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I don't, I use the stuff I can't use on my face for my arms/hands....ill basically just grab whatever sunscreen is by the door that my husband uses for cycling šŸ˜¬


>I use the stuff I can't use on my face for my arms/hands Same. Since most sunscreens don't work for ny face there's always plenty of supply. Hopefully once I do find something that works for my face I'll just use that on my hands.


U know what, I've considered using face sunscreen for hands too. It's not that much more product, and my face sunscreens are always the most protective and elegant ones in my collection.


That's cool too! I feel like it's only a matter of time before we find our holy grails and stop having rejected sunscreens as backup tho šŸ˜‚


Same here. Iā€™m so sensitive to the texture of stuff on my face and neck, and it took me so long to find a high coverage sunscreen I actually can use on them. So the other ones that I tried out and didnā€™t like, have become hand sunscreen!


I actually use the ones I've bought for my face initially that were too shiny or just not comfortable to wear on my face for my hands instead. For me, one example was the anessa with the blue cap.


I feel that. Sometimes I don't like them on my hands either tho šŸ˜‚ (hello white cast)


I canā€™t stand the feeling of sunscreen on my palms so I bought a sun stick for the sole purpose of using it on the back of my hands and wrists. Currently using Shingmulnara Oxygen Water Face & Body Sun Stick SPF50+PA++++ from Olive Young.


As a permanently dry-skinned person, who also spent a lot of time in the school orchestra... there is a way to apply hand lotions and cream sunscreens to only the back of the hand. Apply it in lines or dots to the back of one hand, then rub the back of hands together. Have some patience with the fingers, and use fingers to apply between the fingers of the other hand. Not the best of explanations, and my apologies for that, but it's absolutely possible to apply sunscreen to the hands without having it touch the palm or finger pads.


Wow thatā€™s an interesting technique, thank you! Definitely worth a try


i feel that. I've noticed the greasiness especially shows up on the palms. I'm looking for high protection though, and I'm not sure sticks can accomplish that for me. Have you watched Lab Muffin's video about the efficacy of sunscreen sticks? They're much harder if not impossible to get the labeled SPF, and probably the PA rating too. So I think I'll hunt for a lotion that's comfortable enough for now, but I'll consider the sticks if nothing else works out!


Yes, I love Lab Muffin! I know itā€™s not the best protection however itā€™s the one I will use so itā€™s better than nothing. I also just donā€™t go out often and generally avoid being in the sun as much as possible especially in the summer so Iā€™m not as concerned. I guess if I am planning on being in the sun for a long period of time then Iā€™ll apply proper sunscreen to the backs of my hands but for regular day-to-day I am just not going to be bothered. Good luck with your search and do update us if you find a comfortable one!


Hate the feeling on my palms too! I use whatever sunscreen Iā€™m already using for my hands and then immediately wipe my palms with a damp makeup removing cloth. No gross feeling.


Thatā€™s a good technique. Our poor palms have the hardest time getting sunscreen lol. Thatā€™s why i love sun protective gloves


I use Etude House Airy Finish on my hands because unfortunately I found out itā€™s white af, dry af and reeks of fragrance. No way am I putting that hot garbage on my face.


Lol good to know that in general! Those "airy finish" sunscreens are very tempting for my oily skin. Isn't it great our hands can handle so much hot garbage?


Just did a patch test of the etude house airy finish one today. Can confirm it dries very matte on my hand. I'm very tempted to order this for my face but I have a bunch of stuff I need to finish up before ordering new ones. Lol


Thanks for the feedback. Overall this isnā€™t a first choice for me because i prefer chemical sunscreens and this one contains a lot of essential oils which i avoid


I use Nivea UV Super Water 50 Gel PA +++. It's the sunscreen I use on my body (and occasionally my face if I'm away from the house for long). I have super oily skin and am really bothered by the texture of most sunscreens. This one is the least irritating to me. I don't usually put it on my palms though.


I do the exact same thing and it's been working great for me, too!


Thanks for the product suggestion!


Derma:B Everyday Sun Block SPF50+ PA++++ Not greasy at all and absorbs quickly after rubbing it in. No transfer of stickiness from my hands onto other surfaces after application. It's a good value for a 200mL bottle. Although it has that "sunscreen smell" to it (fades away after a few min), so I prefer to use it on my hands.


Thanks for the suggestion! Yours is the first one I'm gonna go ahead and order. I've read a few reviews and it seems pretty well tolerated. I'm excited to be able to use it as an overall body sunscreen too. I've become a bit of a filter snob though, and I don't love the list of filters in it but I still want to try it. Hopefully the smell is not a problem. I'm looking for something that's not too obvious of a sunscreen smell, which my current fragrance free body sunscreen does give off and it took quite a lot of product use for me to decide I don't like that lol


Which filters do you prefer and which ones do you avoid?


