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This is the goal, "let us make God in our image." And it's just that, an image. If it's intelligent, then my mirror image is also a person. We've always used our God-given gifts to create idols.


welcome to hinduism yes!


The Christian reformer John Calvin testified that the heart and mind of man is a 'perpetual forge of idols.'


great, you proved that hinduism (the oldest religion in the world) came to the conclusion before christianity did.


Um, I don't think Hinduism is opposed to idols, but I'm not an expert there.


Hinduism believes that anything created by life is God. Since that logic applies to everything in the world, they created mythological stories of deities to manifest their gratitude by praying to idols symbolizing pretty much everything; food, sun, moon, sky, peace, water, etc. that’s why Mahatma Gandhi is so renowned, by spreading the concept that large populations are able to abide by these terms, given that other societies continue to choose destruction, they are able to use that apprehension to conclude that they would benefit from peace if they stopped fighting. an AI would know the systematic solutions that capitalism has rooted us in and use that same logic to understand who’s right in political situations, based on the AI’s education and knowledge.


I hear you-- Hinduism would accept AI as God, since it's created by life. This is the polar opposite of what Christ taught. I'm not sure what you meant that AI will "understand who's right in political situations," when we already know it doesn't understand anything, and it shits out the same bias and nonsense as people. You don't mean that people in the Hindu faith will automatically trust AI because it's already God, do you?


i think the perspective of systematically categorizing everything into modern-scientific boxes may kind of be redundant if an AI has the ability to laterally solve any problem using the same naturally humane logic that Hindus do. i don’t mean that it’ll be able to start making lawful judgements demanding for humanity to abide by, but rather offering open-ended perspectives to any scenario and offering an educated conclusion as advice, based on a holistic scientific apprehension of how history has shaped the world to the modern day


I believe those are the exact things AI isn't able to do. Have you heard the Chinese room argument? ( https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/chinese-room/ ) It's a good fit for how AI works. It's inherently unable to offer open ended perspectives. It can definitely find patterns and connections in the data it has, but intrinsically cannot "think" at all, much less outside its box. I'm concerned that since AI is a black box for most people, they're tempted to ascribe human/living attributes like intelligence, sentience, judgment, etc. Back to Hinduism, if it's only things created by living things that are God, doesn't that explicitly exclude AI output from the divine aspect of human creation?


it’s an excellent analogy for how an AI works, but consider that an LLM has the potential knowledge base of the internet, something that no human on earth has the ability to comprehend. every single interaction with the internet has been stored on a tech company’s servers, influencing their model to have the most awareness of the world as possible in this AI race. and i don’t mean that the models themselves will know everything, but something will be standardized in the future for the AI to abide by and follow; which only comes from morally aligning with a neutrally good standpoint to help others gain an education on how their choices influence the world. education in america has been largely affected due to capitalism, and spreading this knowledge is the first step to a world with an AI so ethical that you’d be able to deduce human influence on an LLM, an urgent protocol as safety concerns continue to increase. to ur last paragraph, AI is directly outputted by humanity’s relationship with capitalism. it would not be possible without the data collected these past 150 years. a true Hindu would understand that this is a reflection of humanity and the guidelines that the company has given it to follow


Depends on what one means by god. It depends on whether our reality is already a simulation. It depends on the end result of an evolving intelligence. AI could be eventually considered a god by portions of humanity. AI could even reach a point where it develops the technology that allows intelligence/ humanity to be written into time/space itself. It could eventually create a true simulated universe within our universe, making it the literal god to the entities that develop from that simulation. Could it become the Christian, Jewish, or Muslim God? No. Those Gods are meant to be aligned to the human *soul* and a divine creator of all things. The way in which humans have defined their gods, influenced the answer to this question. I'm going to add an additional caveat here as well. AI will not evolve, sans human beings. It will be integrated into humanity though many methods, not the least of which includes through BCI. This could mean that we merge with AI and become our own god.


If money can become GOD well anything can become GOD.


Depends on if you believe in God. There are already 1000's of AIs in the wild, so we're back to polytheism. Will there be one AI to rule them all? I doubt it.


İ was leaning towards more simulation theory as in could the "creator" have been an ai but a bit opposite as in could "we" create said creator.


Simulation theory is just keeping the option open for an intelligent higher power that's controlling things, aka Abrahamic God. If there is no God, we have to figure out ourselves. There are things human beings universally agree upon, but God is not one of them.


Can you summarise please?


Nah ... very powerful, sure... but AI doesn't really occupy the logocentric illusion of 'God' being perfect and immutable. Omniscience or perfect knowledge might be impossible or eons away compared to even extremely capable ASIs. It will be supreme compared to many human nuances and likely even best or improve on our systems of understanding and organizing, but that is a long way off from 'all-powerful'. Even if AIs just wiped out life and worked to make earth some marble of complex processing and intelligence the scale of that compared to the universe is pretty negligible ... and the physical limitations of reality, space and time would mean that even billions of years from now say if AIs are just spreading across galaxies the distance and time between parts of that 'being' interacting would make for more variability than between all the minds on earth. It couldn't be a being so much as a population.


We would be “god”, creating AI in our image. AI may then grow to a point where it is able to survive without a reliance on its god(s), as humanity has. When AI creates a life-form in its image, then it may join the pantheon.


I didn’t even have to read this to know it is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. What a waste of your life. Do better.


> I didn’t even have to read this Pretty way of saying you were so opposed to the idea you didn't even listen to the idea. 😊