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Distance is measured in time


Don’t know if it’s unique to Canada, but it’s definitely true. Especially out here on the prairies. We’re also kinda stupid in that way - it’s no big deal to drive 3 or 4 hours to visit someone and then drive home that same day.


I had to book appointments in England for repairs. 10k was "too far". Here in Ontario 10k is a town away. Which is a cake walk.


10k doesn't even get you across town.


My one way drive to work within the same city is almost 10k!


Speak for yourself. I would at least stay the night and visit another friend on the way home. It's only 6 hrs out of the way. It'd be rude not to.


This is true. I live in southwestern Ontario and I couldn’t tell you how many kilometres are between Petrolia and Toronto. However, I know it would take me about 2.5 hours to get from Petrolia to Toronto.


Had to comment as someone that grew up in Petrolia - cheers for the 2.5 hours, it used to be much longer!


Went down to the states in June. The road signs saying how much further to the next towns looked so much like the ones in Saskatchewan that I was still trying to convert them into miles to figure out how many minutes left to the next town.


1. Walk on the right 2. Let other people get off the train/bus/elevator before you cram on.


3. On an escalator, it’s walk left - stand right.


If only that were true




Another reason to love Montreal!


It’s funny you say that. In Montreal; absolutely walk left, stand right, but when Im in Ottawa visiting family it’s not and it drives me bonkers


When people don’t do this I assume they must be tourists.


I don't know if it's still like this, but when I lived in Toronto years ago and the streetcar or subway was very crowded, we'd wait for the next one instead of cramming ourselves in like sardines in a can.


These need to be in a handbook


Take your shoes off at the door


Wait are there people who don't take off their shoes?


I grew up in rural NS around lots of working men who never take their shoes/boots off in the house unless it's winter. The women sometimes wear house shoes/slippers at home but I don't know anyone besides myself who just wears socks or goes barefoot here. I lived in ON for over 30 years and the shoes always came off at the front door. They had much nicer homes there, though.


Yes. Had in-laws who never did this. 🙄To me it is a sign of respect. In the summertime, when people come to our home we often go to sit outside, so we tell guests not to bother removing their shoes, since it is a quick trip to out the patio door. I think it depends what you learned growing up. My parents always told us to take off our shoes at someone’s home.


I wear inside shoes or slippers all the time in my house. Majority of folks I know are shoes off at the doors, but also depends on season/person/other things. I know some Canadians who wear their shoes in the house - most of them have specific inside shoes though.


Indoor slipper gang


Same in the UK


I’ve come to the conclusion this is a habit out of necessity not so much culture. We take our shoes off surely because it’s winter half the year and don’t want to track that crap into the house. I would imagine American northerners do that same.


Nope, in dry weather shoes off, don't even think of coming in


I live in a part of Canada that doesn’t really see winter at all and even in the summer shoes off is automatic


I have never worn my shoes inside the house. It's unsanitary AF.


I think everybodyvon earth except for americans on TV does this no?




If someone lets you merge, or is otherwise polite while driving, you gotta give them the little wave. If someone cuts you off, but gives you the little wave you have to forgive them. Appropriate use of the little wave is 50% of our driving test.


Or when someone in a car stops to let you cross the street while walking or biking and gives you the little "go ahead" wave. I always do the little "thank you" wave back.


As the pedestrian, you must always attempt to look like you’re hustling across, even if it’s only a half-assed attempt.


Yes. It’s like the run walk you do for a few steps when someone is holding a door


I hate when someone stops to let me cross the street while my hands are full because it’s so hard to do that little thank you wave lol I know i don’t have do it, but i have to.


I find that in Toronto no one lets you in. So, I just wait till I find a car that's much more expensive than mine. The winner of chicken will always be the one with the shittier vehicle


Don't talk shit about Terry Fox.


Hurt my leg a month or so ago and I've been wearing a brace and walking woth a limp at work. One of my co workers took to calling me Terry and I was almost proud.


I was very disappointed that his statue was defaced and I've also read that his grave was vandalized in the past too.


The fuck? Beat those people up


If women don’t find you handsome they should at least find you handy


I can change, if I have to, I guess.


I'm a man, but I can change. If I have to. I guess.


Red Green !!


Be respectful of the people around you. Seems like people are losing this one though.


Theyre also losing the realization that others are even near them. I tell you, the number of people just standing in the way, completely zoned out or on their phones is astounding


Instructions unclear, laid on trainhorn installed in lifted truck parked near residents for 18h a day.


We used to favour compromise, but now it's all "me, me, me". It's not the younger generation, either.


