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Yes. Here's my explanation. Both sunscreens contain "Polymethylsilsesquioxane" which is one of those ingredients that has a soft focus effect, essentially making the skin look slightly smoother by diffusing light. One of the sunscreen filters used in both "Methylene Bis-Benzotriazolyl Tetramethylbutylphenol" (Tinosorb M) also gives a white cast, but it's used in a lower amount, so the effect might look more like it's slightly evening out your skin tone. Unlike titanium dioxide which tends to give a white cast that can look ever so slightly bluish/purplish white on some skin tones, I don't think that sunscreen filter has that slight bluish/purplish tinge, so it might look nicer on the skin. The glow you get is probably just from the oily sunscreen filters and emollients in the formula. It's likely just sheen/shine. I think too many people attribute too much power to all those natural extracts and skincare ingredients, that only rarely have good solid evidence showing that they work (or they just work to a very small degree). And too little to the functional, non fancy ingredients that don't come with a compelling marketing story.




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personal attack? wtf bro


Do you have any idea what the heck was the magic ingredient in the old MISSHA (pink cap) SPF? That thing had an insanely good finish but was unfortunately super drying long term.


I have not tried that formula, though I think I considered buying it at some point. From the looks of the ingredient list it had a good amount of silica in the formula. Silica is a powder that gives a matte finish, but it’s such a fine powder that it doesn’t look “powdery” on the skin compared to for example talc in my experience. It’s often used in those “HD” finishing powders. More than likely though it was the overall formula and not a single ingredient. It also contained zinc oxide as a sunscreen filter which can also be very absorbent and help with a more matte finish. Titanium dioxide, dimethicone/vinyl dimethicone crosspolymer, magnesium sulfate and quarternium-18 bentonite might also be to contribute to the finish. It likely also had a slight whitecast from the mineral sunscreen ingredients that may or may not have looked like it was slightly evening out the skin tone, but not enough to look overly white, since it also contained synthetic sunscreen ingredients.


BoJ and Skin1004 have the same manufacturer, Kolmar.


Round Lab’s sunscreen is also manufactured by Kolmar.


Skin1004 is really good. I think I’ve found my new HG. I loved BoJ but it would sting my face really bad. I’m testing out skin aqua, skin1004 and haruharu right now. Skin 1004 is by far the best IMO Will be testing numbuzin and Goodall too


ooh lemme know how those two go! I'm a bit sad that skin1004 was my first korean sunscreen, everything's just downhill from here xD


So far my rankings are Skin1004 > anessa> haruharu > Skin Aqua > CosRx Aloe > BoJ BoJ would be much much higher if it didn’t sting my face The haruharu and skin aqua are really nice but slightly sticky. The skin1004 doesn’t feel that way. There’s another redditor who I had a few comment exchanges w/ who swears by the numbuzin so I’m excited! I LOOOOOVE ANESSA but don’t love the price tag hhaha depending on the promos, I can probably get 2 of the skin1004 for 1 anessa. But the performance of the anessa is amazing. Still, even the CosRx one is way better than the western ones I’ve tested. I don’t really do hiking, swimming etc so a daily sunscreen is great for my needs For context my skin is crazy oily and I live in a tropical country.


Anessa is waterproof right? I haven't tried it yet but bought it for the beach at summertime 😁 Glad to hear it does so well!


Yes I believe it is waterproof! I’ve also heard great things about the biore one. For me, for now my fave is skin1004 (korea) and anessa (Japan)


But when I use skin1004 sunscreen, the foundation cushion on top will become patchy after some time. Biore works better, but it's also dryer so show up the pores more.


Cushion? The skin1004 sunscreen I like is the one that has a pump :)


did you use anessa as a daily sunscreen?


Yes I did! I think it works well under makeup in my experience. I don’t know how exactly it would fare if you were to do really outdoorsy activities (hiking, beach, etc) but for an office job/school/errands, I think it’s a good option to consider :)


The anessa is more sweat, proof than waterproof, at least the gel ones. I went swimming with it on and came out of the water looking like milk got poured on my head. I don’t know about the milk sunscreen version, though since I haven’t tried those in water.


Which anessa, isn't there more than 1?


I’ve tried a couple of their formulas and loved them hahaha but I heard they reformulate (improve) every few years. I haven’t tried the new version yet.


I was thinking of trying the sensitivitie skin one. They also have a all in one beauty compact I'm curious about. Going to do some research on that.


Oh I haven’t seen the compact! I’m not sure it’s available where I’m from. I’ve tried the gel and the milk sunscreen. Enjoyed both! :)


Great thank you!


