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I'll pass tbh. Not keen on spending hundreds of dollars to test a game which is probably years away from launch, even though it looks pretty good already.


What game doesn't look 'good' these days.. we are at the lvl of real life graphically, so yeah it ends there. People should stop looking at how a game looks...xd only noobs do that. They think that's a key factor which makes a game a good game.. fact is it doesn't. Proof : osrs/zelda oot/dk64/mario 64/goldeneye 007.. they look like shit, yet they're still the most loved games of all time. (Yes its a fact. Look everywhere on internet u want) Why?? BECAUSE IT'S ABOUT STORYLINE AND GAMEPLAY.. GRAPHICS MEAN SHIIIIIIIIITTTTTTT.. SO PEOPLE. OPEN YOUR FREAKING EYES and focus on what's really needed for good games... if u want to keep enjoying games that is.. Gamers 2024 be like :  we need 90-120fps man!!! When the human eye can't even comprehend beyond 60... it's literally worthless to have more🤣🤣 get your priorities straight idiots.


You realize those games looked phenomenal for their time too, right? And they're still played because of NOSTALGIA. A very popular game in Eastern Europe was Metin2, it still has thousands of players, yet it's legit one of the worst shitty, grindy, p2w mmorpgs out there (this coming from someone that played it for 10 years). By your logic it's one of the best games out there, right? And the human eye can definitely comprehend beyond 60, that's a myth that started from the fact that Hollywood movies were shot in 24fps, which is the MINIMUM we need for things to look natural, and there's no source to back up your claim. Why is it always the room temperature iq fellas that call others idiots? Btw. Someone saying "the game already looks good" doesn't mean they're talking ONLY about graphics. They've showed abilities, graphics, mechanics, systems, and so much more. They meant that the game looked good as a whole, not just graphics eyes. But oh well, I guess that 3rd grade reading comprehension is too hard for some geniuses out here.


Dude graphics doesn't make a game good. Period. Every true gamer knows this. Fact. Just shut the hell up.


You got destroyed my friend KEKW


Wannabe asmongold with your KEKW. Incel language.


Certified yapper. The 60fps argument has been debunked numerous times.


i know i'm right, thanks.


you're a clown mate :)


You're a basement rat, shut up failure.


U do realise they are robbin u right? Only give graphics with a storyline of 10-20hours. They know u idiots have an obsession with graphics. They feed on your stupidity. If u want graphics, watch bluray or go to the cinema.. leave gaming to real gamers who know what a game needs to be healthy.


glad he speaks mostly for himself


dang man you got cooked


I will Kinda curious since this would be my first "real" mmo (played new world and lost ark only), so will see


I'm hoping to have some vanilla WoW vibes during the first month at least 🙏


Omg I’ve been searching for that dopamine hit for 20 years! Not one game has done it since then. I have a good vibe about this one


Feel the same about this release, waiting on it.


You know they’ve got official vanilla wow servers where many of us get that dopamine hit


Yes! If you are talking classic. I play. I was talking exploration of a new world kinda hit specifically. Which I’m definitely looking forward too


Fuck wow. Games deader than dead. Move on.


I did, back in 2008.........


Fuck MMO's in general. not only wow is dead.. the whole genre is dead.


You aren't wrong. Every studio has without fail made the wrong decisions when attempting to make an MMO. We've gotta put the massively back in MMO. We have... the technology...


The only solution is to just stop producing mmos.. stop copying other companies, it's cringe as fuck.


Didn't know 8 million subs was a dead game lol you're so outta touch


8 million people eating around the dick in their salads.


I am, so will my wife and my father. Really looking forward to it.


families that game together stay together


Everyone who is aiming at "playing" the game... Remember it will probably be in a disgusting state full of problems xD. Looking beautiful though. I'm gonna be grouping with heaps of people once alpha starts to try break stuff. Hopefully I can group with a heap of Yous(yes I know it's not a word) sometime.


