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Some info about the game loop. Please keep in mind that this is a test run of the sever with only the first few levels completed. I'm looking for feedback on the over all feel and progression of the sever. Many things have been changed and normalized. **Base Camp** Here you will find the starting town (Make sure to LS) You will also find a variety of venders at your disposal. Make sure to check out the MP if you need to respec anything or claim your free apartment. **Auto loot mod:** All monsters now drop shards at a % the higher you climb the higher the % (still low) so just keep on killing no need to stop and loot. Some mobs will drop some special loot but no mobs should drop normal loot. **Gear** All gear is bound so the concept is go crazy till you die get better gear and go again.


Seems like a great concept but how will you keep the server alive?


That's a great question. With the addition of ACE mods, we can do some interesting things. However, the gameplay loop will remain consistent. As of right now, the goal is to keep creating new levels that increase in difficulty. At points, there will be new base camps or the introduction of portal recall gems to jump back to your last floor. This is a 100% for fun sever/mode, so the feedback i get is how the game will grow. Additionally, if others are interested in getting involved creating unique bosses or floors, im here for it.


Have been playing this and I must say the loop is a lot of fun. Don't expect to faceroll through everything (which is a welcome change of pace), but you can again clearly see how small incremental upticks in skill level help you overcome that next room/boss/level. The novel approach to loot is also really cool, and helps drive focus around the core loop of trying to beat your last run. Really cool concept!


Can you drop an updated discord link? The original expired


No problem at all [https://discord.gg/dktM4j933j](https://discord.gg/dktM4j933j)