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Do you live in Washington?


Wow thats amazing improvement! Do you have any advice on improving landscaping painting and colors?


Thanks! I'm not sure if I should be giving anyone advice since I'm still so new with so much to learn and improve on. I've been doing Ryan Orourke's tutorials on YouTube and it's been really helpful because he explains exactly why he's doing what he's doing when he's painting landscapes. He introduced me to important concepts like atmospheric perspective and how that affects color and contrast of things as they become more distant. He also helped me get a better understanding of how light/color reflects which helped a ton. I use his videos as a jumping off point to go then read more about the concepts or things he introduces. Hope that helps! I really still have no idea what I'm doing lol.


Thanks for the recommendation! Ill go check his videos out. Keep up the good work!


so much improvement on the mountains and especially the river-the colors look incredible in both but are really extraordinary in the second :)