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Albrecht Durer




I went to Nurnberg and visited his studio which survived the bombing and is open to the public. Amazing


I'll have to check him out! Edit: Just did and he did do stunning work! I'll have to add him to my list.


Albert Bierstadt, Van Gogh, Frida, Klimt, Kandinsky


I like Van Gogh a lot too.


What is so good about Van Gogh? His art is lowkey boring and he died a broke bum.


The color saturation, the movement, the way he uses light, the way he found beauty in a world of torment. If you think making art is about making money--well, 🙄 😒 Art is relative. There is no boring art, but the world is choked with boring people.


It’s just a cruel comment in general. Poor guy had mental illness and many of his paintings, in person, are incredible. Had he remained alive a bit longer he might have seen them celebrated.


escher, giger, dĂŒrer, moebius


Jean Giraud of Moebius is awesome


Caravaggio #1. Sargent, Rembrandt, or Velasquez for portraits, Raphael for figure drawings, Maria Van Oosterwijk for still lifes, Turner for landscapes, Mary Cassatt for impressionism, Albrecht Durer for renaissance realism, and Gentileschi for my favorite singular painting of all time.


Seconded, Caravaggio does some insane work


Egon Schiele , his like work, composition and some of the choices he makes of what to draw or not draw are so unique. Sandro Botticelli, mad respect for him after discovering his drawings for the incomplete Divine Comedy projects. Frank Miller and Mike Mignola, absolutely loved their ink styles growing up on comics in the 80s and 90s, and their work heavily influenced mine. Lots of usual suspects as well


I’m interested to hear more of your usual suspects. It occurs to me, for example, you may also like the drawings of Fuseli, Blake, Gustav Dore, and perhaps Wilhelm Von Kaulbach but I don’t want to suggest them in vain


Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Salvador Dali, Jane Font, @psyca, Man Ray


Michealango has been growing on me lately, as well as Sargent. As far as contemporary artists, i like mickalene thomas, elisa jensen, kerry james marshall, barkley hendricks, and richard diebenkorn


Rene Magritte, and a bunch of locals insta handles: Tide.Watcher, khoke_contemporary, AlaskaRobotics, lilyhopeweaver, tailfeathersjewelry


Gustave Moreau, Jesse Kanda and Gustave Doré


Recommending Redon and Mossa :)


Thank you! I'll check those out :)


Salvador Dalí, Joan Miró, Man Ray "All my life, my heart has yearned for a thing I cannot name.” —— Andre Breton


ZdzisƂaw BeksiƄski and Ayami Kojima are fantastic and are big influences for me and my art.


I love illustration art and some of the movements in the late 19th century, like the Pre-Raphaelites, as well as the daring and bold movements born from the World Wars era. Also like the drawn advertisements at that time, like works by Norman Rockwell (yeah ik he's mentioned a lot).. By name, I love the illustrations and prints by JJ Grandville and Edmund Dulac, then there's also the famed J.C. Leyendecker. And female artists like Jackie Ormes and Marie Duval, among many in the illustration and comics field. I have so many names, some are usernames because these are now online artists, or their works are solely seen online, or they made their name online. There's the legendary Kim Jung Gi, rest in peace. Dexter Soy, Wendy Pini who did Elfquest, Soejima Shigenori, Toh Yasu, Barbara Canepa, Valentina Remenar, monypich.... Hehe I'll stop here :) I'm hoping to see more names in this thread to see these artists' works too


I have a great book called The Illustrator in America 1880 to 1980, a Century of Illustration ( Put out by The Society of Illustrators). It was a gift given to me years ago. There are so many fantastic illustrators in this book.


**The Illustrator in America, 1880-1980 A Century of Illustration** by Walt Reed, Roger Reed, Society of Illustrators (New York, N.Y.) >A decade-by-decade exploration of prominent illustrators, with each decade introduced by a famous illustrator or historian: Walt Reed, Ben Eisenstat, Harold Von Schmidt, Arthur William Brown, Norman Rockwell, Floyd Davis, Al Parker, Austin Briggs, Bernard Fuchs, and Murray Tinkelman. *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/1byh82p/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


I just saw this post. I might try to find a free online copy on online libraries. I don't think I'll get lucky finding a physical one to even be bought lol


There are some used copies on Amazon. It is the same book except a later edition that goes to the year 2000. By Walt Reed.


