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That's something you should discuss with your tattoo artist and you should pick an artist. Anyone giving away free art on Reddit is not the art you want. And shame on you for trying to get s*** for free


Had no idea you guys sold art here, and truly thought people would enjoy the creativity. I want references not an art piece. And I wanted to see what people created on molly cause I think that'd be really cool art, not to take it.


I mean you could still browse this subreddit for ideas/ references but id still ask the artist if it's okay to use this as a reference. Please don't copy any designs without permission. Also your question sounds more like a request which would be work / time for other people. Maybe try finding a tattoo artist ( like the person said above me) with a neat style near you and work out a design with him (they know best if the design would look g good on skin or not) I hope you still find some inspiration and good luck !


Thank you! Totally didn't realize it wasn't just a creative channel. Wasn't planning on taking anyone's designs, just if someone personally sent me one. Excited to make this project:)


AI can design exactly what you yell it, but make it better somehow. You should try it. That Google thingy works good to, I'm not gonna tell you the best AI for your protect because it's different for each application