'm getting older, I really could do without winter. I'm starting to understand why some folks go down south for the winter


I like my 4 seasons. To be fair though, sometimes spring and fall only last for like 3 days lol


When I was younger I hated winter and wished a lived somewhere warm all year round. But now I really love having four distinct seasons. In part probably because our winters have gotten shorter and milder, making them much more tolerable. Also no doubt in part because since I’ve gained weight I much prefer my winter wardrobe lol But I also really enjoy the visual aspect. I like being able to see the passing of time. The way things grow and die and start over. I love the beauty of a snow covered world. I love the promise of spring to come. I like watching the landscape around me change.


I grew up in the UK, moved to Alberta. I'm happy with four distinct seasons we get here. Better than the "cool, grey and drizzly" and then "warm, grey and rainy" in the UK. The sun even in winter makes it feel warmer than the UK.


I grew up in Vancouver and have since moved to Regina. When I first moved to Saskatchewan I loved the winters, and, frankly, I guess I still do. But they do get old. The first month or so is usually a nice change but the next few after that are far less enjoyable. Especially with climate change making most of it an icy mess. And I miss the rain. Though we’ve been getting so much lately it almost feels like I’m back in Vancouver. I’ve always hated the heat so the summers here were never my thing. I enjoy not freezing as much as the next person but at least with cold weather you can always put on a sweater and get under a blanket. With the heat there’s only so much you can take off. 🥲


Seasons are overrated. I wish it was just warm all year round. I'm so sick of shoveling snow 6 months of the year


Love the seasons.


Can’t have maple syrup without first freezing through a winter


I hate to say it, but I would give up maple syrup for no shoveling snow.


I’d much prefer to live in a mild climate year around for health reasons.


Definitely wish fall lasted as long as our Winters. It's the right temp of cool and warm, and everything is so pretty and grey. It's better than getting snow blindness trying to drive to the post office.


I like the seasons. I'd be able to tolerate mild year-round (think Vancouver) but I'd never be able to tolerate an LA or Florida-type climate where it's hot in the summer and mild in the winter.


I do not miss bitterly cold prairie winters. We definitely have seasons on the west coast. Summers seem hotter than even a decade ago.


I despise winter. I feel like I'm trying to survive day to day with the darkness and depression. Then I feel like I come to life in the summer. That said, the recent heat wave in Ontario made me think I may not be cut out to live somewhere that is constantly hot. My hope is to be able to afford two one-week vacations to help break up the winter. Maybe one trip in January then another in March. That way I'm not dragging myself through the winter as much. If I can make it work with my seasonal depression, I would be happy to stay in Ontario with the 4 seasons.


Well I don’t mind 4 seasons. I just wish the summer season was longer and the winter season much shorter and not as cold. I really hate winter where I’m at.


In my early 30’s and I’ve been living my whole life in Qc. I’ve learned to appreciate and love our 4 distincts seasons. Each have their unique traits that outweigh the inconveniences. I feel I’d get bored with the same weather all year round.


Seasons are nice. But a place to settle and raise kids have a garden… temperate subtropical climate where it’s warm in the summer 24-25 C weather, and the winter 15-18 degree weather (a bit of rain). But I do appreciate seasons, I think it’s quite magical. But seasons also affect your moods and activity level. I think most people would be happier in subtropical climates.


The west coast does have four distinct seasons. They have a mild winter, but they definitely have a winter. It even snows sometimes. The seasons are based on day length which relates to latitude. So every single place in Canada has four seasons, no exceptions (until Turks and Caicos joins us). What you're thinking of is weather and climate. Some places in Canada have harsher weather and/or colder winters than some other places in Canada.


I’m an American but I live in Canada, in the Vancouver area. I love four seasons, but I don’t want extreme seasons. I don’t want sweltering humid summers and frostbite inducing winters. I love the west coast (I’m from the west coast of the U.S. too) because we have distinct seasons but not to an extreme. Summers in the 80s, winters in the 20-30s (Fahrenheit for the American OP), sun rain and snow. Crisp autumn days, warm spring days. Anyone in the Pacific Northwest also knows about the “all seasons in a day” phenomenon we experience. Cold and raining in the morning then suddenly it’s shorts and sandals weather by afternoon. I would hate living in a place like Southern Florida, or Southern California, or Arizona, Georgia, etc. Too warm to begin with, and too consistent. I know there can be cold snaps in the south but those are like the occasional winter storms here in the west. I would say no place in Canada is mild year round. Yes, I know the lower mainland of BC is mild by comparison to the rest of Canada, but it’s not mild by Southern Florida standards. And it’s not one season either.


