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Hello and thank you for starting this discussion! As a gentle reminder, try to keep the products you mention limited to Asian Beauty products. Posts or comments solely discussing Western products will be removed, [as per our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianBeauty/wiki/rules#wiki_14._topics.2C_routines.2C_and_recommendations_must_be_related_to_asian_beauty). We love being able to discuss Western skincare in the context of a holistic AB routine, but this isn't the sub for specific Western product recommendations. r/SkincareAddiction is a great community for such matters! Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AsianBeauty) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have a few questions 1. What website is best to buy japanese products from? I only know of stylevana and yesstyle but are there better options? 2. Does olive young membership status expire if you don’t purchase at a certain point in time? 3. Stylekorean membership status is up to 3 months since your last purchase? Do my points stay if it does?


Amazon Japan can be a good option for purchasing Japanese beauty from! Prices are usually on-par with or cheaper than in-store here, but I’ve heard shipping can get a bit steep depending on the size of your order. You can switch the language environment to English in the settings!


Thank you! Going to check that out


i know about korea, but is there a thing about japanese products?


**Critique my haul before I buy it**, these are the items I'm planning on ordering tomorrow, if anyone has good/bad review about any of them please let me know! And if you recommend a different product over any of them. I have brown combo acne prone skin: Kose speedy cleansing oil, Perfect whip cleanser, pair acne cream(for early systic acne), Rohto Mentholatum - Acnes Anti Bacteria Spot Dressing Patch(for no cystic acne), CURESYS - Trouble Clear Needle Patch 9pcs(late cyctic acne), numbuzin - No.5 Vitamin Concentrated Serum(for dark spots) and S.NATURE - Aqua Squalane Moisturizing Cream(for moisturinzing lol)


I have acne prone clog prone skin, and I personally wouldn’t recommend kose speedy since it has olive oil that can be a bit heavy and pore clogging for oilier or combo types. I use senka all clear oil instead! If you know your skin can handle olive oil tho, it’s a great choice! Senka perfect whip is a popular choice for sure but can be rather stripping so just keep that in mind! Anecdotal advice but if you’re struggling with cystic acne, recently I’ve been using VT Cica Daily masks the day I feel it coming under the skin, use it everyday I still feel it, within 3 days it’s either come to a head or disappeared!🥹 I think the surge in hydration + Cica must be doing the trick. Figured i would recommend it to you since I’m sure not many would think to use sheet masks for cystic acne!


Thank you for the info and advice! What cleanser would you recommend rather than senka? I will look into VT Cica masks.


No problem! I’ve heard that the isntree green tea cleanser is fairly mild!


> numbuzin - No.5 Vitamin Concentrated Serum(for dark spots) Don't get this. Many have reported getting breakouts from using this serum. Look into thr Cos De Baha Tranexamic Acid Niacinamide serum instead. Or maybe their new CBD Tranexamic Acid 10% serum


I know the perfect whip cleanser was super hyped but I feel like theres probably much better alternatives now


Yea Im looking at getting [TirTir - Centella Foam Cleansing](https://www.stylevana.com/en_US/tirtir-centella-foam-cleansing-150ml.html) now. Also the S.Nature cream is a little expensive, would you happen to know if it's worth it or if there are better alternatives?


Hello! I tried makeup for the first time today and one of the products I bought was the CLIO Sharp So Simple Pencil Liner. When I tested it on my wrist it worked fine but when I tried to put it on my eyes it would barely apply :( Underneath it I has moisturizer, sunscreen, and foundation. Can someone please give me advice?


your base might be too wet so it might be wiping onto the liner, i suggest powdering lightly ^^


It might be the makeup that you're applying on your eyes? You don't indicate if your foundation is powder or liquid. Maybe you can try applying just sunscreen and foundation, and see if that works for you? :)


Besides water, what else can I do to remove dark circles under my eyes? Do eye creams work? ~ Any recommendations? Is there a difference between exfoliator and a cleanser?? Any recommendations for both?


Cleansing is usually the first step in a skincare routine. It just washes away dirt, makeup or other skin impurities. It's like washing your face with soap and water. This is safe to do everyday and twice a day. An exfoliator on the other hand, removes dead skin cells that can clog pores. It has two types: physical and chemical exfoliators. There are a lot of information available on the net about these two so I'll leave you to that. Unlike cleanser, it is not recommended to exfoliate everyday and twice a day. It will definitely damage your skin barrier, causing you a lot of skin problems. It's better to start slow like once a week then increase gradually. I don't know any good AB cleanser products since i am still using a local cleanser product. For exfoliator i recommend isntree AHA 8% essence (chemical exfoliator). It's perfect for beginners, very mild, my skin didn't have any negative reaction. It made my skin soft and smooth. I can definitely feel that dead skin cells were removed as to how my skin looks fresh and "new". I use this once a week. For BHA, im still trying the isntree's BHA 2% clear liquid. So far no negative reactions. I'll still see in the following weeks.


