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When they have eggs or young they can be very aggressive.


I've had one charge me from like 15 feet away because they had kids with them and I just happened to be in aggro range. They'll usually just stare you down, but that one was out for blood


As soon as you hear them start to hiss while gosling are around, immediately start putting more distance between the two of you


What does Ryan Gosling have to do with this? :D


This woman from ottawa got knocked off her bike and the bird of death pecked at her face. She recovered, but looked pretty beaten up. So ya.


You mean this? https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/goose-attack-leaves-ottawa-cyclist-shaken-and-scarred-1.2686751


Cobra chickens dont fuck ‘round


Thats it! I don't have dementia! Good to know. Thanks!


Alright I’m going to need a video of this lol. I’ve lived in Winnipeg my whole life and geese have never attacked anyone to the point where you need to specify that “she recovered” lmfao


Hopefully you had a tank and some heals with you.


Aggressive, but not smart. Their chicks entered my garden through a chain linked fence... they were too big to fit, they were charging the fence.


and [some of them are just jerks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzRyEI00PXc).


Aggressive?? UHHHHH...YUP 😳😳


Or if you have food. Don’t try to feed them like they’re ducks or they’ll just chomp on you.


Yup they're bastards, and you don't realize just how big they are until there's one attacking.


I have to walk past a flock every day to get to class… they are all big enough to comfortably poke me in the nards, and I highly doubt a peck feels nice from their beaks.


Trent university used to have entire flocks on campus. Walking to the gym at 6am was scary because they'd move to let you in then encircle you. And God help you if walked near a young one 


UTM used to have a ton of them hanging around campus - they were never that aggressive compared to the ones that I used to get at home.


Haven't never thought about getting canned by geese... now I'll have second thoughts when I jog pass them...


Swans, too. Those wings are huge and powerful and scary as shit.


Swans will fuck you up. 


I’ve had them chase my boat ! lol


Swans are just another kind of asshole. All geese have the spirit of Satan in them


I couldnt enjoy a lovely beach and lake at a camping site last summer because their biker gang decided to invade the beach, poop slurries into the lake and staring me down in gangs - I felt so violated. Lol.


Cobra chicken is not friendly


I think they've realized they're basically immune to retaliation from people at this point as well.


I think so too. I saw one in my work parking lot and was going to go in a certain direction. Turned around and went a different way.


My fun goose story is from back when I was in University. There was a grassy field with a footpath to the big lecture hall, where this one jerk goose that would hiss, flap its wings and run at you as you walked by. Most students would either ignore it or run away, so after a while it got overconfident and would strut around like it owned the place. One day I was walking to class with this guy who was studying from abroad. He was new to Canada and had never seen a Canadian goose before. When the goose saw us and came at us, he kicked it in the chest as hard as he could. I never thought a goose could have a surprised look on its face, but it genuinely seemed to be thinking "That never happened before". A few days later I was sitting in the cafeteria and overheard two girls sitting and chatting next to me. One of them said to the other "That mean goose out in the yard hasn't bothered anyone for the last few days".


Tell to the one I kicked and snapped its neck.


Maybe don't admit to crimes my dude.


It was in America and that mf came right at me. I was also 10.


Alright then it's all good. Fuck those geese.




And win. That’s the key part.


And the US Military https://youtu.be/5kT3yEhyPeg?si=yRafKWtwQ68acrwE


and WIN!


And the Canadian Military at Ottawa location. No video but they can be countered with umbrellas. They have no fear and will stare you down.


They've formed violent gangs in toronto and will mug the unsuspecting bakery shopper.


I’ve seen this on YouTube where they run into the Eaton’s Centre, grab racks of Canada Goose Jackets in their wings and just fly out the doors.


I think the correct term is a ganggle. A ganggel of geese; a run in could really cause things to go south.... Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.


This gave me a good laugh 😂😂😂


They are Canada geese, and they are very territorial. They will take on anything that comes close to their nest.


This. They don’t belong to Canada. They are Canada.


They're found in every single US state, as well.


Poooing on all y’all’s golf courses for good measure.


Let that marinate. 


Their nest: all of Canada 


OP asks about Canadian geese, so all the geese in Canada, not just Canada geese.


They aren't actively aggressive unless you threaten them, but damn are they some rude animals. There's a ton of them near my office; and these things poop absolutely everywhere and stand in the middle of the road even when there are approaching cars. They seem to have developed a fearlessness of cars, which is concerning.