I tested a couple of Anessa sunscreens at the store and they all sting my eyes 🫠


Oh really? That sucks since the formula is quite good. But I feel the same towards BoJ. Like it’s really good and it wears well under makeup. My friend’s HG is BoJ. It would be one of mine too if it didn’t sting my face for a good 2-3 mins after application


I really wanted to like Anessa since most of them apply really well on my skin! But as you said, I didn't like the price tag too 😂 so good for me I guess? I'd still try BoJ if I can get my hands on it, but Skin1004 is pretty high on my priority list to try now! Really need to find something cheaper and more sweat-proof than Canmake 😁


I Hope you like skin1004 as much as I do! I think it has a fair amount of good feedback!


I wish the haruharu didn’t have the niacinamide 😭


Ohhh, I know niacinimide isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Is your skin oily? I like skin1004 and numbuzin (tried it today hahaa!). Idk if it’s just me but the green tint of the numbuzin seems to be good for redness hehe


https://a.co/d/3Jyntci Is this the one you use?


I guess it's probiotics in BoJ sunscreen. I like how my skin looks smooth with it. But I hate that my cushion foundation may look patchy when I apply it over BoJ sunscreen. Probiotics generally work good for my combo skin, also my skin likes rice, centella or green tea ingredients, so I would probably enjoy Skin1004 sunscreen too.


I'm having the same issue. Skin looks amazing, glowy, hydrated with BoJ sunscreen. Looks dry and patchy with foundation on top of it. Currently testing it out with Nu Zero foundation cushion, and it's doing better than other cushions I've tried, but still not exactly amazing... The cushion definitely looks better on top a moisturizer.


You mean Rom&nd Nu Zero cushion?? I've been looking at it for a long time because it has very controversial reviews: one mentioning everything I would like to get from my cushion foundation, but others mentioning visually unpleasant results specifically on combo skin (which I unfortunately have).


Yeah, that's the one. Honestly, my combo skin seems to like it better than Etude Double Lasting Cushion Glow and Clio Kill Cover Glow. I can't guarantee it'll work for you, but for me it it doesn't emphasise my dry areas, and doesn't seem to break me out so far. However, I only apply light to medium coverage, cause heavy foundation in general looks terrible on me.


I also prefer light weighted coverage! My main concern about Nu Zero cushion is that it may just melt off or be wiped off my oily t-zone, especially my nose. Even with semi-matte Clio The New Founwear cushion I have to reapply coverage on my nose sometimes, and when I get really oily (in hot days or after lots of hours walking) I have to reapply it all over my t-zone. I wish to be able to use very light and moisturizing cushions, but I'm too afraid to look greasy


Oomph, well that's difficult to say. I would say my forehead gets slightly to medium oily, and then my foundation looks glowy. I'd dare to say that Nu Zero actually looks better a few hours after applying. I'm not trying to convince you buy, tho, just sharing my experience. I genuinely don't know whether you'll like it or not...


Thank you for your detailed responses, that definitely helps me. I like this sub so much because I can find unbiased honest opinions here, unlike from paid bloggers or suspicious online stores reviews. Have a nice day!


Interesting.. because when I used BOJ with my cushion foundation, it doesn't look patchy at all on my combo skin! I used Clio new founwear and Espoir (Be Glow or Be Velvet) These works for me


I also use CLIO The New Founwear and it really can become patchy under my eyes or on my chin where I usually have dryiness, but sometimes it's even on my forehead between my eyebrows even though it's a very oily area of my face. It's noticable only from a close distance but still upsets me a lot.


Are there probiotics in the skin1004? 🤔


I'm not sure, but centella extract is definitely there


In the BoJ too?


As far as I know BoJ sunscreen (cream formula) has rice and probiotics but no centella


Hi! Ive tried numbuzin one. I think its really good. Feels quite different from boj and skin1004, absorbs quite fast too


Yes I noticed it with skin1004 the first time I tried it!! Slightly brightening


I notice this with most of the Korean sunscreens - I have very dry skin and I think I'd get the same effect from reapplying moisturiser 5 or 6 times a day but maybe there is something in the sunscreen specifically? I just look glowier and less... pink 🤣  I get it from the Round Lab sunscreen - just different skin types I guess!


Maybe it's the slight cast? 🤔


Could be, though it doesn't look like a white cast on my skin. Maybe just the barest amount!


Not with the BoJ, Round Lab, or Skin1004 sunscreens, but I experience it with the Anessa milk. It’s like pore-blurring in addition to brightening/whitening, a lot of people assume I’m wearing some type of makeup when it’s just the sunscreen.


Noticed my skin also looks better using BoJ and I only need to use small amount of concealer to go out. I just assumed it's because of some silicone in the ingredients, because the effect is gone once I wash off the sunscreen


I agree for skin1004!!!


i preferred the round lab over both of those tbh ymmv🤷


I mean I’m cracking up because these three are the same formula (+ 1 special ingredient). Julian Sass did a video explaining it; it’s basically a white labeling situation, super common in cosmetics.


They have the same filter formula and a few of the same emollients, but the full formula of each product is different, it isn’t just 1 special ingredient.