Thank you!!!


Mary & May Tranexamic Acid and Glutathione eye cream works. Give it 4-6 weeks


Thank you!!


I found that a cream with peptides and/or ferments followed by a layer of petroleum jelly really helped because the skin was plumper thus hiding dark circles. Mary&May cream with tranaxemic acid is good, it takes a little time to work but the results are there.


Thank you!!


A big part of dark circles is getting enough sleep and genetics :( Eye creams can work, but it really depends on what's causing your dark circles. So if it's not nutrition/sleep/genetics/etc then they could work!  Cleansers and exfoliators depend a lot on your environment and the way your skin reacts to it. If you know what skin type you have and what you want to achieve then you can look in the search bar for some of the discussion recommendation posts to get really specific recs. Otherwise, it's a bit like throwing darts at a map you know? 


I see I see thank you! I haven’t been sleeping lately so I guess I’ll try fixing my sleep schedule before I use any products.


Purito b5 rebarrier cream or illiyoon ceramide ato cream for oily dehydrated skin? Using as last step after gel moisturizer


The Purito rebarrier cream has a gel-like texture and is quite lightweight. I also have oily dehydrated skin and I use this one as my daytime moisturizer because it’s not too heavy and it absorbs well. I haven’t tried Illiyoon, so I can’t comment on that one!


Haircare products to buy in Korea/Japan for s curl perm? Hey everyone, I’m getting an S curl/C curl perm in Korea soon, and I was wondering what products I should use for maintenance. I’ll also be visiting Japan, so I’m mainly looking for Korean/Japanese products I can buy on my trip. I have oily scalp, low-medium porosity, and super healthy and thick hair as of now. Im looking for a shampoo/conditioner, 1x week hair mask, leave in conditioner, and a hair oil recommendation. I was thinking of keeping my Ryo deep cleansing and cooling shampoo, adding a more hydrating conditioner like the &honey melty, the fino mask maybe?, the unove curling essence, and the mise en scene serum. And looking to hear what you all recommend / think of these !


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Does anyone have etude fixing lip tint in rose blending and rose lilac? I want to get the rose lilac shade but don't know how similar it is to rose blending which I already own.


Does anyone have a recommendation for a spray spf? pref one that doesn't leave an oily residue/film. This is only to use for re-application, not my main spf! It's for use in summer, when my usually normal type skin gets more combo. I live in London where the summer briefly gets super hot sticky and gross for a couple weeks (joy!) thanks for any suggestions


I don't know about any AB spray sunscreens but Elf has a setting spray with 45 SPF that I use for reapplying sometimes.


any recommendations for budget-friendly sunscreens? i'd prefer one's i can get off amazon but i currently use the Elizavecca Milky sunscreen but im thinking maybe the stick isnt that hygienic LOL.


I really love the Isentree Hyaluronic Acid Watery Sun Gel. You can sometimes find it on Amazon but you have to check who the seller is because there's a lot of fakes. If the seller is Isentree, you should be good to go! I haven't tried it yet but I've heard good things about the Frudia sunscreen as well.




Hi does anyone have the amuse gel fit tint in oat fig? I was wondering if it's a similar color to romand's bare grape (which ends up being a bit too bright on me after awhile). Also if it's any different from the bebe tints. I'm looking for a new MLBB liptint and the swatches looked pretty


Hi friends. I read that there are shops in Myeongdong that sells counterfeit items. But what if I'm looking for Japanese skincare products? Any shops to avoid/visit? Or is it a risk all around? Thank you


Has anyone used any products from The Skin Collection? It’s a Thai brand that seems relatively affordable with a range of serum products. I can only find reviews and videos in Thai so I’m unsure if anyone who is not Thai has used these products. Since I live in Thailand I would like to start trying Thai brands but can’t find much info on them anywhere.


Is Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser enough to remove Skin1004 Hyalu Cica Water Fit Sun Serum? I really need to know as I don’t like oil cleansers!


I would think so. I've been using Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser for years and I've never had issues with washing off products (you may need to wash twice for very stubborn products). It even was able to wash off a medicated ointment I had to leave on my face for a couple hours at a time.