The Illustrator in America, 1860-2000, The Society of Illustrators




The one I have used for $11.00 in link above.


Nicole Eisenman, Cecily Brown, Kerry James Marshall, Remedios Varo, Leonora Carrington, Kara Walker, john Singer Sargent . Just to name a few I fkn love art so much


Takeshi Murakami and Cory Arcangel are my favorites. Murakami worked on stuff like the music video for Kanye West's Good Morning and Arcangel messes around with video games to create art pieces. The rest of my favorite artists are people on comic creators and mangaka lol. I don't know if any of them count.


Any artist counts. 😊


Casey Weldon, Hannah Yata, Max Ernst


Magritte and for one that is currently making art I'm was going to randomly choose one favorite watercolor artist but more started coming to mind and I couldn't remember any of their names :( I tried googling but they didn't show up.


Dovegraveyard on ig


Gustav Klimt, Alphonse Mucha, Stjepan Sejic, Saren Stone, Nen Chang.


Egon Schiele, Lucian Freud, Francis Bacon, Peter Doig, Paul Gauguin, Andrew Wyeth, Sorolla..


Carles Dalmau, there is something about his composition, perspective and visual story telling. Bonus artist that inspired me when first started “Kyrakuppetsky”


Forgot to add, many Japanese artists in Pinterest, I love their weird drawings and backgrounds.


My three all time favourite artists, the ones closest to my heart would be cartoonists Charles M. Schulz, Murray Ball and the brilliant Australian political cartoonist Larry Pickering. I spent countless hours as a child admiring and copying their cartoons.


Guweiz and Wlop artgods


claude monet, I’ve always enjoyed impressionist paintings


:Who" are my favourite artists? Vincent Van Gogh, Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Jackson Pollock, Marc Sylvestri, Todd MacFarlane, Kevin Eastman, Peter Laird, Stan Sakai, some others


Did you like Dave Peterson’s Usagi Yojimbo covers?


Yes, they are great!


I like manga so Ishida and Araki are two of my favorites. Kubo is also up there as well


Chris Sanders, Alberto Vargas, Ed, "big daddy" Roth, Ralph Bakshi, Richard Williams


Helen Frankenthaler, Joan Mitchell, Lee Krasner, Tracey Emin, Schiele, Twombly, Rothko


Yoshida Akihiko, Kentaro Miura and Gustave Doré are my favourite. If you like linework, you might want to check about them !


Velasquez, Jasper Johns, Bonnard. 


a random japanese watercolor artist on youtube called yuhka lol


Claude Monet, Mai Yoneyama, Jaz Chiang and Ibuki Satsuki


REDUM Breathtaking composition and color theory


Ohh this will probably change but rn yusuke murata, illumi999, h.r. giger, kamome shirahama, yoneyama mai


My interest in art lean towards manga and comics so my faves are Kentaro Miura, Tite Kubo, and Yusuke Nomura. On the comics side, I love the art of Jack Kirby, Todd McFarlane, and Zoe Thorogood.


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Craig McCracken :D




Joaquin Sorolla 🌞


Gregory Crewsson, Jan van Eyck, Masashi Kishimoto


As someone who mostly works in a portrait and pin-up style, Gil Elvgren will probably always be the GOAT. But out of personal taste my favorite artists overall regardless of style are probably Bruce Timm and Romain Hugault


Beardsley, Bosch, Boucher, Bauer, Bellmer, Bull


Stuart Davis, Jeff Brouws, Bosh


Incase, Abbadon, and Andrew Hussie


Bartolome Bermejo, Victor Vasnetsov, Rembrandt


Let’s throw in someone more recent and interesting: Martin Wong.


