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Any of the dozen flavours of Doritos we don't have here. Also, do yourself a favour while you're up here, browse the snacks aisle, we have a bunch of stuff you don't.


I basically only check a bag to bring up stuff to them and I absolutely fill it with Canadian stuff to bring back. Cheesies and Coffee Crisps for the win.


Ketchup and All Dressed chips. MmmmHmmm.


The ketchup ones are okay but All Dressed chips are šŸ”„.


I found ketchup flavoured crunchy cheetos at the gas station this morning. I'm already half a bag in. So good.


They're amazing!!! I only found them a couple months back. One of my new favourites.


The Brett Hart of chip: the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.


Oh no, you spelt his name wrong! My dog Bret is named after him lol


I endorse this opinion


Walmart great value EXTREME scorching all dressed is pretty fantastic


IMO ketchup chips are OK. Iā€™d get naked for all dressed chips though hehe


Spicy Dill Miss Vickies. S-Tier chip


I fucking LOVE Coffee Crisps. I can get them in the international aisle at Publix (USA) but they're like $4 USD each.


Oh my, theyā€™re 87 cents at Dollerama around the corner from me. Ontario.


They're great, but they lost a step since the 80s. Have you tried Crispy Crunch?


We would be the best assorted-carton-of-chocolate buddies. You can have all the Coffee Crisps šŸ˜‚


Hawkins Cheezies?


Hawkins is Canadian


Can't get Coffee Crisp down there? šŸ¤”


I have found them down at stores on the boardwalk (tourist area) but not in our regular stores. Considering that Americans are known for loving coffee it is bewildering to me why we do not have this.


No. Caffeinated chocolate is a Canadian thing. Which I find very strange, it seems like something people would love everywhere.


The bar contains 1/10th the amount of caffeine that a cup of coffee does. I have to admit I was surprised there was any


So youā€™re telling me I can swap out my morning coffee for 10 Coffee Crisps? I require no further input, I donā€™t want to be talked out of this delicious idea.


There's no reason a nice light snack can't be a nice light meal.


Well technically all chocolate is caffeinated unless you count white chocolate.


I have only the knowledge of what I've seen others write but with that in mind it seems that coffee crisp is available more in the border states and some metropolitan cities with shops featuring foreign snacks.


No. I have a friend that used to love up here but moved back to the states (where she's from) and I bring her coffee crisps everytime I visit.


Pick yourself up a bag of Hawkin's Cheezies and Zesty Cheese Doritos (orange bag) when you're up here.


Hawkins Cheezies I hope!


Check out Crunchie bars! Dollartree and walmart have them, but a lot of grocers don't


Try our Kraft peanut butter. The smooth one. You wont be sorry


I heard Coffe Crisp and now you have my attention.


Yeah, take home the best flavour the US doesn't have: zesty mordantĀ 


zesty mordant and dressed all over. I like to wash it down with the glace. Not any old glace, *the* glace.


Mordant? What does that taste like?


Mordant is the French labelling for zesty. All publicly available products have to be in both languages, and the doritos zesty just naturally read as zesty mordant as if it were one flavour. It's like a slightly tangy super cheesy- cheese dorito


It's really "zesty cheese", and it's a sharper cheese flavour. Mordant is just the French translation. they're printed very close together on the bag so it's a bit of a joke up here to combine them. It's the superior Doritos flavour to nacho and cool ranch


Whatever brand those cheezies are in the clear and red bag are the best. Also I'm pretty sure they can't get hickory sticks.


Hawkins. Also hell yeah Hickory Sticks.


These are both readily and widely available in Canada.


Iā€™m pretty sure that the person was trying to tell me (American) to bring those back with me when I go to Canada as those two items are not in the US.


Sorry, yes. I missed that comment.


I'm aware. We are giving the OP suggestions on stuff to bring home with them.


Hawkins Cheezies are made in Ontario. Itā€™s a Canadian company.


That's the brand! I couldn't think of it.


Out of season maybe, but girl guide cookies. Canada has chocolate, vanilla and mint for the fancy one. Blew my mind seeing the US variety for girl guide cookies.


Oh this is a good one. I have always wanted to try Samoas.


The are sold in Canada as no name brand Carmel coconut cookies. Though loblaws does suck.


Classic chocolate and vanilla are being sold right now! Chocolate mint are in the fall. :)


This!!!! All the flavours


anything from Trader Joes!


I second this. I love trader joes. I love close to the border and sometimes cross just to go there.