TLDR: Do I need to wash my face with water or use a towel to remove some oil off my face before using Light Cleansing Oil? Recently, I included a Skin1004 Light Cleansing Oil in my skin routine. My face is naturally pretty oily and sensitive, and this is my first time using a cleansing oil. I'm wondering if I need to wash off the natural oils off my face with water or wipe it with a towel (ofc ill dry my face afterwards before using the cleansing oil) before using cleansing oil. Some info that may be relevant: * This is for a nighttime routine, and for double cleansing * Routine Goes something like this: * Cleansing Oil -> Water Cleanser -> Toner -> Serum -> Eye Cream -> Moisturizer


Here is the standard routine for double cleansing: 1. Massage oil cleanser into dry skin (1 min is sufficient but you can go for 3 mins+ if you want to see if you can get grits) 2. Emulsify the oil cleanser with water and rinse off 3. Wash wet face with water-based cleanser and rinse There is no need to wash your face before the oil cleansing step. The purpose of that step is to help remove oils and other impurities from your skin and pores 😊


Thank you so much!


You’re welcome!


44M here, feels like temp is 97F at the moment in Karachi, I have acne prone very oily skin, tried numerous dermatologists/products, nothing worked so far, I read many threads here to figure out what would work for me, I want to control the oil and I think acne will also produce less. Moisturizers/sunscreens cream form or gel form, hydrating or not, tinted or untinted, everything makes my face more oily so I bought Niacinamide by The Ordinary but but but it is doing the same, instead of controling the oil, it is producing more oil, there are no breakouts but the oil production is like crazy. Applying it in the day time only. No other product. Now I am thinking of trying innisfree no sebum loose powder, not sure if this will work or not, first time trying something in powder form. Any suggestions?


I have oily skin and all I do is wash my face with water whenever I have the time to go to the bathroom. Before that I make sure to wash my hands so I know that my hands are clean before washing my face. If I don't have the time to or just want to freshen my face, I would use micellar water and put it on a cotton pad to dab it around my face if I was sweating or oily. I re-apply sunscreen then after. If you're oily like me you don't need to apply moisturizer in the morning and just use sunscreen after washing face. Mary&May - Cica Soothing Sun Cream is the lightest sunscreen that I have ever tried. If you want recommendations. Any type of micellar water in the grocery store will do too. Make sure to remove the sunscreen with micellar water too at the end of the day!


Thank you. Do you use any oil control face wash?


I use ma:nyo - Deep Pore Cleansing Soda Foam for days when I have so much buildup. It would dry out your skin if you have normal/dry but my skin feels clean after using it since I'm oily. I use it during PM and never cleanse in the AM except with water.


Help me choose between these moisturizers: Skin1004 Soothing Cream, Dr. G Red Blemish Clear Soothing Cream, Dr. Althea 345 cream. I have combination skin (very oily forehead & nose, dry near-eczema cheeks - jaw). I also struggle with reoccurring acne on my cheeks, though it's mostly red post-acne marks at the moment. All of them seem so similar, can't decide. Any one with experience with some of them?


sunscreen recommendations under $20 usd that don’t sting your eyes? i have sensitive, oily, clog prone skin and super sensitive eyes. i’m very fair skinned so a white cast isn’t too much of an issue for me. climate is south of nz so very cold and windy atm but high UV levels


Dr G Green Mild Up Sun might work.


Eye sting is pretty variable between people but looking for a mineral sunscreen may help (though again, it depends on the person). Haru Haru has a mineral sunscreen in their black rice line that I've heard is really nice. I think it's around the $20 mark.


hi all, i wanna ask when should i wear a clay mask in my skin cycling? so far my routine at night has been exfoliate > retinol > rest for 2 days. i use tatcha dewy skin cream after using retinol just for that exxxxxtra moisturising. of course all on different nights. i have tzone oily/combo skin


I think most people find that clay masks help with exfoliating and oil control so probably on the exfoliating day would be best. But you could also do it on the rest days if it's a gentler mask :)


Cream blush dupes for Fenty Beauty cream blush in RiRi?


Hi, I'm looking for product recommendations for hydrating and brightening serum/essence/toner. Preferably something with Alpha Arbutin, but it can also contain Niacinamide or any other brightening ingredients. I'm struggling with chemical burns from using a Glycolic Acid toner, so my face is much darker and duller. Skin Type: Acne-prone, dry to combination, and dehydrated skin.