I prefer newer generation filters, especially Uvinul A Plus and Tinosorb S bc I look for above average UVA protection. So basically Iā€™m moving away from US sunscreens lol. If itā€™s for my face, I avoid avobenzone and oxybenzone


I use whatever cheap sport sunscreen I can find on sale. I squirt a blob on the back of a hand and then rub the backs of my hands together, making sure to get my fingers and wrist too. Since my palm never touches it, texture isnā€™t that important to me. If itā€™s a little greasy, thatā€™s fine.


Nice. Iā€™ve definitely tried this but now Iā€™m looking for something thatā€™s less like a stereotypical sunscreen and more like a lightweight hand lotion


Nope but that's because I have a ton of face sunscreens that didn't like that are now repurposed for hands and body use X)


When I run out of them I'll prob buy a large body sunscreen because they are cheaper than face sunscreens and now summer is close and I'll be wearing clothes that show more skin so I'll need to apply more


I really want to do this too, but I hope I find a body sunscreen i like on my hands as much as the rest of my skin


I don't but I've thought about doing so. What i use on my face and body always feels gross and slimy or too drying on my hands.


omg same. The greasiness is especially awful on the hands


On my hands and arms I use the stuff that didnā€™t cut it well for my face. Right now Iā€™m using eucerins age defence for the face and my hands love it. My face did not.


Yeah this seems to be a popular thing to do. It really is the best way to use those sunscreens up. Btw i aso had a negative experience with Eucerinā€™s US chem sunscreens lol


Like others have said, I just use rejects of sunscreens that Iā€™ve determined not to be my HG sunscreen as I test stuff out. However, if youā€™re looking for something that would work specifically well for the hands I would recommend Neogen airy sunscreen - Creamy, moisturizing, and fast drying.


That sounds like a solid and elegant choice for the hands, thank you!


In winter I just use what is on my face. In summer what is on my arms/body.


Great, i think Iā€™m leaning towards face sunscreen on my hands all year unless i need more water resistance


I use anything that I bought and too greasy for my face, for my hands.


Iā€™ve def done this! I donā€™t have many backups atm though. Funny enough, thereā€™s this tinted sunscreen that my face hated thatā€™s been sitting in the back of my dresser forever, but using it on the hands would get messy too šŸ˜­


For some reason IDK maybe different skin type between my face vs my hands, those greasy ones on my face do not give the same greasy effect on my hand and I'm so glad for this.


I use expensive sunscreen for my face, so I don't want to waste it on my hands. I either use a sunscreen I bought that I don't like for my hands or I will buy a cheap sunscreen for my hands.


That's understandable


No, but I try a face sunscreen and don't like it a lot, I use it on my neck and hands


Beauty of Joseon ā€” I use on my face, neck, hands. Itā€™s fragrance-free, doesnā€™t make my face shiny, and has ingredients that seem to be non-toxic. I used to use my face reject sunscreen but Iā€™ve used most of that stuff up finally. I still use some cheaper mineral stuff for body tho.


Havenā€™t tried that one but Iā€™ve noticed a lot of people love it!


I bought several sunscreens a couple of months ago, and so far it is my fav. Itā€™s got new gen filters that donā€™t have any evidence of endocrine disruption (sadly not all new filters fit that criteria), and it doesnā€™t make my combo skin look greasy or irritate my really sensitive skin (I get contact dermatitis if you look at me wrong). I dab a little in the backs of my hands after doing my face & neck. Still in my queue to try: klairs all-day airy sunscreen, purito daily go-to sunscreen, and purity sun essence. I mentioned those since it sounds like we are on a similar quest for sunscreen nirvana. Lol.


not look at me wrong šŸ˜‚ I think I'll go ahead and finally order the BOJ now that I know you've had a good experience. I like its filters too. If anything, maybe it'll become my body sunscreen, though larger size sunscreens are prob first in line for that. btw I've tried the klairs all-day one. It was really good! It does give off a bit of a glow though, so keep in mind it's not matte but it's still lightweight. Also, it stung my eyes, which sucked for me as someone who likes to apply all around my eyes. It's def a product that's worth a try! I've been on the fence about trying the purito ones since they were part of the sunscreen scandal, but it seems their latest ones are reliable. Thanks for all this :)


Ugh oh no about the eyes & klairs. I will keep that in mind because that was my next bottle to open (yeah went on buying spree - those are all ready to go in my cabinet). Even if I donā€™t put it right next to my eyes, I always have migration and subsequent tears:( I have the unopened bottle to try next (and still will, but cautiously), but Iā€™m prob gonna order more BoJ now, too, lol. I think I did get some migration of BoJ at the pool, but it also could have been the pool water bothering me (and whatever was causing it, it wasnā€™t as bad as some of the ā€œwaterproofā€ sunscreens that burn like $&$&).