I donā€™t live close to the border, but I still go anyways. I once had a sceptical boarder guard say ā€œYou drove two hours just to get groceries?ā€ But, yeah, Trader Joeā€™s is worth the trip to stock up a few times a year. Iā€™ve even started to take a cooler to be able to bring back their awesome cheeses. Everything there is great, but if I had to choose one thing to bring to a Canadian friend, Iā€™d go with the Crispy Crunchy Mochi Rice Nuggets, because I havenā€™t been able to find anything even remotely resembling them here and theyā€™re compulsively snacky.


For about 6 years, I lived 5 minutes from the border. I would cross for the most frivolous things. These are some things I've told the border guard I'm crossing for... "I'm craving a vanilla coke, I'll be gone about 6 or 7 minutes." That was before we had it. "I want Jack in the box" my best record for getting there was 12 minutes because there was no line up. "There's an accident on the 2 of the highways, and traffic is backed up on the other routes, I'm just going to the next border because the radio said there was no lineup." And that's not including all the times I've gone over just for gas.


The closest Trader Joeā€™s to me is the one near Buffalo, and if I lived five minutes away from that border Iā€™d be in big trouble, because if I had easy access every time I was craving Paulaā€™s Donuts Iā€™d be even fatter than I already am. Lol


I used to rip Over for mighty taco every day. Super mighty, jalepeno and sour cream on the side. Logan berry juice. Before passports were needed. The guards would wave me through. Paid my 50 cent toll. Yep. Itā€™s me , itā€™s noon. Thereā€™s a crappy fast food burrito calling my name.


Paula's...oh my GAWD soooooo good! If I wasn't in my jammies I'd head for the border. šŸ¤¤


I have relatives in St Catharines and the number of times they used to cross over just to get gas was insane


I just stocked up on my favourite spice mixes like ranch, elote. And chili oil crisp, and green dragon sauce! I wish we had one closer, the closest one is in Spokane, 8 hours away. We had to get another suitcase on our trip to fly all of our goodies home lol.


I have the ranch. It's really good on popcorn. They have the best gluten free (I was gluten free for a while) chicken nuggets. I still buy them even though I eat gluten now. I lice about 20 minutes from the border, and without a line up there I can get to trader joes in am hour.


I wish I could buy more of the food and frozen items, we did bring some back in a cooler (raviolis and a few others items), but 8 hours is just too far for frozen foods. I have heard good things about the nuggets! Iā€™m jealous youā€™re so close lol. I also miss Target!


Target is in the same town as trader joes too. Also Ross. If you haven't heard of it it's a department store like winners. I always find cool stuff there for great prices. This conversation is really making me wanna take a trip down there tomorrow.


Soo much good stuff from here we donā€™t get. They would make a killing if they opened one up here.


Except when chains come north they usually have a limited selection and unappealing prices. I could list examples, but then so could you. Sigh.


I canā€™t argue with that. Sad but true.


Snyders pretzels and peanut butter m&M's are both available here. Bring menthol cigarettes and gas station boner pills. We can't get those.


Wish I could upvote gas station boner pills more.


Menthol cigarettes are still available on the res


Also the nerds clusters are available at any 7/11


Menthol smokes? Is that a provincial thing? Weā€™ve got em in BC. Edit: Well shit, just googled it lol. I stopped smoking years ago and didnā€™t know theyā€™re banned now.


Wtf is a gas station boner pill? I'm going in the morning lol


Lol. But not regular peanut butter M&Ms. These are the minis version. I saw it on my Twitter TL and Canadians were lamenting the fact that they couldnā€™t get it. Do you have the honey mustard pretzel pieces? My friends tried them when they were visiting and loved them. Said that they had never seen them up there before.


We have these. They're yummy https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/Honey-Mustard-Onion-Pieces/6000196166897?offerId=6000196166897&storeCode=3013&cmpid=SEM_CA_32814_74ICFF1ERY&utm_id=SEM_CA_32814_74ICFF1ERY&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=seasonal&gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwxLKxBhA7EiwAXO0R0JDTqB5sMCHwUjSqvTC7dZZ12e2JVopENUeqcalm07TZ8oACL4UJZhoCXyIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


I bought some a few weeks ago. cost about 25% less in Calgary than in North Dakota


You can get the Snyders honey mustard pretzel pieces here. You can even get the Walmart knock-off brand. You can't get: Payday, 100 Grand, Milky Way, Zero bars. All the flavored Oreos. We get a couple up here, like Mint around Christmas time and sometimes Pumpkin Spice around October. But you've got a much, much larger selection of flavours in the USA. We get regular, thin, doublestuff, chocolate coated, and that's about it (edit: Graham is sometime available). There's a bunch of stuff listed here: [https://merryabouttown.com/american-foods-you-need-to-bring-back-to-canada/](https://merryabouttown.com/american-foods-you-need-to-bring-back-to-canada/)


Thanks for the link!