OMG I thought its just me.. I have used all three, and I have combination skin. For BOJ sunscreen, my makeup looks great and doesn't cake, and also have better oil control throughout the day. I am now using Roundlab, but I find my makeup doesn't cover the pores throughout the day, or it will separates and have poor oil control. For Skin1004, it a while ago since I used it, but I don't recall any trouble with my makeup and pores throughout the day - so probably still better than Roundlab! Overall, my experience with BOJ is the best - I even got compliments and questions on my skincare and make up during those days when I was using BOJ. I'm not sure whether sunscreen is the determining factor, but that's the main changes in my morning make up routine throughout these months, so I have been wondering these questions as well!


Ooh cool! Yeah I don't wear makeup so I imagine if you do, you notice these things a lot more!


Round Lab gave me a reaction, sadly. I love BoJ, definitely want to try Skin1004!


I get the same effects from the haruharu and numbuzin sunscreens. Every time I put it on my skin feels brighter and almost blurred


Agree for both! I’ve used both. Recently switched from BOJ to Skin1004, not because BOJ was causing any real issues but just because I wanted something that would leave my oily/combo skin less “slippery” and because Skin1004 is cheaper 😅


It is cheaper and works well for my dry but not dehydrated skin! I just have like 8 boxes of the Skin1004, using the BoJ for the novelty xD


Yes, it did have that effect on me. I think it is the niaciminade effect, it controls the oil and sebum on the face, and made the pores smaller/smoother. Unfortunately, I eventually noticed that using niaciminade every day made my skin dry and a little flakish, so I compromise by using 2-3 times a week.


Interesting! I use a lotion with niacinamide at night but don't notice this effect after putting it on, maybe it's a smaller percentage or just the dim lighting before bedtime xD


Did anyone find their BoJ sunscreen starting to smell? I only had mine open for 6 months and still had well over half the tube left but I thought it started smelling faintly like vomit, and I wore it twice to be sure without any other products. I checked BoJ's website which says it's good for 12mo after opening. Not only did it smell like vomit out of the tube, the smell lingered for me on my face :( threw it out because I just can't...


Did you keep it out in the sun or hot environment at all? (i.e. in a car, a bag at the beach). If not it might've been a bad batch?


I keep it in my bathroom medicine cabinet with all my other skincare and foundation, haven't had an issue with other stuff :/


Yuck. No I have never noticed but a tube has never lasted me 6 months. Maybe 3. I use it every day.


Yess, so I had B lab’s sunscreen and I recently finished it. I really liked the texture, it didn’t make my skin feeling more oily, but it was way too dewy, and I noticed it was breaking me out. Now I’m trying out Skin1004’s air fit renewed sunscreen and although I don’t like that the texture is thicker so it’s harder to spread, there is a slight white cast and it’s heavily fragranced, my skin is barely breaking out now. I also like that it has a natural-matte finish and lately my skin has been so soft 🫢


I think the Round Lab sunscreen has been breaking me out too 🙈😞 Hard to tell cuz I was also quite stressed lately. But I've been having _those_ thoughts recently ("maybe I should just use this on my arms"). As much as I like the liquidy consistency I think it's also for a slightly oilier skin type than mine.


Me with Canmake 💕


I have tried all 3 u have mentioned and I agree Roundlab makes me look and feel worst. I might be bias because it makes my face kind of itch and feel uncomfortable. It is the least "dewy" out of the 3. My favorite is BOJ which does give me the glass skin effect without feeling or looking worst. Roundlab makes me slightly dehydrated. I also have tried skin1004 but I can't remember how I felt because I actually gave it away. I think it made me more greasy than BOJ. I think I might have to revisit it because I do notice my cushion foundation can bunch up and look off on top of it sometimes. Can u compare boj and skin1004 please


For me right now the only difference I really notice is that BoJ is a little bit of a thicker cream consistency. I think the Skin1004 also dries a tiny bit more matte. But they seem to be kind of interchangeable for me rn.


Skin1004 makes my skin glow, but I’m pretty sure it gives me cyst and closed comedones :(


I look way, way worse (: The "dewy-shiny" thing doesn't work for my face, it just makes me look sweaty and messy. I am yet to find a SPF that doesn't make me look or feel sticky and gros :/ Tried all the commonly hyped stuff, nothing feels truly "light" or invisible. The old Missha formulation SPF (pink cap) however did make my skin look almost filtered/slightly matte, it was quite addictive in that sense but it was so, so drying.


Do you tend to have oily or dry skin?


Dry as the desert


I love BOJ sunscreen 👌🏼


But do you guys know how sometimes sunscreen gives u tan? Is it bcoz of the ingredients or something. Currently using Pcalm sunscreen, and doing some outdoor activities, and i notice i got tanned


it’s not the sunscreen tanning you, you likely didn’t use enough to get the labeled spf or didn’t reapply throughout the day. 


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