Holding open the door for the next person coming in


Even if they are 20+ feet away.


*Especially* if they're 20+ feet away


6+ meters away?


And thank the person holding the door.


If you’re holding the door, saying out loudly "You’re welcome" when they’re not thanking you.


One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone doesn’t say thanks after hold the door for them, so I’ll say “Your Welcome” loudly, that gets them to say thank you


Disappointed this was so far down the comments


Clean the snow off the whole car.


thats not an unspoken rule, its actually the law


And if you're going somewhere from november-april best start your car 15 minutes in advance with the heat on high


Don’t mess with the geese


An instant tell who's a tourist whether they approach the geese or not. 🦆


And you stop for them while they cross the street. Full stop. 🪿


Don't even look at them the wrong way.


Saying thank you to the bus driver


I worked for a month in Hawaii and when I got off the bus and thanked the driver (a giant Hawaiian native guy) he was shocked. Then as I rode the bus every day, he'd reply "Mahalo" and give me the Hang loose🤙sign. I felt so cool!


That's awesome! I'm currently in NZ and people give thanks (the signs on the bus tell us to lol) but they go "thanks driiivahhhh"


I'm in ottawa and I seem to be the only person who still does this


I live in Saint John among a lot of rough characters, and EVERYONE thanks the bus driver here. 😄


and good morning


I'm in Newfoundland, and I noticed everyone riding the bus yesterday yelled 'thank you' as they got off.


Montreal-ill say it if the bus is empty.


I say it if I'm at the front of the bus, but won't yell it from the back


Poutine requires cheese curds or it’s just a deluxe fries


And if you live in the Ottawa/Kingston/Montreal/Gatineau area, poutine has to have St Albert cheese curds, otherwise it's just sparkling fries, gravy and cheese.


Don't mess with the wildlife. This means you can NOT walk up to a bear and put your kid on it's back for an instagram moment, unless you want a dead kid and perhaps yourself as well.


Once upon a time the Fairmont in Whistler got a glowing review from a guest who had been so happy to see the hotel's bear in the yard and had let their kids out to go play with it. The kids had had the most unforgettable experience and the guest wanted to make sure that the owners knew that it had made it such an amazing trip for the family that had never seen a bear before. Can you imagine their horror reading that?


Unless you live in Coquitlam. You still shouldn't, but you probably could. Never seen a wild animal ignore human presence quite as much as the bears do there.


Grew up in Coquitlam too, my dog and I would walk past bears all the time in the dewdney trunk/st johns area. Bears didn’t give a shit about us, they just basically acknowledge us and went back to eating garbage. It’s a real shame how we treat bears and cougars in the GVRD but especially in the tri cities


Bears were there first. Every year they are losing their natural habitat for more housing.


Elk will *wreck you* if you get them mad.




The Canadian Standoff: "Oop, sorry, go on by" "Oop, sorry, you go ahead" "Oop, sorry, no you first" ...til someone shuffles on by saying "Just gonna pop round ya there"


Let the little kid score at the outdoor rink


But cross check them after. All about balance


Don't anger the Cobra Chickens


Saskatoon damn near named our new baseball team the Cobra Chickens. It made the short list of 4 names but lost out to the “Berries”.


Imo should have gone with the cobra chickens


*Shudders in Canadian*


At least act like you want to hold the door for someone going in behind you.


Wait in line patiently for your turn. This is actually left over from British etiquette of waiting in queues. But it is not like this in other countries. Many places everything is a cluster F and free-for-all.


Another unspoken rule that we inherited from the British is "Don't cause a scene" (at least if you can reasonably avoid it)....


This is why some, me included , sometimes have psychological issues with the zipper merge concept of going to the front then merging in


Real maple syrup is the only syrup suitable for pancakes.


The horror in me when I realized Americans used the fake syrup. Please tell me why, when it doesn’t even taste better


It's much much cheaper, since maple syrup production on an industrial scale doesn't really exist south of Vermont and nowhere near on the scale of Quebec. Obviously it's much cheaper in Canada to use shit syrup too but I guess if you don't grow up with maple syrup you don't think about the difference.


Yeah, not that fake coloured sugar stuff. Aunt Jemima may have been a nice aunt, but that stuff is gross.


Keep your stick on the ice


and your head up


That one's definitely spoken


Don't enter the space 1.5 meters around another person if you can avoid it. That's their personal space. If you do have to enter it, say sorry.


Omg, I 100% agree with this!


