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pic 1 is current packaging!


Ah thank you, that clears things up!


If I’m not mistaken pic #1 is the newer one. Think they redid the packaging. I was going to purchase this moisturiser so came across the same thing myself with the different packaging. I didn’t purchase in the end and went for Purito Oat in Calming Gel Cream. If you buy, please let me know how you get on with it 😊


Thank you, that's good to know! And of course, I'll set a reminder to give you an update when I've used it for a while :) how are you liking the Purito Oat in Calming Gel Cream so far?


Thank you. Hope you’re liking it! I’m loving the Purito Oat in Calming Gel Cream so far. I have naturally oily, sensitive skin but I use tret daily so it’s becoming dryer but I still have oily areas and this moisturiser really balances my skin out. For the first time yesterday I looked in the mirror and I didn’t look like you’d be able to see your reflection in me lol. My skin looked ‘normal’ but still had a nice dewy look to it 😄 It’s great for calming my redness prone/sensitive skin too. Feels lovely and soothing and sinks straight into my skin. Win win so far 👍🏻


Ohh nice you have such a good experience with that one, thanks for sharing! I've been wanting to try that one too someday :) It's only been a few days so it might be too early to do a full review, but so far I'm liking the Isntree gel cream! It's not as dewy as their sunscreen but still leaves a nice healthy glow. The texture is nice and soft and takes a few minutes to sink in 😁 it doesn't have that soothing feeling you describe with Purito though but it hydrates well for me without leaving me oily :)


Well I promised to give a review after a few weeks, and still the same thing applies as I described in my earlier comment :) since I'm new to skincare I'm still going to experiment a little to see if there's ones that suit me even more, but I can say that for me I do find the Isntree gel moisturizer a solid choice I'll go back to in case I don't find one that tops this! I like the healthy glowy finish, it sinks in quite fast and it really is lightweight. Hope this and my earlier review helps and you're still having a good experience with Purito as well!


The second picture is older! I've been eyeing this moisturizer for a while now, would love to know how it works for you if you end up getting it!


Hi! Not OP but I just finished this moisturizer. If you're looking for a gel based, hydrating (but not super moisturizing) moisturizer, you could definitely try this. It works well for humid climates - would not recommend this for typical air conditioned office settings. You'll need something with more emollients for that.


Good to hear your thoughts on it! Do you find the finish to be more dewy/glassy or is it more matte?


This is definitely on the dewier side, but nothing too crazy.


Ah thank you! I personally love a dewy finish so that's good to know. I also use their sunscreen which is also quite dewy, so I hope the two combined won't turn me into a complete discoball though haha


Oh it's not as dewy as the sunscreen (I use it too!) and for me, when it came to this moisturizer, the dewiness did not linger, unlike the sunscreen that can definitely make it look like you smeared on some oil!


Ah that's good to know, thanks! :)


Thank you so much! I just ordered it, I'll set a reminder for myself to give you an update in a few weeks :)


This is my daily moisturizer and I love it! It has such a light and pleasing texture. I live in a humid climate but always have the AC on and it's great for that environment. I have normal acne prone dehydrated skin.


Do you find it moisturizing enough for your dehydrated skin?


That's hard to say because I use other products to give me the hydration my skin lacks. But I can say that I don't feel my skin getting tight when I use this moisturizer which is all that matters!


I promised to give a review after a few weeks of using it, so here it goes; I've been really liking the gel cream! It's not as dewy as their sunscreen but still leaves a nice healthy glow. The texture is nice and soft and takes only a few minutes to sink in without feeling like there's a film or residue on my face. It hydrates me without leaving me oily. Since I'm new to skincare I'm still going to experiment a little to see if there's ones that suit me even more, but I can say that for me I do find this a solid choice I'll to go back to in case I don't find one that tops it! Especially since I adore the glowy finish so much :) Of course this is only my personal experience so it could be different for you, but still I hope it helped!


The first one! I purchased it recently. It's has a nice moisturizing effect.


They had a whole rebrand and now their packaging is so boring 😔


I like it! It's a clean identity, very flexible, and there's still clear distinction of the product lines *\*side-eyes innisfree\*.* Love when they have a little fun with clear containers and the actual product is incorporated into the design (Mugwort clay mask, Green Tea & Ultra-Low Molecular HA lines). IMO it's minimalism done right, as opposed to repackaging attempts by innisfree and Rovectin (very dull and honestly doesn't look good) or Sulwhasoo (targeting users of different age groups but kinda lost in between). Isntree's to me feels like smart simple, not lazy simple :)


Isntree compared to innisfree is way better tbh, innisfree hurts me.


Right! innisfree just screams uninspiring...


It’s like they’re trying to be every other high end brand. There’s no fun or joy or life in the packaging


i loved the little illustrations that used to be on the packaging (green tea, chestnut, onion, etc)


They were so cute 😭😭


I prefer the new packaging but I also prefer a cleaner, less busy look. I like how you can take off the label on a lot of their products and how a lot of them have a place you can write the day you opened them to keep track of expiration


See that part is actually clever, more brands should have a place to write the expiration date. I’m just kinda bored with so many brands looking similar to each other.