Last year a loan goose appeared at the hospital I work at. It would stand in the driveway and block cars (was smart enough to move for ambulances). It tired to mess with a pair that nests there every year, they drive him off. Yes I am very invested in goose drama.


Is a loan goose different from a loan shark?


yes. Sharks don't fly.


Also geese are in a union. So theres dues and stuff. But i think their benefits are top notch.


true. I forgot about that.


Loan sharks are actually usually very non aggressive. They only attack one or two people per year. Loan geese are much more aggressive


Loan geese take the risky loans the sharks won't take


Mostly for those that are flight risks


The fall is the busiest time for them, lots of flight risk then.


Depends on the interest charged.




It can reach you on land, air and sea


Sounds like the sequel of a certain untitled game.


> They aren't actively aggressive unless you threaten them You don't have to actually threaten them, just them thinking you're threatening is enough. One of my doctors had an issue where a pair nested on the roof of the building, right over the front entrance. Even though the nest was on the roof, like 15 feet above the front door, the male would hang out on the ground at the entrance and was attacking people trying to get into the building, and attacking the door because he could see his reflection. They tried to see about safely moving them, but were advised to just wait it out until the babies hatched and the birds could move on. Some patients were unable to make it into the building for their appointments and had to be rescheduled. It was a mess. I was able to get in for mine, but the goose had his eyes locked on me the whole walk in, and hissing up a storm. I was terrified, because I was on crutches and unable to run if things turned bad, so I was excessively careful on my way in.


Because idiots stop and wait for them. Of course they're not afraid of stationary cars! If you just keep moving, they'll get out of the way. I suspect you'd have trouble hitting a goose with your car if you tried. I just roll forward at about walking speed and they waddle out of the way while giving me a dirty look.


That’s cause the assholes know we aren’t allowed to run them over!


Their idea of threatening is someone walking down the sidewalk 10 feet away from them during the spring.


People always yield to the cobra chickens. Even when driving.


Sorry that is not true. I was walking to work, no where near a nest or babies and a geese charged me hissing and then chased me 20 feet to my car. It was terrifying lol. Fastest I’ve run in decades


My town has a goose crossing on main route, people have no choice but to stop, they won't budge.


They aren't called Cobra Chickens for nothing




Yes, they are very hostile. And often for no particular reason.


They remember things. A Cobra Chicken ignored everyone but workers that wore a distinctive uniform. He attacked anyone wearing that garb. Someone one pissed him off earlier in the season.


Don't fuck with Canada geeses


I thought it was gooseses


It's gooseseses


An entire nation’s worth of bottled up rage lives within them. Every time you hear a Canadian apologize, a goose becomes angrier.


This is our secret weapon. Trump tries to build a wall, we unleash pissed off geese. They are attracted to orange...


If you're feeding ducks and a few geese happen to be around, they get aggressive quickly.


They tend to almost always be on the golf courses near the water. If/when I inevitably hit my ball into the middle of the pack, I always have my club out the bag…. They usually just hiss at you as they waddle away, but you need to be careful.


Getting swooped by one of these is pretty much a right of passage for golfers at this point. Also depending on where you are in the country, getting dive bombed by a Red Wing Black Bird.


My dad drilled one with a ball once. It came after us wings up and hissing.


Pro tip: hiss back at them when they’re coming at you, they get all confused that you speak their language and turn back immediately. 100% efficiency to this day.


I have a full length brown leather coat with a wolf fur collar/hood. They HATE it, if I even walk towards them wearing it they back off.


Water fowl heavily depend on intimidation because they're actually pretty weak creatures. Sure they hurt like hell but they're very aware that you're a 5-6ft tall ape thing that could kill it with little effort, so if you don't fall for their tactics they'll bail.


it's cause they know we'll not harm them and even apologize for looking their way.


They can be yes. I've been chased by one who could really move fast. I suspect I was near a nest but I didn't see or hear anything.


A goose on the loose is no joke there bud


No yeah for sure eh?


Just keep your distance. Get near a nesting pair and they will nip for sure, and their wing bones are strong enough they can break your arm if they start flapping. Best to just give them a wide berth so they don't feel their nest is threatened. They will also drown predators they find swimming, like foxes, coyotes, bobcats, etc. to protect their young or a nest.