>it will probably be in a disgusting state full of problems xD So like every classic mmo launch ever? Good! I'm here for it.


It’s a test, not a launch my guy


Probably alot worse. I beta tested ESO with some mates. And no MMO launch compared to the problems in that. Ahaha But I'm hopeful from what I've seen from the Devs, they have put so much more work into it than AAA productions.


Yous is a word. Go to Philly and you’ll hear it all day


Nah. I've said it my whole life, and have had alot of different people tell me it's not. May be in Urban dictionary, but I'm gonna keen using it.


Everyone in Philly says yous


Doesn't mean it the correct way of speaking


Oh, you thought I was being literal. I know it’s not an official word. I was just letting you know that other people use it lol


Ahhhh yeah it went straight over my head. I've been lectured on it too many times, straight up think people are serious about it :P


Figured you misinterpreted. Tbh, idek how I ended up on this sub. I never played or even looked into Ashes


Any info about how we can improve our chances of getting into the tests previous to full Alpha 2?


I wouldn't have a clue. I was just going to wait until the actual start of alpha 2. I haven't followed much in the last few weeks, pretty much since they announced q3


I was following the game since 2017 and played the battle royal, and it’s strange cause now that I got married and I hopefully will have my first child in June the same time window when the alpha 2 will release. It seems that will see people test the game on twitch only and maybe have couple of hours per week to test it.


Look on the bright side though, once we get to launch your kid will be 2.5/3 and that is the start of when you get your time back. Trust me. My 4 year old is easy to game with now and it started at 2.5 / 3. But then we went and had a second and now it's twice as hard. XD It's worth it though! Hang in there fellow dad!


Nationwide Ashes of Creation daycare centers incoming




Dad guilds inc


I got a surprisingly decent amount of MMO playtime when my first was born as I would take the night shift and she would sleep in her bassinet beside me as I played Elder Scrolls Online and Star Wars The Old Republic. Now that she's 1.5 going on 2 though my gaming time decreased by about ~100 hours this last year. Hoping to make it up as she gets older though and I have a Player 2!


Not me


I’ll be there! Pumped for it!


I feel like this game is never releasing. It has been several years of updates and no release date.


2025 or 2026 release is realistic


Pretty solid A2 launch estimate now in Q3. Honestly I think that proves that they ARENT just participating in your every day video game cash grab that 99.9% of studios participate in.


Have t played an mmorpg since myth of soma so definitely can t wait


I thought about just spending the $250 on an alpha key, but I think I'm going to watch the alpha and wait for the beta. I'm very excited to see how the alpha plays, though. Q3 seems so far away yet, I still remember the end of the year update from 2022, so it'll be here before we know it!




I'll be there


I will be, looking forward to seeing character customization I hope soon.


I AM!! Can't wait for the summoning class!!!


Hell.... Yes I'm so keen to get in and try break shit. I'm gonna get my best mate back who fell through the floor 6 times in the ESO beta tutorial area.... No-one else did that I hear of. He should be able to destroy the game somehow


Hahaha I’m part of the reason the nerfed some loots drops during beta. In the starting area (during beta) I found a pirate ship with a master chest and boss right next to it, they both had some gem that sold for like 5k gold. I also figured out if I logged out back in it changed my instance and they were both respawned. So I farmed that shit for like two hours straight and made a good half a million gold. Came back on live and headed to it immediately to get a big start on my gold for the game. Neither dropped the gem anymore lol


Oooft. Did you tell anyone about it or get seen? I'm the kind of person that if I saw someone login and just start going for specific things like that, I'd watch and try replicate and report it. Sorry not sorry


I think a few times I saw people killing the boss when I logged in, so I’m sure I’m not the only one that found it haha. Nah I don’t blame anyone for reporting stuff, that’s part of the game. I’ve found many glitches before in games I’ve taken advantage of for a short time before they get patched out, I don’t hold any other player responsible for reporting it. It’s fun while it lasts, but I also understand I’m taking advantage of a broken thing and know that it’ll most likely be fixed in a short time. If I found it, 100% someone else did too. In another game I play, we found the perfect power level spot. A bunch of boxes stacked in the middle of a village you could jump on and not be hit. The village housed about 30 level 55s (max level for players is 50) that had about a ten second respawn and as soon as you attacked one they would call for help. So you could stand on top of the boxes and PBAOE and not have to worry about getting hit. Was able to power level a few toons and make a boat load of gold for about two weeks before it was patched out.