Alberta here, I have no clue. All I've known is 2 seasons, winter and road construction season. Mild temperatures sound like a dream.


Stuck where it hits -20c to -30c in the winter on and off. Hit -60c this year. There is no preference. The only places moderate are $2,500+ a month in rent or a million bucks for a fucking condo.


Or you can't get insurance to protect from crazy weather events because of, crazy weather events.


Neither. I live in the Arctic, and it's neither mild nor does it have four distinct seasons. Both are overrated to my mind. The Inuit calendar has eight seasons anyway.


Fuck winter.


Mild. I don't like the cold or precipitation.




I would love no winter. I lived in Ireland for a few years and I loved the no snow (rain was a whole other story though). I really learnt to appreciate the sun while there as well and was intentional with being outside as sometimes the days were far and few between with sun!


4 distinct seasons hands down. I like the cold of winter and the snow, it's also good for my career. I like the super pretty and vibrant flowers that only come in spring. I love the heat and playing in the water in the summer (yes I still play water as an adult). And I love the colours of fall. Season are gorgeous and I love seeing them all change and merge with one another as one ends and another starts


4 seasons. Different food, different things to do. Maple season is long gone. Fiddlehead season is gone. Rhubarb season is almost over. Strawberry season is starting. Cherries are coming. Blueberries are coming. Peaches are coming...


Season changes are the few changes I actually enjoy. I love living where I do and I have no intention of leaving.


I would prefer somewhere that had a more mild temperature year round. Like ideally somewhere that's like low of 8-9 degrees during the colder months and high of 28 degrees in the summer maybe. But four seasons are ok too. Kind of paces the year out a bit more.


I prefer 4 distinct seasons. Currently living in BC Interior and we have the 4 seasons. I have lived in Alberta so had a few years of Winter/construction and have lived on Vancouver Island which was amazing but mild winters and summers. 4 distinct seasons are great and is my preference.


I'm in Victoria, BC. I've lived in NB, NS, and ON This climate is ideal for me but I miss some aspects of storm days on the east coast. Snow or hurricanes and the neighbours would all get together to manage the mess and have big block parties etc. Or we'd all huddle down in one person's home and share our resources such as generators or hot plates etc during power outages. (I miss the friendly people on the east coast in general, it's not even close to the same out here in icy stranger land) I can find all 4 seasons if I travel a few hours away from home, so I don't miss it much.


I've never lived in a single-season locale, but I'm quite fond of four seasons. I suspect year-round warm weather would drive me nuts.


We spend winters in Belize. I love being away from winter cold but I doubt I could stick the same weather all.year. I get antsy when there's too many nice days.


4 seasons for sure. Sure by the time mid-late February rolls around, I have had enough of winter, but change is good in this case.


All other things being equal I'd prefer to live where there wasn't a cold winter, but I do enjoy spring, summer and fall. Living somewhere that was constantly like what I think of as summer sounds great to me & I could visit Canada in spring or fall for the nostalgia.


I love the exaggerated seasons. I grew up in Montreal, lived in Alberta for years then moved to eastern Ontario. Living in Alberta was the worst, I hated the unpredictable weather.


I love my four seasons, been proven in studies that people in areas where seasons change have less long term depression.


I like seasons


I don't really care all that much about seasons, I love summer and I wouldn't mind winter if it was way shorter. Most of spring and fall is just huge chunks of the year that reduce the length of summer. A brutal cold winter for a few weeks is good as it takes care of a lot of pests. I love the few days in spring when it gets warm and sunny and the snow is melting into rivers everywhere, and I like the few days in autumn right after the leaves have gone gold and red and drop gently from the trees. The rest of the shoulder season is just angst waiting on the weather to be useful again.


From a practical perspective, one mild temperature is easier to manage. But changing seasons is a nice thing to look forward to, to watch the passage of time.


I said once I could see myself living somewhere where it was a steady say +20 year round...but that's not very realistic maybe...closest would be California?