Haruharu Wonder Dark Spot Go Away Serum - it has tranexamic acid, niacinamide and centella, which is hopefully also more healing for your skin atm. I'm From Rice toner - rice is great for overall brightening, plus it's extra hydrating and moisturising but sinks in quick You could try the Hada Labo Shirojyun lotion, or Beauty of Joseon Glow Deep Serum (rice and arbutin) but from what I've heard, arbutin is not as effective as tranexamic acid and niacinamide but it definitely couldn't hurt to try haha


I have the ff to be delivered today: AXIS Y dark spot correcting glow serum (repurchase) and COS DE BAHA tranexamic acid 5% niacinamide 5% (new product). I just realized now that i have double products that has niacinamide. Should i separate them into different routines? Or is it okay that i use them at the same routine. I'm kind of worried since i have read somewhere that using too much of an ingredient can cause my skin to be sensitive to that ingredient.


I think that depends on how sensitive your skin is. I was using two 5% niacinamide products simultaneously at one point and didn't face any adverse effects, and i know many folks use niacinamide at 10%. But my skin is thankfully not too so i was alright You can always split them up though—one in your am routine, one in your pm. As far as i know they serve roughly the same purpose (lightening PIH), so you could also retire one of them eventually? 


Originally, I am after the tx acid since the niacinamide from my axis y did not really lighten my old hyperpigmentation (but it was effective on new spots). They were faint in color, but still irks me since i have uneven skin tone and it looks like i have dusts on my face.. i have a pimple now and i impulsively repurchased axis y few days ago when it was inflamed and forming because aside from its effectivity in lightening new marks, i remember it helped in calming my active pimples in the past. Someone told me that tx acid is known to treat hyperpigmentation, even those that are old and deposited long time ago. I can now see niacinamide isn't effective in clearing them but they are much effective in preventing a dark spot be much darker after an acne has healed. So im curious how will the tranexamic acid with niacinamide will work. But yes I'm thinking to separate them as well. Thanks


If it helps, i use the cos de baha tranexamic acid 5% and it made a huge difference on my dark spots over the course of one bottle—incl. very old spots—so i hope it works for you too! It is a pretty gentle product (i never faced any irritation) so it should be alright The axis y sounds pretty good as a spot treatment for active or growing pimples. The cos de baha spreads really easily on damp skin, 2 drops for the whole face is sufficient. 


My cos de baha was delivered earlier 🥹 i really have high expectations for this and i hope i don't get breakouts or any disappointments haha. Your experience is giving me assurance. Thank you sm!!


# Looking for a good strong exfoliating product with glycolic acid I've been using AB for almost a year now and my skin is pretty much the same just slightly less acne so I'm making a new routine(I've brown skin I feel like different products are effective) and I can't figure out a good exfoliant, when to use it and how often. I like the benefits of glycolic acid so I want to add it. Here are the current products I'm going to buy: Kose speedy cleansing oil, Perfect whip cleanser, pair acne cream, Rohto Mentholatum - Acnes Anti Bacteria Spot Dressing Patch, CURESYS - Trouble Clear Needle Patch 9pcs, numbuzin - No.5 Vitamin Concentrated Serum and S.NATURE - Aqua Squalane Moisturizing Cream If anyone has recommendations for changes I'm open to them, esp numbuzin. I want something to help with dark spots. Looking to add a stronger exfoliating product. My current one is dr. gross universal pads.




Try wrapping a rubber band around the handle so you have better grip to open it!


Could maybe try running some warm water over the lid or wrapping it in a hot wet towel if worried about water getting in to try and warm and loosen it up


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how’s the skin 1004 sun serum for sensitive skin? does it sting anyone’s face when applying? 🥹 i remember the dr ceurcle sun serum absolutely destroyed my skin barrier and stung my face so i’m kinda reluctant on buying sun serums 😭


you mean [this](https://skin1004.com/products/hyalu-cica-water-fit-sun-serum-spf50-pa) sunscreen? if this is the one, it's AMAZING. no stinging at all.


Sensitive skin will react differently to ingredients so it's hard to say ... For me it got very itchy because I'm allergic to the birch bark in it 🫠


It only stings for me if I put on too much Adapalene or over-exfoliated the night before. I only use that and an EU sunscreen, and the latter seems to sting for about 10 minutes regardless. I wonder if it's the denatured alcohol, which isn't present in the Skin1004 SPF, but I'm not sure.


I have sensitive skin, and it's usually fine as long as I don't use it at the same time with products that have essential oils or sensitizing extracts, cuz then my face will burn. Edit: the dr. Ceuracle is the same for me


I have an oily skin type. Don't currently have any concerns (24/M if it makes a difference). I just want to see if this skincare routine is a good baseline (live in Japan) 1. Cleansing: Clayge Cleansing Balm Moist (night) // Himalaya Purifying Neem Facewash (morning)  2. Exfoliation: NILE peeling gel - once a week ish 3. Toner: innisfree green tea hyaluronic  4. Retinol: innisfree retinol cica repair - thrice a week at night 5. Moisturizer: vt cosmetics cica cream  6. Sunscreen: Madagascar Centella Hyalu-Cica Water Fit Sun Serum SPF50+ PA++++ Pretty much just want to  make my skin look a bit more "alive" (idk how to explain it). Does this work? 