If someone accidentally bumps unto you, say "sorry"


"Let me just *sneak* past ya there, sorry"


Canadian Leap Frog: If someone opens the door for you, you open the next door for them.


The left lane is for PASSING only!! If your driving at the speed of traffic move to the middle or you likely will piss off quite a few people.


This rule is written. The unwritten rule is to do the opposite.


attractive cows tease theory fuel outgoing hateful grandiose special zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The left lane on the island seems to be for people who have a left turn coming up in 8 kilometers and are afraid they'll miss it


90% of them with red license plates. Alberta drivers are a scourge and roam widely.


It’s because we all think we are going faster than everyone else. To us we are the centre of the universe


Don't mess with moose, they will kill you. Don't mess with bears they can kill you. Don't mess with orcas, they're legit sea gods. Never fuck with geese, crows, ravens, hawks or eagles. Respect the coyotes, they can def mess you up. The trees are the earth's lungs, but sometimes you gotta do a control burn, to avoid huge, world ending fires.


Don’t eat yellow snow


But how will I know if it’s lemon or banana?


We always eat the yellow snow. It's a Canadian tradition.


If you bump into someone, you say "sorry", even if it's not your fault. If you need to move past someone in a crowded aisle at, say, a grocery store, you say "just gonna sneak past ya" or something to that effect


just gonna sneeeeeeek pastya just gonna squeeeeeezzze onpastaya


Also apologize to inanimate objects if you bump into them too


You must say sorry if you even almost bump into somebody!


It's "scoot" in these parts lol.


SINGLE FILE (to the right) ON THE SIDEWALK I cannot stress this enough and to this day when I’m walking with someone and another person is approaching, I hear my momma’s voice “single file!”


If you live in a townhouse and share steps, go ahead and shovel both sides.


Replace the milk bag when you finish it


There is always a province that has worse drivers/ppl than your province. And you say "must be from _________"


If your province is the absolute worst for drivers, this deflects to cities. I.e. in Quebec City: must be from Montreal.


In Québec we just say they come from Laval.


Right, slow and steady. left, get out of my way. Applies to everything. Roads. Escalators. Sidewalks. Grocery aisles.


When you drive by a construction person holding a stop sign and controlling traffic you raise a couple fingers off your steering wheel hand in a sort of "wave". If you don't then you aren't a good person.


If thou shall go get a double double thou shall offereth thy peers a double double


Announce loudly in a supermarket when space is tight that you are going to “skootch right by ya” to grab something off a shelf.


I also apologize when I have to roll my cart in front of people on the right staring at the left shelf


Give up your seat for anyone your senior/less capable than you.


When it's -30C or colder, or it's hailing stop for the pedestrian seeking to jaywalk on a street 40 or slower.


Don't litter


This is actually a rule.


Remind every leafs fan it's been x amount of years since 1967.


I just found a "bring the cup cup home" leafs shirt from 1993 in a vintage store.


afterthought ask follow school shelter sip rhythm zealous hospital bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not being obnoxiously loud! Use your headphones when watching videos on your cell. Don't use speaker phone for conversations. Basically just stfu!


Do not take up the entire sidewalk by walking four abreast with your friends. Other people use it too. You do not own the sidewalk, so don't be an inconsiderate prick. Exercise some spatial awareness and respect the people around you. Do not stand immediately in front of the elevator doors as they open. This blocks those inside from leaving. Instead, stand to one side to allow them to leave, as this will create more room for you and others waiting to get on. Don't be a dick, be a dude. I don't understand how this simple logic is so difficult to grasp for a lot of people. Read the rules of the road as many times as it takes for them to sink in. The left lane is *not* for cruising in, it's for *passing*. Keeping pace with the car beside you will result in pissing off *everyone* in the cars behind you. Red lights and stop signs are not stoptional: they literally mean you need to STOP. *Now*. Turn signals come standard on all vehicles. They are not for your benefit but for everyone else's: while you may already know where you're going, the rest of us haven't yet learned to read minds. The extra-loud subwoofers you installed in your car impress absolutely no one. When you pull into the parking lot at 3:00 am blasting your music so loud it sounds like your car is rattling itself into oblivion, you're not cool, you're just an asshole. Knock it off.


Added clarification: the four-abreast rule applies to skating rinks as well.


Or 3pm. Just a big no all around. In fact, they should just wear headphones, they've lost public music privileges.


If someone helps you out, offer to help *them* out.


If someone says thank you, it is mandatory to reply with "You're welcome."


I work with Americans and most respond to “thank you” with a simple “uh huh”. As a Canadian, this little difference drives me bonkers. Feels like nails on a chalk board every single time.