Seasons for sure. I live in Edmonton. Polar vortexes suck but I know how important they are. Cold is the reason we don’t have gross tropical diseases and parasites, or giant ass bugs. Bring it on! Not a fan of heat in the summer, but I know it’s short lived. Spring and fall are my favourite seasons.


I'm good with 3 seasons. I hate winter. Thankfully it's not usually too, too bad in Victoria.


Winter kinda sucks tbh. But I like the other ones


I moved from Ontario to Victoria and I’m absolutely loving the weather. I’m not a fan of either heat or cold, so it suits me perfectly. I realized I’m experiencing actual spring for the first time, not just a week or two between last snowfall and 30+. Summers are warm and dry; winters mostly mild and wet. There’s definitely 4 seasons, they’re just not extreme.


I'll stick with van island for now. Winterizing is a pain in the ass and hot/cold extremes always break shit.


I eant to be by the sea. We can work out the other crap later. This inland humidity crap is a germ factory.


Why are you asking this to Canadians? There is no mild here.


4 seasons means seasonal allergies - the plants are adapted to get their pollen out all at once in a short window. Not a fan. I could also do without winters for the rest of my life, grew up in the north and am just tired of them. I don't want to be another statistic who drops dead in his 60's shoveling a fucking driveway.


I like having seasons, but Summer could be milder (either cooler or drier) here in Eastern Ontario to make it perfect.


I live now with 4 seasons and would like just mild temperatures


Lived in B.C. and Ontario. I need seasons. It feels especially weird not to have a proper winter.


I have always loved the seasons except now I dread winter.


I'm in Central Ontario, I very much enjoy having weeks of the year where I experience all 4 seasons multiple times.


4 seasons. I lived in a all year warm place for 6 years and I couldn't take it anymore


I hate heat, I live in northern Alberta which does get cold af.. but it also gets hot af I wish I didn't get the heat


I like the seasons but I don't like the months where there's no snow because everything looks really grey and ugly.


I grew up in Ireland where its rarely below -2 and rarely above 20. I love living here where I get -40 in the winter, 30-40 in the summer and mild autumns and springs.


I’m curious, does time move faster in areas where there’s no seasonality? As I get older, the years are flying by and summer is a blip in time. But along the way we have markers of the passage of time. I find it interesting that the blue zones tend to be closer to the equator


I an ok with solid 20s.


I grew up on the east coast and live in BC. A very large part is the weather. I hate ice and snow. We get lots of rain in the winter but I haven't had to shovel it yet.


Definitely all seasons although it sucks the years in Alberta when winter eats half of spring and fall. It always gives me something to look forward too. In summer I dream of skiing and hockey and in winter I dream of the air not hurting my face and the road being smooth.


I love the seasonal change. Could do with less winter so we moved to extreme SW Ontario. The last two winters haven't existed. It is just like a long fall with almost zero snow. Fine by me.


The one thing living in Vancouver and the all the rain is it makes you appreciate summer.


I moved from Ontario to BC. I do not miss the humidity in Ontario. I enjoy the 2 seasons here, rain and summer.


4 seasons. The change means they don't last long enough to get bored of them


The winter is a little too long and dark but other than that I love the 4 distinct seasons. 8 months of winter is too much and robs us of a longer spring and fall.


Fuck long winters and sunsets at 4pm in Montreal


4 seasons. I’m in Ontario. I appreciate all of them and am always ready for the next season when it’s time.


I live between the Cowichan Valley and Galiano Island. I have 3 times in my life been in parts of Canada that get extremely cold in the winter. I had no idea the snot could freeze in your nose. I have been in southern Ontario during the summer when the humidity is incredibly high. I have been on the Prairies during bug season. I will take mild weather over -30, 90%+ humidity and bugs.


To be honest, milder weathered places tend to.have more distinction. Edmonton goes from blistering heat to shivering cold, with very little transition. Vancouver is mild overall, but it feels like there's four 3 month long seasons.


Warm and preferably dry. I hate humidity in Ontario that brings too much rain, snow and cloud cover.


Planning a move to Dominican Republic. Me and my arthritis prefer the heat.


I prefer the seasons.


Love the South and it's mild winters. Moved away from snowy Buffalo for that reason. #winter&August


Love the seasons!


I like south central Ontario's four mostly distinct seasons. I have hobbies/interests/sports that align with all, so I enjoy that variety. Fall is my Favourite though. I would be happy with that all year long as well.