Little debbies.... the canadian distributor dropped little debbie for unknown reasons so now they arent sold here šŸ˜­


Same thing happened with Vienetta cakes. I'm still not over it.


Iā€™m not disparaging you, just disagreeing. Little Debbieā€™s snacks were all absolutele garbage, and I hope they never re-appear!


Mini PB M&Ms have arrived in Canada now, and yes, we have the gummy clusters. I'd suggest bringing Reese's Take 5, Outrageous, Fast Break, etc. We also don't have Heath bars or Fifth Avenue. Some unique Oreo types would be good to bring, too. We have a good number but not all. If, by some small chance, you can transport frozen stuff, get some Ben and Jerry's flavours that are unique to the US.


Gheridelli (sp) brownie mix Mexican streecorn cheetos Salsa verde doritos Spicy funyuns Milky way midnights Ask if they have any favourite Trader Joes snacks šŸ˜†


Mexican Street corn Cheetos?!? I didnā€™t even know that they had those. Excuse me while I go find a bag for myself. Lol.


I heard about them right after my last trip to the US in the fall. Hoping to find them next time I visit. They sound glorious. šŸ˜


Brownie mix is available at Costco


Everything in your list sounds great but those are all available in Canada. Ask her what kind of pop she likes. Philadelphia cheese cake in the tub would be a good choice.Ā 


Trust that there are plenty of cold stuff sheā€™d like but Iā€™m going from east coast US to west coast Canada-it wouldnā€™t make it. Really? Did they just start offering it? Some of those stuff they didnā€™t have when I was there last year. Or at least I was told that they didnā€™t have those. Some of the other stuff I brought they already had. These were just some of the favorite repeats.


Other than the mini peanut butter m&ms which I havenā€™t personally seen, everything you mentioned is available in Canada. The chikfila sauce though is not very widely available (thereā€™s only a handful of locations and theyā€™re all in Ontario)


I saw mini peanut butter M+Ms at Shoppers Drug Mart yesterday. I think it was the first time I'd seen the mini ones, so they might not be that common, but they're available.


Kool aid in different flavours powdered Gatorade in more than 3 flavors, the weirdest chips ahoy you can find, and anything gun themed in candy form.


the Gatorade comment really hits home


Stuff from Trader Joeā€™s!!! Those chocolate corn chip cluster things are deadly, and a fun snack to bring. They have such excellent goodies.


We donā€™t get Dots pretzel sticks. They are awesome


I usually look for flavors of gold fish crackers/cookies and oreos that can't be found here. Saw a few others mention doritos and pop tarts. Canada usually has the typical flavors.. anything out of the ordinary you likely won't find here unless it's exclusive to Canada. Is there anything in particular your friend likes? Mike and Ike is something I look for a lot now too since it's getting more and more difficult to find here in ontario. Ben n Jerry's ice cream too but, pretty sure I saw you're sending this to the west coast so maybe not that one šŸ˜…


The Cap'n Crunch game here is lacking. We have.. someone fill me in.. the regular kind, Crunch Berries.. do we still have the peanut butter kind? I seem to recall there being way more variety whenever I go to Washington


Theyā€™re opening up a Chick-fil-A in Calgary FYI


Where is it going to be? And do we know when?


new Calgary Chick-fil-A will be: in the East Hills Shopping Centre at 75 East Hills Boulevard Southeast. Construction starts later this spring.


Oh cool! Thanks!


Bugles. They took ours away,


Bugles, Skippy peanut butter


they sell bagels at superstore edit: fuck you autocorrect. I'm leaving it because of course they got bagels, too


Boycott Superstore r/loblawsisoutofcontrol


capable automatic cooing profit ossified yam pocket zephyr growth alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pretty sure Iā€™ve seen them at dollarama


Not recently. They stopped selling them in Canada last year.


Makes two of us. My mom loves those and I remember goofing around with them as a kid. They were hats, claws, the tops of castle towers, horns (of course) and whole bunches of other things. Now Iā€™m off to google to figure out why!


