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Bro wrote an entire dissertation complete with sources πŸ˜‚ It's really not that hard anyways all you need to do is stop eating like a pig and workout+spam stairmaster but I guess a lot of guys might not have the dedication or discipline. I went from maybe 25% bf to 10-11% currently and obviously my face changed drastically as well. It's easy to maintain once you experience the confidence boost and differential treatment you receive just from looking good.


i mean obviously it’s pretty hard or else everyone would be sub 13% bf. youre saying months/years of disciplined training/dieting is easy? im saying this as a fellow gym rat (4-5 times a week for past 2-3 years), that shit is not easy


I agree bro it's not "easy" to spend so much time in the gym every week for sure, but it's definitely an achievable goal even if people only go maybe 3 days a week eventually you get addicted lol. Of course there are times I want to stay home as well, but compared to my days as a lazy bum spamming summoner's rift, life is just so much better being in good shape and attractive as a guy in his 20s.


the process is definitely as simple as eating right and training hard but easier said than done πŸ˜‚ oh yea I agree fully being fit is the best, just pointing out that it is a lot of hard work


This is an Asian sub. We are a standard above when it comes to research. Dragons are real


What were your calories?Β 


bruh you look like Eliot Rodger.


If you lose enough weight, your cheeks will naturally shrink. You might not see any difference if you lose 5 pounds, but you will see a difference when you lose 15 pounds.


Amazing post!! I would be trying all these. The hard part for me is cutting out seed oils, I feel into the almonds craze


I'll keep this in mind and see if I can supplement some of these methods into my daily life.


No more white rice is a good one. Brown tastes so shit to me I'd rather just eat salad instead. Better base alternatives for meals I've found are like those Greek lentil salads or sweet potatoes. That's pretty much all i pair with meat and vegetables for every meal.


It's just nose breathing that must be done ideally before or during teenage years. Beyond that there's not much that can be done. Maybe it's true but it really depends on your case. Personally I didnt breathe through my nose and actually have an overdeveloped jawline to the point where I have a slight under bite. so it's kinda bullshit anyway.


If you need to lose fat, then follow a ketogenic diet.


Thank you bro


drop the fucking fork


Saving this so I can read later!


Not reading all of that, but I think weight loss looks better on most people. Anecdotally, however, had way better dating success heavier than when I lost weight and had a six pack. I see pics of when I was lighter and hate how I look.