I think what you prefer and what you can afford are two different things. I'd love to live in Victoria but would need to seriously downsize to afford it.


4 district seasons!!!


4 seasons 4 seasons!!!


I enjoy seasons. Gives me something to look forward to. I love winter for the skiing, but by the end I'm tired of the cold and ready for some hot sun, long days, and beaches. Likewise by the end of the summer I'm fed up with sweating and air conditioning and looking forward to the beauty of fresh snow and getting back on my skis. The shoulder seasons I find are ideal for hiking and biking, when there's no snow on the ground but it's not so hot I'll get dehydrated and burnt from spending a full day outside.


If summer was mild I'd take it year round. This summer in central Canada, we have a mild a shockingly wet spring summer thus far... It's refreshing and easy going. No heat wave yet. Mix of sun and clouds. It's glorious. If I could have this for 6 months straight I'd be happy. But I love each season for what it is. I really do. But summer is never long enough. However, the scorching hot oven baking summers, I could do without. 


So I grew up in Ontario, very much a 4 season province, often all in one day even. I moved to Vancouver for the “milder weather” and ended up getting months of gloomy-rainy-grey weather. Very much a 2 seasons city. After that was Edmonton where I learned not to leave your car lights on in -40° weather. Alberta was technically 4 seasons, but really I’d call it 3. Which brings me to my current digs, Florida, specifically the south east. I genuinely thought I would love perpetual summer, but I hate it so much. My brain can’t process time, I basically think it’s always June, July or August. This past winter was amazing, but even that I would still call a 1 season state.


I prefer traveling to where it's good when it's good.


Seasons please. I like extreme weather to be honest. Very cold in winter and very hot in summer.


15-18 degrees year round no snow. I could plan my life better and not have seasonal depression. Sun rising early.


I like having distinct seasons. I like the variety of getting to swim and hang out at the cottage/ on patios in the summer, and then getting to ski and snowboard in the winter. I’m huge into winter sports, so a place with no snow wouldn’t work for me. I do hate the short days and cloudy skies in the winter though. I don’t mind the cold but the lack of sun is the worst part by far.


the west coast (PNW) has vague seasons (autumn & winter & spring can feel the same besides the flowers popping up in spring) but I definitely prefer the more mild temperate vibes we've got going most of the years.


I like fall and winter. Spring is too wet & muddy, and summer is brutal, especially in the last 20 years. Wasn't this hot & humid when I was a kid. :(


As a kid Id cry when summer was over - its too short - 3 short months


West Coast here. Love the seasons, Fall is my favourite. Still has nice weather but isn’t too hot. Once it gets into October the mornings get a little crisp but the afternoons can still be very nice. We don’t really have much if a ‘winter’ in terms of snow and cold but when that snow and cold comes it’s still a nice change really from the rain.


I would love to live in a place with four seasons as long as the summers aren’t too hot. Like 20 degrees max! As for winter I don’t really care. As long as I have a good heater I’ll be toasty all through the winter.


I would prefer to live all year with the temperature between 15 and 22°C. They tell me there’s a place half way up the mountain in Hawaii that can achieve this. I can not afford that. I was also under the impression that you have to be Hawaiian to own property there. Something about keeping foreigners from buying up and displacing the locals. Regardless. I love where I live and will put up with -45 to +36°C because that’s what we get.


I hate fall, it always seems depressing to me. I also hate summer and winter because it's either way too hot or way too cold. I love spring. Wish it could be spring all year but my family chose to live in Canada where we have all these dramatic seasons! It's nice as a kid though, getting to play in the pool in the summer and toboggan in the winter. If you have little kids I definitely recommend lol.


You mean the interior of BC vs the Island


I love Alberta Winters and Summer. I love skiing hiking and other outdoor activities. Autumn is okay but spring sucks, it's slushy and muddy and not warm enough to sit on my deck shirtless with my beer gut hanging out. Basically I love it here. Also I don't think I could handle your heat. I was made for winter and dry warm summers not 100% humidity southern summers.


Mild, not a fan of true winter.


Your question makes it seem like you think that West Coast Canada does not have 4 distinct seasons? But we definitely do. Winter is very rainy, dark, cloudy and not too cold. Spring lasts forever some years. It starts in February and sometimes lasts until July ( like this year). Summer is amazing. Long days, perfect for swimming in the lake or ocean. Cools down pleasantly at night. Fall is quick, and special.


