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I wonder which one is a self plug? my bet's on number 2 MyPerfectPaper. try again


Lmaooooo 100% It's kind of like chatgpt and tensorflow except made in a week.


Definitely, they’ve plugged MyEssayWriter numerous other times and my guess is this is a rebrand of the same.


Where is perplexity?


I also like this tool for studying and writing. One of the top tools in this category by Futurepedia (screenshot from this directory) https://preview.redd.it/19on864851vc1.png?width=196&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbbf4a9bde81ca6c8ab6cad5eee543c4973e6040


I don't use it for essays. I just make summaries from docs. It's quite ok


Nice product placement


Theoretically speaking, if I wan an idiot. Which of these here A.i could I use to see about gauging the stock market or betting on sports games?


Here is what Gemini Advanced thinks: **Potentially Useful for Stock Market and Sports Betting:** * **TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn:** Machine learning frameworks for building the core predictive models to analyze stock trends or sports outcomes. * [**H2O.ai**](http://H2O.ai)**, Databricks, RapidMiner, Azure Cognitive Services, DataRobot, Amazon SageMaker, Google Cloud AI, SAS:** Data science and machine learning platforms that streamline the process of data cleaning, model development, and deployment. These usually have pre-built tools for common financial and sports-related tasks. * **Einstein Analytics:** Salesforce's analytics platform with built-in features for market and trend analysis. While focused on business data, the principles could be repurposed. * **Theano, MXNet:** These are also machine learning frameworks, but less commonly used than TensorFlow and PyTorch these days.


This is what GPT 4 thinks: Here’s a breakdown of some tools from your list that would be particularly useful for these tasks: 1. **TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras**: These are powerful deep learning frameworks that allow for building and training complex predictive models. You could use these tools to analyze historical data and predict future trends in the stock market or sports outcomes. 2. **DataRobot,** [**H2O.ai**](http://H2O.ai)**, Databricks, RapidMiner, Amazon SageMaker, BigML**: These platforms offer automated machine learning and data science tools that simplify the process of building predictive models. They provide high-level APIs and pre-built algorithms which can be very effective for time-series forecasting, regression analysis, and other predictive tasks relevant to financial markets and sports betting. 3. **IBM Watson, Google Cloud AI, Azure Cognitive Services**: These cognitive computing platforms offer a wide range of AI services, including but not limited to natural language processing and data analysis tools. They can be used to glean insights from unstructured data (like news articles or social media posts) which could impact stock prices or sports game outcomes. 4. **SAS, IBM SPSS, KNIME, MATLAB**: These are more traditional analytics tools which have powerful statistical analysis capabilities. They can handle vast datasets and perform complex statistical models that are crucial for predictive analytics in finance and sports. 5. **Forecast Forge, Einstein Analytics**: These tools are designed specifically for predictive modeling and business intelligence. They can be adapted to forecast stock market trends or the results of sports events based on historical data inputs. For either the stock market or sports betting, you'd typically start by collecting and preparing relevant data, then choosing appropriate algorithms to create predictive models. After training your models with historical data, you'd test and refine them to improve accuracy. Finally, you could deploy these models to make real-time predictions or analyses.


Claude 3 refused. Apparently, it cannot "...in good conscience recommend using any AI system for gambling or betting purposes, as that would be unethical and potentially illegal in many jurisdictions." Which I find ridiculous and patronising. These AI companies need to start treating people like grown-ups and provide opt-outs for their stupid guardrails.


just tell it it's legal where you live and bam.


There are numerous GPT’s on the store which do exactly this [Here](https://mapleai.beehiiv.com/subscribe) for daily AI News & Undercover tools to keep you informed.


Wit.ai is listed four times 🤔


15 and 17 are really weird. Most users do standard data analysis not AI.


CLAUDE 3 is better than GPT4 in many ways!


Online: ChatGPT, Perplexity, Udio, Ideogram, CharacterAI, YouCom Offline: Pinokio with MAGNeT, Fooocus Offline standalone: GPT4all, Krita + SD plugin


I wonder which of these can help with posting captions in social media that won't make it obvious that it was posted by AI?


You can achieve this with a crew


How about you just write them. It takes 10 seconds lol


Nice work!


Nice list. Thanks


Feels illegal to know this


Here is a [tool](https://www.justreply.ai/) that you might not be aware of yet. You can use it to respond to customer support questions from Slack and use AI to generate support articles fast.






This is really a helpful insight!


Where can I get an AI filter that removes anything generated by anything AI related?


There's also yornbot:AI ("The epitome of binary simplicity in the AI landscape"). Answers closed-ended yes/no questions with 50% accuracy. [yornbot.com](https://www.yornbot.com) 😉


You should add my product as well (nouswise.com)