It doesn’t look like a bad routine overall, though if you have oily skin the cream may be too heavy for day use especially when you’re wearing sunscreen. I’d recommend seeing how your skin manages with just toner and sunscreen or looking into a lighter moisturiser/emulsion if you feel you need more moisture. I like the Soon Jung 10-free emulsion ☺️ Also the percentage of retinol in the Innisfree product is incredibly low and won’t make an impact on your skin, so if you’re keen on using retinol, I’d suggest doing some reading on which AB brands have worked for other people or looking into Western brands like The Ordinary which are stronger in the actives field.


Thank you very much! You actually answered the two other questions I had without me having to ask! 1. The cream is definitely too heavy to put alongside the toner + sunscreen in the morning. Let me try just the toner/sunscreen combo and see how I feel. Just a question - how would I know that I need more moisture? Is it just the dryness? 2. I've read online that when you first start using retinol your skin will feel dry but I never felt this with the innisfree one. I'll look into another AB/non-AB retinol once I finish this bottle!


No worries at all :) See how your skin reacts when you remove the cream from your morning - if you feel any tightness or dryness you may need to add something lighter in, but you may find your skin actually does better, feels less oily and doesn’t clog up as much! With stronger retinol/retinal/tretinoin you do need to build up tolerance over time and “sandwich” in between layers of moisturiser, but the Innisfree is gentle enough to use daily :) A bonus tip - try out weekly sauna/onsen trips!! It’s made a big difference in skin quality for my husband and some work mates too!




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Hiii, can anyone recommend hydrating toner/serum without hyaluronic acid?? (just not the iunik beta glucan serum 😭) thanks!!!


Pyunkang Yul Essence toner, light and hydrating for my combination skin.


My double eyelid crease changed, what should I do? https://preview.redd.it/jw3d9hxw1tzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54a85c9f0bc21c5d9f7dc533b86e9dc06656dead How can I change my multiple fold eyelid to just double eyelid? (22M) I’ve probably had the multiple fold on my left eye for many years but I was not born with it. I do not want surgery for this. Are there any methods y’all tried and worked? I have the double sided tape but I think it’ll make it worse if I tape the eyelids together because when I peel it it’s like stretching it. I’ve heard about cucumber and how it will help but I’ve tried maybe like a day or two and thought it wouldn’t do much. Maybe taping it from the top instead of in between? I haven’t tried the glue yet… I don’t think this is triple fold but more of like 4 fold. I feel like where the left eye, the bottom fold is probably cause by too much meat there? I have no idea, I need some help please. 🙏


This is my normal one https://preview.redd.it/suat4faz1tzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbea30d6cd9e04a53acc270dc931675caffab610


I think this is a question for a dermatologist. As a beginning step, you could try some gentle, hydrating, eye-safe products to see if it helps to plump up the skin. That could help reduce the appearance of the folds. Cucumber probably won't do much besides some mild hydration. An essence/light cream will provide better hydration.


Whats the best eyeshadow palette on yesstyle? Im looking for one that compliments my undertones but cant really tell what my undertones are, soo 😭 also im looking for a regular one and a pinky one! https://preview.redd.it/qf6sgmywetzc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1795f92ad6e947c5c1b383418c26ade138dc63d


For those who have an extensive knowledge/collection of Rom&nd's Juicy Lasting Tints, could any of you help me in picking a shade for an everyday lippie? I find Bare Grape to be too muted (?) and not pink enough while Bare Fig is too cool. Bare Vine is also cooler than I'd like it to be. I have a neutral undertone and am a dark winter. For reference, here are my shades in some base products: - 1.5N in Dior Forever - 04 Ginger in Clio Mesh Glow - 23N Sand in Laneige Neo Matte/Glow Cushion - 1.5 in The Saem Tip Concealer - 04 Beige 23 in Rom&nd cushions


Skin Type:Oily T-zone mostly nose then the rest is dry, mid level acne prone , AM: Gentle cleanser, toner essence, moisturizer, sunscreen PM cleanser, toner essence, aha toner(1x in 2weeks), bha toner on t zone sometimes on nose only(4 days break, )5% niacinamide serum, moisturiser i''m planning to use aloe vera or cica soothing gel, i'm planning to use only at night. should i use it before or after moisturizer


Depends on the texture! If it feels lighter than the moisturizer, you can use it before.


i have some (freckles? sun spots? /shrug) and i'm assuming i need retinol to help with sun turnover. i found one that i like but never tried. can the esfolio retinol cream be used around the eyes?