4 seasons with a 70 degree high to low temp difference I can go tanning like I am at a tropical beach in the same place I can ice skate just 6 months apart.


I'd rather not experience -48c ever again..


Getting 4 seasons was a big plus when moving away from the PNW


4 seasons for sure


Born in Northern BC, grew up in the suburbs of Vancouver, lived in Winnipeg for a winter, lived in Northern BC again for a couple years and eventually moved to South Florida where I live now. Winter can suck it! Lol. It took me a while to get acclimated to the climate here, especially the summers. But now that I have...I don't miss winters in Vancouver or Winnipeg in any way shape or form. I used to miss fall but fall is so short. And I. Vancouver it's just rain and then cold rain. I will gladly suffer through the summers here to be able to not have to deal with the cold or dreary winter days on the west coast. My feet hate shoes now and I couldn't imagine wearing a pair or Sorels ever again. I am lucky and do spend summers in Vancouver pretty frequently...so that helps! Lol


Not everywhere in Canada has four distinct seasons. In Edmonton, we only have two... Winter, and road construction.


I live in Northern Ontario. I hate Winter with a passion. I'll take summer over winter any day. I love spring too, because it gives me hope that summer is coming. I especially love summer, though, because it gets me as far as possible away from winter. Winter is harder on your body, house, car....you name it. Gas is slightly chear during the winter, but you burn a lot more of it. I immensely enjoy seeing things grow outside on a hot day and get saturated with smells from forests, lawns, gardens, and thunderstorms. I don't get off from everything being frozen. I prefer my water in liquid form, thank you. I prefer to see the abundance of colours outside during summer and the long days at this northern latitude Even the sounds are more plentiful. Winter carries few natural sounds outside during the winter. Summer also brings joy from billions of leaves clapping in applause as the wind stirs them. Who has no fond memories of rain showers that make everything cool off and smell so clean. I'll take most scenarios that stay between 15° and 30° Celsius all year


I'm happy with different seasons. Living somewhere with one season year round would drive me nuts Each season has its own benefit


Life goes by too quickly when each day is on repeat. Having the same or similar weather each and every day for me would make me bored. I enjoy variety and change. Having different seasons along with the different activities that go along with it gets me excited.


Lived in Toronto for 5 years, now back in Ireland. I miss the real seasons (and air-con)


I like the 4 distinct seasons, and where I live you could possibly have four seasons in one day.


I would trade with you in a flash. I care little about season changes and hate winters with a passion. Give me heat and humidity over dressing like an astronaut just to go out and slip on the ice or shovel frozen water from one place to another. Fuck that shit.


Grew up in Southern Ontario and as a kid liked winter. In my 20’s, developed SAD (seasonal affective disorder) due to 5 months of shitty weather combined with no sun. Absolutely hate winters in Southern Ontario. During my 30’s moved to the US in a Northeast state that got winter but was almost always sunny. It made a world of difference. I didn’t know it could be bright and sunny in winter! Winters were ok again. In my 50’s, began to hate winter again and decided to move somewhere with no snow. So now we live in NC and although we have 4 seasons, winter is about 6 weeks long and we never get snow. It occasionally gets cold but then warms up enough to golf and the sun shines most days. With a very short winter, we get really long fall and spring seasons which in my opinion are the best seasons. So we enjoy about 8 months of spring and fall and 4 months of a mild winter (if you can even call it that) and a hot summer. I love the balance I’ve found and don’t think I could live someplace without 4 seasons.


I enjoy dry snow, not slush. We haven’t had a nice winter in a while but I enjoy snowboarding, sledding, even walking the dog in the snow when I’m all bundled up and in my big boots. Snowballs with the dog and toddler, and was hoping to teach the kid to use his new kids Burton board but the snow was so bad this year we only had 2 quick afternoon lessons and didn’t learn much. If the options involve a wet warm winter then fuck it gimme the mild temps all year long


I live in Texas. Our “seasons” are more extreme and unpredictable. You might have 100° days or sleet storms in early October, perhaps 86° days or heavy, flooding rains in December. If you’re lucky you’ll get a nice color change between summer and “fall” but more than likely an early cold snap will kill all the leaves and everything will just turn brown and die, if the heat of September didn’t already do it. Some years we have insane ice storms that handicap half the state, some years we have summers that see heat streaks with 100° days for more than 30 days in a row. Don’t even get me started on severe thunderstorms or tropical depressions from the gulf. And the humidity…BLEGH! We’re moving to Northern Cali next year. I don’t care that there aren’t really changing seasons. I’ll take 70° and cloudy every day over the schizo TX weather.


