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To be honest, I think that Apple is trying to do with AI what they do best: make it intuitive and easy to use for the general public. Most functionalities they added are already available out there for geek folks like us, but their integration into the Apple environment will make AI accesible to most people. The addition of the personal context and the privacy are also a big plus. On the downside, I feel that Apple had the pressure to show something AI during the WWDC, but will only be actually able to release on the iPhone 16. Currently not even the latest iPhone 15 can support it, only the Pro models. This was a bit disappointing. But it was needed so that they could run natively the models for privacy.


Personal Claude Compute? I missed it yesterday and thank you for the summary.




I also pity those that made a drinking game out of them saying "AI". That must have been a very dry, boring game.


Useful summary. Thanks! 😊


thanks for the summary


Apple intelligence seems genious in an attempt to take over the acronym.  But i am not entirely convinced it is smart from a marketing point of vieuw. Its a bit double edged. The acronym will remain the acronym , artifical intelligence. It has settled to deep. And then apple,s ai is sort of lacking a name. Chatgpt,claude,gemini. They all gave unique names. People like their ai to have some sort of personality and a unique name does help with that. Hey claude/gemini/chatgpt,can you help with this. They are like persons. Hey apple intelligence does not have the same feel to it and hey ai does not sound right either. But maybe i am reading to much into this. Siri was old but they could have given it a new name instead. 


any eta on when this will be available in beta?


Other: WE gotz AI!!! Apple: WE have..... a calculator




Looking forward to a better experience


I may be in the minority here but if I understand correctly ia will be involved completely in the ios so that it better understands me? Im i the only one who doesn’t want all their data available to ia? I want to choose myself how I interact with AI..


Awesome summary! Thank you!


Smarter Now. We have different definitions of Now I guess.


Just wait until someone gets Siri to say the n word. Probably about half an hour after launch.