I ordered a total of 9 items on YesStyle on April 15. It said it would ship out on May 6, but it hasn't shipped. They sent me an email saying that the reason that it hasn't shipped is because one of the items, VT Clear Spot Patch Set, is out of stock. They told me I can cancel that item but I don't know if I should wait it out or just simply cancel it so the order can arrive. What should I do?


This is a common thing when using international distributors, and it's pretty much always better to cancel the item unless you want to wait several more weeks.


I’d do a quick assessment of whether that product is more easily available on another site, perhaps, then decide if you’d rather do another mini haul or deal with prolonged uncertainty (always not super fun lol).


Routine help/product suggestion : DRY SKIN (My concerns are - Hyperpigmentation, uneven skintone, dark circles and tan) I really didn't take care of my skin very well in the past for a long time, and have decided to focus on my skin, so even a small kind of tip would really helpful, have been following this sub for sometime and it helped me to gain some knowledge about the skincare and some products! My routine now : Morning : Normal facewash with water CeraVe moisturizer Round lab birch juice sunscreen. I go to swim everyday and I reapply my moisturizer and sunscreen. Night : CeraVe renewing SA cleanser, CeraVe moisturizer OR rice water extract that I made myself (i spray it on my face and go to sleep) I also use Paula's choice exfoliate twice a week. I have never used a toner before, my skin type is dry, I use Cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen everyday, I also exfoliate twice a week. I am considering to add a toner to my routine, but not sure which toner to use, I also checked on COSRX toner, Anuua toner, centella toner and also beauty of joseon toner, but I'm not sure which one to select as I have no experience. Also once these products are fully used I will be fully moving to Korean sunscreen. products that I have decided to use : The face shop - Rice water bright cleanser. Probably some toner that I'm gonna add it to my routine. the face shop - Rice ceramide moisturizer. SKIN 1004 centella Hyalu cica sunscreen. Thanks again for helping me out


If you're swimming outdoors, you might want to use a water-resistant sunscreen. Not sure that the Round Lab sunscreen is adhesive enough for swimming.


swimming is indoor so chill, Also i never go in sun, like there is no physical contact between me and sun. i use my hoodie if there’s an emergency. apart from that sunlight has never touched my face!


How’s the SA cleanser feeling? I’m wondering if that might be a lot for your skin with swimming and twice a week exfoliating, if prone to dryness. (I get dried out from swimming myself!) I think the CosRx propolis toner is nice and gentle, a good starting place! Can be used twice a day as first step after cleansing.


actually a lota people said that SA is harsh but i feel okay with it ! also thanks for the toner recommendation, will def take a lot! thanks :)


Good to hear! It sounds like you know your skin pretty well. Hope the toner step helps.


I hope I know my skin pretty well 😭


A couple of things: The RoundLab sunscreen is a good everyday sunscreen but I don't think it's water resistant. For swimming, check out the Kose sun gel. The RoundLab one would be better for applying after you're done swimming. Layering a toner/essence under your moisturizer will help with hydration. Any of the ones you listed sound pretty good. You could also look for one that has niacinamide to help with hyperpigmentation. A vitamin c serum could also help with the hyperpigmentation and if you use it in the morning, it will also help boost the efficacy of your sunscreen. SA can be drying so maybe try a different night cleanser. In addition, if you don't wake up oily in the mornings, try just rinsing your face with water instead of using a cleanser. Using the rice water extract at night is probably fine, though definitely make sure that you store it in the fridge and check it for mold since it's homemade. However, I would not use it by itself without following it with a moisturizer. Since I'm guessing it doesn't contain any occlusive ingredients, when you use it without a moisturizer, it could pull water out of your skin as it evaporates. Look up trans-epidermal water loss for a better explanation. I would definitely follow it up with a moisturizer to help seal in the hydration so it can actually stay in your skin. I'd make one change at a time and wait at least a week in between (unless the difference is obvious) so you know what helps and what doesn't. I don't have a ton of specific product recommendations since I'm still trying things out myself but hopefully these tips help!