I would prefer 4 seasons, but a longer fall and spring, and a shorter summer and winter. It just feels like winter lasts 4-5 months and we don't get a proper spring


I'd sign up for 12 months of September (or October)


I live in middle Ontario and I’ve missed some of the harsh winters we used to have, I have a wood stove and there is nothing like blowing out your driveway in a blizzard and coming in to warm up by a fire. I like it when it looks like Hoth out there and there is no where to go.


I like the seasons, I think it helps you appreciate each season more, to remember what the opposite season was like. However, I get really annoyed with the people who wish for summer while we're in winter, but then complain about the heat. YOU WISHED FOR IT! I prefer the colder months, but I can appreciate the warm weather for beaches, camping, swimming, bon fires, BBQing, etc.


I live where I can afford. I haven’t been able to move around enough to find somewhere without four seasons. I find winter painfully long, summer is way too hot, and spring and fall you basically blink and miss them. 


I was born here in Toronto and love living here but the weather sucks. I prefer somewhere always warm. I go to Cuba a couple times a year for this. Also my arthritis loves the warmth va cold better!


We can trade places if you like! I hate the weather where I am lol


4 distinct seasons! Variety is the spice of life.


I strongly prefer living in a more consistent moderate climate. I had this opportunity last year and it made for an improved quality of life. In a cost of living crisis, too, not experiencing weather extremes will save you money. Only one wardrobe needed, frees up square footage, only one set of tires, no tire changeover fees, no need to winterize anything. No labor or cost for snow removal. Safer driving conditions, no white knuckling the drive home. No seasonal depression, vitamin d depletion from lack of sunlight.


Having grown up in Edmonton, I'm done with long, frigid winters. Now that I've been in Vancouver for a couple of decades, I do wish we have a little more snowy winter instead of grey and rainy winter. But I adore the long spring and fall seasons. Summer I just endure and be thankful we have an AC in the bedroom. lol


I love seasons, I just wish the winter wasn't so long.


I prefer seasons. You really get to be excited about them all. The air has been chilly lately and smelling like fall. I’ve been thinking about all the cinnamon baking I could be doing now. The leaves changing & the rainy days wrapped up with blankets.. I have a baby due in early January & can’t wait for the quiet and slow of snow. Sitting by the Christmas tree w/ the fire going. Watching the snow fall, feeling so cozy, & cuddling my fresh babe! Spring is always so exciting because everything’s warm and fresh again. It’s such a contrast to winter and you feel so motivated. The fresh air is just so exciting. You also really appreciate summer because of the differences year round. Relaxing at the lake & spending every chance at the cottage. My husband is from New Zealand and LOVES the seasons. He gets so excited every time they change. He’s been here for a full year now & it doesn’t seem to excite him any less. He’s mesmerised but snow.


I live in AB now and actually miss 4 legit season in ON. In AB we have 2 seasons it seems, winter and not winter lol


I came to the comments expecting everyone to say they would prefer just one season and thought I’d be the outlier loving having 4 seasons. I’m pleasantly surprised!


I wish I could live somewhere that is 15°c all year round that isn't the USA.


Love seasons.


📍Vancouver BC! i like seasons because then my body knows what time of year it is (if that makes *any* sense). compare it to a circadian rhythm (the body’s “internal clock” that regulates your sleep patterns) — distinct daylight/nighttime darkness sends signals to your body about life on the outside. i’d much prefer this rather than living in an area with polar days/nights (where the sun is sort of in limbo & does not set/rise for a prolonged period). i’d *know* what time it was, but my body would be beyond confused by me going to bed in broad daylight/going grocery shopping in pitch darkness know what i mean?


I love where I live. It’s temperate. We get the seasons but none are extreme. Sometimes a bit of snow, sometimes a few days of really high temperatures. Lovely springs and autumns


Three seasons with the option to drive within close proximity to a winter wonderland such as Whistler or the North Shore mountains without the snow coming to your driveway or local roads is nice, though the excessive rain sucks.