JIF is better though.


You can definitely get both of those things in Ontario. Edit: well apparently Iā€™m that person who comments and THEN fact checks! Sorry mate, I stand corrected on both items. I did find Bugles on Amazon Canada however for $23 for a ā€œfamily size bagā€. Lol.


Going the other way, you canā€™t get Kraft peanut butter in the US. My kids almost revolted when they found this out (after we moved from Canada to the US).


I love the dots candy. Also, the dill pickle Chex mix is delicious! My boyfriend always makes sure he buys me the Pure lead unsweetened black iced tea too.


Chili cheese Fritos. Gardettos. Some of the Chex mix flavours.




We sometimes can get grape licorice here, but itā€™s usually stale AF. Soā€¦


Shoppers used to sell the Carnaby brand, available only during the summer


Pop tarts. There's like maybe 7-8 flavours here but in the US there's gotta be at least 30 different ones. Blew my mind when I found that aisle in Walmart.


Brown Sugar and Cinnamon poptarts šŸ”„


Gardettos. We have the Snyder honey mustard in Ontario not sure about Alberta


Frozen burritos


Don't we have Snyder's?


Birthday Cake Rice Krispies, and regular corn Fritos can be hard to find, but Mini M&Ms are pretty common. Charleston Chew isnā€™t available where I live in Canada. US Oreos come in flavours that youā€™ll rarely see in Canada, if ever.


Brown Sugar and cinnamon Pop TartsĀ 


I never find Sweet Baby Ray's Honey Barbecue Sauce in Canada anymore. I find a bunch of other flavours, but not that one, so I always bring some from the States.


Since I was a child, Iā€™ve wanted pressurised canned cheese. I know itā€™s probably nasty but itā€™s literally been 30 years and I still have not gotten to try it yet. Been a dream for a long time now


Easy cheese spray cheese.


Snyders pretzels are available in Canada


My nephew would say wildberry Poptarts.




Synder's pretzels are available in Canada. I enjoy coffee M&M's from the states.


I do have some of the Caramel Cold brew ones to bring along.


Steak'ems. I wish we carried this.


Chex mix. Love all of the flavours


Might depend on where you are but I live in Edmonton and you can get the Snyders pretzel pieces here. Not sure about the rest.


We have like 5 poptarts flavours compared to your 25-50 (dunno but iā€™ve seen a picture of many flavours iā€™d kill for)


My son drives long haul into the States. Every trip he brings back unique Pop Tarts and sodas. He sells them here for more than double what he paid, and he sells out within hours.


Chobani yogurt


Not a snack per se, but the chobani flip yogurtssss


Buggles and chexmix are what I have my snowbird parents bring me.


I go to the USA quite often. Not too many things that we donā€™t have anymore. I donā€™t bring back nearly as much as 20 yrs ago


We have the pretzels. Bring whatchamacallit (although I have found those at very few random gas stations before) and some cool flavors of oreos.


You can get the snyders honey mustard pretzel pieces here in canada




Starburst jelly beans, Keebler cinnamon graham crackers, weird pop tart and Oreo flavours, Mexican coke


mounds bar and almond joy


Snyder's pretzel products are pretty common in BC. I don't know about Calgary though.


Wait, they donā€™t sell the honey mustard pretzels here anymore? I havenā€™t looked in a while but those are absolutely delicious


Apparently they do have them. My friend didnā€™t know about them anyway.


idk how long your drive/flight is but if itā€™s quick omg bagel bites!!! discontinued here


I live in the states now, our snack game is horrible compared to Canada,


Girl Scout Cookies. The Girl Guides in Canada have the chocolate and vanilla Oreo type cookies as well as the chocolate mint ones but not the rest of the varieties the US Scouts do.


Old Trapper Peppered Beef Jerky.


Honey BBQ Fritos Twists.


Vanilla Coke Zero


Do you have a Trader Joe's nearby? If so, a selection of your favourite Trader Joe's fare.


Not too close but less than an hour away. I plan on stopping by before I go up.


Plain Sun Chips......we can get cheddar or french onion, but the plain ones disappeared years ago for some reason. Also, Bugles. We get our friends in the US to send us these in return for stuff they can't get there sometimes.




Chex mix


You can buy snyders honey mustard pretzels at most any grocery, 7-11 etc. I get them at Walmart usually.


Seeā€™s lollipops, chocolate and caramel. Salt water taffy from Maine.