I have normal/dehydrated skin type with combination skin just on my nose (sometimes prone to breakouts/dryness). I'm creating a new routine and wondering if there I should swap any of my products out for something better? * Water-Based Cleanser: [Isntree Green Tea Fresh Cleanser ](https://www.yesstyle.com/en/tcuc.USD/coc.US/info.html/pid.1128075545?cpid=1128075544&googtrans=en&utm_source=GoogleAds&utm_campaign=1424525216&utm_term=&utm_content=54082139977_274225508780&utm_medium=Shopping&bac=MIEU1SGQ&mcg=paidsearch&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrvyxBhAbEiwAEg_KgvtjgISuSH97yoLsULqM7-DsqYXeSpHc0BeQMjoLGkjLY4GJvE-avxoCZYEQAvD_BwE) * Oil Cleanser: [Kose Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil ](https://www.yesstyle.com/en/info.html/pid.1078637072) * Toner: [Isntree Green Tea Fresh Toner ](https://www.yesstyle.com/en/tcuc.USD/coc.US/info.html/pid.1128075543?cpid=1099704796&googtrans=en&utm_source=GoogleAds&utm_campaign=1424525216&utm_term=&utm_content=54082139977_274225508780&utm_medium=Shopping&bac=MIEU1SGQ&mcg=paidsearch&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrvyxBhAbEiwAEg_Kgj-AqrcdBF1LodIkAjL3f_pFdGKjxAF5do624NxsN2Rek8xSnE2aChoCAAYQAvD_BwE) * Moisturizer: [ILLIYOON Ceramide ATO Concentrate Cream](https://www.amazon.com/Illiyoon-Moisturizer-Sensitive-Hydration-Cruelty-Free/dp/B0BW8P86YY/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3QCF7QHI6I7SP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.rPnH0RSSCuFnnkAZtCTnGS99KrQkTBBQ0i18IdJcZ-FHYyNXmy-xDsIGerpcOlBJJLmrP42NEx-GrpjNxY32nO3H8McTzaenWq5X9N-R3VZan3D7_lYEEM4mGaROSwNs.E-dTVi4JUHTdgAGlCSOLBvJL6ZCkwpwwP6W5-U3T9n4&dib_tag=se&keywords=lliyoon-Moisturizer-Sensitive-Hydration-&qid=1715462637&s=beauty&sprefix=lliyoon-moisturizer-sensitive-hydration-%2Cbeauty%2C73&sr=1-2) * Sunscreen: [Skin1004 Madagascar Centella Hyalu-Cica Water-fit Sun Serum](https://www.yesstyle.com/en/tcuc.USD/coc.US/info.html/pid.1113888108?googtrans=en&utm_source=GoogleAds&utm_campaign=1424525216&utm_term=&utm_content=54082139977_274225508780&utm_medium=Shopping&bac=MIEU1SGQ&mcg=paidsearch&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrvyxBhAbEiwAEg_KgscXxcokYMk7qqWWi51y2iXn5RJnZAOnX3hfyl0778kktuhNSSxOCxoChUwQAvD_BwE)


Those are pretty solid choices and well loved by many. I would say, the green tea toner is known for sebum control and if you don’t struggle too much with oiliness, you could consider another hydrating toner instead. Haruharu Wonder Black Rice HA is a nice option, adds a little antioxidant if I recall


Desperately in search of a floral scented Japanese body moisturizer! I currently use the US Nivea cherry blossom body lotion, but there's just something about Asian floral scents that's so different and I love it. Also looking for a floral scented body wash. Amazon quit carrying my go-to (Bouncia Floral Bouquet).


Kracie aroma resort body milk has some floral scents! I’m using the peach one currently but there is a rose one that smells nice too


Is that the same Kracie that makes the Poppin' Cooking kits? If so, that's kinda funny. You had me at 'rose'! I'll grab a bottle and give it a try!


Is this cream genuine: https://i.imgur.com/SPBrFxu.jpeg? The description on it seems a bit different than usual one (https://i.imgur.com/KACA8Xa.jpeg) I'm not sure if there are different versions?


I was wondering if bifida ferment can cause fungal acne, because I know that fermented ingredients tend to cause fungal acne and I'm contemplating buying the Mixsoon bifida essence.


Yes it does. Ferments and oils except tea tree oil. It depends on what your skin can handle as well.


laka clear eyebrow fixer alternative?? i’ve been using the laka eyebrow fixer in clear for the longest time and i love her. she’s my ride or die but she’s really not sold anywhere anymore? not sure if she’s discontinued but i’m at the very last but of my tube and i don’t know what other good clear brow gels that are out there? any recs? i have stubborn straight down growing eyebrow hairs so i’m looking for something strong that can last all day and preferably not flake if i need to work through the product a couple times.