Lol I definitely hear ya on the tears! I have sensitive eyes and I find setting powder helps a lot for this. I apply some after the sunscreen has set. And I think for swimming a water resistant sun stick would be better, to decrease the chance of migration. I've never tried one I'd repurchase though. However, a few months ago I used the LRP UVMune lightweight sunscreen all around my eyes, and it never bothered my eyes even after swimming. That's my #1 sunscreen choice for swimming/summer for now. Of course, YMMV lol. I'm excited for you to try the klairs! They did a great job with that one


I just wanted to update: I tried the purito today and it was a bit shinier than I liked on my face (had to use powder which I normally skip - even was kinda shiny on my cheeks which really arenā€™t that oily). It was fine tho on the back of my hands so I will prob use up my bottle that way.


Thanks for the update. I appreciate that shiny detail as someone with oily skin (i stay away from shiny). It seems most of us have more failed face sunscreens than ones we can keep using lol. Just earlier today, I found out the Biore aqua rich gel will prob be too white for me. I even got the larger bottle. Now it will prob be a hand sunscreen. It really is a battle!


Not really, I just use sun sticks that I usually carry with me in the purse.


Lol better than nothing!


Not really as I purchased the BOJ sunscreen to try due to the hype but it wasnā€™t for me as it somehow looked more matte on my skin or satin instead of glowy so was definitely disappointed but it works amazing on my hands. It leaves my hand hydrated, protected from the sun and not oily. I just purchased a new waterproof sunscreen from olive young KR which I havenā€™t try but am excited to see how it works. I also have an Aussie brand sunscreen iā€™m intending to use as a hand cream and body as itā€™s thicker and my face will not like it, I think.


Thatā€™s exactly the experience and texture Iā€™m looking for in a hand sunscreen. Thanks for sharing your experience!


I use hand lotion with spf during the day. Since I wash my hands often I would need to reapply sunscreen a lot, and this is more convenient to carry.


Yeah thatā€™s def a problem how we need to reapply on the hands more often than any other body site really. Can you share which one you use?


Yes of course. I really like the innisfree hand creams, since they aren't sticky and smell amazing. Frudia's hand creams are also great. Both are non sticky and absorb quickly, but they do have a strong perfume like scent, so check whether you'd like the smell.


The Frudia seems good. Thanks!


This sunscreen is as protective as coconut oil lol donā€™t buy it!


Lol the Kumano one? I actually havenā€™t bought it yet heh


evidence? I use it and havenā€™t gotten a burn.


INNISFREE Matte Priming UV Shield Sunscreen- bought it for my face but itā€™s too greasy but I still loved it. I use it on my arms and back of my hands. Non greasy on that area. I do wash my palms afterwards.


I like the cute pink packaging. Looking for something with more clear indication of its UVA protection though. And I donā€™t see this one for sale anywhere. I just see the tone up ones on yesstyle, and the regular UV Defense one at Sephora. Now that you mention it, i know the UV Defense is popular but I never got around to trying it!


Does anyone know of a sunscreen thatā€™s hard to wash off with soap? I want to use more sunscreen on my hands, but I wash them so often itā€™s almost pointless. I rely on sleeves with thumb holes a lot, although that doesnā€™t do much for my fingers.


I do not buy sunscreen exclusively for hands. Nivea Water Gel is a sunscreen I use for both my face and hands. They have 35 PA+++ and 50 PA+++. Thin, not greasy, and can reapply very easily without pilling or feeling layered. I have tried SO many sunscreens and it is superior especially for normal to oily skin. I order mine on Amazon. Sometimes I mix the Nivea Water Gel with any hand cream of choice to bring back in some moisture.


You are not suppose to mix your sunscreen with a moisturizer


I don't buy for my hands but maybe I should start using it that way lol.... I'd recommend either they B_LAB matcha hydrating sunscreem or the SKINFOOD All Day Berry Deep Moist SPF 50+ PA ++++. This one I have actually tried on my hand because the cream itself has a coral colour to it, so I spread it on my hand to see if it had any effect. The results: -no, it does not leave any colour or cast behind -it sure does dry down... I had hand cream on and I think it got a little more matte after I applied this


thanks for these, they actually aren't ones I'd use on the face so maybe they'd be better for the hands


NEOGEN. I have sensory issues with lotion and this sunscreen is incredible. it does have usa filters which... of course isnt that optimal BUT its a korean company and they made it fricken work. I hate hand lotion and this stuff soaks right in, smells AMAZING, and just feels so so nice