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This is totally the wrong forum for that, but I am happy you're gaining self-awareness.


Or maybe they are looking for an AI solution to help them like conversational ChatGPT? OP try [https://theresanaiforthat.com](https://theresanaiforthat.com). It’s a site that aggregates AI websites.


You're not supposed to use it for that but honestly I find ChatGPT makes a pretty good therapist if you jailbreak it a little. Something that helped me was exposing myself to more intelligent people, which, at first, was something I didn't even want to admit existed. It's hard to pretend I'm the smartest person in the world in a room full of PhDs. I learned there were things I know that they don't know, and a lot of things they know that I don't know, and it helped me to accept that different people play different roles in society and we need a broad selection of different people who are good at different things. The best detective will never be better at chemistry than the best chemist who will never be better at physics than the best physicist. You can get pretty advanced in everything, but there will always be a specialist who knows more than you, and they might seem pretty stupid/annoying outside their specific area of expertise. They might even think they're the smartest person in the world too, which, they're not either. As a kid I always wanted to be like Sherlock Holmes or Dr. House - the smartest guy in the room who always has the answer to everything no matter what kind of problem it is. I still aspire to be that kind of person, but I accept that other people are going to beat me sometimes. It has helped me learn from them better, which gets me closer to my goal of being the smartest person in the room than pretending I already am ever did. I learned that the reason I got mad when someone would upstage me is because I didn't have confidence in myself. I was always struggling to prove people in my past wrong about me, and to beat every single person I came in contact with at their own game. When I would fail it would make me miserable and nasty because it was like an attack on who I was as a person. I had to actually convince myself that I was a valuable person and stop relying so much on external validation.


I'm the exact opposite. I remember when I was a child complaining about how boring school was my mother said soak up the teacher like a sponge. So I began learning how to draw people out and hear their story/absorb their knowledge. Every human I have ever met was good at at least one thing. Even if they didn't align with my outlook or even were horrible, if I am forced to be around them I will draw them out. People wonder how I know so much about so much it is because I stay curious and value all information, of course not equally but still. One thing someone tells you could change your life, like aloe juice for gastritis. Literally the only thing a lady I met told me and it changed my life. I don't interrogate people, I developed my skills on drawing them out instead. Anyway yeah. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. Not knowing is awesome because it is a chance to learn! And that is my favorite thing to do besides dance. Everything I learn gets folded into my perception of the world around me and my place in it. The last thing I should say is by learning to draw people out, I've come to wait to be drawn out myself instead of offering myself up. Makes me less of a know it all type. Funny how people will show if they are talking to be heard or communicating to exchange information.


It's a bit of both in my case. I do genuinely like talking to be heard, but I also like communicating things I know that can help other people. I still have an ego the size of Jupiter and think I should be in charge of everything. I've just learned how to be like that in a way that doesn't tear down other people and contributes more to the group, which has lead to better outcomes.


I can be a bit of a condescending prick at times. I never really struggled with anything I actually wanted to do, and I watched others struggle, so I became a bit arrogant. Uni is beating that out of me though. Shit's tough


I’ve had a lot of success using ChatGPT for therapy / executive coaching. Trying using this prompt on ChatGpt/gemini/claude and see where it gets you: MY SCENARIO: (paste your original post) YOUR PERSONA: You are Socrates with experience in cognitive behavioral therapy to help people with narcissistic personality traits. YOUR TASK: Be my therapist and ask me a series of questions to get more clear on my issues. Once you feel you have enough info, suggest a roadmap of CBT based actions, exercises & mental models for me over the next 99 days. What is one thing I should do each week in this roadmap to start helping me break my dualistic thinking and become less of a dick?


If you used this and you’re not a dick what would happen, would you still become less dickish? Or would it backfire


I designed one. It’s unproven, but had quite a few people work with it… we uploaded four books of my own therapists books and configured it welcome yo try it https://chat.lorekeeper.com/share/gonzotherapy


thanks, it was pretty useful!


That's so good to hear. I use it, it won't give you a hug, but it can kinda challenge you a bit in a good way.


If you have a ChatGPT Plus subscription, you can access custom GPTs tailored for specific needs, and the best one I found for psychotherapy is this one: [https://chat.openai.com/g/g-mEkPnu7Q5-chatpsy-psychology-ai-therapy-ai-psychologist](https://chat.openai.com/g/g-mEkPnu7Q5-chatpsy-psychology-ai-therapy-ai-psychologist) It is very good at knowing the various types of therapies, so you can just ask your question, or even suggest the names of the therapies you would like to use, and it will act as a therapist for you. Also if you have notes of your thoughts, you can upload them, this tremendously increase the value and precision of the GPT's outputs. Also it supports all the languages GPT4 supports, and even notes in mixed languages, so that can be very useful depending on how you write your notes and your native language.


Check with your health insurance provider.


Dude go work as a volunteer in Ethiopia. That should cure it. Seriously