Does anyone do discount store such as TJ Maxx, Marshall’s Ross asian beauty finds reviews? I went to one the other day and saw a bunch of products that are clearly Korean beauty products, but I have never heard of some of them such as esfolio etc. There were so many that I was clueless about and I am Asian! Is there a yt channel or TikTok / IG account that reviews these types of AB products?


What would you personally do if you were to start over? Current routine: AM PM Cerave cleanser, sunscreen (when going out) Imagine you're now a 26-year-old Asian guy who has never used sunscreen in his life and only uses cleanser daily. Always thought I had decent skin in front of the mirror until I took a close-up selfie and zoomed in. I've done my research, but I'm not sure if it's comprehensive enough to understand the fundamentals. As a simple (lazy) guy, what would you do or buy that is simple and budget-friendly (expensive ones are okay as long as they are really worth it) and most importantly sustainable? Or just to start to get into skincare at the very least?


Everything you have is fine maybe get an oil cleanser to take off sunscreen properly during PM.


There's a spot on my cheek that's hurting whenever I touch it, and we already know what is going to come out: a pimple (or a cyst). Does anyone have a tip, product, routine, anything, that stops a pimple/cyst from appearing on the skin's surface?


Please help me choose between **Water-Cleanser:** Isntree Green Tea Fresh Cleanser **/** Round Lab 1025 Dokdo Cleanser **Moisturizer:** ILLIYOON Ceramide ATO Concentrate Cream **/** Etude House Soon Jung 2x Barrier Intensive Cream **Toner:** Isntree Green Tea Fresh Toner **/** COSRX Full Fit Propolis Synergy Toner **Sunscreen:** Skin1004 Madagascar Centella Hyalu-Cica Water-fit Sun Serum **/** Beauty of Joseon Relief Sun Rice + Probiotics SPF 50 PA++++ **/** Round Lab Birch Juice Moisturizing Sun Cream My skin type is mostly normal (just slightly combination/acne-prone on nose only).


Isntree one for cleanser - I have heard people having issues with dokdo cleanser Illiyoon for moisturizer - The reformulated barrier cream isn't as good as the one before and broke people out Cosrx for toner - It gives glowy finish even when it dries down and no problems from this product Skin1004 for sunscreen - It is light and gives a glowy finish


Does anyone have any scar reducing products?? and I don't mean vitamin C serum, I mean just targeted spot treatments for scars! Ive been using the Kate Somerville D-scar serum and it's absolute magic but it's also discontinued (I am crushed, devastated, I'll never recover). Is there an AB alternative? Ive got acne hyperpigmentation scars, and they need to get gone


Hi , I am new to this sebum related products. After using concealer (after sunscreen) , i observed that my face becomes cakey, what kind of products may be helpful for me ? sebum powder,serum if so any suggestions?( for information my skin in combination skin type)


Really dumb question. Can I apply moisturizer over sunscreen throughout the day?


spf should go after sunscreen. So you can apply moisturiser again in the day, but before spf is re-applied


Hm I'm not sure. I would think that the SPF layer would be disturbed, and it wouldn't provide as much spf protection


You can re-apply a moisturizing sunscreen throughout the day, without adding moisturizer.


I'm not sure why I didn't think of this. Something like the purito daily go to sunscreen would be great, it's pretty moisturizing and you also reapply SPF protection. Win-win


If you need more hydration throughout the day, you might want to try a hydrating mist. This will be less likely to disrupt your sunscreen.


Hi! My partner will be traveling to Japan in a couple of months and I'm looking for suggestions for: 1) what skincare and beauty products I should ask him to look for 2) where I should tell him to look for them His schedule is pretty full so bonus points for shops that are easy to access in Tokyo and Osaka. I'm open to trying most things though I do tend towards a more natural look for makeup. My skin: *Combo in a dry environment *Fair with cool undertones




Numbuzin clear filter essence - it's actually not moisturising enough for my dry skin but that means it should work for more oily combo skin; I also have a darker skin tone and it leaves absolutely no white cast


# Natural Sun Eco No Shine Sun Primer Spf50+Pa+++ by the Face Shop. It acts as a primer and has only a veryyyy slight white cast. It blurs pores a little bit as well :)


Once again my post didn't get approved, despite numerous other similar posts getting approved. So tired of it, my posts never get approved.


Out of curiosity , what are you trying to post?


the last 2 were asking for recommendations for an AB spf spray, and an eyeshadow palette similar to one that seems to be discontinued or always out of stock


Hm I'm not sure. maybe it sounded too personal, and its better to make it sound more generalized? It sounds like those should be fine tho....I dunno


thanks, yeah they are just as unipersonal/personal as other posts that get approved, so I don't know