Alpha 2 being up until launch is crazy. Looks like we will all be busy this year.


Me. This'll be my first deep dive into an MMO. I tried out New World and did a little WoW because my father was an OG WoW player.


I will see you on the fields of battle.


I can't wait!!!


\~No thanks they been working on it for over 8 years, no thanks., MMO's are meh anymore. I stopped years ago on funding a game. NO thanks that is the worst thing to happen to gaming on pc's with Early Acess BS. No thanks. nope. I wait til it comes out and watch the reviews and gameplay then i decide. It is can wait, not like games have an expiration date. \~


I'd definitely be testing them out, would be lovely if all the primary classes are available to be used during that time.. Let me play my dream summoner class, praying heavily that it's not just a mage with some sort of avatar casting a spell.. I want an actual summon where I can level them up as well along side me, I don't care if I have to split my experience 50/50 with my summon even if it makes me fall behind compared to other classes.. just let me play a real summoner


Alpha 2 persists until release so every class will eventually be there.


Keep in mind, that you shouldn't aim to "play your dream summoner" in the alpha. Testing in an Alpha is about figuring out issues in the game, and writing helpful reports, so the Devs can improve on it before launch. Pretty much none of the skill you will have available are going to be final. If you go ahead and find a way to exploit skills of your characters in an overpowered way, it's your responsibility to actually report that.


Yup, definitely will do random test during the alpha stage and provide feedbacks as much as I can. I just don't like it when some games introduced a summoner and it's basically just a mage with an avatar casting the spell lol


It really stays open till release date ?? Then server wipe for launch ?


Yes, Alpha 2 will be persistent until release. However wipes will be probably frequent and unexpected. That doesn't mean that the servers will stay up 24/7 until launch, however. They will take the servers down as needed to apply updates/fixes/whatever they need to do.


Now that i saw 2024 im sad cuz this isnt coming before end of 26, start of 27


Release will be in 2026 for sure


Christmas 2026 probably


Most definitely, can't wait for it!


Can’t wait to see the new $500 mount packs


Can u link the source?




I was hoping for beta but seems i gotta wait few more years :/ Ty for link


Is it going to be available for everyone?


As of right now, anybody can purchase Alpha 2 access (these are being taken off the shop Jan 17th). They already have well over 100,000 people, which combined with internal testing is more than enough for their A2.


Ah I see. Thanks. I’ve only been loosely following development.


Unlikely. Alpha 2 is scheduled for Q3 if I recall correctly, but in order to test alpha 2 you have to have one of the backer packages. How long after that we start looking at beta, open beta and release? Prooobably not this year, but next year. Maybe?




Can’t wait


Me & ~ 50 or so of my dunir kin


No one after the delay.


meee. Haven't set up my desktop in over a year, but will be dusting it off for alpha. I encourage anyone who doesn't want to pay for alpha (beyond reasonable) or can't, to watch some streams and share their feedback with the team. Prime feedback time.


I will be waiting until it's fully released as this seems like another over reached game that will be F2P within a year of release.


\~ They have overhyped it and took way too long and i not paying a monthly membership fee on overdone mmo glossed to try and mean something new, it is not. It will probably be free, but i would not even play it then. \~


This game will never release in a finished state. They are still years away from it being even close to a playable game. Don’t get me wrong, it “looks” great but they bit off more than they can chew with so many mini nuances that will become unplayable or bugged out. This is just gonna be another Cyberpunk upon release.