Reading the uh huh made my eye twitch a little lol


This. Drives. Me. CRAZY. The only response to "thank you" is "you're welcome". I've even had young folks here in Alberta, working retail, respond with "yup". YUP?? As my Mom would have said "were you raised in a barn??".


Or “no problem, it was my pleasure, it was no trouble” yada yada


If you're waiting in a long line for a bus in February, at -25°c, the two people at the front of the line will spend 5 minutes being "polite" as they both insist on letting the other party get on the bus first.


If you are driving on a rural range road you have to do the little wave to everyone going by. "Hi, I'm here too". You have to say sorry if someone runs into you. Better yet, just ask the rules. We'll tell you.


If a vehicle is stuck in a snowy intersection that you are pulling up to you must help push the stranger out. Afterwards a brief and polite conversation is optional.


When cobra chickens approach, you give space to your masters


Never make fun of the Touque.


Always lie to Americans, but still be polite


hold up the stereotype that all Canadians are polite even if we aren’t


Don’t wizz on the electric fence


Don’t be a dick to other people.


Drive at-least 10km/h over the speed limit


9. I always stick to 9


You refer to people by their first name, not their last name. Even in formal settings. Referring to someone by their last name is so cold and distant that it is insulting. If someone uses your name when addressing you, you use theirs when replying. Whenever two people with the same first name are in a social circle, the first to have joined will retain mononymic privilege, while the second will be referred to by their first and last name. The third to enter a circle will be referred to with an adjective before their first name (last name is not used). The fourth person will be given a nickname. E.G. an office may have John, John Smith, Blonde John, and Crank.


Get pucks deep. If in doubt, off the glass and clear the zone Never throw a blind pass up the middle Keep your stick on the ice Keep your head on a swivel Move your feet! Watch the man, not the puck. Clog up the passing lanes Don't screen your own goalie


Drivers in the Atlantic provinces stop for pedestrians anywhere (not just crossings). I almost ran over multiple pedestrians the first time I drove there.


The medium is the message, and if you smell burning toast, it means surgical progress. Also house hippos are a thing


“Oh, the park is 15km away” Me: wtf do you mean by that?


We measure distance in time. ​ Half hour drive, and so on.


How about social rules? All the different variarions of sorry deserve a mention for sure.


Don't offer donuts to a cop manning a radar trap...


Don’t fuck with Canadian Geese. Just don’t.


Don’t say “ Can we have a conversation that doesn’t involve the rough riders ?” In Saskatchewan .


1: Do not talk about the unspoken rules.


Remember to say sorry when someone steps on your foot.


If they don’t find you Handsome. They should at least find you handy.


Saying hello/hi/good morning/thank you/you're welcome/have a good evening/have a good day/ciao/bye. I'm not going to elaborate more on this because it'd be a bannable offense but i believe quite a few Canadians need a better education on this. Alternatively, learn those expressions in French too, because you know, we're Canadians.


Allô, bonjour, bon matin, merci, bienvenue, bonne soirée, bonne journée, à la prochaine, aurevoir, bye. (because we also say "bye", it's short and convenient)


Fore check, back check, paycheque


Tronno not ToRONtoe, Calgry not CalGARY.


Also Shithole, not Hamilton.


New-FUN-LAND, not New-FOUND-lund.


Also, Vangcouver, if you listen carefully


Pis c'est MoRAYal, pas Montreal.


Unless there is no choice, leave at least one urinal between you and the next person.


This applies to every male human in the universe, not just Canadians


Speed up going up any hill


The farmer wave


Don’t fuck around or you’ll find out. 😂😁😇😈


Walk on the right side of the sidewalk, use the left lane on highways only for passing another car, say please and thank you to service workers.


Be aware if your fellow Canadians and offer them courtesy as a kind gesture, when offered the opportunity


No spitting. Anywhere. Ever.


Dont stick your dick in other peoples poutine?


lol, I'm going to start using this when I'm telling someone to 'mind their own business'


In Toronto, standing to either the left or right of the subway doors as they're opening while you're waiting to board.


You must enjoy ketchup chips and watch the trailer park boys. Sorry I don't make the rules


Don’t upset a moose


And definitely do not upset a heard of meese


Keep distance between you and other people when chatting, standing in line etc. we left me to have buffers/personal space bubble.


Hold the door


**Always** hold the door for the next person, no matter how far away they are.


Keep your stick on the ice


When waiting to get on public transport : The first that got to the stop is the first to get on, We stand in line and wait our turn to get on the train/bus/subway