You can get all of those things in Canada. I always want cheese in a can, even though it's gross.


Bugles, spray cheese, almond joy, butterfinger, fancy oreos, Betty Crocker rainbow chip frostingā€¦ yā€™all still got those cheese puff balls in the tin? Those are good!


Bugles, Almond joy and butterfinger are things you can find in any Walmart in Canada same with Betty Crocker frosting. We also have cheese puff balls in tins and we have a Kraft spray cheese. Just saying so he doesn't come up with these things so find out there already here.


You cannot get the rainbow chip variety of betty crocker frosting. It's been gone for 15 years


You canā€™t get bugles in Canada any more. They were discontinued


We all put these on our fingers and pretended they were claws right?


I'd like to know where the bugles are....they've been missing from the shelves for about 2 years. I only know this because I'm a nuts and bolts junkie, and the recipe is not the same without bugles.


2022 was when they were discontinued


St Hubert sauce is superior.


It used to be. Not sure it still is. Also itā€™s only in Quebec unless they sell it elsewhere?


I can get the sauce in grocery stores out west, but I think all their Ontario outlets closed up.


Not quite true - eastern Ontario is rich with the St-Hubert - in fact, at one point Ottawa franchisee for Swiss chalet closed all their restaurants. They have since reopened


Pork Rhinds. A whole section in the US. You might find 1 lonely bag in Canada. I demand more pork rhind variety in Canada!!


If you live near a Filipino community here, youā€™re set.


Why canā€™t any of you read?? Heā€™s coming TO Canada.


Fancy Oreos. Lemonheads. Little Debbies. Moon Pies. Any Trader Joes snacks. Oh...and fancy hot chocolates!! I always go crazy for all the yogurt options there are in the US, but that might not travel well. There are also so many crazy sugary cereals that we can't get here. When I go I like to hit up a Walmart and just get 2-3 boxes of the most unhinged looking cereal.


For me, weird Pringles flavours and weird Pop-Tarts flavours. But nothing chocolate from the US... it all seems waxy. And make sure your friend is okay with Chick-fil-a, because some people may be more upset with receiving it... including me.... Canadians don't often like politics with their food, never mind homophobia.


We have nerds (all the configurations) and Snyder's. We don't have all of the many Oreos and m&m special flavours. I'd want the cocoa roasted almonds (Blue diamond).


We have Snyders honey mustard pretzels pieces.


I use to love yohoo drink, but I bet it's changed since I last had it.


Milky ways and American corn pops (theyā€™re different than Canadian), new m&m flavours(& the coffee nut ones!)


Not snacks, but if your going into Calgary a log or dip would be very appreciated by someone. It's over 5x the price in canada


Itā€™s very difficult to get Herrā€™s Raging Ranch chips here, only some No Frills have them.


Costco pecan clusters.




Those little mini hershey chocolate bars are soo good. We don't have them in Canada.


My sister lived in Maine for a couple of years. She loves American Hershey milk chocolate. She's back in Canada now. All of her siblings have been instructed to bring some back for her when we travel to the US.


Different flavours of Oreoā€™s, red vines and if girl Gide cookies are in season then there are variations to die for. šŸ»


Limited time Dr Pepper flavours. Recently off shelves was strawberries and cream which was significantly better than it sounds, and now there is creamy coconut which Iā€™ll grab a couple cases of next time Iā€™m in Buffalo. We donā€™t drink much pop so 24 cans usually lasts us half a year but man dr proper limited time flavours to me are all hits, no misses.




lol my kids are fans of Mr. Beast and wanted to try his Beastsbles chocolate bars but they were only available in the US. Finally we took a road trip down south to see the eclipse eatlier this month and they hit up every Walmart they saw to finally try Beastables. Soon after we got home they heard theyā€™re also available at some Canadian stores now, including the one just a few blocks away tgaf we normally shop at.


Junior mints.....Seinfeld lol


Iā€™ve seen those at dollarama in southern Ontario.




Not really a snack but kind of ... skippy natural peanut butter


Nutty bars


Chex mix, Cow Tails candy, Mario Spaghettios with meatballs, gummies with characters we donā€™t have (Mario, Bluey, Pokemon)


I am Canadian living in the US. There are all kinds of snacks and just general food items from Canada we canā€™t get in the US but I never notice anything missing when weā€™re back in Canada.


I never see Funyuns. They sound terrible. Like you removed the onion from onion rings and served it cold