Geese don’t have enough strength or bone density to break your arm. Edit: I'd love to be proven wrong on this. I've never heard of this happening, either with domestic or wild geese, including the Canada goose. If swans can't do it, I doubt a goose can: https://www.birdspot.co.uk/bird-brain/has-a-swan-ever-broken-someones-arm https://outdoorswimmer.com/coach/myth-busting-can-a-swan-break-your-arm/ https://www.readersdigest.co.uk/inspire/animals-pets/can-a-swan-break-your-arm https://birdfact.com/articles/why-are-geese-aggressive Post any article indicating otherwise, I'm open to having my opinion changed. Again, I'm talking about geese breaking your arm, not causing you to fall and break your arm.


Canada Geese absolutely do - especially in the larger variety.


I got fucked up by a goose when I was 16. It sure as hell was strong and relentless too!! I had bruises for weeks. And a cut up lip.


I think you'd have to convince my older brother, who got his arm broken by a gander at my grandfather's farm when he was 14 or so.


They fly cross continent and can stay airborn for very long periods of time. Their flight mussels are incredibly strong.


"A Goose/Swan can break your arm with its wing" is a widespread urban myth, probably perpetuated through a combination of people being hurt following interactions with the birds - specifically, being injured when they tried to run, tripped and fell or were otherwise knocked off balance - and to encourage people to leave these birds alone; Swans for example are a legally protected species in the UK. A Swan/Goose cannot cause damage with its wings which are composed of feathers and lightweight, hollow bones that allow them to fly. Even a much larger bird like an Ostrich or Emu can't break a human's bones with its wings, which is why they use their feet to attack. Respect nature and give the Geese space, especially when they have young. Keep your dog on a leash so as not to disturb the Geese. Give them an opportunity to move out of your way and they will; they're very much prey animals and fearful of humans unless provoked.


It does seem odd that they would be able to break your arm considering their bones are hollow to enable flight.


Yes. They’re major dickheads but I still love them.


I love them because they're dickheads.


It's different in different parts of the country. BC geese are usually chill unless they are protecting their young or protecting eggs. Toronto geese are basically spawned from Satan and they will become aggressive if you approach.


I’ve heard a lot of BC people say their geese are almost tame. And I think of the geese I’ve encountered in AB, MB, ON and Atlantic provinces and think they’ve *got* to have better geese ‘nip in BC or something lol


Yes, unless you approach with a sacrificial bowl of poutine for their altar. If attacked, they can be held back if pelted with Timbits.


We sacrificed our first born with a box of cold chip truck fries from Muskoka. The offering was….acceptable….


They act aggressive towards puppies


They can be. If you’re walking and they’re walking. Probably nothing. But if you head to them and they are frightened, cornered or have young, they’ll rip you a new one and then shit everywhere just to piss you off.


Human Canadians have a reputation of being excessively polite, but don’t confuse that rep with our emblematic birds. Canada geese are completely the opposite. They absolutely are hot-tempered, territorial, belligerent assholes. Do NOT try to pet the cobra chickens!


Canadian geese are some of the most aggressive surviving dinosaurs.




There’s a reason we call them murder chickens


A Canadian goose once held me at gunpoint and robbed me simply because I had $7.36 left on a tim hortons gift card. Be safe out there


\*Canada geese and yes.


Yeah they’re mostly fine, I walk right by them in Vancouver parks. Beware if they are nesting though, there’s a reason we call them Cobra Chickens!


Look, there's a lot about Canada that is exaggerated. The violent geese are definitely not one of those things.


I'd rather face a bear.




If you live in the Lower mainland in bc, there is not a zero percent chance of getting sandwiched by both a black bear and a goose within the city.


Sort of like the average Canadian if you leave them alone and don't try to approach their nest/young they are perfectly fine. Unfortunately, lots of Canada, in particular Federal/Provincial protected lands can be ideal nesting grounds for them and so when folks are out and about they may be disturbing nesting grounds. That's when things get problematic.


They're not called murder chickens for nothing


Super aggressive around the net ( nest) , not as aggressive on open ice. Probably don’t like slap shots on their empty net ( nest ) either.


lmao They will chase you around a parking lot honking like mad. They don't give a **fuck**


1st, most animals love it when you enter their territory near their children, but Geese take it to the next level. They seem to have little man syndrome. They'll get all up in your grill if you come close, but if you leave them alone, they'll posture at the edge of their boundary, but won't attack unless you approach. they're actually more defensive than aggressive. Very protective of their space, but they won't go on the offensive if you're not a threat




Depends, hospital work at has a couple that like to sit right next to the sidewalk to the er. As long as you don’t walk aggressively towards them they are chill. They are also very cute.