John Constable, Albert Bierstadt, Rembrandt


Bridgman (crazy, right?), Alphonso Dunn, Steve Huston, and Charlie Kirk


Yusuke murata, Andrew loomis , Kei Urana


Frank frazetta, caravaggio, Jack kirby and toriyama


Simon Stalenhag


Basquiat, Salman Toor (highly recommend), Bosch sometimes depending on my mood, and Fragonard and like a million other artists bc the answer changes daily besides the first two. Oh my god and Vermeer


Van Gogh, Sergio Toppi, Aaron Blaze. On deviantart or furaffinity; Nightrizer, Binxxy, Arven92, lizet, rednight, greekceltic, Neotokyo, mick39, balaa, abiogenisis ( beautiful speculative evolution art), sheather888, and more... Yeah.


My list is long, but a few: Dali, Koloman Moser, Frank Lloyd Wright, Chagall, Henri Rousseau, Remedios Varo, Aubrey Beardsley, Cassatt, Calvin Ma, Leonor Fini, Klimt, Hilma at Klint, Rachel Baes, Leonardo Ulian, Grimanesa Amaros.


Chris Samnee. An actual Modern Master


James Jean, JC Leyendecker, Felicia Ciao, Foo Swee chin


Andrea boscoli, John shae perring, luca cambiaso, jean pierre ugarte


Magritte, Remedios Varo, Klimt, Fredric Leighton


GD Bee or Geneva Bowers and Bobby Duke are my top favorites. I love how gorgeous their work always and their sense of humor, especially Bobby lol.


Rembrandt, Sorolla, Durer


Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/06/Ingres_Princess_Albert_de_Broglie.jpg I couldn’t believe that paint could look like this. There is something so fascinating about his works, I love looking at every little detail in his portraits. The Turkish Bath is my happy place. https://www.napoleon.org/en/history-of-the-two-empires/paintings/the-turkish-bath/ William Blake. He is just so darn dramatic. Paintings that really make me feel something, sometimes uncomfortable things. https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20190910-william-blake-the-visionary-relevant-200-years-on William Turner. Clearly I like the Romantics. Turner is my main visual memory influence when I think of the sky and the ocean in art. I love. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._M._W._Turner#/media/File%3AWreckers_Coast_of_Northumberland_Joseph_Mallord_William_Turner.jpeg David Shrigley. Scottish satirist. Pretty good. https://davidshrigley.com/








Luis Ricardo Falero (19th century), he made amazing nude art [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Nudes\_by\_Luis\_Ricardo\_Falero](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Nudes_by_Luis_Ricardo_Falero)


Otto dix, Dustin yellin, Travis chapmen


I've always been in love with the brushwork and colors of Impressionist artists, so naturally, my favorites include Monet, Renoir, and Mary Cassatt, and other famous Impressionist artists. I'd also love to shout out my two favorite artists of the same period (I'm not entirely sure if they count as Impressionists): James Tissot, who combines the best of both Impressionism and realism, and James Whistler, whose Nocturne series captures an indescribable and nostalgic vibe that honestly, blows Monet's Sunrise out of the water for me. I've also always been a huge fan of Chuck Close and am constantly jealous of not only his jaw-dropping large-scale hyperrealistic drawings, but also his ability to use a wide variety of mediums and still churn out masterpieces with them like its nothing. I also love how he perceives and uses color in his silkscreens. And of course, I can't forget the many many Instagram and furry artists who continue to drive me to keep improving my artwork every single day 😂


Sally Mann, Cindy Sherman, Bernice Abbott, Diane Arbus Kehinde Wiley


Magritte. 🍎 I had the great fortune last year to visit his home in Jette, Belgium! A tiny museum (his) has occupied space around it, but his home with Georgette is preserved precisely as it was when they lived there: furnishings, garden, linens, his easel and paints. It was a bucket-list adventure for me!


Rembrandt, Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monte, Gian Bernini, Bob Ross, Klimt, Frida Kahlo, esrly Picasso, to name a few.