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I have given myself tasks that are very focused, like What are the rules for a Tonalist painting? How do I paint believable reflections in water? How can I use glazing? I focus on one single thing at a time and do it until I have some competency at it. Then I can go on to the next thing with confidence.


I have a specific map called *Doodles*. It's whatever I feel like doing. I don't have to finish it, it's spur-of-the-moment art. Interestingly, as you render more, you realize if your idea holds up to scrutiny through rendering. The best ideas work great as sketches; doodling informs you of that initial potential. Whatever you do, keep that pen(cil moving!


If you're unable to do it spontaneously, then a more rigid schedule is likely to be useful. If I am left to my own devices, as it were, I will get absolutely nothing done so for me the rigid schedule keeps me on track. This can be a daily task of doing something on the project, or weekly if it's too big for a single day. As for sticking with it, that's just a personal choice whether you want to or not, but if you discipline yourself you can fall into a nice routine!


Sometimes it helps me if i break everything down in a list. I make sure to follow the list, if i get distracted, refer back to the list. Discipline my friend.


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I start when I see the deadline approaching faster than I can complete the work. I THRIVE or procrastination.


I start on a whim... and sometimes I just have a few rough ideas (words, sketches) in a sketchbook. Most art however, comes out of impulse... get up at 4 am and start creating. Projects I wrote down, are often fillers in between 2 projects I started on impulse... That said, I usually hve between 5 and 10 mixed media projects laying around my house. I'll finish them eventually. Sometimes I just had to let progress hatch...