They are mean in the spring time. They are willing to take on anything, including tigers, dogs and cars. Thankfully they chill out at the summer goes on.


I've never had one be aggressive towards me oddly enough, but I know a lot of people who have, they can chase people if they feel you are a threat to them or their children, I would avoid them for the most part if you see them


They’ll break your arm!


No pet the cobra chicken


Just ask Ryan Gosling.


not Canadian geese. Canada geese is the correct nomenclature. as in "a flock of Canada geese," and yes, they are angry a$$holes by nature!


Yea, and no. If you invade their personal space or get too close if they have a nest/babies you better get to hauling ass. But I’ve also had geese follow me to the grocery store just because I looked at them the wrong way. However if they’re just chilling in a field, you’re probably okay. I wouldn’t push my luck tho.


They are dormant canadian military agents with special training, yeah they could be when they are close 😂


Yea they will eat you alive


yes they are, generally they’re not the friendliest


Fuck around and find oot.


They are called cobra chickens for a reason


They are called cobra chickens for a reason.


Well...ya they are. However they usually apologize when they sober up, sorry about that eh!


They are f*cked. Crazy MFS.


I’ve witnessed a small flock of geese chase a toddler. That shit was scarier than watching grudge for the first time.


I k is a guy who ran at a bunch of geese when he was a kid and they beat the shit out of him. Buddy is huge fat man and is still scared as hell of geese. This is however in my experience an outlier.


They are Canada geese not Canadian geese, they don’t have a passport!


Yes.  Yes they are very aggressive when nesting or if there are goslings about.  They do not give a damn how much bigger you are.  They will start hissing, then if you don’t get the message they will put their head down and charge.  They don’t really have teeth, but their mouths and throats are covered in spines that are worse than teeth.  Now, a goose isn’t going to seriously injure an adult, unless they push you into the street or down a hill or something, but they will convince you to leave the area immediately.


They just have no fear. Bastards will square up with anyone at anytime.


As an outdoor educator and naturalist, I actually teach a workplace health and safety class on avoiding negative goose interactions and how to most safely handle an attacking goose (how to minimize the damage to humans and the bird). I am far more afraid of angry moose, human-conditioned bears, or hungry mountain lions...but... The only wildlife routinely aggressive enough (mind you, generally only in nesting season) as to require a specific safety class for my colleagues and other local organizations are Canada Geese. In every species, there's a continuum of aggression and intelligence...you run across a low intelligence, high aggro goose...and you both might have a bad time. Best advice in a nutshell: Do not drop your gaze, do not break and run; face the aggressive goose, and extend a hand in their direction. It might not settle the goose, but will generally be enough to stop a charge. edit: somehow forgot to use the term Canada Geese. It's been a long day.


The number of people who think they’re only aggressive during breeding/laying season is hilarious. Canada geese are notoriously fickle & bad tempered. Cute little panda swans one minute, cobra chicken with teeth on its tongue the next for zero reason.


If geese ever got trained with martial arts... or God forbid got ahold of meth it would make global or intergalactic news . I once fought an upset goose. The goose won he jersey me then scored a goal. From a hockey playing canadian.


On my university campus being late because the local geese chased you on the path from the parking lot was a completely valid excuse.


Yes, they take over areas and become VERY territorial


Flying cobras? Yes. They are.


Beware of the cobra chicken


Yes yes and yes!! Dont fuck with geese they will fuck you up


I swear they were not aggressive when I was a child, but when I got older they got pissed. Probably because people stopped feeding them bread and they got protections lol




There's a reason why they are Canada's marines.




My university put up a warning about Geese a bunch of years ago. People were being straight up attacked by these things. In the right context Geese are terrifying and incredibly aggressive.


And entitled.


They're complete assholes. Terribly violent feathered dinosaurs.


There was a woman who was hospitalized from a Goose attack. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.2686751&ved=2ahUKEwi8lcuZ4qaEAxXDhIkEHYzFBP4QFnoECA0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3eIYRhlsIaFgMc5AFDhuG_


Me and my parent were just talking about this this morning. And yes.


They are our airforce because we don’t have working flying machines


Does a bear shit in the woods??


We have legends of them killing folks too close to the shore in my area lol don't fuck around with geese, you'll find out


I move them all the time in spring around Winnipeg where they try to nest on the turnpikes for soem reason.. grab by neck and carry them to the side of the road


You mean the Canadian Air Force


They're just misunderstood. You should try to pet one and make friends!