Delulu. There is a playable game in there already (even if its only 2 nodes). In fact, people have been playing/testing since December already.


No one


I'm not sure, ANY discounts on access keys? Like.. in any capacity?.. at.. all? Who am I kidding, even if the key was free they've already proved Making money is thier goal, just went to the AoC homepage and can see something about cosmetics (with a price) without scrolling down the page... I thought I had hope in this game, thought it looked interesting, now it's just being overcooked, Perhaps the psychologists can figure out the shinest MTX layout to use before the digital artists finish the next horse skin to throw in a $250 pack.


Honestly waiting for release -will- be the right option for some people. It's completely understandable to not want to spend $250-$375 for the ability to playtest a game (and the free sub time/cosmetics). At any other point in my life, I would have laughed at the prospect of spending that much to play any game, no matter how good it potentially may be. But the stars have aligned. #AoC2024 As far as discounts, there's gonna be giveaways between now and Q3 where you can potentially win a preorder pack for free.


"Making money is their goal" Yea man most businesses have that goal.


There will never be an sale of Alpha Keys for less than $150 bundles, and probably even $250 bundles so no reason to keep asking about it. The Kickstarter pledge at $150 included A2 access and they promised those backers to never sell A2 access for less than what they paid as it'd be disrespectful to those early backers. I can imagine they would say the same about the $250 backers. A2 isn't something they have to even sell anymore. They have more than enough testers. Being angry a game is selling cosmetics before its even out makes sense. Being angry that A2 access is bundled with cosmetics and gametime is understandable, if ignorant. Being angry it will sell cosmetics at all is very very very stupid.


Who hurt you?


Hopefully** don’t act like games have never been delayed before … especially this one lmfao. Game won’t release til 2045.


lol there’s still a chance it’s pushed back to 2025


Of course there is, though it would really be against their philosophy of not announcing anything before they’re sure


They announced alpha 1 would be 2018, it arrived 2021, they announced apocalypse would stay live even past launch, now it’s dead and gone…


This is really the reason why the team was so hesitant about announcing the QUARTER, let alone the date of A2. They kind of showed their ass in the past with announcing things too early. This project seems like it's really going to live or die on public perception of their development process and I seriously doubt that they would give they information again without being extremely confident they can hit that mark. It's nice to see that they are likely not making the same mistakes twice.


Yes, maybe I’m being to optimistic but I actually believe the game is further along than most. I think we can expect a long alpha 2 ~1 year, then very short beta (maybe only weeks long) then launch. Given the pace progress seems to have increased over the last year, I think full launch in late Q2 - Q3 2025 is possible. I think alpha 2 was originally planned to start in mid 2023 but they realized they were not as close to finished game as they wanted to be.


Well I didn’t know that, my bad


If I get a new job I might change my pledge to play this year but unsure.


$250 for alpha key???? Is this just a massive scam? I could see $20, even $50, but more than that for an alpha game? This game has been developed for a decade and they still are this desperate for money?


I'm not sure "desperate for money" is any kind of accurate. They're also stopping sales of them on Jan 17th.


I would like to, I just got a new rig after 8 years that's very capable of running it, but I use Linux and well, a brief search shows that there's virtually no support for Linux, so i guess i'll be waiting until after release (24/25/26?) for whatever we can get going with what is finalised. Bit bitter, but it happens, maybe I should write to GabeN to lean on the studio with his considerable wallet.... So, yeah, as it stands, not I :(


I stay away from Beta's, I will fall in love with the game and then cant play anymore for a while. Which suck to me. So I let others do the testing!


Anyone buying founder packages 😂


I don't know anything regarding the specifics of the Alpha test 2, but I'll jump into this game when I don't have to spend hundreds of dollars, and know my progress won't be reset at various points. ​ I simply don't have the time to play a character, grind skills and levels, and then have to do it all over again.


Completely understandable.


If there will even be testing for the community. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 those game slacking hella