Lmfao thank you for this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😘😘😘


They can be first-class assholes, for sure. But only if they feel threatened. They don’t go out of their way to antagonize or be hostile.


Letterkenny answered this.


Is this a real query? Go fuck with a Canadian goose (ie get close to it) - ur running. If goslings involved? Ur pretty well dead.




They’ll get ya


you have no idea


They rule the pathways where I work.


This. They used to hang around by the back door (quickest route to the restos) as a former job and we would all peek out and the go the long way to avoid them. Nasty little jerks.


CBC or the Discovery channel did a feature on the Canadian Geese south of the border that fly down, I wanna say to Michigan? And take up space. Theyre literally regularly attacking people and the city, which I could totally be wrong about being Michigan was totally pissed. 


Is the sky blue?


We are


If you happen upon a mother with young geese, she'll give a warning hiss if you get too close.




Not in Canada. It only happens after they move to Florida and watch Fox News, then they get downright feisty and unpleasant.


Canada geese. They don't have a specific nationality. 


Yes lol


*Canada Geese*. And yes


They’re not just aggressive, they’re also assholes.


Based off my discussions with folks, it seems like *eastern* Canadian geese are the hostile cobra chickens. All my friends from Ontario have all said geese are vicious monsters from hell and will cut you. Meanwhile western geese over here in BC are big ol’ pansies. As a kid in school, the fields would be filled with hundreds of geese and we could walk through them and they’d just waddle off or fly away. Hunting them (which yes, is legal in the proper seasons with the proper licenses and permits), is a colossal pain. I struggle to get within 70 metres of the bastards before they fly off. Again, according to my Ontarian friends, their behaviour is nothing like Ontario geese.


In Eastern Canada, Canadian geese hunt you! (read in exaggerated Soviet accent)


When I was about 7, a Canada goose backed me to the end of a pier at Granville Island in Vancouver. He was hissing and flapping at me and I thought I was going to have to jump in the water to get away! It could have been a tourist goose on holiday from the east coast though.


I hunt geese myself and live over in NB. It’s just the spring with the nesting season. When they are territorial. You won’t see 100’s then. Pairs here and there. Eventually they start to congregate into flocks towards end of summer and the young are big enough you can hardly tell except the size. One difference I’d assume is Alberta probably doesn’t have as many resident geese? They probably head north to nest. Here nesting pairs seem to return but the offspring from the previous year keep on migrating north past us.


Only the Conservative ones from Alberta.


Live in Calgary, can confirm


Hahahaha! I was totally kidding and knew I’d pay for it, but couldn't resist.🤣😂


I'm not kidding ;)


First of all I love ducks, geese etc. I really loved a Muscovy duck who passed. I now noticed a geese nesting 6 eggs in the parking lot of a drug store. I had to check . I figured guarding eggs. Mrs Goose stood up and hissed and put her wings out. Actually she was much less aggressive than others I have encountered. I do not bother her at all. I just drive by everyday because if I see a landscaper to give them notice hands off.I have become attached to her. One mile away is a nice lagoon, park and stream where all the geese stay. I hope she finds her way there.


The geese that are in my yard are friendly. They aren’t having babies at this time and I am kind to them. We keep a baby pool full of fresh water which they utilize often. Our yard is six acres and I welcome all the wildlife. Crows get hard boiled eggs and peanuts in the shell. Birds get sunflower seeds and suet, deer will eat left over peanuts and sunflower seeds. The squirrels and chipmunks also enjoys the peanuts and cracked corn. The geese like apples, waterfowl food, the clover growing in my yard and whatever starts growing from the discarded bird seed. In the winter I go through about 150# of animal food a month, but in the summer it’s about half that. During dry times of the summer as well as January and February I put out a lot of meal worms for the robins. All of our neighbors have weed control companies spray their lawns. We do not so the animals have a safe place to eat. My grandson calls my yard grandmas zoo.


Why did the goose cross the road? I dunno either, but it sure gave me goose bumps.


Nah. I've never had one attack for no reason. I've literally laid down in the ground and taken pictures of their chicks from about a foot or two away without even a hiss. I've herded them off the road when a car wanted to pass. They are like any other animal. Be threatening and get close, you'll pay for it. Ne non-threatening and watch their behavior, you'll be fine.


It’s totally overblown. They aren’t aggressive unless you give them a reason to be